HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Manufacturer CertificationiL{=t.'"s` RECE�+,rep SEP F_,�-.., . iY!^•� ' 1 1 6o tl/ I��l F ri{l:ti! i-i^:4:• 3r•-%_nu �lCitl;Cai« Gam:+oinikr September 23, 2o16 Alex Margins Superior Sheds, Inc• 23 5_ Vafusia Ave Ornca Gr/, IZ32763 HE Manufacturer Cerefication, m. i<iFr-Lap F-Wraiion Data: September 2Z, 20:.t_3 Dear- Alex, rYar`t ns 4 ar rs my pfeasure to inform you that suparlorSheds, Dmr located at23?3 S Volusia Ave, Orange Cial, FL 327M, has been approved under the Itianuractured Buildings Program, as provided for under ManLar553, PaYc_T, Florida Statutes< to manu.act re Storage She&, l<7anulactured MaId[nns ror ins3llatfan in Florida. COns`rc action ormodincdtion Una Manufactured building cannotbegin untU the 7bird Party Agenco/ has approved t lm plans iri accordance with the current Florida Builds a Code_ Your i bird Pert' Avency is a contractor tar the Departrnrnt and has EtalY►tprlr autbon-ty and r2sponsibilii7es 'Mat must fr. mflt tO maintain approved statm you may e-Wect and demand quality plans review and inspecaoas. 93ieiz Code chance will m?fca your Glans obsolete unfit they have been ravlevired, approved and indfcaE�-d Can tine rover parse afthe PISMI for compliance tvtth the Code by yourTnird Pa cry Agsncy -"or plans : �vi0ty Maass ensure that your plans are in compliance and are properly posted on our wabsite. All sat e-related:Fnstalfalipn Issues era subject to the local authority having Iurisdlction. he flepatbnSWs ront actor wM ;r�atee unannounced monitoring visii� at least once each year you must grantcompleta atce_s tsr your manuMcburing 1-aCKY. and records to remain in campliancs w b .he rules and ramrlations o: Ibia program. YGUr carti;ication is approved iortilree years irarl tills date. You LNill tz iVe a i�nerrat notice by Email generated by BCfS {!.Mn'r r7or7dabuildtno oral for- online renevdal. IFyou bane questions you may contact Robert for-n:n' RSD-j 7--18M or our FAQ et 3S0-41�1,-3�36 p[e� YtS1� OurTtJEb5fC2 at u�+t�l_iiorir}�fi�li[din ors � mpg v�uaure information onrpe Florida bi building armurad Buildings Frooram. r copy arms letter must accompawl applications for local �uFiding permits. cfi Profeasionat Service Industries Sincerely, e`�.�-- Robert Loran_o Menumcculyd Buildings program 4 * : rx4-b' (wed 6rz�hg} 2'x4'a. window op��L see detals below 1' x 4' btidgibt (wind bracing) (typ. all contra) (2) 2 x 4 spruce readers and ep2x6 fAE varies -I 72 p.t plea each aide tvh read bowing (2) 2 x 8 p.L dot bucks added- Q 5 when garage door inslsBed um rod when garage doorIrIsfafed double arches Tor garage dins > garage door sizes 1 x 4 bridging DOOR yE (see note 2.3, 8 4}_s1 L sid'ahg bile hams door (-A-.20 z x 4' ba sea wall anchor dh Pi- hordcane strW %,p.) use - p.Y-rd ISOMETRIC OF SHED 3r4' t&g plyboard or I Sinhpeon LSTA-18. LISP stake: n r n LSTA-18 or egrtivaleld 2' x!i skferail wII4{16d) raga WALL ANCHOR DETAILS 40'-0' rrex- length Est Spacing x S p.L kamin9 (typ.) .4 ntxvhers moiling imills. I _■■■■_■■__■_W_ '_:_::. . x 4- Nlnne: required on de, Joist spacing. gk*d 3' con gue &4 ply-boa.-d wl addi6=zI 4' x 4' runner S 24, USP RT46 r equlvalent Installed d connection behman and 4' x 4'runner pt plates for sheds over bolmm all FLOOR FRAMING PLAN around ) &cafe = v z-0' / 4• x 4' door holler • a- h _ ■ ■■■ YR�iJrd :1<L� � ti-D' (n mL) SIDE ELEVATION WITH DOOR & WINDOWS E scale? = 1' I I- I I I I 1 11 SEE SIDE ELEVATION WITH DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR INFORMATION NOT SHOWN SIDE ELEVATION scat, j• = r x rxder eager x 4' Nidaing(vmhd brag) .4 bent(typj x .4"window headw !' x 4' window sill 'x 4 bocorn pbm ' TAG ptyboard Sbnpecn HS-24, LISP Rr-6 Clip 7r equivaleleni: [ryp) all studs sue woo ands: details for mrnecson 1' x 4' bdd&.q(vr:rd Nmdrg) r x 4' bent(typ.) .1•x4'Wind brae(t Oat four corrners r z 4' bo8mn plate j' T&G plyboad Sknpean HS-24, LISP HS-24 CID or edW.JI sa Irv.) aN stlxls WIRING DIAGRAM (opt elodw-) state ns. AY wing shall be m= cable 14 ga. 3 wire encase in of nwW bars END l x 4' biod0r:g wad a.•hdhorde_aR5 DOOR TWO SIOD MODELS 1-.. vanes 'IZQ 5 Single or doWe g V&L-arch J1I a > 2 x 4 beach .T T x r bMgb9(Wnd bradrg) E 2 x 4 studs (3'P•) $ T x 4' bkckkV Z x 4 bodann plate 2 x 6 p.L end rail x4 p1 skids END ELEVATTOF4 FOUR SKID MODEL seeks: j' = r . far InGcnrafm not shown see end 6ava7m W!h door WIDTHS OUTSIDE or13g' r12 a5 see arch dela's x S (Wre9) cum tas 10 ragkmd or equivalent OPTIONAL WOOD FRAME DOOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE N TS 3' x S (I ak) mrsnclorp - aegtava Arch Dalai for press p'aY sae: nts. shmpeon Hs-24. LISP RT46 C&p or egndvalan- TYPE L U. or III CONCRETE OR ASS PADS WI BLOCIONG AS REQUIRED x 4'sW �--- •x4'fhesn)er Sirrhpsm TP-35. USP NP35 Nallplate or equihrakin; . -M 110d) raft 4• x 4' header sniLls. }' X 1r kaged `ax SEI Ur AND KI S IALLA IKON t3FSINR-..E 1AIfDES7tRR nS:uidUrr •'�"""'""` I.BU&DMO LSPLACED ONWHEMtE4o Pb--M L-.IOWFOitYWELENrTo PUN OFSOUARE 1097, TO ROLM, FENCE. PROPERTYLM ETC. CODE P VIEW 2-CtwsLWTIS SOUAREAND THE HIGH SPOT OF 7TE GROUND 13 ESTABLISFM T1'.£ BUILDING IS BLOCKED ONTHE H4GN Pnras: idsmiao SOTAND rIEVELEhTHE OniET EM OF THE BIXONG ISBRCLX;IUP TD LEVEL AND SLOOM. THEN THE G?nER OF 171.633rdstrcrr THE BUDDNL1 L45Lp?Of7TIDTOlEY$_BLfY.i®W 1t,� Affi� OY:ar &. R-Wa Tilt' 3 AFTFRTHE BDIDNC IS LEWL NOW BLOCKS ARE ADOEO TOACHIEVET1E ODRfECi SPACa.YR. z.;s.?a. .--,. :a.�.-•n E..r'e •. 9I 4_APXNMPLkCEAEN,-CSMAMLMHMSYTHEIVM7HOFTHEEDURaL NOLE3 AFECR11.MTHROUGNTH£rXC k.=651;t`aJef• .yeea t,+: BOTTOMPLILTEmTHA}•AuGERBrrA?m7n EEYEBOLT IS FAsnwm INTO PLALETIE HOLE IS DUG FOR A30 EARTH FL ,SF2S: ANCHOR AND EYKSGILTAND ANrRoR ARE FA5TEiNm WUHA xr BOLTANo NuT. 5, IF THE UNIT LSTOBE ATTACRED 70 A CONCRETE VAS THE BUILDING IS SET 014THE CONCRETE SLAH ADD SHB tED up TO L.EV31LI- HOLEIS DRILLED WITH A NAMWER DRILL I7rDCONCF7E7ESLAB I ?OFF RWJMSr. THE EVeOLTS FASTEN TWMLIGHl THE WTION AND A(A24 SIMPSON CLDIIS RACED OVER TINE r LEDGE ANMMA tX2-60LT M'DRUTWR) -Si7V5GT LSTA-18, USP LSTA-18 2•WASHERIS ISEDTO FASTEN THE EYEBOLTAD SMe53N CUP TOMThSL Hurrgne Strap a sq-zlar L GENERM_ NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUGER ACHORS (r�.)Bg surds) I_H11DING ANCHORFUUU ACTL'REI BY HOVE PRIDE OF / BR1STa_ VA. THE AVERAGE HOLDING POWER ISNOT L EM THAN 4,90W 2. ANCHORING SY5TEY TO GROl8d7 PER LOCAL BUILDING COOEABY DEALER) LOCATE ANCHORS AONG PER TABLE 4. 1 EYEBOLTS S`11W.BE RACM TFIROUGHTHE OOfrOLL PLATE AND FLOOR SVSTBL Table Shad Anrlcrtr�ld Tabte2 Rumher5padrg = mbtML ar X'1r EYEBOLT I - - --- - -AUGER ANCHOR grade12012 - _ ILF- --� 'Rid Values Van end ofjdstmcenter d(2)4x4skidsonly. 13'4rwideShedstum(4)seftdedds Srnppui Fooring Pad Spacing For SingleWde{SM yeb k anchor breed �i�tllgeOharw(j'xTbdtard Table Dan6leW1de(OW)Sheds. or (2) r x r caiv. washer -m_ '�"iL�7t-�• l:�.rL*7 ��"^ti�:lLS^.R7���f-'1'i� 1!L'r--�.�Y•'-�t�i ikEni ht r'•:�tf�E_<4Ir1Q�i1E��l��ilr.::--�I�f[��ilht�i31A1f31J• Ei%!F F( ]���:1,•rY:r:7t [hi�IiiEi�"i�t�bi�s.� rya=�T:�.�.»r�� iCiiE.��FL�iTutl<ti'Sa7�iTr-i�rz:�hfS�Rir.-art r��i.�,�gt[7tf10 t�1�7:��t�FY h)1<hiT77�1z'� iU.;- �ii'iG�F;kKF3�E{C7p� <SiEL"�k r.r iL�liriiil�lill���i[ra3>tRiC7r�iL�tpl�Rl�'illl• 1 Pad sp&khp Ls endt> cantwofpad 2 Pads DBherthen and pad dng le center to rarnier 3.Use saneNmdrttxrna TormlFlTorMISUR . MMIF30 [Mint-Load-4 x zJun 36000 ME 1 x Z x b r X 2' Square wl j' rut Load vridth on rune gaiv. washer Based on 2,000 PSFSof Bearing Capacky(2.000 PSFL5 typ.) j' X W (870.1 uplld Notes* rating) -Version bolt Hallow or sorid come/, blockv(& (I) maybe stacked on pads for hk¢I sets up to 48' whhom rowdo=hg =8 2. ABS pea required on 11" 81 1-8' wide hltlr.°nga 2. 'or wedge andwrirtn slab (per bible 1) Table 4. Andior Spacing of Augur Type Anchors ForSinngta Wide Sheds 3WPjALKwX0U j• x r bolt w (1) fit t zx2'11at 1 m irr_m xsOhlLtl����� Concrete Slab by odhens SHED WISKRT ATTACHED ANCHORED n r w - 1 Loral Codes & 1xisdCloo TO CONCRETE Table 4b Mdhod ng spacing hf Auger Type Anndhor Far Dohbie Wlde steeds aPpN ' F- o U Y tr01no" S 'Lem W100 On TUnner smon (1)j'x5(40CNrrpB: Loce6onDlendaugerorslab!xdlDr mege and -Into ' ADdw spachV is a ffVies g0• at _w or? x 3' expm-.s"tm beRL cw=ete slab at spading AhCnORHOTFS Con i+� (per mble 1) I. ANCHORmEA uAONO 5BASED ON cASCEENF RT t�RAGTEODHY7 OA3O.9a3J BURDIA OtP. 'C 1S•ete offi rn. 3.THEUASLMNUIBABOvE FAXCIMRtS (4 O OEACH CCRNE7R5. Ivv 1 notch or counter sink 1T PAAXLU_�MUN Nt1MBHt OF AIY/SfOR13(4}ONEQ FJLlR COFil+E730F SFED FCASH®StF5507 LENGHf TtuxTtlE 1.J Ay t P p a bat L n% h rx4• 4 TiP Y Sa1a1L [DC OtST/1t1rE FOR F7CPAN510H BOLTS LS a DLUETERS Off SFOR A 07ANSION BmT �' ANO A 'a� h `ji10*NT SAHCK SHHiBECWSOEWALLSBCS iMiENTM.-ME M AID NIXrTO AXOOXII BLXLDING. w WUCH CASE E<(, l7 p(dK ' 'V G + iiC1 y in r x 4- bctan plate nailed m AW14ORS CAN BE KAM CN END WILL A9 MOM AS POM&E70 SIDE WAllB ) sY 'r{I;LD tNSPE ��R� i r x 8 pt tares, 1N OR t$Ftth Flmr Remotre AnrhOBd lD Ccnc�sr� GENERAL NOTES: )E NECEss Lnq Ppt~tQA��g C'� orris 1 } = A 0 1_ ALL BUILDINGS FROM 0 SO FT. TO 720 SO. Fr. ARE EXEMPT FROM NP,NO-BORNE -DEBRIS IMPACT nTFf Ail A 2. AL L BUI DID FRFLORIDA SCL STATUTES. F. TO 400 SO. FJr. ARE FOR USE WITH ONE AND TWO FAMILY •1 '•L rx4•boonmptets RESIDENCES ARE EXEMPiFROM DOOR HEIGHTREOUIREIVIEIMPERTHEFBC. 42 pt 2 z 4 karnee (typ) 3. ALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AS WELL AS RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 401 SM Fr. OR GREATER MUST COMPLY WITH THE e-W DOOR HEIGHT AND THE MIN. AND MAX WROTH REQUIREMENTS. r x r square gafvaraed 4. ALL BUILDINGS 400 SQ. FT_ OR LESS %WH 77 DOOR F£.IGHTARE ACCESSORIES TO .12 114' x 12114' rough Slag nxasherwifth ' nut , TaG pyhrard RESIDENTIAL STRICTURES. ' °qur4og - _-_ _-=�;� 5. THIS PLAN WAS DESIGNED PER THE FBC AND THEFBCR 6_ FASTENERS FOR ROOF AND WALLS SHALL BE SCOTS@TRUGFW METALTO WOOD FASTENERS j ,remove 1211F' of' p.I - - AND SHALLBE 9-15 X 1. OR EQUAL W11-(MIN-) T HRFAD PS4ETRATTON(rYP.) it bottom plate r x s-aida 2N T.GUTTERS TO BE INSTALLED ON SITE BY OTHERS THROUGH LOCAL CODES. -4w oyboanj or -2 x 6 p.L aide rail j'Thn9aded Had SHED DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE: th I : * - � 2014 FBC-5 Edition 2011 NEC, 2014 FFPC 1Efa24' • ='-r- _ : "- - y = '`-i'Coup&n9ANaL�ssaryfaLaad ,I 1r HYLtROVENT DE TAILS = � , ,-- = - 1 hereby certify that I have reviewed these plans along wrlh a(I budding materials and eyeboLand arndxrbriitLal' �----v s' components used in the manufacturing of the sheds. The material and comments ItitlTer I' scafa: l' = T- T' % �` j- x tr Forged Eyebolt 1 em wail anchoraaal� log-na' W rj•xz a✓na-(z)�r _ �- �� have a Florida Product Appmval as required by the Florida Building Cortrnission Ruh M-3) far ��a, r x r Baru. washes ardys- - _ �- Hi:r�l ee Anchor or were analyzed using the Mile Stress Design- All materials and ytvdb"fie r!' ✓f =_ -�� 2014 Florida BtRTdutg Code, the Florida MarlllFadllred Btmldtrxj Act andtil'es,- N.E_C_ for a category 1: Enclosed Building, Exposure 'G', with a wirrj'br;^itya iCisf I'; -�"'- FASTENING SCtL�iLSi. �� �T r"'- - 1. ✓' - � �•`��_ - ✓- L.siNC;I.E`IL•IXrAUGER ANCHORS sea table 4 fcr,.,pg9 -� !_ . Y . -.w Sgia="'- '� (lI ItCC Arch.-VNU HUMj _ DESIGN PRESSURE _ ROOF- -• wAt1 FLOOR LI!!E LOAD."5 DESIGN CRFTERIA FLOORDEADLOA13a ROOF LIVE LOAD 20PSF , - - CATEC#2Y 1 ROOR-DEAD LOAD aPsF LDINGTYPE -ACCESSORY STRUCTURE INTERNALPRESSLIRE COFFFFCLHYT t�-0.18 TYPE VS URE C D VELOCITY ISO MPH Z'z 16v z. 4 r z4 car a x.13f tva m d R2M�_ 4 zr Ihhue.a 3.. ilwud se htCxrhitxv eornav t zrmdYmvme 2 mmt x"I n x.It1 the slink aver am arx5ut -35 m z.Ist ad hazhtNed exdh zW aI OWABLE A OF FLOORS 1 SIRE CLASSF=-nON ENCLOSED ROOFHE)GHT smft- a O74k1-2012 02-23-2012 - 02-21-2t112 03-t3-20f2 02-2E2D75 191