HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0457 ~~., ,~. ~.i " U. \ ! t' f n IU 44<-1, . t..- 4D4 if &Il7 lwelli~ be .0 pl81lMI &Il4 plaold upon eaid premisel that the l'Iar. kitohen., or eeniOI port ion of the lame ab&1.1 be 0-' thl sidl or end to.-rd 811)' publio highway, the utranoe to auob portion of _14 dwelling IIhall be 80 arr8Dgod as to be inoonspioou~ :trom aa14 highw&7. a. 10 portion o:t the wi thin deeoribel premis.., n.arer to &Il7 publio highway than' tile buUding line. aa hereinbefore fixed, shall be Uld f~ lID)' pupo.. othsr than that of a lawn. 10thiD8 herein oontained. however, shall be oonstrued as preventing the use of BUoh portion of said pr_ises for the planting of trees or ahrubbery. the growing of flowers or ornamental plants. or :tor the purpose of blauUf71ng aaid premi8l~. And no fenol, wtll, or other struoture o:t any kind or for any purpose shall be ereoted. plaoed. or suffered to remain upon said premiaes nearer to any public highway than sa14 buUding l111e. exoept b)' and with the ooD8ent of the Bast View CCOmJ8D1'. ~,1.'X> ~ 3. 10 garage (exoept suoh garage be "made a part of suoh dwelling). or other outbuilding. shall be ereoted. placed. or suffered to remain upon saIl! premises wi thin one hundred (100) feet of aD)' hlgh1r8i1, nor wi thin fifteen (16) feet of the sIde line of any adjoining lot, without the written oonsent of the owner the roof. .. 10 plaoe of publio entertaiDIel\t, a~rtment house. fiat. boarding house. nor , - building designed for the use of mo:'e than onfl fami17, hotel ta,.ern. danoe hall. or other 'rosort. &hall be established, ooDlluted, maintained 01'- suffenl to r8llain uppn said premises. 6. 110 spirltoU8, vinous or femlnted liquors shall be D18nufactured or sold. eUher at whole.ale or I'ItaU. upon said premises. 6. 10 nuisaooe. advertising sign. bill board, or other advertising devioe shall be permitted. ereoted, plaoed. or suffered to remain upon said premises; nor shall the premises be oed in tJ1)' 1fa7 or for any purpose which DBY endanger. the heal~ or unreasonabl~ disturb the quiet of en)' hOld~~~jOining land. 7~ Only one d~ellingl\ah81l be ereoted. plaoed. or suffered to remain upon the presises hereby oODTeyed. 8. The herein enumerated restriotions. rights. reservations. limitations, agree- ments. oovenant8. and oonditions shall be deemed as o ovenabt.. and not as oonditions hereof, and aball run with the land. aDd shall biDd the Grantee until the Piut day of Janual'y.1960. A.nd the said part)' of the first part. for itself and its sucoessors. does herebr oove- nant with the said part)' of the second part. her hell's. legal repres~::Wt1vefl and assigns. . 8S aforesaid; that it i8 indefe&81 bly sdze' of sdd land in fee s 1mple ;Ithet it has tall power and lawful right t.o oODTe7 said land in fee Billlple 88 aforesaid; that it shall bo lawful for sa id party of the seooM put, his heirs. legal representatives and assigns. at all times peaoeabl7 8Zld quieU7 to en"r upon. hold. ocoup)' G.nd enjoy said land; that said land is ; . free hom all. enoUllbranoe.; that it w111 sake BUoh further assuranoes to perfeot the fee aiaple t1 tle to said land as _)' reasonabl7 be requJ.red. and that It does here\))' fully warrBlit_thtt U'l. to Did land, and w111 defend the same against the lawful olaims of all per.eIlS who..Geyer. , I. WI'lD3S 1IHBRKOI', the }JarV of the f1l'st part, on the dlQl and year first above written, . . has oaused its name to ,bfalgned Nld U. oorporate seal to be affixed to theBe present.. b7 ita Pre.lclent and Seor.tu7, whioh off10er. baye been clI1l)' authorhed and empowered by ~ 'resolution of the Board of D1I'80tors of the part)' of the first part here 1f.. i to execute and dellT1r thi8 deed. JUS! VID COMPABY, .~ By B. L Stl'Oq - uu tl' ~ I.. President Ft',lrf T(W,",sto-r-v 2r-4 \1*--0. ~ ~ t- . J~8f:fdbna1ed ani clellT1red in preseuoe of: John A. Bq . " ." ....../ !.'"'" - ... . , " ,', " - ....t ,.-~,:,:)-~-~;<~;::-:':~~-.<:::