HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Green Pg 5RESIDENTIAL POOL NOTES: GOVERNING CODES and GENERAL NOTES: 2020 Florida Building Code (FBC), 711, Edition and all other codes, rules, regulations, and restrictions having jurisdiction on the project shall govern including FBC Th Edition Building, Residential, Fuel Gas and Energy Conservation FBC Th Edition Energy Conservation C404.2, Service Water Heating Equipment Performance Efficiency: Gas Pool Heaters 82%D, Heat Pump 4.0 COP, shall be met for this project FBC Th Edition Residential Chapter 45: Swimming Pools and Building Chapter 4, Section 454 Swimming Pools and Bathing Places (Public and Private) shall specifically govern FBC 7th Edition R4501.6.1 Conformance Standard: Design, construction and workmanship shall be in conformity with the requirements of ANSIIAPSPIICC 3; ANSIIAPSPIICC 4; ANSIIAPSPIICC 5; ANSI/APSPI ICC 6; ANSI/APSPIICC 7 FBC 71h Edition Building Chapter 4, Section 454. If the area is subject to high ground water, the pool shall be designed to withstand hydraulic uplift or shall be provided with hydrostatic relief devices. FBC 7th Edition Section 454.2.21.4 and R4501.21.4 Hydrostatic Relief Device. In areas of anticipated water table an approved hydrostatic relief device shall be installed FBC Th Edition R4501.6.3 Water Velocity. Pool piping is designed so the water velocity will not exceed 10 feet per second for pressure piping and 8 feet per second for suction piping. Main suction outlet velocity must comply with ANSIIAPSPIICC 7. Exception: Jet inlet fittings shall not be deemed subject to this requiremet Concrete shall conform to the latest edition of ACI 301 and ACI 318, with minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 psi. Pool concrete can be applied pneumatically and shall conform to the latest edition of ACI 506.2 Reinforcing Steel shall conform to the latest edition of ASTM A615, Grade 40 (#3, #4), Grade 60 (#5) and have a minimum lap distance of 18" for #3, 24" for #4 and 30" for #5 to meet the requirements of the latest edition of ACI 318. Discontinuous reinforcement bars shall terminate in standard ACI hooks. All hooks are standard unless otherwise noted FBC Th Edition Building 1903.3 Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GFRC and the materials used in such concrete shall be in accordance with the PCI MNL 128 Standard, if shown on the drawings Pool Piping shall be N.S.F approved and minimum Schedule 40 NDPES: A silt fence and any other item, such as a construction entrance, with tire wash station shall be installed and inspected, if required, prior to construction surrounding the work area meeting the requirements of the AHJ OSHA 1926: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction shall be followed especially during open excavation and trenching Contractor shall be responsible to secure and protect all material brought on site, shall restore all areas impacted by the construction work to the preexisting condition or better and shall not impact drainage/lake, right of way or any other easements without consent Existing conditions, dimensions and quantities shall be field verified by Contractor prior to construction, as the Engineer has not been to the location. Typical field conditions are assumed in the design. Should anything differ from that specified herein or standard field conditions, additional engineering may be required and the Engineer shall be contacted to provide direction. Care shall be taken by Contractor in all applications of these drawings. The equipment and piping physical location may differ in the field due to unforeseen conditions or other factors. These drawings shall not be scaled, written dimensions shall take precedence. Contractor shall be responsible to locate and install items in a location that meets local codes These drawings are the property of Wayne Markham Bennett, P.E. Use of these drawings without permission from the Engineer is prohibited. The Engineer does not review the drawings for compliance with the agreement between Contractor and Homeowner. The Engineer is not responsible for any encroachment into easements or setbacks, even if approved by the AHJ. The Contractor shall verify compliance with setbacks and easements. The Engineer reviews the plans for code compliance to the best of his knowledge. Use of these drawings by the Contractor and Homeowner indemnifies and holds harmless the Engineer for all costs and damages including legal fees resulting from material fabrication, system erection and construction practices beyond which is called for Local, State and Federal Codes and from deviations of these plans except as expressly provided herein. The Engineer is not responsible for and has no liability for construction in setbacks or easements, and Contractor and/or Homeowner requirements and/or agreements related to the Pool and/or Spa. Regardless of cause, the Engineer's Liability in relation to these plans is limited to the lesser of $500 or the fee charged by the Engineer for these plans. WARNING: To empty pool of water after construction for any reason, the hydrostatic uplift pressures beneath the pool must be eliminated to prevent the pool from floating upward. Owner must consult a pool contractor experienced in eliminating uplift pressure POOL EQUIPMENT and ANCHORING: Pool Equipment Elevation shall be at a minimum of the Design Flood Elevation (FBC 71h Edition Residential R322.1.4) plus 1 foot or according to the Authority Having Jurisdiction FBC 71h Edition Building 1620 HVHZ Wind Loads and 1621 HVHZ Overturning Moment and Uplift Pool Equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed to meet the requirements of ASCE 7. Equipment tie down shall be as follows, Heaters 4 total (1 per side or 2 per opposite sides); Others 2 total: 3-1/2" minimum thick, 3000 psi concrete slab, 3" larger than on each side than the equipment-, %" diameter Tapcon® Concrete Screws (1600# tension, 1290# shear, 1-1/2" embedment in 2000 psi concrete) or equal with stainless steel fender washer into factory provided hold downs or 1" wide, 14 gauge galvanized straps with 2 stainless steel, #10 x %" Pan Head Phillips SS screws each strap into metal frame of equipment FBC 711, Edition Building 1907.1 General The thickness of concrete equipment slab supported directly on the ground shall not be less than 3-1/2 inches thick and shall not require a vapor barrier. Equipment Location and Screening: The equipment and piping physical location may differ in the field due to unforeseen conditions or other factors. Contractor shall be responsible to locate and install items in a location that meets local zoning code and to provide code compliant landscape or fence screening SWIMMING BARRIER REQUIREMENTS: FBC Th Edition Residential R4501.17 Residential Swimming Barrier Requirement Residential swimming pools shall comply with Sections R4501.17.1 through R4501.17.3. Exception: A swimming pool with an approved safety pool cover complying with ASTM F1346 FBC Th Edition Residential R4501.17.1 Outdoor Swimming Pools Outdoor swimming pools shall be provided with a barrier complying with R4501.17.1.1 through R4501.17.1.14 A Swimming Barrier around the pool area that meets the above code is required prior to final pool structural inspection and filling of the pool FLOOD ZONE: FBC 71h Edition Residential R322 Flood -Resistant Construction structures constructed in whole or part in flood hazard areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section, especially R322.1.2 Structural Systems, 322.1.3 Flood -Resistant Construction and R322.2.5 Pools in Flood Hazard Areas. If structures constructed in whole or part in floodways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ASCE 24 and the construction of this pool will not increase the design flood elevation SOIL BEARING and FOUNDATION NOTES: No Piles and without Soil Report: FBC Th Edition Building 1803 Geotechnical Investigations: The Building Official shall be permitted to waive the requirement. Allowable Bearing Capacity: Based on rational analysis through knowledge of other projects in the vicinity and a visual examination of the surface soil, finding sand and rock, the pool foundation has been designed assuming 2,000 psf soil bearing capacity per Table R401.4.1. If during excavation deleterious material (such as silt, peat, muck, clay, etc.) is found that cannot provide 2,000 psf, the Engineer shall be contacted to provide direction C"-04D Pro PoW Builders YOU CAN DREAM IT WE CAN BUILD IT A Custom GREEN, SERID & ALLISON 2373 DYER RD PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34952 IIV For: WAYNE MARKHAM BENNETT P.E. #57216 MARKHAM SERVICES. INC. (CA 33018) 1820 NE JENSEN BEACH BLVD #665 JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957-7212 10/ 11 (954) B1 8-38251 wayne@wmb-pe com IF THERE IS A DIGITAL SIGNATURE ON THE FRONT/FIRST PAGE OF THIS FILE, THIS SHEET IS PART OF A DIGITALLY SIGNED FILE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE A SEPARATE DIGITAL SIGNATURE ON THIS SHEET i -3ti� '• 4� � •' r � 1.t1i ■ No 57216 Vie: O:• STATE OF : J ti DRAFTED BY: G.S.M. MONIKA POL.AK NOTES IF SIGNED DIGITALLY ABOVE PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES