HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0456 1 , , " : ~ . f ~ i a ) ~ i ~ Ii 'I ~ .' H ;i ;1 " i: ( 448 hU8band. j. WIT1IE3S IQ hand and 8eal of ot!ioe at I i on th1B, i , I i .1 i I of Wi.., state of Virginia. Borton. Counv ./..jJ I{i\ \., /-.!" _ r, r1 J"~'t A;, I ~o' ~ \' ..,,\V ;;'.' 1'" ~" ~. '.Is. ~ ,~s ,-<y , -~-~4?~ w. K. Wrq lfohl'Y Publio. the 14th dq of June, 1921. K7 Commis8ion expire. Jan. 1.. 1922. ,. }! ~. ~-\ filed and reoorded thi. 17th dq of llonmber. A. D. 1921. C9urt. ~f(\f(,O -.l f(, ~ O~S) ~~G ~ (CT. CT. S&t.L) D. C.' By' ~ t i: &AdT VIR. COHPABY TO W.ulP.Afty DBIl>. BELEN RAllY LARGE. Ii THIS IlfDIUiTURB. lIade the 26th dq of lonmber, A. D. 1919, by the &AST VIRW COKPAllY. . oorporation organized and ex1Bting UDder the laws of th~ St& te of nor fda, party of the first part, to B.KL81f RAINY LARGB. of the Count)' of OQ8hop. state ot Ohio, party ot the eeo and part, I < f !i ";:i t! !: ~; :11 ! ! ! ! ! I ! I: That the said party pf the fir.t part. tor end in oomid81'bion of the .\11 of TBIf OOL- . i ~ .~ . LARS($10.oo). lawful moae)' ill the United State...;'&nd other valuable oonsideratione to it in hand paid b)' the saId party of the, seoond part. at or betore the ensealing (I1d delivery of these preeents, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged. has granted. bargained, sold, released. oonveyed and oonfirmed, and by these presents does graLt. bargain. eell, release. _oonvey snd oonfirm. unto the said party of the seoond part. his heirs and N1sign8, all tht lanclin .H. Luoie County. 1'101' ida. desori bed 88 follows: Being Sub Lot No. 61. ~f 3ubdivision Bo, 1. as the same is designated on the plat of lands of the East View c~mpany fUed in the offioe of the Clerk of tha Circuit Court .' ;:l :i ti Ii a ij a J 'I 1 ~ 1 l of 3t. Lucie cb'unty. Florida. and reoorded in Plat Book 4. Page 1. . Exoept. ho.ever, the right of way for public roads. drainage canals. and ditches. as sho1m in the plat of sald land8; and exoept. alao. rights of .ay for eleotrio light. telegraph and telephone pole lines. water mains. and other publio 8e~vioe faoilities in. upon and under the higLway upo# whloh sald sublot abuts. to HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said party of the second I8rt. and her heirs and 88signs. in fee simple. forever; subJeot. however, to the restriotions, rights, reservations. agreementt. I ! I I oovenants and oondi tions hereinafter stipula ted. The Grantee, in oonsideration of the e.eout1on and del1Ye%7 of this deed, hereb;y oove- , owne 1'8 ot nants and agree. with and for the benef1 t of the Grantor. and all other/sublots in S&1I1 3ub- diviSion 10. I, to hold 8ald real estate herein desori be~ upon the following tUIIS: 1. Said real estate shall be used exolusivel)' for pl'1yate d.eUing house purposes, ~nd no house shall be ereoted. plaoed. 01' eu:ffered to remain upon 8aid premise. the oost of oonetru.Uon o'f .hich shall be leal than bent7-fiye BUDlred Dolla~s (.2600.00), unless the arohi"otural plans 'for said d..Ulna ah&1.1 haye Ileen approyed by the JU.ST VIBW COI&PABY.1 nor, Dearer than .lxt7 (60) feet to the oenMr line of of uy plblio highwa)' in or adjoining. l sald Subdivision 10. 1, nor nearer thSD ten (10) teet to the oenter line, of 8D7 adjoining ; sublot; prOVided. ho..ytl', that the foregoin8 bllildlng lint restriotions shall not apply · , - to porohe., Teranda8, pOr\e1 oooh81'e, or othu B1.uar pro.1eoUont to suoh dwellingll, ;':;.~.~'.';:;.t .::;"~;~l.;/.;:::\ 1 .] , 1] =., " :. . -.2;~, t~~ ~:{.' - -: :~ _; . ~ , . .., - .. ,. . ~ ~ ., _ __ :; _~. .,7. ,,'~> J :. ~~ ~.~