HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0258 258 ..'~; ,;,r'):;;~:,::;~-- ?>,~;, ) /: :. , :. ~. . " :. ~,~r:~2i}~:~;-i'~~~ ..- OOnl'.7 and oontira. unto the ss1d p@rty of th6 seoond pert end his heira and ..signe tor- enr. ell tb.t oeruin paroel ot lend lying 8nd being in the Count10t st. Lnoje end Stlte ot rlori4e more pertloular17 desoribed as followe: Beginning at the Southwest oorner ~t the Southwest quarter ot the ,o_thelst QU8rter'0~ Seotion three (3) township thirty two (32) 80uth. Rlftg' thirty-nine e.st, Tbenot running '1St 886.6 tt thenoe north 210'tt thence .eat 386.6 tt thence south 210 it to point ot beginning also b.ginning 990 tt no: tb ot afora.id point of b.g1nning thence e8st 336.6 - tt thence nortli 338.9tt tbenoe ".st 336.6 tt thenoe south 388.9 tt to starting point all in 8e~~ t01!n~lP aa 8. luae. 39 Bte~, ContdniDs '.2-i a or.. . TOGETHER ~ all the ten.ments. hered1 temente end .ppurtenanoes. .i th eTa-I' prhile8'. right. title. .interest and 8stet.. reversion. reeainAer end .f8ment tht'l'oto belonglDB or in anywi8e appertaining: TO H~VK JHD TO BOLD the seme in fee simple forenr. ~d tbe 8114 party of the first part dotb oOTenent with the 8eid pert of the seoond pert that it iB lawtully eeised of the said premiees; thet they ere tree of ell inoumbrlnoes, II and that it has good right end lowful euthor1ty to sell the 88me; erA. the se14 IMIrt7 of the first part doee hereby tully werrlnt the title to s8id lend. end .lll detend the same against the lelltul cle1me ot 811 persons whomsoeTer. IB :UTIESS 1IHBRKOP.. the s,8id !>erty of the first part bas o.ueed theee presents to be . .signed in Its name by its Presid~nt, end its oorporate seal to be ettixed~ etteBted by lts Secretory the day end year St. Luoie Lumber .. SUP!lly Co. By J. A. ITore " President. (Corporate Seal) ~tte8t: G. C. Bartlett Signed, 8ealed ond dellyered in our presence: E. R. 81edler .... . ., B; D. H 1nton S'fA'IE O!' 'LORD>~ ) . . COUEY Oil' ST. LUCIE ) I HEREBY CERTlft. tbat on this llth day of July A. D. 1921, before me p8l'eonelly appe.red J. A. rrere end G. C. Bartlett resp.otil'ely President end Seore\lry of St. Lucie - Lumber &: 8upply Co. a corporation under the la.s 'ot the State 0 t nor148, to .... known to - be the persona descrlbed in end who exeouted the toregoi08 OOOl'eyaDee to J.J.. P. B.mllton Ind se'Y8relly eolcnowadged the exeoution thereot to be their tre. lot and deed as Buoh . officers. for the usea and purposes therein mentioned; end that they atfixed thereto the otfi6iel S8el of s.id oorpar.~lon. end the 8aid inetruaent is the lOt end teed of s.id oorporlt1ou. WITIEBS .y slgnature end offioial sed et lero in the County of st. Looie end State of i'lorlde the day end y8lr list atoresaid. .allie )I. Bebb - (8EAL) l~terJ' Publio, St8te of 'torUs at Large ~ o~1asion expiree May 28. 1924 O~I 111ed and reoor4ed 1921. ~/b~~ O~O ~. C. BlArel. Obrk Clroult Court. ~~It (CT. CT. 8RAL) . J" A' .......... ..... - ~ ~ - --r I ! .T'I'Cl-"~'lna I. '. .. ! I I I I i - ,0 .., ., . ,.,] ~~ !~ , ,