HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0577 r 569) :t .~ ij"",.,.",' ~, i. ij , De.d ot OomePllO_, to~ n. pUPO" ot r.11,Dt1l111hlDC all "87 1'18bt8 IlD4 4o..~ 1n aD4 \0 \h. l_d. 1ft sail aOU.J&Il08 ~r.ln de80r lbed an4 sran\M, aDCl that I ell4 Ut. -- tr..17 an4 ...oluntarllJ', and wl\hout 1IlJ' oo.pol.lon, QOlUlt~a1nt, appreh.naion or teu ot or tro. .,: eaU, hublDct. II1U'IBSS 1IHB!USO', I h81'euIlw 8ub80rlb8 "87 IUIM ..4 affix "87 eeal, t.bia 4th d., of .Aqu.t A. D., one thoulI8Ild nine hundred an4 nlna'..n. .Anl1d. B. Jbl4g8 (SlW.) I'ate ot florId., 00unt1 ot 't. Luoi.. ) ) ) to ALL IIHOJl If MAY COleE.; Be U bOltn that on t.bi8 4th dq of Aqut A. De 1919. per- 8Onal17 appeared betor. .. a 10U:rJ' Publlo o~ the 3ta te ot norida. tbe .bo.... naae4 .AJII1&a . B. Ku4ge to me well kno_ &II the wit. ot B. B. IbI4ge Gel .a one ot the per80D8 d.soribe4 In aDd *0 ueoute4 the :tor.going Deed of COlIYqanoe, who being at Ul. U_ ..par.H 8Ild apart froa he~ JIatIl huabuld, ~. ea14 R. .L M1IIge 41d then .nd 'her. .ake the tor.golng aomow- ledp8l&'.h81' DIUIe 'beiD8 with her 01'11 haD4 8ubsoribel and h.r ..&1. Uf:lx.l a IV pre..nee. WI,TIIBS8 IQ' hud am ..al, at 'eUa..r., norida the d&,J' and 7"'1' po...e wr1tten. ,..1'I(i~~~ B. D.At.k1a80n (SEAL) ~?> ~ "It,.. \ lotar7 Publ1o, 3tat. ot Plorlda. { * 6' M7 CoarnlaB1on expire8 IOYelllber 15, 1922. - .} \ ~. ...."CI \~ ~lJ~\. -4../ 'lled and reoorded th18 2"th dq ~_..-..;;-. A. D. 1922. ~ I , t (Cf. Ct. SEAL) J~e,~ & ~c(~~ ~c.> ..coO ~\,- P. C. BUrel, 01.rk Oiroult Court. By ~/ of t7ru D~C . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OVPT.J' SBIU .AID WIlB !W) JAKKS B. DUD. W1PIUR'!Y .DKD. !his Deed. Kad. the >>01:11 dq of Kq A. D. 1921, bJ' Oharlee VriU: and Karlon K. Gr11)[. hi8 1ri:te. of the Ooun~ of Soott state of Iowa, berelnsfwr oalled 'he granwr8 to J.... X. state of h.reinafw7 called DaJm o-t the COUDtJ' of the grante., WIfDSSK'lH, 1'hat the eeld granors. ill ocma1d.ration ot.On. (fl.) Dollar and other Tal.-' nabl. o ana Uel'a'iou , the reoelpt wh.zeot 18 ureb.J" aoknowledged.. do gl..... grant, bargain, ..11, alia, r_i... rel.a.., .nf.ott, ....J' aud oon:tilll unto the eaid grantee. ani hie helre an4 as8igns In f.. 8lmpl., the 1and8 81 toat. In 0:5,. Luole 00UDt7. Ste,. ot 1'101' Ida. de.cd bed all :tOU0Ir8: fIl. We.' One-halt ot Seotion 10. Sine.D (16), !'owlUlh1p .0. Th1rt,-t1rO (82) Soath, Baqe .0. !hlrtJ'-nlD8 (89) "'t, containlD8 nre. Bu.Dlr'" !wentJ'-t1ro ani 4M/100 (822.~) &oree. to RlVB AD fO mt.D tIIIJ __ top'''I':,w11ih the herec1U".8 II1d .ppurWII&Dl).s, unto ~. eall ,rant.., ana. hi8 heir. aDl1 ...lpe in t.. 8iapl.. AID the _14 srantor., tor th....1..... and n.ir h8h. and legal repre8.ntatln8, 00....- , DeDt with .aid grate., hi. h.ua. 1.pl r.pre8antat.1n. an4 asslpa: !hat 8ald pan'ora are: Inc1e:t...l blJ' aelled o~.. ..id lam in t.e 81.pl.; that .ald &r_tor8 han tall p..r aDd .. . .- ;'..,'~.;" ': C~~~~k~~'.>~: ;;' '")~.;,~ -.:: ~~ d<~:} '", . . ...: > .}:~', ',:': /:<<,:..:'.,~