HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0369 ----~. (, ~'.I ~ ~ ~ ~1 '. ~ ........ ... -I I i I I I I I 1 , , I i ! i i I I J.lMB8 .l PlUHlCLIB, aPBCUL lIlSTBB, 1 i , ~ ~ ~J'<1 -~ e~. t\t riled an4 ~eoor4e4 thie 2~th 4&1 of S.ptelllbe~, 1. D. 1921. P. O. al4~.4, Olert Cirou1t~t. B7. Ci-tlA./ reo fllf~. - ~D.O. (OT. OT. 8JW,) ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO J'IWlKLIIl LAND OOMPAHY. ~ lI18!BR' B DBIm. THIB IllDXlITUlm, lIade the 6th day of SeJltalllber 1921. between JaID8BA. Franklin, 88 SPECIAL W.STER III ClWICERY, of the first par'~, and J'r8Dklin Land Oompany, a oorporat1on, ot the seol)n4 part; WHBRRAS, the Circui t Court of the 16th Judioia1. Circuit ot the State ot Florida. in and for the count). ot St. Luoie. in Chanoery. on the 12th day ot JulJ'. 1921. 8IJlong other things ordered, adjudged and decreed, in a oertain oause then pending in the said Court, betraen ~anlI:lin' Land Co~ oomplainant. and Arthur T. RunJ'aa and Vary C. Runyan, his wite, defendants. that particularly deeori bed not ioe ot the time ani the mort~89d ~em1ses ID9ntioned in said deoree. and hereinafter by ~...u& ntciA<. be soldAat publ10 auotion, the said Uaster first giving four weeks At ~o rt ".uc,t. plaoe of B8le in a newsp&per pUbliehed"in the .eaid State. to-wit, the Fort Pieroe Hews-Tribune ABD WHEREAS, the said Speoial },(aster, James.A. Fr..nklin and party ot the first part to these presents, in pursuanoe of the said order and deoree of 'Ule said Court in Chanoery, did. on the 6th day of Septelllber 1921. sell at publio auotion the said mortsaged premises. hereinafter partioularly de80ribed. having first given previous notioe of the time and p1aoe ot EBle, with a desoription of the said Felll1ses,agreeable to the order aforesaid; at whioh sale the said lIlortgaged prerdaee, hereinafter partioularly desoribed. were 801d to the said party of the seoond ~rt for the BI1Dl ot ligh~ Hw:dred ($800.00) dollars, that being the highest Btllll bidden tor the se.1D8. BQY, THmElanK, !HIS ,IDDlUITURE WITllESSETH: That the said S~o ial Haswr, in order to : oarry into effeotthe said sale so _de as ~foreB8id. in pursuame ot the said deoree of the ~,( - said Court of Chancery. in oonllideration ot the premise." end ot the^BUlD of Eight Hundred (tBOO.OO) dollars. paid at the tiDle of the exeou.tion hereof. by the B8i~ party olf the second i part to the said Speoial )(aster, the reoeipt whoreof he does hereby acknowledge, has granted,. ; bugaiDed and sold, aliened. released, oonveyed and oOn:fiX'lD8d, and by these presents does i grant. be.rga1n and sell. allen, release, oonvey and oon:firlll unto the said party of the eeoond i I part. and its suooeBs<rs ani aS8igns forever, the oertaln paroel ot land in the County of I I St. Luoie, State of i'lorIda. deeorIbed as tollows: i Bloot one (1) Lots ~1ve. Six, Seven and Bight, ot Seotion Sev~n (') in TOWDSh1p Thirty Seven SOuth ot Bange J'orty One, East. deooribed acoording to plat ot St. Lucie Gardens. reo(a'd.d in Boot 1, page 36. ot the pUblio records of St. Luoie County. i'lorid.a. : tosatber wIth all and 8ingular the rights, members, privileges, heredi tam6ntB and appurten~ . anoes to the 88me belonging or in anywise ap)l8r~ning. 1'0 HAVB .GD '0 HOLD aU and sl~ar the .laid prell1ses, above mentionsl ana. de80ribe4, and hereby greated and oonveyed, or intended so to be, with the appurtemnoes. unto the qid party ot 121. 8800nl part, it~ .,0oessorB and assigns, to the only proper use. benetlt and behoc;t of the BOid par1yr ot the seooo4 part. its suooe8eo2Js an~ assigns torev.r. I. : " ~"""r~_""'T '. . - ...~- ~ .' . " "':'~" ': '. ,~<:):;:.:lJ;{:'~~<~::; ,~::~'}:;<J,;'.', 2 ':~~~,~'~):~;~,