HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice To Proceed'FLORNA
Permiffee Name:
Buee6u of Beaches and Cbastal SysItAERPV E D
3900 Comnionwealth.Blvd-, Wil'Stfition 300
Talla.l.iagsee,;.Y..j.'Otid4-32399�300 . 0 MAR 21 2014
Telephone (850) 4.887708
PokinitNumbbi: SL-283,
Idlewil4hutchinson Island, LLQ
FIL PeinjittkPi resiJune l,N15
c/o TThomas-k. Benedict, President Bum �
The Benedict Group Nam
1525 NW 3rd Street, Suite .1 LU Copy
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442
You are hereby.graAted final authorization to pr6ceed. With'the c�Oiigtluttion-oractivities 'authorized by this
notice.. Authorized work.must-Onform. with the prqjdqt.dw -I I'apte
cription, approved plads, al-10i ditioii§,of C
628-33, Florida AdministrativeUbde any:precons tr act.ionyequi
requirements, and
i "
its, All permit conditions.
Proi-tef.-Descrip-ti6ii:,-Construction of.a:Single-faniilydwL611ing,-s m 'ing pool, otherstructures/activities,
excavation and placement of 'fill.
:Project Location:: Between approximately 4.'07 feet and'544 feet north- ofthe Department of Environmental
Prbtcdtfon!s reference monument in , R-16-1 8
! . St. Ludie County.
-SpOhifiInstructions; Aprocohstwction conforendo is re quired. Theyermittee shall.coinplywith all permit
Questions regg ding this notice shouldbe -directed to the under -
iigned. at the above address.
-Molly lEd8bli_-PtqAt Manager 'Date..
KE ' Isc
co.� PermitFile
Permit Information Center
Mark Tayhtoh,'Fieldlispectok
Idlewildllutc hh'ison Island, t-LQ'Prqpervy Owner.
St. tucle Building. -0fil' dal
Post Conspicuously- on the Site
DEP F-drin 7.3-13-1 (Updated 216).
Florida DepartmeAt of
Divironmental - Protection
Marjory $td In' Mi-an Dougla's �Bpilding
3900:C0iMA6nN,Vealth BoWeVi(rd
Ullphask.e. Flo-rida 32399-3000
June 4, 201.2
Idlewild Hutch ' inson Island, LLC
c/o Thomas K. Benedict, President
The Benedict. Group
. 1525 NW'5rd Street, Suite I
Deerfield Beach'I'lorida 33442
Dear Mr, Benedict:
Notice to W.Ocoed Issued
Permit Number: K-293
Perm ttee Now ldl&WildHutchinson lgaiid,.*4-!C
Rick Scott
Jqiuiifdr Carroll
.Lt. Governor
Herschel T.'Vinysrd, Jr.
Your -,request for a per-ml ' vpursuajit:to;'Seetioft 1-61.053,a.YlorldStatutes, f6r,construction-or other activities
seaward'of the coastal cohstruddoft conkol] 16ne, lytis . beefi.�qprdved by the Depqfthietit.of E ilvironmehtal
Protedtilon, the permit is: enclosed. However construction may not. commence until afte
r the perm
complies with, any preconstruction reqaifeinents d6scribe-dItiSpecial Permit-Condition.1, 2.and 3.
Pleas , e'read. the petillit. and,perinit conditions including. boffiflie!General. Pernik Conditions -and any. Special
Permit Conditionsclosely before starting construction:. Oc4qkal Permit Conditions l(q), I(f), and.. -t s)
per.taihi to written reports whidli mustbo submitted to the Deoartmont. of'Eilvironniontal. Pioteotion. -at
specified times.. Forms for; use.m preparAtioh of these reports are enclosed.. Make ;siufrtcieftf copies. of the
periOdir, repott. form to provide iepotis.. Tji.e periodic reports are dije, in tile.- office of the Bureau
of Boaches,and Coastal Systems -oil -a monthly basis o,;.i the last working day. of each mouth. No. progress -
.reports are reqp . ired-until. such time as,conArticti6ji act-Witios"hay.0 staffed..
The.permit wall -expire. Juine 1,, 2015., 'U e timelybythopekmittedot
Poll receipt. of a'flnl6ly
authorized agent, tl e Departmentw. ill consider extendintlie..'p*dtoti.tfor.-,qptQ-bUttio.�ft Ahan.throeypars;.
q. Qtc
You must apply ,for a new permit.f6r completionof any work, not aocoiiiplislied.ainder the original permit.
I _ f lTOL .. t there As 6 "it the same.
Uoug yoqmay.1ppy for .a. w--perwj,, no assurance that siidjl new permit for
construction or-ae.flvitiesmoidd be -Approved
This— action is, -final aiid'effeefive ox.ithe .date filed with .the clerk of 7the'-Deaftilie ntunless a'Oetifloft-for an
. . .. I _
administrative hearing is timely filed under section& 120,569 and 12057, Florida Statutes, before the -
deadline f . offiling,dpot7hion. On 1 the fling.- Ofa 1011 6Ay 00d.,Miffie petition, .t I his,action - . ., Will not be. final,
and effective until further order: of file De6attajqpt, Nq4pse Ifle:-
Oomnis.tfati ring process is. ed
to formulate final agency action, the hearing process. may,result in a modification. -of . flip agency action or
even denial of the application.
Thomas K. Benedict, FTOsident
June 4, 2012
Page 2.
Petitionfor Administraiive.1--learin
A person whose: substantial interests are affected by the Department's -action may petition for all,
administrative. . proceeding (ficaiing) undermsedtions 1201509 and 12-IM7, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to *rule
'2&-10.6.201,. Florida Administrative Code,. a -petition f6r an- adminisArativc. hearingmust contain the
following infbYrnation-.-
The name and add . res§ of each
h agency affected and each agency's file or identirpeation,
.number, if known;
. P1_ - and
(b) The name,. address, and telephone mUnbor of the pe'titiOner, the name address,. an
telephone number of the petitionef'i represent five,, if any, which shall be the. address for sefOct ' tooises
a pu— . .
during the. -course of the proceeding;. and an. explanation of how the petition'ei'Ob9tantiAlinteresig are or
will be affected by .e t agency determination;
A statement ofwliep and llow the pdtitidhetreceived notice, of the agency decision,-
(d) A'stat6ment. of all -disputed isstie's of material fact. If there are none, the -petition -must so
A concise statement of the ultimatef4cts alleged,. including the specific- facts that the
petitioner contends warrant reversal or naod . ifidationof the ageno.yls.pi-op.bse�.d.,ioti.,bii)
(f) A statement of 'the specific rules or statutes fliattlie petitioner -contends requ ire rev I ers I al or
modification of the agency's proposed.-, . action, hicluding an explanation df..ho*. the--alleged.facts relate to the
.specific roles or statutes; and
(g). A. statement of the relief sought. by, the petitioner, stating. precisely theActioi.i tivat the
petitioner w. isheg, the agency to,1*6 With respect to the agency'spropos d action..
The, petition must. be'fi - led (received by the Cle-ek) In the Office of General Coiansel. of .the Department at
99 0 -
3.9-0.0:Conimonweafth Boulevard'. Mail StationTallahassee, Florida,323. -.�.30. 0. Also a -copyof the
ppilfjp1i shall be ma'fle&to the .,appjile-ant at the address-, ind6tO above A the time. of filing.
Time Period forFilinga Petitib
fi,... _mn s r _ v.q hearing
In accordabd6 with:rule624;, Florida AdmjOistraoyo Code, petitions for ax1i "WHA, h I
f-rec-ei tof this 0 6persons.
by ;.-tho , applicant 'g.itttghopope�..P.
_,p13cvtntqnu.st*be-- filed with.i.g. d, q s.,0. _P I . ". .
an. other than those. ftfed v wri .60(�.other than the applicant, and notice under, :section 410, ),.,,F Florida
Statutes, must be filed -within 21 days of puU.fi.pation of"the notice or Within .11 44ys.%qf receipt of the written
.notice, whichever occurs first: 't
tatotesi; howevek,-My &sofi. wbo'-h, 8
of iay file a petition: withiti.2 liddyso I 'h-- notice,
asked the Dqphitinent for notice agency _�'Yecpipi
n _00 Ir
regardless of Oic.- date - of publication. The: failure 10�fllb a Pdf1d0n:wi Oin the.appropriate: fimeperiod ,shall
p l
constitute te -A w.A . jvtk'.,of that.person!s right toraqupstfift administrative determination (heating) under sections
party 1203.'09 and. 120.57, Florida Stdtqt6s� or to intervene in this pr6c c ipqte as a pat'6 . t is -Any
subsequent iriterVentibil(in a proceeding. initiated by atiothei. party.) Will be only at the discretion of the,
ihg OMOO . upon the filing of a motion . -ill compliancewithruid'29-46,20.5., Florida Administrative
Thomas K.Benedict, President
June 4,
Page. 3
Extension of Time
Under rule 62-110.-106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person. -whose. substantial inteiests'are affected by
the. Department's action. may also request an .extension of time. to. file a petition for an e administrative
hearing. The Department mayjor.good, :cause shown, grant the re quest for �qnextn9ioh of ti . ine. Reqticsts
e. filed for extension of time must be with the Office. of General `Counsel of the Department.. at 390 . 6
Commonwealth. Boulevard, Mail Station :353 TdIlabassee, Florida 32399-300.01 bef6re the -applicable
ddadtinb; fbr fil ih& a petition for.an administrative hearing.. Atiniely mquest.fdr.;extensibil of time shall toll
the. tuniling of the tinie period.fop -filing a -petition until the r 6qUostlis acted upon.
Mediation is not available: -in. ihis -proceeding.
Once"this.decision becomes final, any -party to this action has .the,,-.-r-igbt,*to seek. Judicial review pursuant to
section 120.6.8, Florida Statutes, by -h Ming
g a Notice of. Appeal pursuant to rules- 9: .110 and, 9.190, Florida
Rules of Appellate Procedure, witli the Cle&of the Department4n. the -Office Of Oeneral.,Counsel, 300 , 0
Commonwealth Boulevard, M.S. 35, Tallah9ss6c,,Fl6rIda 32599-3000.- :and by filing -a .copy ofthe Notice,of
Appeal accompooie.d.by the appiiqabjeBill'n' fees with the, app
ropriate tCoqrt`6fAppqal.
9 - . _ . .. Q. �
of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from this aci'ion',Ilsfiled with -Elie Clerk.of the Department.
The authorized work.;is strictlylimited b?. that.Jescribed on the enclosed permit If,
you have any questions
pertaining to this permit please contact me by mail at. the lett6rhOad address -(ad&MAH Station AO), or by
fieloplione:at 850/488-7708, or by e-ftifii 1. at molly.ed I. gon@d'epi,8tat&Aqs.
.MollyEdson,, Trmi.'Manager
'8utdAtilo0e, c es 44d Coastal ;Rystems
Pdrailt Information Ceiftr
Mark ToyntQ1. Field Inspector.
St.,:LucIc_,BUilding Offlc*ihl
Idlewild. Hutchinson.
island, LLQProperty Owner
PERMITTEM Idlewild HutchinsonIsland, LLC
Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by Ili -is permit., a preconstruction
conference shall be hold at the site among the contractor, 'the owner. or authorized agent, and, a staff
representative of the Bq.rdau of'Beaches and Coastal Systems :to:. establish all understatyding among
the parties as to the items specified in the special and general conditions of the permit. The proposed
loquii6iis of the structures,slia.11 be staked out for the conference, Contact Mark. Taynton at
488-7708 to scliedifle, a conference.
2. Prior. t cement of construction activity authoiized by this permit, a temporary con tt cti
jor.0 commencement
0 ' mmell S T Ion
fence `shall. be erected. along the pdrinieter of tile. per itted activity. This .fence: shall remain In place
until. the constntctionauthorized by�fb - ispqrmitis'coji)plete..TlieternporarY construction fence slia]]
be subject to qpprovalftonwa staffi-epk6sentative Of tho-Bureau of Beachesand'Coastal Systems soas
to provide nlaxiinuni protection to the existing vegetation, located -on ;the site,
3. All. imported ,fill . material shal - I be obtained from .a source landward of the control 'line and. shall
consist of sand Which is similar to that already on the site in both grain size and -coloration.. All fill
.materia -shatl be free of construction debris, rocks, orotlier foe gn matter. A sampl . � I... . . � . .. rei , e of the sand shall
be, providedlothe staff representative during the preconstruction-conference.
4. All material to be excavated seaward .of the coastal construction control line as. -part of construction
Authorized findot this permit sliall in it and be placed inseawardI
, Afbas of the coastal -
aot.istru0tiollf.control. line'uhless.,otherwisa aifthorized*. . bythe, Department.
All vegetation shall as:depicted in ilia approved lairdscape plan.
-Prior to completion of construction activities authorized by this permit;_ the pernlittee shall conduet
the-foll-6.Niving dune fest&ation and..''m''a.tiagem*e,*nt.'aativitie,*siI
6.1. - Any eXistrng invasive nuisance species fl8ted'hil he-Fl Qrida Exotic- Pest Plant Counoil's List
of Category I and I! lrkyoiye Spooies, jMWitig but. not:'I.i-tni.ted:toi...Atistr6ii.aii Pine (Casuarina
spp.), Brazilian Pepper,(S.c.lihius terebirithif6flus)i and ."Beac.h.Nalipaka (qdaewola soylced),
shall be iremoved from and disposed of landw
ard control line.
&.2. All dune areas- disturbed by exotic plant:removal -or barren due to foot traffi' . or other . W . . . . , , ... . C . J
activities shall be. id,rvb *44 hatiVe ddiVON090t9tiOn i4digono'lis.fto flie'. b6ach.:dune plant
communities in the area..A.mix of . -a -minimum of Ifireemative s 46 species, saltl6rgrit ciies, including
coastal sl!rubs1s4dh*4.t saw palmetto, Ser 01 C 16.ba z4'01ferd Khd .soil 1.
Moo !epeiq, -or sea grape, - Wo.
stabilizinggrows- such as sea oats; Upan q1(lata, orbi er p A*
cum, Patfictinvama.e.an.t
shall 'bo-planted withih any disturbed. dune areas;
63. Irrigation shall be.enteenche...d I to 3. inches below:grade 0 as notto pose barder Wsea turtle
hatolilings and to -allow for -easy removal. The Irrigation system MIA 'b de :Ali
�y 0 . sign
maintained so that vYatetrng:af the utiplanted sandy beach S. the .event a -sea
totflo, nest � IS :deposited ' -within i -0, nqwly-esta -plgnting a 11%6.p i de
h. . od'dinlo . ... _. rooj 1 oritiM Bolder,
shall -modify the dirig6tion,,systeirr. solhat, watering -within I0 feet dfthe nest.d' oes, not occur;
PERM , ITTEE: Idlewild Hutchinson Island, LLC
Daily inspection of the irrigation system shall be. conducted. by the permit holder to ensure
compliance With.this condition..
6.4. Within 190 days of installation, a minimum 90 percent overall survival rate of the dune
enhancement plants will be established and 80 percent, of the planted area covered with the
selected -species. The perinittee'shall. f0plaot all dbficient areas and- maintain the plantings
until the above success criterion are met.
6.5. Prior to submitting tlip.rinal ceftification 'redtu ed. by :General Permit Condition I(s), the
permitteo shall stibmitio the"Deparihi-ent a stamped :as -built Tro,hi -a licensed' Imid9cape
.architect, registered in, the:: State of Florida or other licensed professional of comparable
qiiAlificaions, that dune enhancei-agnt has been completed in fulLadcb.fda.nce with the -special
permit conditions :an' dthe approved ,pj4nd n1g, plan.
7. No construction, operation, Transp.OAatiop or storage of equipment 0r e and noternporary
. materials,
lighting of the cqinstructioij.aiea is: authorized insea ,turtle nesting liabitat, i8e.avvird of the -frontal dune
,crest or rigid coastalprotection strudtiiip� in marbie turtle nesting habitat at any time during the -sea
turtle nesempeason (March I . through October 3 1);
Al . I lighting shall be 'installed and :maintained •as depicted in the approved lighting schematic. No
an zr�Wte amber oa
red LED.
,fdditionalperm permanent exterior All bulbs
Due to potential adverse: impacts to 'the beach and:,dune, -.8yst0in1hatmayr 'e§ult. from ad4tio at die'veiorpment
onjhe.property, the shokd7prallel, aad seaward -extent ofthe permitted structures. sbill not bel.nereased, nor
Will any gdditibl* major. structures be pprinitted which would* exceed the limits established by the permitted
construction seaward of the coastal torigti-Ootibii control line.
Approvedeiekolicc plans: are incorporated this permit by.r.
Done and ordered this day of 2012, 1.0 Tallahassee, Florida.
Attachment General' Permit Conditions.:
FILED, on this: date;,p'ufsuOt to 8`120S2
Florida Statutes; withthe designated
Dep0'tmdnVClekk recoIpt.of which is hereb
ac. owled e g d
Department,.of Erivitiont-Aental Pkoft6tid*
Danielle H. Fond ' fen, Chief
.Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems
Idlewfid. Hutchinson Island, LLC
c/o Th6nlas K. Benedict, President
The Bdnedict Group
1525 NW 3d Sireet, Suite I
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442
DIVIslon of Water Resource Management
Bureau of -SyatiDms
3900 CommonwealthCommonwealth BlVd. - Mall Statlo'n .300
Tallahassee, Florida 32369-3000
(85 . 0) 4884108'
FINDINGS OF FACT-. An applicad n1or 'authorization to 091.1dUbt the activities 'seaward of, the coastal
construction control Ifile that are, indicated in the project .description, was filed by the a lie Y' P.P. all perim ce.
named herein on September '8, 2011, andWas determined to bet -complete
pwsuanttorule loli-Mar6h5,2011
The proposed project is to be. located landward of the 307year erosion . ..
projection. There is no unifonft and
continuous line of construction establishedu
by -major. structures in :the immediate area.
CONCLUSIONS OF- LAW: After considering the-4nefits- of the ,proposal .and any written objectionsfrom
affected - persons, the Department finds that up -oil
cbrijolahoe With. --th6: p-amit q0tiditio'11% the. actNities
indicated In the project description of this: permit. are of such a.. naturethat they will result in no significant
adver9p iill acts. to :the beachAtpqe, areas or. t0,Ad).gceht*pr1 jli0g, t expected'
P. QPP work is% not
to adversely
impact nesting sea turtles.. their hatchlin:gs, or theirhabitat- thati the -%Xp* lSqxpqnddb-16 in nature and/oris
appf6pkiately desgee
d ed in accordance with. SeQU0.4 6
_2B 33.0,05-1. Florida Adiiiiili8trative Code. The direU and
cumulative impacts to the beach and -.dune system that, will be caused "by the seaward location and shore -
parallel vi *dth ' of"th e
- proposed, construct or Zqprbgent e'maximuin "such impacts that are acceptable to the
Dqpartment.; Therefore,,, future construction on. ihe:site. seaw.ardzof 'the coastal construction control ]I . ho,shal . I not
extend, further :seawvar&6.f,. or ihefdage the shore parallel coverage-odcupied byi. . the proposed, -structures
qpprove,4 'pursuant to this permit. Based on the foreg6ing considerations. tile 'Bureaii Chief app
roves the
,plication- authorizes - construction .and/or activities the location indicated below in strict accordance with
the project A.e.scriptiop, ilje. approved plans (if any)andthqGeneral Permit Conditions which are attached and
a by this reference 'oxpo'rai4h6rein� re, lice ifir t and. any .-additional :conditions !shown below,. Pur§bdilt to Section
LOCATION:. Between approximately 407 :f6et and $44 jeWnoxth of file Department of'Elivironmental
Prote6tion!s reference monument R-�16,..ih:S.t.Lucie Coiitity..
1. Location r6lative-to control Tine: A maximum of- 139.3 feet seaward:
2. ExteriorAifthsions- 54.2 feet' In the shdre-4iormal direction- by-992feet: in the "shore-p&aAdI difection.
PERMITTEE: Idlc'wild Hutchinson Island, LLC
3. Type of foundation: Pile,
4. Elevation, of understru6tut , e Parking area! +13.0 feet (NAVD)
Swinull.ing Pool.
1. Location. relative to control line: Ainoximurn.of 149,feet-seaward.
2. Exterior dimensions: Approximately 2.0. feet in, the sh6m-nqrmal direction. by 61 .feet in the .shore
parallel direction.
3, DeOk-elevation .o.fs.wimmi4g..pool,, +12.5feet (NA -
4. Bottoin elevation of-swinuning pool: ( NAVD),
5. 'Maximum depth of swimming pooh 5 feet.
6. Height of pool deck above existing grade., Q feet. The pool deck is on grade and the pool coping is
184.n6hes above grade.
7. Total volume of excavation: 67.4 cubic yards.
1. Total volu
me of excavation: Approximately IN cOWO '-'yards. Vol'o 'me. :.Of net excavation: None;
excavated material to SAW be placed a
. ... I on the project site:
I, Location of excavation: Prom 853 feet to 15.4 feet seaward of the control line,
I Maximum
axi ptli6fbxcaVatibn.:- Taelevation -A51feet fNAVD, 16 -below existing. grade (not
including piles).
4.. Volume offill-tobe.pla6ed-, Ap Ift"MOtel� 1-80.2 cubic yards.
5.. Location offill to be, placed.: hiotn 8-3:feet to 1$4-tie6fsedw—.4rd -06flie:zontpot line,
1. Paver areas of maximurn.diJntn.eioft8 14.0 feet shore -normal by:80 feet shore -parallel and . including
Elie drivdway, walkways 4 kways and pool deck are to be located a maximum of IS
4 feet seaward of th
control line. e
2. Landscape:planti.rig,
3. Exteriorliglifing,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DrP)
Division.of Water Resource Alanapement
Bureau -of Beaches and Coastal Sysloiris
.3900 Cornmormealth Boulevard,-tdall Station 300
Tallahassee: Florida 32$99.0.00'.
(850) 488.7768
Genera Perlin tCon liflons
Ritle G2IM3,.olss,.r1'orida Ad1r&istrative'Code
I The:following generalpermit conditions shall apply; unless waived by the.:Department or.modifed by the permit:
a) The Pdrinittee shall carry out the construction or 'activity for wli cch the permit was .granted in accordance.`with the plans and
specifications that were approved by the Department as part of. the permit, Deviations therefrom, without written- approval from the
Department, shall be grounds for suspension of the work and revocation of the.pemrit pursuant'to Section 120.G0(7), F:S„ and: shall
result in assessment of civil fines or issuance of.an order:to alter or remove the unauthorized work, or both. No outer construction or
activities shall be conducted. No modifications to 'project.. size, location,. or structural design are authorized without prior written
approval from theDepartment. A copy of the notice to proceed shall be -conspicuously displayed at the project site: Approved.plans
shall be made available for inspecYton by,a Department representative.
b) The permittee shall conduct the construction. or activityauthorized under the permit .using extreme care to prevent any adverse.
impacts to ahe beach and dunesystem,:marine turtles, their nests and;liabitat, or adjaeentprroperty and structures:
c) The pernrittee shall allow any drily, ideitti'fied and authorized member of tbe.Department to enter.uPon the premises associated -with
the project authorized'by4he permit for:the purpose of ascertaining: compliance with the.terns of lire permit and withalic riiles of the
Deparlinent until all .construction or activities aiit$orized or required in ft e.permit have been completed -and all project perforniance
reports, certifications, or other documents" are received, by the Department and determined
approved plans: . to be consistent with the permit and
d) The pennrttee shall hold and save the State of Florida', the Department, Gird .its officers and• employees'harmless.from any damage,
no inaEter how oecasioited and .no matter -what rite amount, to persons or properly that inight:resitlt'fiom the construction or,activity
a.ithoiized:under the,pennit and:from.any and:all claims and.judgments result -fro damage,.
e) The pernrittee shall allow rile Deparinient to itse;all reeords;,notes, monitoring data, .and other inforniatiori.relatiiig,to construction or
any activity under the permit; which are submitted, for any purpose nedcss,ary except where such use "is .otl eilvise specifically
forbidden:by ,law;
fl C.onstruction:traffic shall"iiot occur and building materials' shall not be stored on'vegetated azeas seaward .of the control line unless
specifically auth6hied by'the;permit. If.fhe.Departiiieut:dete.inunes;ttiat this rcquiiement`is.notbeing:inet; positive'eontrol measures,.
such, as•temporary fencing, designated access Toads, •adjustment of constiuction.atignence, or other requirements, sQnirbe provided
by the pertuittee at the direction'of the Department: Temporary construction: fencing shall not be sited tvitlrin marine trtrtle nesting
g) The peimittee shall not di'stutb `existing beach. and dune topography:and vegetation except as expi essly authorized in the permit.
Before the project is considered complete; any disturbed>topography or vegetatiori.shall :be restored: as prescribed in the:permit with
suitable fill'material or revegetated with appropriate beach. and,dtme vegetation.
h)" All fill .material .placed :seaward of the :control line shah'te s"and which 'is" sunilar -to. that already existing .on the site i'n both
c01oration and grain size. All snob fill material shall be:free of construction debris, reeks; clay, or other foreig
n sliall be
obtainedfrom a_:source landward of -the coastal construction control line; -aid shall be free of coarse:gravel or cobbles,
i) If surplus sand'fill results from any approved ezeavatton.seawardof the"control line; such.:material shall —be distributed seaward of
the contr"ol line oir"the site,.as directed byahe Department, unless otherwisespeeificalay authorized by. the permit,
j) Any native salt tolerant vegetation destroyed during .constriction" shall• tie. replaced with plants of, the same species or, by
authorization of. tfio Dcpartmelit, with. other native •salWoleratt vegetation suitable for beach. and dune stabilization: Unless
otherwise specifically -authorized .by. the Departn eitt; all :plants installed. n.beach,and coastal areas —whether to replace vegetation
displaced, damaged, or destroyed during •construction. or othertiv se —sliall fire. of species indigenous to .Florida'beaches; and dunes,
st>ch: as sea oats,. rap Me saw palmetto, panic grass; salUnea . w hay cordgrass,:seashore saltgrass, and railroad vine, and--g own,
fromn stock indigenous to the region in -which the project is located,
:k) All. topographic restoration and revegetation workAt su..bject to-approval:by, the Department, and the status:of restoration shall
reported -As part:of the 4661 ceilification.Of the actual,work'performed::
1) If not specifically authorized elsewhere 'in the Perth • io. operation, transportation; a storage of equipment .or materials is
authorized seaward of "tHe dune crest, or rigid -coast's] -structure during the marine turtle..nesting season: The •marine'turtle nesting
season is May l through :October 31 in all counties except l3revatd, Indian 3tiver;.�St. Lucie; Martin, Palm Beach, ;and. Bzoward.
counties where leatlierbBe. urtle nesturg occurs during the perod.of MArcii 1 through October 9.I.
in) If not Specifteailyauthorized .elsewhere iti the permit; no temporary lighting'of the -construction area is: authorized at -anytime during
themarine turtle i)esting season-and'no additional permanent.exterior lighting is .authorized.
6ieni:ral PermihConditions,(June, 13, M41
Page t
�� b Bureau of Beaches and Coas!al'systems
� l Division of Water Resource Management
FtoBfDA Mail to: Flotilla Department: of Environmental Protection PERMITNUM13ER: SL-283
3900 Commonwealth Boulevard
Mail. Station 300'
1. If construction has occurred, please describe its maxiMum extent in the space provided below (If no work at all has
been performed, please report "Not:
has beStarted."]f construction or other authorized activity has begun but no progress
been made since the last report, please report "No Prog(ess"):
All work performed as of th'is date. is described above and Is hereby certified to be'in compliance with the project.
description and plans approved by the Department of Envirori ental-Protection as part of the permit and with all
conditions of the permit. Locationswd' elevations of all construction as,bf this. date have'been speciircallyveirifled as
applicable.and have been:found to complywith the::project description, approved plans, and. conditions of the permit.
No unpermitted construction or activity has occurred (Any:exceptions to'the statement above.are. to be described
and.explained under Item Number" l' above, a.s part of th:is'report. The explanation should -state why°the:construction
or activities noHn.accordance with the permit has occurred,
3, The 'property owner or authorized agent may -sign -those progress reports,
reconstructed. armoring, the reports must be sigrned by:an engineer Itcensed
period..in which construction has occurred,
Signature Of Engineer (l6applicable) Date
Typed or Punted ,Name of Englneer (if applibablo)
Florida .Regislratlon Number(itapplicable)
Signature of Property`Owner or Authorized Agent (i(appilCatiie) Dafe
Typed or Panted Name of PiopertyOrrneror Authodzed Agent
DEP FMI 23-1 I (Revised 6109)
However for new. armoring or.rngjor
in:the state of Florida following each
Bureau ofpaches and Coas(al.Systenis-
PlVlSl0n-.OfWat0FRbSOUrCO:Md -e " ' t
Florida Department Of �Ffivironbiehlql Prbtdclloll
Mail to: 3900 Cornrno6w6blth 86i&vard
Mall'station 360
Taildlins.e.0, Florida 32399.300o
Permit Number;- KmM
Idlewild Rutphins ' on
Permittee Name.' Island, LLC
This .is to Certify that all:asPOcts:oftlie:fotitidationloo io �aspoilstl-
At n ucted., are in accordance with both the plans
and the project description approved.by the bepartinent,of Elivirollmental Protection as-Part'of the vermit. The
foundation location certification is bAs.e&1TDbh such surveys as are necessary to dotern
specified below: liheAhe actuallocation
Distance. the-seawardinost piling:
hAs-be-on,pladed as measured.
perpendicular to the coastal'
Construciloll,control line: feet,
Note.* Any deviations from the. approved,. plans and. specifications ghdif be, stated -as an
e-keeption to this -certification, ion nfho,pormitted.s 7uc
No flitther,vertic construct-, 0 -
ti tore is
authorized unfillk Bureau. of-Bea6hes and Coastal Systems has:.notified -the,p6till . ittee, ill
writing, that this foundation location certification has. b . een . approved..
Signatize of Applicant . POW,
1�ped.or Printed Nanie Of Appljcant.
Signatuie:,-o f-78U.1-VOY-of Date
JWO or Printed Name of, Survey.o.r
State q fida R'O&tratipn Number
DEP rOMI 13-1 14b. 0 dixte.d 91.65)
. . (UP -
FINAL CE PffirlicAuox-
Sureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems
I A FLO , R Division Of Water Resource Managenient
Mall.to: Florida l)epartmentoftnvlronifientatProtection Permit Number: SL-283
3900 Gomm6nwe-alth ftUlovard.
Mail Station 30*0
Tallalla6see. Florida 32399-3006 Pisrmlttee.-Name: Idlewild I'-Tutchinsori Tsland, LLC
Thisis to certify That the work under this perrAitfor construction or other activities se
Obstruction control line pursuant toSection '161,058, Florida Statutes, W Ward of the coastal
foundlobe acceptable and.sat-ladcto 1118P60ted by. the undersigned -and*,was
�y fil'aOCordEkad * with.the app .-A I n'
c.onditions of the perni rove plans dprojpct-d 8 ription-and with all
it. All permitted construction or :activities W
co s� have '
Location and beell-coinpleted, and no unperjnitte�d
elOVEIrti6fis specifiedby the , perm.
beoft.'Verffled and found to be 6 it and approved plan� !lave.
correct, and topography and vegetation h b
required by the have . een either preserved or restored as
FOR WORK 'INCLUDING: C.tructlou '6f a sin e-f�mijy .4
91 welling, swimming -pi)01, OtIler
structures/activities, excavation acid placement of 'fill.
NOTE- Any deviations from the permit _0,1mit and.anyportions .of the permitted wojrk. riot :actually
P666rmed shall be hotedand. desiPAbad bi-d'etail'as an exception this certifliDgi
,j191)8t11re Of Engineer or Arbilf Oct,
Typed Printed Nain6 Of Einghieer or Architect:
State Otflorida ROgistration Number
DEPT6 .0 5
-P)03viISJBI�q dW&9/09