HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0550 _ - r-.""":'"-'-T~.-'''''__~~.~..1i_...............~~~_~~' 542 . ......, ~. bargain", Boll, ~ie:a'd. re.i.eA. ~.lea.ed, ooUYeled IIld ooDtirme~ unto the laid pe~t1 ot the .eoond puo' u4 hla heir. ad a..ipas tore'.,.~ all \he ~l8ht, U Ue _d inter..t ot the Bald 'rei R. fllel', non oompos _nUo, 1n MIl to the tollowillg d.aol'lbed land a1tuate, Il1ng and beiD<< in the Oounv ot St. Luoi'- amd State ot ,loridal Lots 2,3, and " of Blook B md Lot. e,8and " ot Blook . of ".'.Riohard.' and J&IIle. J.n4re..' raeu'b41Ti.ioD of Lots 3.",6 ..d 6, Bast of the P.B.O.Rall.., of 1'1'lel" a 8Ubdl1'1- aloll of Lot ". Seat ion 10, !on8blp 315, South llange 40 Bal', bel.ng ADdre..' IDd ~10hal'dl' addi tiOIl to 'ort Pieroe aooording to plat reoorded 1n Plat Book 1 at Jl8ge 191, st. Lucie I 1 I I I I I i I I ! I I I I I Plorlda in suob oaaes made end provided. I i , Oounv Reoorda. TO HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD, the aame wi th the appurtenamea, unto the aald party of the seo- ; oDd }la1't, hia heirs and assigna to their own pl'bpe~'Q8e, benefit and behoof foreve~. ADd the Baid rarty of the tlrBt part herebl oonnaota to end wlth the said parv ot the seoond part, his heir8 aDd a88igna that in all things in md about Baid sale and this oonvelanoe he has oontormed to the orders of the Court and the Statutes of the state of IB I11'HESS i'IHER&OP the said partl of the firet part haa herel1nto set hiB hand and seal the dIq and Jear first above written. Witnessea: r. M. Tyler (Seal) T. )I. So1li1'.. Guardian of the estate of 'red R. Tyler, non oompos mentis. J. E. .ln4re.. .,~~ i STATE 01 PLORID~, I I i , i J I ~ COUBfi 01 ST. LUCIE. Before me. an offioerduly authorized to administer oaths and teke acknowledgments, pruQnally oame F. ~. Tyler,. to lie well kno\'i1l and known to me to be the person desori bed in I and 1lho exeouted the toregoing need of Conveye.noe, 8lld he aokno'dedgeJ. before me that he + I i I ! j ! ! j j i I I j 1 'zeouted 'the foregolng Dee4 as guardian aforesaid for the pur }:oOses therein ezpress8d. WITlm3S my hand an". offioial seal at 70rt Pieroe, Florida, this 19 dq of April, A.D. 1920. T. Y. Sullivan C Seal ) Botar,v Publio, State of Plorida at large. ~ oommission ezpires '11e4 aud duly recorded this 13th lq of January, A.D., 1922. P. C. BLDRXD, Olerk Oirou1 t Oourt, By ~ df ~ D. O. 00 'IE-RiflEO Re.COn i (Ct.Ct.Suu) i i I ! ! i ! I I I j i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.l3T VIIW COlLPAiIY ro MlRY W. SMITH WARIUl1'Y D~A' ~ TRIS IlfDXBfUBB, _de this 17th 4q ot ~A.D. 1921, by the lWIT VIEW OOllPJ.NY, a oorporat1o~ org8Dhed aud ex1sting 1UIIIt.r the lan of 1ibe State o~ 1l0rlda, party of the first part, to JURY \7. SHIm, at OltTeland. OU7ahO~~O, paz:1i7 ot the seoond part, WI!lIB33ITH, fhat the Did ~rty. of the first ~rt, tor and iD oonsideratlon at the 8UID : ot "en Dollan (tJ,.O.OO), lawtal a0!187 .. the Unite4 Stat.., _d other ,v,aluableoOD8id.1'at1o~ '", to it in hand paid bl the 8aid ~r,t1 of the .eooM part at or betore tbt enaealing and d.- i li'Yer7 of th..e pres8DtIt, 1ihe r.oelpt whereot 18 hereb7 aokDowledged, has granted, bargained,. , 801d. r.le~ed, coDYeyed aqd oontirmed, _d b1 thes. presents doea grant, bargain, 8$11, re- I I I leue, OODYel aDd oODt1ra, unto the 8&14 part1 of the seoond Jl&rt, · her heir. and a88igns, al~ ! .- I] !] .. 1 . " ' ',:. :,: )':~~'~ ;,~:,'~./~~:: -.'>~~~'. :f .-;::<3:::" :~:}t?,:,', :~~:;::