HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0555 l .e~ 547 STATK OJ' VIRGIlIA. County ot '!'a.ewell, to-wit: n I, B. M. Bewman, a Justioe of the Peace of the Oounty aforee~14, in the State of I VirglD1a, do oerUf;r that c. S. Pippin and lIattie II. Pippin hie Wife, whoso names are i , signed to the fongoing writing, bluing date on the 10 d..., ot Januar7, 1922, have aoknowl": edged the same before me in ., County aforesaid. Gi'Ytm undu fI7 hand, this 10th d..., of Januar" 1922. B.II.lewman"J.P. .; PIled and dul7 reoorded thi8 16th d~" of January, A. D.. 1922. P. C. KLDRBD, Olerk,~ou1t c;urt, lOt. Ot. 9003.) 117_ {~~t; ~D. O. "Q 4~ ~ ~<<; ("I O~ rv(J ~ ! : - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ELrlll THOIlAS, SPECIAL lUSTER TO HARRY B. 'N&A. VKR ~""'. ~' ~, SPECIAL KASTKR'S DBID THIS IDBlITUBE, )lade the 2'th d..., ot D80em~r, 1921, betw'en nwyn Thomae, SPECIAL )lASTER IB CHAHC&RY, of the first }ert, and Har~ B. WeE-.. u, of Davenport, Iowa, }8rty of the seo- ond part: WBER&A8~ the Clrouit,Court ot the 16th Judioial Clrouit of the 3tat~ of Florida, in and for the County of St, Luoie, in Chsncer7, on the Kle.enth dOl of October, 1921, among other things 'order..,d. ad judged ud deoreed, in a oertain o&uee therein ~Dling in the said Court,' ' between Oharie a G. Ltm4strOIl and Sarah G. Lunds~., his wite. oomplainants, and Indian River 'arms Oompall7, a Corporation, defendanta that the mortgaged preise. mentioned in aaid deoree, and hereinafter partloular17 desoribed, be sold by said Kaster, at pUblio auo- tion, the said Kaster first giving four weeks notioe of the time ani plaoe of saJ.e. in a newspaper published at lort Pieroe in the aaid State, to-wit: the Fort Pieroe lIews-Tribune .llID WH8RIU.5, the said Speoial lIaster, El~n Thomas and party of the first part to these presents, in pursuanoe ot said order and deoree of the said Oourt in Chanoery. did, on the fifth dOl ot Deoember 1921, sell at publio auotion the said mortgaged premises, hereinafter partioularly desori bed, having fi rat given previous not ioe of the time and place of sale, with' a desoription of the said premises, agreeable to the order aforesaid; at whioh s&le the said lIortgaged prflll1sea, hereinafter particularly desor1 bed, were 1I)1d to the sa14 part1 at the seooM part tor the Bum of lOUR THCU3ABD T'RO HUIIDRKD AlID FIFTaN and 12/100 ("216.12) dollars, that being tho highest sum bidden for the S8llW. lOW, 'l'HBR&J'ORB, THIS INDBlfTURE WITllES3BTH; That the said S~oi a1. Kaster, in order to oarry into e:tttot the 8aU _Ie 110 _de all aforesaid, in pursuanoe of the sa14 deor.e oi ,() tU the said Court of OhanoGI'7, in oonsideration of the pramises, and ot the said sum of lOUR TBOU3.u:D !M) BUlIDRBD 'UDEll AJI]) 12/100 (ti2l6.12)-dollarll, paid at the tima ot the exeoution hereot, by the Baid parties ot the ..ooDd }art to the said Spooial llaater, the reoeipt wher~- of he does hereb1 aokllowledge, has granted, bargained and sold, aliened, released, oonnye4. : and oOnfirmed, and by the.e presents doe. grant, bargain and sell, aU.-, relea.e, oonvey and oonti1'll untO'the aaU partie. of the seoond J8rt, and their heirs aDd assigns forever, the oertainparoel of land in the ooum1 of st. Luoie, state of nor ida, desort bed as tol- lon : !he We.t 'en (10) sares at fraot Sixteen (16), Section Bigh teen (18), Township Thlrt)'- I I \ " ,-;:g.;::'(c/~.~;:~~ ; . .<~:< , . I.. ,'. ~ .:, ~.' . . . :.- ::~>~'Y;'~'-.~-'::":;><}~