HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0560 552 a1aple; ~hat the1 have tall pGWeI' and lawtal daht to oOllTe7 the aald lanel In :fee ample, ae aforesaiell ~ha' it ehall be lawtul tor 8aid parties o:f ~he seo_d part, thelr heira legal: -',--"-, I I I I I tee I ! . ADd 'he satd parties ot ~he t1rs~ part,' tor tumBel"'s, an4 their heuI, lepl I'.pre.. eentaUyes aDd assigns, do hel'eb, oOYe..ll' with the said par'i.e of' ~ aeoom part, thelr heire, legal l'epre..n~atiYes and aseigne; t!la, th&1 au iDdeteaa1b11 sehed o:f sald land in (J . repl'e.entatl"'s and 8881811e at all t1Ma peaoeab17 and qu1eUy to .ntel' upon, hol1, oooup7, and en307 laid lam; that ea1d lam 1a free ~om all enoWlbrllDoel; e:r:oep' a oertain IlOI'~ga88. lien eyidenoed b7 IDdentue ot Mortgage bearlDgiate ot AUIlllt 26th, 191., tor the ooneider- a'loll therein mentioned and to ..oure tbl pqment. of the mone7 therein epeo1tlel, whloh latd aortgaae W"II reoorded In .e ottioeo:f the Olerk ot .. OUoult Oou' :for the Count1 of , , St. Lucie and State ot I'lol'ida ill Book 10 , ot Mortgages, p.e ~8; that ~h'7 w111 make BUOb. a.auranoes '0 perfeot tho tee 811lple title: to said land as ...y reasonul, be nquirel; and that th'7 do hereb1 :ful17 warrant the t1~le to Baid land and 111.11 defeld ~he same against the la.tIll olaimll ot 811 penons wholllloner. I. WITIIKSS WHKRIOF, the parties of the fll'st part have hereunto affixed their names I, and .e~8 on the d&)' and )'ear fu st ab01'e wrl Uen. Ourle s H. Wine (Seal ) ( S881 ) Signed, Deeled and eleliy.red ill the presenoe of: Georgie H. .ine Llnda 1:. .ine Luoile T. Rue (p.oo I. R. st_ps, ,08DOelled) S2ATB 0' ... VIRGIBU Ooun't7 of Culpeper U IT FRlllUIllKlHCD. that 011 this 9t.'I 4a.J of >>eoember. in the 78&1' of our Lord, One ThoU8&ad SS. ] Jline H1lDIred and Twenty OIM, before 11I8 Oale.te Will iam.9, a lot8l'7 Publio peraonall, appeared , ... . ,~~ CIlARLKS H. WID and LIIDl K: WIllE, hiD wl:fe, who. I .. aaUllfied are ~ grantors mentioned in the within Indenture. and to who. I first made kno_ the oontentB hereof, and thereupon the7 aoknowledged t~t the)' signed, Bu1eel and de11nred the S8ll8 a8 their ~ee ell. voluntary aot aDd .e'd. for ,thl ue. and purpo... therein exp~esse4; and the said LINDA i WID being by .. pri'Yate11 examinerd. Beparaw and apart fro. her husband aokn01l1.edged that she elgnecS.,. ./ - . sealed ~ deli'Yered the IIBlle as her 'Yoluntar7 aot and deed, trae11, without IDY fear, threate or o~pulBion o:f said husband. i ! OOlDlomreal th of Ylrgi~a, I Coun\'r at Culpeper. 1 I. C. !. Quinn, Olerk at the Cirouit Court of th. Oount7 atoresaiel in the 3tat.e o:f Vir- . ! ! SiDia, cto !l..-,* CJert1f)r that Celeste W1111818, mose pnu1ue signature 1. attached to the i , ! toregoing oertitloate i., and w.. at the UII8 at eignins the a.e, a lotar, Publio in and for , - , , j the said Count1. duly appointed and qualified, rea14inl In said Co un", anel dul1 authorhe4, j , I b7 'Ylrtue ot her ottioe, to take aomowleq.en't8 to deede ani othe:t wrlUI18., and tOJadlD1nle~, I ~'J' oath. UDd81' the law. o:f ~hia 8'ate.' 1 :further oerti:f7 tha' the ot:fiOial- ao\8 o:f the aai~ I O'llat. W1111.. are eDtltled to full: td. th and 01'e41t; that I .. w.ll aoq.uintad tith'the han4wriUna ot the .aiel Celeste W11U... ani ver1l1 belleyo her signature to the foreaoil18 , Foo:f or 8Dknowledpent to be IlIlune; and that her attestation t. in due fO:rlll of . law. ) ) h-wit: } ~~1'"1<:. ~ f.t" ~.\ N \",\ . C'T"'flly"\ ~ be 1i ',<, rL- LIe. 'Sj' \~ .L '-0 ....v .~ .J." '.._ ,,,"'l" '-lgJl~ Oelesta W1111.s 1fOTARY PUBLIC. ! Jq oODlDission expirell , lOT. 27, 1923. C.rtl:fioate o:f Offioial Oharaoter. . . 1.,] ~ t :./::~. :). '~'" ><~3 :~.~; . . '. ..' :..; '.'~::,;;..c:r. t..: