HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0292 - ,-~ -.~,,~-.....,.... :-.~. ." .............. ...............~~ .284 . . . .. . . . t. · . '" . . '. .. . ... .. .. ,. .' . . ~ other P8I'son or persoD8\lhomsoel'IZ" ole 1m1ng or to olaiDl by, fro. or unbr thelD or either ..... of thea. u II lII!DSS lIIBBEO' tho parties to theBe pres.onts l-Al'e hel-eunt 0 interohongeably set their hends and 81e18 the 41y and year first above 1tri tten.. .ita'sBee: Thoma8 L. Jones Olarke B. jbbott (SEJL) G) B. hank Cone Luoy II. !bOllaa Erneat Colemln. James lIoConl'ille (WAfER SEAL) -(IAPBR SBAL) I I r- John B D.~iasJr. t De Xeerney Reid I ~t.te ot !fe" York I City of Dft York I On this day ~erBoDllly pea~ered bef~re me J. J. Chambers a Dot.iry Publio, C12rke , ! R. Abbott to me "ell too"nre tl:o _person described in End who exeoutGd'the ?oregolng Instru- I ! mente end eoknowledged ~h8t he exeouted the seme for the purpose there10 expressed I I City this 22nd day of Auguet, 1921. 1 ! I i I I t , i I I I r City ot W88hington I SS . Distriot of Columbie: I On th1e clay personellj' cppeered i I I I j executed the for6go1ng instrument, end 8el'.r.~17 acknowledged the eXbcution thereof to be j their f'ree eot end deed for the USt)8 end pot-poee. therein mentioned. Ani tle esid Ker7 Mary MoConl'l11e Deniel KoConl'ille Baal B. lIoCon~ille CIA PER SBAL) (WARR SEAL) ss . In Witness IhereotI hel'e hereunto .tflxed IIl7 hend end offioial 88el at II.. York . J. J. Chembv8 Hot!:ry Public Bronx County No. 70 Certificate filed in B. Y. County 110. 616 B. Y. Register's Ro. Commission Expires Karoh 30, 1923 i.:] j ! be"re me George L. Hofftlen . Notary Publio, Jemes : i McConville and Kerf MoConville, his wife, to me ~O\tD to be the persona de8cribed in and "ho : .! McConville, wife of the 8aid James JfcConville, on e prlftte eXllminetion by me separete em i j 1 I spart from her ~U8b8n4, dldeaknowle4ge that. the 8~14 Inetrwnent we8 by her executed end mede fr.eely and voluntarily. end without .afq oom;-ulsion. omstrelut. apprel,ension, or feer of or Il'om her sdd husband, for the parpoee of renounding end re.l1oqulshin.g ell.end every right I' of dower in the lends 10 the 8ai4 oonveyanoe described. In Witness Whereof I h8ve hereunto affixed my h~nd end ~tfloi81 sesl at WQshlngton, I I I D1strlot ot Columbia. tb1B.17tb day of Jugust, 1921. ! . . I Sta~e ot dow Jersey County of MODllouth 5S On this 48y personally epp~red botore me John B. DlJv!8 Jr. a lIot&r~, Publio. Deniel. '. ~, /If 0"'\ Ry \ Pbl~)'It- Jl ~"<<t:.J5-' George L. Hof~n Hotery Publio' KoConl'ille end ~ H. M~Con,1l1e, hie wife. to me knOlln to be the persona desdribed in and who .xeoute~ the, fox-egoing instrument. 8m _nra117 eoknowleAaed the exeoution thereof to be their tree eot a04 deed tOt' tho usee ana. PurPO'~8 \here1o _nt1ol:\td. ADi the s.id EiIIDI ~ . B. KoCoPl'iUe, wite ~t the ui4~D1el MoConl'1l1e, on a ~il'8te exalllinttlGD by Ille separate end .per~ trOll her habendI did eoknowl~dg. that the 881d inst. mnent W8S br her exeouted ent _de fredy en' volWltar1l7. end without any QOllpuloion, con~tralnt. eppreheneion. or 01 ,I ~ & ~ J ,. "~ -i ;.; . ..... R ,t j ! '.~;,~t .,d...~,. .~~;1 ::;;. i":'):' - ,,' ~.'.' .' ~:":~'~:~ ~>':~2:~~-'-~';~~~