HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Information Sheet t K '� ST vi F Sectioit'C?{steep S1006 �iaaf Sj!steen} Abof System Wndkturer. i l p � Ucl� r notice of Acceptance Numbih Whim um a l�tind Press[ y If Apphcabte�Froin R�227 of i,61 ulationsk Zone r Zone 2e c e 2rr-.� iie 2r�sone 3e: .Zone 3r, ._ E. y ype UWe4menb R f Sb 42 � ( �sibftrc Fife.BaMer, Rid, atan f; Fas#aterTyre �Spaog- `' t3 , ° Ad1jd Tye: Cap st> li fta(H r Roof:+Cc�Y Type&Size Drip5 f Edge M r A , A r �.: . ec,on ►�(Geridt lInforin; io ester Permit No. Process No. Contractors"Na.itit 1 .< License R J1_ 6b Addres< ROOF CATEGORY GLOW Slope �-D Mechanically Fastened Tile D Mortar/ tresive'Set"Tiles; L7 Asphaltic>Shlnfes Metal Panel(Shingles CiWoad ShirilesJ5hakes ;.. C=-Prescriptive .:BUR;RAS ,156 ROOF R O TYPE Q-New ref E3,Repair Ct Maintenance Reroofing ®Recovering, ROOF SYSTEM INMRMATION,,, Lc Sloes f ArFfa.(SF Steep"Sloped Roof Area(SF}_- r,a ---=— Total(SF) Section&(Rpof Pian)- Sketch Roof, Plan; illustrate:ail levels and sections, roof strains, scuppers, overflow suppers and overflow drains. Iriclude di eos ons of sections and levels,clearly identify dirnsnslons-of elevated pressure zones and lacatian+af'parapets r