HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0262 262 I I: I, II , 1\ I , , I 1 '. .- I -. I II lIl!JlBSS WI!B1lIO'. the ..ld pert7 ot the tint p.rt b.. o.used th.se presents to be -ai- i .igned in 1'. n.me by l's Pre.ldent.' .ndl's oorpor.t. 81.l to be atrixed. .ttestea by its ... se~et.r7 the 487 .nd le'~ .bol'e written. (Oorpor.t. S..l) ST. Lt1C IB LUlIBBR A SUPPLY CO. By J. A. ITere presl4ent. . Atteet: G. O. Bartlett I Signed. seeled 8nd 4eUl'ered in ou.... pre.enoe i "' I I t I I X. R. 811dler B. D. Hinton (tl.OO I. R. S'amps olnoellea) S'U!E 0' 'IDRIDA ) . . ) 00unt7 ot S'. Luole I HBRlmY CER'flft. that on th1e 11th day ot Jull A. D. 1921. before me p.r8onel17 Ippe.re. J. A. rrere 8nd G. C.. Bertlett re8peoti~ely Preeident .nA Seoretary of St. Luoie Lumber' SUPpll COmp8D7 . oorporetio~ onder the l.ws of the Stete of florida. to .e known to be the per80na deooribed in .nd w~o exeouted the foregolDB oonveyanoe to 11. B. Wilker end ael'eral17 acknowledged the execution there~t to be their tree act and leed I. 8uoh oifioer., for tbe uses and pnrp08e8 therl:lln mentioned; and thet thel etf1xed thereto the otfiol11 s..l of seid corporation, end the seid instrument 18 the .ct and leed ot eeid oorporetlon. Wr.rIXSS ID7 81gnetare end otfio1el seal at Vero in the County ot st. Lucie end State of norid. -the day arid leer !set ,'ore.aid # . \~ ..':.~ ~ .... '"UII\-' ...... ...... o~~~\V" i Hellle U. Babb (Seal) \ Bo'ary Publio. Stete of llorid. I at Ler,e. ! JI7 00lUl1s8iOll"ezpire8 Key 28, ~. 1924 filed end reoorded thi8 lOth 4'7 of August, i. D. 1921. P. C. Blared, Clerk Oircuit COQrt. B7. ~{~ :o.Q. .\:fc~.u,""", D. Q. REOORD VeRIFIED (Of. CT. BUoL) ---------------~-.------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- ST. LUCIE LUlIBBR . SUPPLY ('OllPABY J. M. J(uCullere. Sr. TO WARlUBTY DBED THIS UDKHTtJRE. ..4e th1s 11th day of July A. D. 1921. BE'l1IEXI st. Luoie Lumber. Supply Co . corpor8t10D .x1sUq UDler the laws ot the Stete 0 f floridll hel'ln<< Ita prino~- pal plllce of bus1ne.. lJI the C01U1ty of. at Luole IInd 8tet. of nor14. pert, ot the first pert. end J. 1(. MoCnllerlJ 8r. of the County of st Luoie end 8t.te 0 f north party of the seoond part. Wl'USSBtB. th.t the sd4 party of the first pert. tor en4 in "'ne14erat1oJ1o of the.' .aa ot One Hunared Do1l81'a. .nd other ~Il~ble consider.tlon to it in hand paid. the re- , . oelpt .hereot 18 hereby 8OknOllle4ged. bl. granted. barplned. sold, aUene4, rlllised. re- l....d. oonl'eyed end oCllf1rmed. 804 bl these .resents clOth srant. berp1D, eell, slien, rem.'e rel..s.. tor.~er. oonl'ey Bnd oonfin. onto th..aid perty of the ecooOll part sod h1B heirs n4 IISeign.. - . . .,. i .11 tut o.rt'1D peroel of land lying anA beiD81n the Oounty ot St Lucie .n4 8teh i I i I I i I I I i , I of floridl..ore p.rtloullr1y d~soribe4 88 tollows: B.,lDD1JJ8 on the 8eth.eet oOl"ner ot the Southw.et quert.r of the South.est quarter ot Seotlon three (3) township thirt, t~o (32) South Range thirty nine (39) ..st. !henoe ranniD6 north thll'teen~1Pl6red "'ent,.lght .nd alae tenthe ft thenoe weet thr.e hundred .. .: ;I~ .. 't;. . '. ~ m<,:;'4,c '; ~'o~:;;;"::;; ,>, ._;..-;.....7 : o n. n - '" - - .... - - . . .... . -,<" . -... ~ ~ . :. : ~ . ~ ~,,~' "_! . 3;..:: ,. :- , +..-' Go ....~:r ~ ~ 4': .....~: .' ...~.. .-: ~ .t;-..'