HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CIL'-n-K OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT-.TIUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4116674 OR' )K 3793 PAGE 565, Recorded.(i 10/2015 at 02:13 ) 491BP7 .eQrE!' THE UNDERSIGNED hereby awes notlae that Improvement will be made to certaln real property, and In - Commencement 1. DescrWan of property: 2. General desaiptlon of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND/OR ALL IMPROVEMENTS 3. Owner information or Lessee Information If the Lessee contracted for the improvements: 0701 Oc an Dr. , 511, ns n B ch FL 34957 KoncW erestlnprc Fee 5imp e me and add s f fee simple tthe old (d t er above). 4. ame and add ): dt9M Con ru tion, I c. 701 3 Ca avalh S ., Port Saint Luci3 on bar. 72) —8947 6. Surety Information (if applicable, a copy of the payment bond is attached): a Name & Address: b. Phone Number. m Amount of Bond: S. Lender (name and address): Seacoast Natlonal Bank 50 Kindred Street', Suite 201, Stuart, FL 34994 ATfN: Construction Loan Admintstration Manager a Phone Number. (800)706-9991 Nd Mt$ o1m116 pd: IRS 14:36 CC OR BOOK 3793 PAGE- 966 M"Gp2 4 . 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7, Florida Statutes: EL Name and address: b. Phone numbers of 8. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates Seacoast National Bank, 60 16ndred Street, Sulte 201, Stuart FL, 34994 to recelve a copy of the Uenors Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1) (b), Florida Statutes. N bar. 706-999 9. Ira No of om t (th expi d of b b th tromp on ns ction and ntl a con r, b t will be one year from a ate n nl a ent date is s ): W NI G TO OWNER: A PA ENTS MAD BY E NE2 E EXPIRA ON F THE NO CE OF COMMENCEM E CONSID IMPR PE UNDER C 713. P I, ON 71 , FL RID STA D R ULT IN YOUR PAYING E FOR IMPR VEM OU D POSTE N THE J SITE B ORE TH IRST SPECTION. F YOU i D TO OBT N RECORDING•YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. 530-EhOdy M01twes' I lade L-pew . t�� .. — knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner or Lessee, or Owners or Lessee% Authorized Oftioe0irectodPartner/Manager. (SEAL.) ONARY 'PUfUr&- NOTARYKCOUNTY MPAYLAND W" Mmmm'Wwsit note N of nrement ctS D 0 ORS p IIII614:3e .3 -moo/S OR BOOK, 3793 PAGE --167 Exhibit A - Legal Description Loan # 669176 Properly Tax ID: 4511-311-0036-000/7 Property Address: 10751 S Ocean Dr, B7 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Lot B-7, enture Harbor, as more tie des ad as: Towns p 37 nth, ge l E t nce No 89 egri 174.41 feet o a point o th er . e of the 100 oot West on the centerline of the ri of --way, 2,921 3 f t; i Nord 87 egrees 33'17" West, 3.1 feeh thence So th 9 d 02'43' E t, 20 feet thence So 8 degrees feet; ea outh 00 d 09' 7" 5713 W 42.00 f t th Nog d' 387.00 t t the l 53t SO. " feet; South 89 ees 53'44 t,112 eet; then nth 00 said land lying sltaate in St Loci unty, Florida. Parcel Identification Number: 4511-311-0036.009/7 rat S w Corn of on,12, 57113"33AO lug a So th e o sat Section 12, - thence o 23 ees 49'31" 10-29" est, 2 .01 feet; thence 33.40 feet; th nce nth 00 degrees outh 89 d 5 57" West, 84.04 ence North 4 deg 16'24" East, rees 05'S " West, 59.96 t; thence 730 fee _ nnina. OR BOOR 3793 PAGF,--7168 i Seacoast Natlon"ink, NMLS# SUMS. Grace L Monforte, NMLS# 68892E