HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0401 -- n~.. I: ~,:, &, '" t, , (l, I 'J . I u.~ 39:,1 f 1 ~hl OU, of ~ ~1tI'O'. ftor14a, aooOl'4in8 W p1a~ ana nn., _4.. b, D. D.. &D4 O. lL Boger.. 01yl1l1DalD"l'a. ani wblob na~ 1. I'loorl.4 b. Plat Book .0. "'0 a" Jl&p .0. .lx, OIl ~I fUn 4., ot Aqu~. A. J). 1418. - wp'\h.1' with all and 8lnp1al'~ thl rtsIl"., titl.... p~...lbse., haI'eU~...u.. anA appart.Ulloel. ~~~~o b.l0B8lD8 01' ln aaJW18. appertaSn1n8'\ ~o haft an4 to ho14, ~l _4 a1llplu, 111. abo.... burlbe! 1'1'..1..., wUh '\h. 'pJ'1lrtena...,; t ~o ~h. a14 Jl&r~, of '\h. ..oonl pari, aD4 to h_ h.1I'1i and a1118n. tOl'ewr. ,. i In Wl ta... lbenof,. th. 8&14 GurAlea h.... beJ'ftD~O ..~ htl' hand and .eal the d&7 aa4. I I I I I , 1la1l4. B. Gold..l ~h (8eal) i 'Qa.ud1aD for Jlavioe >>-n.1-lJi GoldaUh, a ll1nor. i I I I ( I I I 81pl4, ..al.4 .D4 J)ell....red ill ~bI Pre..no. of U.; I !. .. D. P'De, I Jear first abo," wr1 t~8Jl. .. B. H'Mry , ..I 8na OF ~OBmA - 8~. L1I01. OountJ. On 1ih18 d&J J)lr80nelll appeared 'before III Maude B. Go14BII1'\h, "0 IDI WIll mo1lll a. '\hI perBO~ d.sorlbed in and Who lunted the forego1nS 4..d of oon't'lp}lO.. and aomowl.dg.4 tha~ thl .x.eoute4 ~h. aame for 1ih. parpo.. '\h.rein expr..ee4,. wher.upon it Ie JII'~.4 that 111. ea. ... b. r800r4.4. 1.81 thl. 1,t day of JUly, A. D. 1'1......... A. D. 'enn" Notary Publlo. M1 Co~18elon .xpir.. leb. 17, 1'16. ;. i~ ~ , I I i ! J'Utd and rnorded th18 nth 4&7 of OOtober, A. D. 1'21. i--- i I 'j ! j ! I I , t- . f, t: ~. t' i (Of. Of. 8&U.) P. c. B14rld, Ol.rk Oiroul" Oourt. By.-&~/L 7V RECORD VERIFIED D.C. ;. I..> ---...... .. - .. - - 0 - ... -0- - - - - - - - - - - - - .. .. .. ------- -...--- .. .. .. ", BOlUWf A. QUJ.ODlIBUSH .. U. fO BL8IB A. OU". l' i W&.I~JU1l!Y 1lB&D. !hi. IDd.n'\1lr8. JII4. 'th18 flr.~ 4&y of JIll7 1n the ,.ar of OUl' Lord one thoua881 Dine hlUl4red ani 1wenty-oDl BBftBII n.l. A. O1l\t.r, a epinl'er of ,he 01'\7 of GranA Bap1de, Jliohlp.n, ot 111. tirn pan, NI4 .01'-.0 A. Quaokenlnulh, and Lena Quok.nbRah, hu.band ani !;;' t r 1 I rite of the. .... 1'1801, 1 'flu.. u.c: -..4(.. -, ~ '1 "Dle..th, fta'\ Ul. _14 party of ~h. tire" par', tor and in oon8i4erat1 on of the j I I I . I I i ; I I ! . ! j i I I I I I i , ' lUll of OM. :Dollar and other go04 an4 ftlubl. oon.id.ratione Donar., "0 h.r 1n ha4 ,.ld ! by the 8&14 panl.. of the ..00n4 port, the re08 Sft wher.ot 11 h.r.b, 0 0Dt....4 8D4 aoknow- I , I . . ! 1.dp4, doel b7 *H 1'I'...n~. sraa~~ )arpin, ..11, r_l... 1'I1ea.., aU.n ao4 oont1ra I I , I I o.nasn pito. OJ' paN.l of laD4 11n." and b'1D8 in the town of Wa1~on OOllD'\J ot Samt Itaos,. " I ani stat. ot ftorlc1a, alii, d..orlbe4 .. fo11on,to-w1~: . \ IIftl J1T' (6) UI4 .iZ (6). 'nOOk ODe (1) ot.8e~'l. ~. (1) tGlrUblp th1l'~'!'6..ft1l1 (8') 8OU'th:'JaJIs' for", (.0) ...t,. of 8". Luol. Gart.nl, aooordtng to a _p or >>1&~ pr.- I pa1.14 bt Jrank1s.n ilaD4 001lJ)U7 ad noort.4 1Jl "hi pabllo I'.oort. ot 8'.' LU1. 001U1t, 1n I .. .t. P1'a~ Boot 1. .~. tall 88. ' !o..th.1' with aU M4 .lnsuJ.a1' ~ htl""'U".~ ant a~te_DD.a ~J'81U1tO b.loqinl , ' lUlW the ..ld ,.n1l1 ot the ..oonl part, and th.ir h.1I'. an4 a..lgn., FOImnB, all that 7:}':':>.'\",~/ )'}, :;; , . ,,' _.~ :~:>...'r~.;~_:'-..--:<',. . . ..' -. ".",~.:~'~.:'--:...-,..<6".::.: