HomeMy WebLinkAboutHENDERSON.PDFAll APPi ICA4E RVF0 MUST BE COMPLETED FOR -APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED, Date: — 6V:i Permit Number: munommoNm Building Permit Application Planning and Dew -lopment services Orallding and Cade Regulat7on Division 2300 Virglnla Avenue, pore Ilene pC 9498,2 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial � Residential E!�M IT TYP ., Cd C ►�NANGE�O T Address. 10 Property Tax ID _ y.��.. „�. � � D00 Lot Site Pura Name: Block Na. Project Name: AQUIV . al work to be Performed ender this Permit— check all that apply7: Nie0iaanicai — Gas Tank Gas Piping ,"..,..shutters INindows/Doors ...,,. F'leci;rfc _,,,, Plumbing — Sprinklers , Generator Roof __ Pitch Tratai Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Fast a4 Construction, Utilities: -Sewer Seaver __ Septic Building Height: City: __a Zip Code: ..1AL6V*_V0L_ State: � �- Fax., Phone No ------------------ �'•iVfail. Fill in fare Ample 'title Holder on next page (If different fr^OM the Owner listed above) Name; JAM'�'S F. GF MSS W._m..._ �.. _..„,,, Comprany., GRIMES HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Address: 3054 N US HWY I City:FORT,P IERC State: iw� Zip Code. 34�0 � Fax. 77'2-461-8722 Phone Nm 772�61- 711 E-Mail, R0i3E Mir aAC �t�ACI,.CC1lIli State or County l.icensq.4426 If aaiva 0 cane r no l air amareo O R01106 Notice of mmnnc � bra( If ValUe of N'VAC is +7,500 OP MOM, sa RECORI)ED Notloo of C"R91daXAak9aYtaman't is raquired. .. _.___.- .................orww. ff.— YM Nf.AS g"Mourg NK W1 RY k0ml Ff OHM ray Uk . _-...-... •-••.—......... .n..r.. am�m.0 .a p.M.we .n.rerw+x ew" w>t.r,r nW/TH""MtieM"p RYIIMff I IIAr W�A�r'1 rnc�n�idaw.alArarr nl'ha drarftiriaa of thla M quatedperr"( l do I+�raby l will, all rp4a, parRirrnthe work In acarrrdanaa with the appr�ruad 01040, thO NOW0dil"S dam and . We CotintyAmendments, The following building parivit applications am exempt *am undamolng a full arancur renoy Wow: mom additions, accossarv, nrtrurtuma, awlmrnlnS poplar 't:arr000, W0110, duns, screen rooms and 8000soly u9m to arrratherr n Mr ldontial use T"'Cif' FOR ' P V TO YOUR PROP . A NO= UP COMA 0 PIC01MM AND N Ing JoeSn%l BZMRS =0.M0r EC' l YOU WMV TO OWAIIN MAXCWy MM40LY foamC rrtracr" `m l n# irx i wriaar "i""lf`E OF FLORIDA The fhkvntng Irr tru new., arknowleds� ra37p4 �hrN �„acf�ty +�„u�� 2Q Y am1;PparO+urr mwi rfsarra men Pamonally i(II01011 t " „„ OR I�ruduarad Idao�tli oven MNN uM MM idarrllPirra Pra9dar,�x�^� , r'«OMMISMon No, 0(3 R1l EWS j,FR0MT.ftvjNA*MRLiA1PI;eVIUH P M�rNNRur MW."n,x�N,M«N,_N„ �I.M...nrxrNM1mWN,,, iture Contract kkence No der STATE OF FWRIDA 'Pilo R911Irrairxu an wac a Arrowledgad before rrie thi$ +dad► afM �'� � hY L r`�, "ne of"Mon Making a ffid"t. .—NN• Parwrialiv ialo" N.,NN 1—SIR Produ Identification "i Pe 00dan lficai l ry No, MYOQMMIIIlQN N dd neview nr..-.nor.n�.nunl+i�.�M1r.r�M1qu..«rn.�w��.yw,inw+rwl+Mv.wi W.W xvrn,iWIrWMRMw.iWruwmiNrlNImMUMTMM"'rmur�smnPrwrWwn.MNNn.nMNM1YMNrnrIM�lWWreYyMlMnYrNnxM Wxns.'WrlrnrArM,.wl xxyAritlMMMM.xMw,.eNrwwwrw'n^r^rn.n VvnnNn rx.-..r...riwMN.NMw.u,nnwN.A�pMryM+M1MpllrMtlsNMrlWA14A1nIiMa1NMAIWN11w�.Xw�NrMMN.AMrMM�W NMM.rr{mirx '"'N'�".>'N`w+'+rN^"x'rnnw�wnmw*mNaN.wxrm"xwNM+wr+r.wmnwxm+u Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 5049 N HIGI-IWAYAIA 1104 Sec/Town/Range: 14/34S/40E Parcel ID: 1414-613-0049-000-1 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Penny Jean Henderson 5049 N Highway A I A Apt 1104 Hutchinson Island, FL 34949 Legal Description SEABREEZE AT ATLANTIC VIEW UNIT 1104 AND GARAGE 3-2 Current Values Just/Market Value: $349,200 Assessed Value: $319,410 Exemptions: $50,000 Taxable Value: $269.410 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special elassifications. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF 12 Use Type: 0400 Account #: 144572 Map ID: 14/14N Zoning: Total Areas Finished/Undcr Air (SF): 1,571 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 1,966 Land Size (acres): 0.02 Land Size (SF): 1,000 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I II III & IV Speed 140 160 160 Sources/links: All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. © Copyright 2022 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. AHRI Certified Reference Number: 20305600 n Building Code. Ali i➢fc&jJy,Ig)IStt§ t}6: Active ft Subod to any66r6ctions required by field inspect()rs that may Old AHRi Reference Number : bo neca&wy in der to conN ly with all applicable ccrdos. Product . Water -to -Air and Brine -to -Air Model Number : WSVCC036 -2 Brand Name . HYDROTECH Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSIiAHRIIASHRAEIISO 13256-1 Water -source heat pumps —Testing and rating for performance --- Part 1: Water -to -air and Brine -to -Fair heat pumps and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, Independent, third party testing: Full Load Part Load1 Part Load2 Part Load3 Air Flow Rate - Cooling: 970 Air Flow Rate - Heating: WLHP (Water -Loop Heat Pumps) Cooling Capacity (Btuh) 33800133800 Codling EER Rating (Btuhlwatt) 13.00/13,00 Cooling Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) 9.10 Heating Capacity (Btull) 40500/40500 Heating Cep (watt/watt) 4,30/4.30 Heating Fluid Flaw Rate (gpm) 9.10 GWHP (Ground Wator-boat Pumps) Cooling Capacity (13tuh) 37200/37200 Cooling EER Rating (Btuh/Watt) 18.00118.00 Cooling Fluid Flow Rafe (gpm) 9.10 Healing Capacity (Btuh) 34000/34000 Heating COP.(watVvvatt) 3.60/3,60 Healing Fluld Flow Rate (gpm) 9110 Indoor Blower Motor Fan Type : PSC Sold In? : USA, Canada Whero rating shows valuelvalue, the first value is at minimum voltage, tho second value is at 230Y for a dual volt system. t"Aeliva" Model Status are those that on AHRI Cart€!(calfon Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for safe; OR new models that are being marketad but are not yet boing produced,"Producllorn Stopped" Modal status are those that an AHRI Cortiflaatlon Program Participant Is no longer producing BUT Is still sell(nq or of€aring for sale, jR_at n' s the are accom a lad b WAS i dicale l f volunta re-r te. Thkrijew ub €shed rali is shownsbown along wf) l Iho r us l.o WASn DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the produot(s) listed on this Coriffleate and makes no roprosentatlons, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responslbihty for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI exprossly d1sidalms all llabldty for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized oitoratlOn of data listed on this Cerilflcate, Certified ratings ore vaild only for models and confIguratlons ilsied In the directory at %vww.ahrldirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Cortificate shall only be used far individual, personal and confidential reference purposos, Thu contents of this Corllflcata may not, In whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered Into a computer databasa; or otherwise utilized, In any form or Meitner or by any means, except for the user's Indlvldua1. personal and confidential reference, MR -CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFnIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate Can be verified at www,ahridiroctery.org, click on "Verify Cortlficato' linft and enter the AHRI Cortlfted Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, we li,ikr life lletter'" which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right.--- ©2WItAir-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute ''CERTIFICATE NO.: 1.1271880187754556E