HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0386 378 q i I i i II I I ! .. -C:~":~~~~;"l"""""""'~""""----~~"""~ :- .... I -. · JLOBIDl. I I I I i I i i I ! i , ! I ! . OOttlfY OJ 8f. LUOI.. I... ) I BlUBY cmltIft. !ha'\ on '\hh elq p.non&l.17 appear.d b.far. .., an otflo.r 4ul7 &u~ori.tel '\0 "'Minh'\er .'\he anA- '\ak. aoknowleel_uU. IIar7 m.J.a Gooclb1'8a4., the .14ow of the late 8. 8. Goodbr.a4.. cleo.a..el, '\0 .. w.ll known and known '\0 _ ~ be the 1D4in.elual el..orib.el lD. cd who eDouhd the tor.goiD8 >>eta, end adtnowledged betore 1M ~hat she .xeouted the SUI freely and TolUD~i17 tor tht use. and p1U'JloaeB therein expresaed, where- upon i'\ 11 1'%"a:184. '\bat '\bIt same 87 b. reool'led. of 8~. Luoie ana state of nor14a, WI!BBS8 117 ba.nl and oftlo1a1 ..al a'\ Jeneen, OOUD'\Y '\his lith day ot Septeab.r .l. D. 1921. ~o~ ~1'4" ~e.\ I 1'. .. y ub./.., ~ '" I~ :f J >-~ ., L fit .. !bo.e J. DeSteuben, ~otary Publio, State ot Ploricla. J67 COllB1eelon .%])lnl IIOT. 16~,' 1923. .rUed an4 reoord.d thle 20th clay ot Septeaber, A.. D. 1911. P. O. Blued, Clerk Cunl't Oour't. Bl C~ L. 'it~ D.O. Record VerUad (Of_ Ct. mw.) - -- - - - - - . .. I. aIO<<J. ~ wua GBORGB .n.Blmt UTT,T.1rR. to WJJUUlIfY DUD. tHIS IJlIlBHTUU, Ma4. thiB 26'\h 4q of .7uly, A. D. 1921, bl anA betw..n H. B. Blow, and Gertrud. Bloou hle wif.. ot 'the County of st. lauoh end state of norlcla, par't1e1l ot 'th. tlrs't P8l''t. and George .ubel''t llU1'I', of the __ County and state, ~ty ot the Meond '" part: WItlB88B1'H, !hd '\be Aid plrtieB ot the first par'\, for and 1.n oone14.ratlon ot 'the lI1UI of ~ D<JLt.AR8 add o'\b,,1' T&l11able oons14.rat1on, .'0 'tbea in hand pald. bl the JlU'ty ot 'th. .IOOnd JlU''\, the reodpt .bereof 11 hereb7 aomowledgad, have grmW. bargained. , so14 ana oonTqed. _4 'by \be. Jlre..nt. do hereby grant. 'bargalJl, _11 aDd oonTe7, lUlto the 8&14 party of the 880004 par't 1Il4 hi. beire an4 a.aign. tor'Tlr, aU that o.rtaiD pl.oe, paroel or tract of lan4, lying and be11J3 in the County of st. MUch, state of Ylori4a, and mor. partioularly 4e80r1bed as tollow.. '\0 .U: . .' n. Icth ten (10) aores of land lot JlUiIber.d !lro (2) of Beation numb.r~d One (1),' 1.Jl T01ll1ah1p Thir'tY-I1% CZ6) South, of Ilange ,art7 (<&0) Ba.t, .ooor4blg 'to 'the BUl"v.y ma4e ! by the Un1'te4 sWot.., an4 18 bound.d u toUcnrs: the not'th-l1ne b.ing the north-liD. of I , I I I I i , 1Ud.4 Lot f1ID (2); tile ..at line ot ..ld lot two fOmB the w. It-lin.; th. eas'tem b01l11c1ary being tu Dore. ot 'the ID1lan BITn; and 'the 80uth bcnm4al'7 belDg a line per&U.l to Jlor'\h-ltJilt of _14 10't b'o. &Dll & IUftl01.nt d1a~. 'tblnfroa '\0 o'Wpl'lee the tOllJ' ltollD4U'l.. h.nl1\ g1TG1. T.n (10) &01". ot land. th. tOGJllfIIJIIl wUh all 'the r1par1eD 1'1p't., ......n't., 1apro..e.llt., '\enemen'\., h.redU....nh an4 appurMDaDO... wUh ".,.-q prlT11.p. right, Ut11, 1o\8I'.n anA ..tat., l'eTO'*la, r.- IUlnl.1' aDl ...... *rnnw bd0Jl81D1 01" 111 Ml7flH &Jpena1l'1iJl8. !to lUg ". !to BOJil> the ... 1n f.. 81a))l. tU'Tt:r,. aM 'th. ..14 ~'\,J'~W of the ..00Dl pC''t, hi. h.ir. aD4 ..Bigne, I I I I ~'~:-~_>,:,:':.i: ~:. ::'~ ~;' ~~~~j '~,.~:'::~,:/ ,'~~::_' ~<"~\~' J ]' 1 . . - - - " ~ .. :: .~... - . ,. "-- ~ ~ ." ,~ " '. .~.~i'.:.~~...;.~,> ".: