HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0233 ! I 7"~'.T"!'!"T~~-::-'--;"" --..-----";----r-;--.,-----.--.--.-'- 233 ,I (. ~ U' , I I ; , ~. r i ~ -....'---, ~'-:"--~-~~_-..'!...,~ .~_-~:-- ;-~~~""l::w_,............;--- __""'~.~--T_"~-.._...__- , . I J ~ otteeted 'by Ita Aleiatlnt Seoret.rl, the d.y end leer flret ebol'e .ritten. PEL t8l(JRB con ANY .I I . I t By W. H. '181118 President (COR'llOBATE SEAL) Jtteet' .~.. A. Jemee Assistent Seoreterl S1gnel, selled end delil'ered in the preeenoe of J. T. thorpe' .. II. Worphe. (60~ I. R. stamps, olao.lle~) i I . I i I I I ! i I I I 1 ! STJoTE OP FLORIDA . ) ) COUBTY 0 P ST. LUC IB ) I. e Notary Publ10 in: and for the Stete of Ploride. do hereby oertify tl18t on ,il , this d8Y before me personelly eppeered ~.H.TIll1s and W.A.James re8pectiv~ly, President endl ASBistant seoretcry of '-KLtsURRE COKBANY, a corporation of the state ot Ploride, to me well; known 8S the pereons deadribed in'and wto exeouted the foregoing de.d, end they severelly , l:oknollledged that they executed said deed as suoh otfioers forth. purposes therein stated OD. behalf of said corpora'Uonl and that they signed the ncme and affixed the oorporate seal of; ! said corporation and exeouted this deed by euthority of the Board of Direotor9 of said corporation; and thet this deed is the ect end deed of said corporation.. IN TESTIMONY iT.REREOr, I heve hereunto sffixed my neme and offlotEl se81 at hllsmere, in the County find Stete efores8id, on ..11i8 Seventh dey of JQ.ly 1921. H. II. 1iorphew (SE~L) Notary Public. state of llorlda, My commission expires October 6, 1922. riled end recorded this 26th day of July J, .D. 1921. P. C. Eldred, CleIk Circuit ~ourt. By <t<;L~~AQL>~' C. ~e COrd 't?e,..,.. 4 ~le(j '{CT. CT. SE.t.L) . ! I ! ---~--------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ JAMES ,. PITTliAlI ..lID Ii IS '/I I FE lLAI ,. S'I IUS ON TO ,iiARRJ,UTY DElJ) 'HilS IHDlH'l1JRE. Ksde this 28th d.y of June A. D. 1921. BETWEEN Jemes 1. Pitt- mln and his wife Josephine Pittmtn of the Countl of st. Lucie end stato of Florids. partie8 of the tlrst part. end Ila1 r. Stinson of the County of st. Lucie end Stete of Florida. pert, of U.6 seoond JJert, "ITNE~BE'nI, U,at the se1d parties of He first part. for Ind in ! . ! I ; , oonsideration of the 8U11l of One Dol1er end other Valuable considerations Dollllrs, to I; nd in', hand paid. the reoeipt whereot is hereby aoknowledged, h~v~ granted, blrgained, sold ~nd trnnsferre4. and by these preaente do grant, berg.1n. sell and transter unto the saia p8rt~ of the seoond part and hie .heire end 8S8igns forel'er. a U that certain plroel of land ly- i08 and bel11g in the County ot St, Luoie 8nd State ot lloridll, :Ion pertio'.1l.erly del'cribed 88 tollow.:. BBGIBHIIG 8t a point at the lforth W.st oorner of the East helt of the North - But quarter of th'. Borth Bvst ~u'!rttr of Seotion tHrty one (31) Tbwnship thirty one (31) ~. Bange thirty nine (~9) B. end running in elhK88terly direction Two hundred end Twn.ty (220) teet !hence South nine hundred end ninety (iiO) f.e'. Thenae .e8\ two hundred and ,",: :::~ ~(!:::<~.~ 0~'~'~ ~':< ~;'::'~~~1~;~; "., , .," ':'~~/':~~t~)\.~:>;:~~~