HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0504 l D j 1 I 496. , State ot Illinois 001lllV of Stark I HERBBY OBRTIPY. Thd on thie c1q penonall)' IIppeared before me. all offloer 1IUl.)' author- I , 1..4 to adainister oath. and tate aomCMledgments. hater T. Jaoks;)n &D~ nnne R. JaokBon. i his wife, to me wall kno1fJl and kno1l'll to me to be the indi.,idu-.1.8 desoribed in and _0 .xeouted I I ] I th e for ego ing de e4, and' the)' aokn01i1e.saea. ta.tore I voluntarll)' tor the purpOS81 therein expre.sed. I I. AlID I ruaTBER OERTIfY. That the .aid Bl.,ene R. IDe that they exeouted the'same freely and .Jaokson knOlrn to me to be - the wite of the I i I I I I I i . I ! . . ". ; said Lester T. Jackson on a ..parate Nld pr ivate examination taken and made b)' and before me. separately and apart tr(1R her said husband. did aoknowledge that she made he1'se-lf a party i to said de.d for the purpose of renounoing, relinquishing and oonveying all her ri8Jlt. i. . I ti tle and interest. whether of dower, homestead or of separate pr.;)pert)' . statutory or \eqult&ble. in and to the lands desoribed therein. and tbat she executed the said deed freely; ! and voluntarUy &Dd Wi thout any oaapulsion. oonstraint, apprehension or tear of or from her i said husband. i I ! I i th18 29th de,y of Bovember A.. D~ 1921. ! I I i I MY COlWISSIOD KlPIRES JBBRUARY 4!H. 1922. WI'flfESS my hand end offio ial seal at Toulon, County ot starle. 4 E. i>i- I....' ...~ l NoTAl? 'I ...~ ~ rtJ'!..!:'~ } and state of Illinois, / ! Piled and reoorded this lOth day of Deoember. A. D. 1921.11ecorc1l1; i P. C. Eldred. Clerk: Ciroult Co~t. el'/ie4 I (CT. CT. SBAL) By: Ud .-/r/ at'-~'-' _/ B.C. I / I, I 1- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - I ; I I ! PRUDENTIAL LAlID COKPAlfY i I I .Tesde &. l'leming 1I0tary hbl1o. 0) - - - .,., - TO CHARLES W. RIUEHART '" Wl. WARRAun DEBD. This Indenture. }lade ,this 23rd da,y 0:1' November. A. D. 1921. E3i\1EBH Prwlent1al Land ! COIlpaD7 a oorporation existing under the 1a'.o of the atate of norlda. having i to prinoipal j \ plaoe of businees in the County of DOTal and .ita te of Florida party ot the first part. and I Charles W. Rinehart and Sarah A. Rinehart. his wife. of the City 0:1' CarthF.B$. ot the Countj of I . I i ! i I i I ~ I I l I , I I I i i t 1 f t , \.Tasper and State of JlI8,sourl. parties.of the seoond part. WITNESSETH. that the sald party lof th,e first part, tor and in oonsideration of the BUill of 'fen Dollars and exohange of proper- I ! t)'. to it '-n hand paid. 'the reoeipt whereof is hereby aaknowle4ged, has granted, bargained, 1801d. alienel. remised. releue', oonyeyed and oQ.nfill1ed. and b)' these presente doth grant, I i bargain, .ell. alien. remiee. ,release, convey and ooDtirll, U1J1D the said parties of the seoond ! I part and thei~ heirs Uld aS8ign8 forever. all that ontain 1*1'08.1 of land lying and being I ! in the CoW!V of St. Luoie and State of Plorida more par~ioularly de80rind as follCMS: I . I I th. South Xast Q1UU'ter of tM Borth West Quarter of the dou'h We8t Quarter (SEt of nt of Sw}) of S.otton Thirty (30) and the Borth West Quarter (1888 the 11l~-t ot Hi- of .nt) of Seotion !hlrt7-two (32) all in Township Thirty-tin (36) SOuth of Range rO%\7 (4$>) Xadt. 1'1 and ContalDing in all one huDlr.a. an4. sut)' (160) acres more or 1.S8 aooording to Gonrnment lsurvey thereof. SubJeot to all 88Dtral tax.s and d::ainaae uses_uts. I- 'fOGBfHIR with all the tenemen\s, beredit&M~nt. ~d appurtenanoes. with ever)' priTile~e. I , , I I ! i .1 righ~. $1\1.. inw...' - ..taw. . .....ion. ...ill4.. _ .......n' 'ho..to belonglDg .. in .::;.: .:~.~ '~:i-.;:...:. :.;::. '.:'F -