HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0158 1158 II :r II I ! I I I I I I I part, to Mid d.ed for th. JlGI'poae 01 renouolns. re11aqui~ and oODTe11ns all her 1'1pt,' _~ -.-.Para,.l,. and apart trCD h.r 8&11 .hu.JbUt4. cl1~ aolinOWlel81 tbat .. ... bersd1 a ttU. and intere.', wh.th.r of dOWer, ho.."a4 or 01 ..parate pl'Oper'7, .'\atllt017 or . qui tabl., in and to the lan4D de.oribed ther.in, and that &b. e][e011"d the uJ.d dele trellyand To1Wl....r117 and w11ihout aDf oCllpUlaion, oonatraiDt. apprehen.10n 01' feu of er trOll hll" ea14 hlUban4. W19B88 WfI haud and ott101al ..el at Vt;ro, OOUD1i7 of 8t. ..L.uo1. aDd Sta'H of nO*ida, this 9 da, of S.ptelliber J.. D. li18. . . ; f \ I ! i I W1111&11 J. tk1n lIota1";1 Public. 8....t. ot nor14a. lCJ oCllllll1salon ..u.. .lug 14 u 192!:. I'Ued and r.oord.d th18 30th da, of *1. J.. D. 1i21. P. o. Bl4red, Clerk 01roui t Oourt". B;Y. . Ud#ULu4--<- ]). o. (aT. OT. 8IWi) "'Record Verfied - - - - _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ u _ . _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - ) .. P. II1.1 TJIIliB. oil. , to R. 8. vn.T.1m . lfUB. WJ.}mA.QY DUD. tRI8 DDBHTUBI. Made thi8 10 dq of *7 in the lear of our Lor.... on. thousand n1n. hundred IU14. 21 Ben..n If. P. Whitmir., h.. (81ng1.) of the Oounty of Handerson and stat. of Borth Oarolina, of the flr8t part. and R. S. JI1lhr and wif. Lena B. Killer of the Oount, of Orange ad state of norida. of" the .eoon4 Part; WUneaaeth. That the Bald part,. of the firat part for and In oonelderatton of the IIUIIl of ilO.OO end other Consid.ration . Amhan8aProp.rt, 10M money of the Unl~d State. of J.merioa to h1.Ja in hand pail. b, the said partle. ot the sooCDl part. at or before the eneeal- iDg and del1ve17 of 'thee. preBlnt8, the r.oe1pt wh.reof 1,. hereb, acknowledgeA, has grant.d, bargained. BOld. aUened, r.mi8.d. r.leaB.d. oonY'7ed and oo~1rmId, and b7 thne pre8ents does grant, bargaln. BIll, al.ien, rem.., r.le..., oonve, and oon:firDl unto the said partie8 of the seoond part! and their helra and &88igna forever, all those t~aot. of land l;y1ng and being in the County of St. Luol.. and sta~ of J'lorlda, aDd dlaorlbe4 a8 follows: .Beina traot8 numbera 30, 20. and 1.9 of Garclen 0110, J'ar1l8 &OGOrd1D8 to plat Of said 8ub-dlvltion reoorded on page fiv. of >>la't-book Jlo. ftO, Baoord Of st_ ~1e County; I'lorlda. b.lng a aub-divlBiOJl of the ..at halt of north_at qu&r'Hr and north half of soa.t.hw.t quar- ter of Beotion 4. township 86. South ranp 40 lea8t. .Aleo ;traotD number. U3 and 127 of Garden 01 t,.:raru acoording to plat of 8ald BuboodiV1810n reoord.d on pap 6 of plat-book 2. reoord. of St. 1ra.ole Ce1U1V. J'1or14a. '- Being a 81lb-div1elon of notion 6, toaBblp 86, SGIltl!. rap 40, kat. i , ~OGAfllllB .Uh all &Del B1np.lar the "DlMnt., horedl~Jlu. &114, appurwmnoe., there- . ! . ; I I ! I I I i t I , unt9 be1ong1118, or in &nJWue aPJIrtai.n1q, &114 tho rey.ra10n end r.....r.lon., relUl.D4er and r.lI81n4era, nnt.. lssv.e. aD4 profit. tiber.ot, .lID ~, all the e.tate, rlpt. tU1I, intere.t, dower an4 right of do.er. .I))&I'&H ..tate. -prop.r'" po8..881OD, a1&1II aDd d.~ . '" - aataoever, a. ..U in 1.&. .. in equ11;J, 0' ~ _1& )l8l't,1 of tbe t!r.t pal't, of, in, irD4 to the ....' &D4 eVe~ ,part U4 paro.l -tUreot, with the appurtlDaZloe.: '0 JUD AD to HOLD the aboTe granted aD4dl80rlbed. prea1.... .1tA thl epparteuenOI., eta the 1I&1d partie. ot tb8 .eooD4 part, .tholr heire aD4 a8s1gna. to thoU:_ 01111 proper .1, beef1' ana behoof . . " foreTtl'. :;:;-: ;~::r;{~::; ~ ,~:: :::~".;:\)t D,.' b ~ ] 11,' ~ e ~ '. +.~-;.:.... ~ ~:._.~: \..~..... ._~~';~.'" . . :.~):~..; -~;:;.;::~: