HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0210 210 '.~t. 0' I rauoll 0017l'lY O' 8!jU n I I! ) I 1 I ! i I ! i i I i i I , I I HKR~BY CKRTlrY. Thlt on thi_ 4.y per_ontlly .ppeared betorl mI. In offioer duly . .uthorile4 to 8Amini8tlr o.the 8nd take .oknowledgmen~e. Leeter ,. Jeokeon .nd Klvlne h. I Jaokson. his wifl. to me well known to b. the p.rson. desoribed in end .ho exeouted the I, . forlgoing in.trument and they loknowledged before me th.t thlY exeouted the eeme treely .. Ind TOlunt.rlly for tt.1 purpoee. ther.ln expr....... I !, the .aid Leeter ~. J.otsoa on I separlte Ind privlte Ix.mln.tlon. tlken and made byen4 i I I before me. eeperltely .nd .pert trom her s81d hueblnd. did aotnowlldgl th@t ahe exeouted I the foregoing Deed for the purpose ot rllln/lui.hing. .lienlting 'nd oonveying ell her ! ! i I JlDII ?UaTliEB CBB'fIn. Thlt t~.1 seid ElTlne R. Jaokson knOltn to me to be the w1fe of right. title.nd intere8t, wlether of dower. homeete.d or of seplrate prop.rty, .tatutory or equitable. In and to thelands descrlbed ~reln, end th8t she executed s8id Deed freely ; . I Ii and voluntarily Ind without Iny compulsion. oonstreint, apprehell8ion or feer of or from her scld. husbend. TlITUESS my h.nd end offioial seal et Toulon County of Sterk and State of Illlnoi. this 16th day of :..larch .A. D.. 1921 (SEAL) JeBsle E. llaming :iotlJ'Y Public ~. oommission expires Feby 4th 1922 (C1. CT. SEAL) By lc. J.~~~ AQ, _ _ B. C. Record Vertie~ a ~' .~ , :: Piled end reoorded this 18th day of July, J.. D. 1921. P. C. Eldred, Clerk Circuit Court. ------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------- , &AS! VIEW COWPA~Y TO YlAiUU1jTY DEED A. Leonard Johnson I ' I I I I i I TliIS IlfD_U'...UHf:, made tHe 30th dey of J.prllL--' A. D. 1921. by the Sest View Com- peny, e corporation orgenized anu existing under ~ne lawe of the st.te of Florid., party of the first part, tc J. LEGNJHD JOHIISOB of the City of Chioago, County of Cook .nd State of ILLIBOI8, party of the seoond part, \)I'Ia~SSKTI:!: I I 1\ , i ! i' i t i I t I i , i I I I 1 I I ~ The t the 88id party of the first pert, for end in C011;3idl'rc tion 'Of the sum of 'Ien Dollars ('10..00), la~ful money In the United state. of Jmerioa, and other valuable coneld- : er~tions to it An hend paid by the s8id party of the .econd part at or before the ensael- I ! ing end deliyery of these presEnts. U.ereoelptwr.ereof is hereby acknowledged, hes grante6, I ! bargained, sold, released, oonveyed ~nd contlrmed, end by these pre.~nta doee grant, I I b.r<<ain. sell, release, oonvey end oonfirm. unto ..1d party of the seoond p~rt. hiB he ire i i and 8esigne, 811 the land in st. Lucie County. llorida, desoribed 8S follows: I I Being the easterly one-h8~f of Sublot 143 o! 5ubdiv'n '1, 8S the .ame is designated on the . - . I plat of la'oos of the EAST 'v l.1!;;Y C;OJll'AUY, t11ed in the office of the Clerk of the Cireni t II Court of ~t. Lucie County, rloride. &nd~reoorded 10 plat Book 4, P8ge 1. I Exoept, ~oweTer, the right of way for publio roeds, dra1nage o.nels. .ma ditohes, as ahowa on the pl at of .81d 16nds, .nd ,xcept, also. rights ot w';I for eleotric l1ght, . telegraph and telephone pole line8, w.ter uine .nd oUler publio serYice faoilitie8, in, upon and under the hlgh~8Y ~pon whioh s,id sublot abuts. .. , '0 BA,. jlP 10 B~l.J) the. Bb.i. together with the heredl t'meLts snd appurtenaDoes thereunto. , ;1.' J ~.:j : .r:,~.:i;>)t:..>;';~ ~'\ ~Ii~ . :. ->: .::::~:i\~.. :~>r/;;\~.