HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0483 r: 475 I ~'~ ~~..' '<' y, I I ~.. ij B. A. GBLUAJlD. DIVOllOD, HI ,. .. GBLlGUD. BAOBBLOJl, to Bum. .. GBLBQAIU>. W.llUld!Y DDJ). !HIS IbllfUlm, Hadl ~i. ..nt'....oOH dq of IOTe.ber, .1. D.. 1921. b7 B. A. XoUegar4, I i 41.01'0.1, ana t_ ..' XoUogu4. ba,1oholor, of 1,.wl. Count"~ _0.' Tu,tua. Jartu8 of 'h. fir.' par', ani Bulal W. l:on.gu4, parQ' of \ho 81 0 oDd part, WItlU8BU, !bat th. .aia pal'Ue. of tho flnt put, for an4 in oould.ration of tho ~ I " of Ten >>011al'8 and other Taluabl. ooulderation, lawful .on., of tho thUt.d stat.., to them In hUll pall b7 the eaid parQ of \ho .eooll4 pat,. a\ or before th. on...ling aDd leli.,..r7 of these pr..enta, the r.oeipt whereof 18 heroby acknowledgea, haY. grmted. bargained. 801d~ re1ea.el, oOllYe7ed and oonfiraetl aDd b7 thl.. pros.nta do herob7 grant. bargain. 8011, relea.., ooue)' aDd oontira unto the .ald partie. of the ..ooDl part, their heir. and a..ip.. in fee ; .illlplO, that piloe, paro.l or traot of land, .ituated in 8aint Luoit Count)', norida. known and d18oribe4 iIa follow.: .ill of the South...t one-qurte:f of tho lortheast one-quarter of Seotion fhirty- i !. , four in lO~D8hlp !biZ'v-fou tlnths (40.6) aor... .or. or South. of Baago Thirt,..nino ..at, oontaining fort1 and fiY.- 1.... BlCKPt. ho...or, the ri8ht of .., for pub1io roads IDd ~rainag. oanal. 01' ditoh.. as ~oWD on the plat of aa14 lads II&ClI b7 tho 1'1or1de& Rut Ooa.' Be&1t7 UOllpaQ UlI reoorded in the offioo of the O1erk of the CUrouU Oourt of Saint Luoi. Count" i'lor1da. to UVB AID to BOLD tBB ~.llD, together .with all .ase_nts. 1aproye_nts. beredt.t_ent. - and appG1'tenanoe. thereunto b~ong1Dg ute tho said parti.s qf the s.oond part, and their h.irs and assigna, 1D f.e .~P1o foroTo~. AlD the said partio. of tho fil'8t part, for th....ly.. and their heir.. legal represent&- tiYo. and a.aisn*, do ,h.rebl ooyenant with sail partie. of the .eoond part, their h.ir.. legal repr..entatiyo. aDd a..lgne; tbat tho7 are ibdofeaBibl,. 8ei.ed of laid land in f.. .~ple; t.a.UI.. :dft~ that t-7 hay. full power aDd lawful right to OOIlY~ th. 811.., in f.. 8illlpll. .. aforesaid; that it shall be lawtul for eaid parUes of the seoond part. their h.irs, l.gal. reprea8ntaUyeS and ...ip_, at all timee peaoeabl)' and quieti)' to Inter upon, hold, oooup)'. and enJo7 laid : land; \hat .aid land i. :tro. frea all enoumbrMloe.; that tho)' will lIake lUoh turtblr a..uranoes to porfeot th. fee .1aple ti Ue ,to 881d land aa aq roaaonabl7 b. requirol; and that tho7 do i h.reb)' tall1 warrant tho t1 tie to Baid laDd aDd wW dofeud the .... again.t thl lawful 01a1_ of all por8f.1l8 1Iho_oe~er. I' WIII.S WBIllBOI, the parUe. o~ tho first part baye hereunto aff1Zed their namn and 80alS on thl I~ eD4 )faaI' ftr.t &bon "Uh>>. Sign.d. 8.alel and d~iTOI'.1 In pllllenoe of: . J. B. Grl ffin B. A. IoUegard t. .. Ioblegard (seal ) ( S.al ) 1. A. ~b1.sard ! StAB 0' U8t VlBGIIU i OOUftY 0' QUS IS8: ) I. an offioer lal)' _tboriled to adIIlni8wr oaths aD4 tak. aoltnowlodpent., do Mreb7 oert1f7 that OD thi. 4q pouonal17 appeared beforo _ B. A. l:ob1egard anel I. .. I:oblogard. t<l ID8 weU knon u the penolll desol'! bed 111 and who e:xeouted the foregoing Deod, and. the7 ! aomowledged that th.)' 4utooll"d the aam. for tho purpMes therein .xpr....d. , ~:: ;;\~::~.:, L:t> ....~ :.ij.; ~ " ,:. ~ ; ,:>~: ;~ :~: .:~~: ~;,.j~' :',~ '~': ~ .... "f.:. ~ _".