HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0601 I)~,.,,~ li.~~~1 r.~~~~ "[~t ~"'~7"i ,-~~~. :~~~ :":"~i;'''' ~~'\ ~t"~~- ..t~~ ir~'~ 1--''''''1'' !~l~:~;; lfr~t~ G~i- ~ :';"f'" '. ; '~.. , ~. .~~ ~l, ", R', I~~ " ..~, 'I ~}~ ~i I!'~~ -,.,.,..~ 1~.;r{ ~Ih~;t !~~~~ ";'~i1~ ~}ft:~~ W' 't I,~~~ ~~~{i! ,,:.:.:- ::-'f,~ '~f~Jt 11 l.~ ~,-~ '7~:~~. 2~ ,:;~;~ L~1~-;1~~1 i'~{fg ~)i?;-J~ ~~,:: - :?~:; f_~. ~Jt:I. ! ,~.- .:;~:-~ ftif~~ 1~~1'1 (i(;t~-i ~t~~!-l ~;:~~:~~~~ r~~,~~~~l :-"-; -": :: ~ ~":.~";,~--:~ oc~"':A 'J.;-~ ':it -__ '.-1 .c~. .:? ; ~ --: 'c:,"J ,.':f~'~ ,':' ..}t~ ..J~ ~~~ II~ :',d i :.;'t~:1 .. ....~. . - ':.:~, ~, "1-'":' itj~ '!J~'U i,},',;l,r~,r .:.~.:z~l " .. I 593 I I hueband.! I I . WITlfBSS my hand and ottioial ,l28th day of Januar1 A. D. 1922~ L ! i \ Piled seal at Miami, County ot >>&4e and State of ~lorida, this w. W. Hall Notary Publlio, State oi 1!'lor ida at Larke. My oommission expires April 18, 1924. /t1"~L ',' /...... and rBoorded this 4th day of ~ebruar1, A. D. 1922. .. . A ~)' (..r .' ~ -e,,' , ~ .:! . , 0(' \,~, "r\'.'" // ,"'t.... ",.r/o "",~ ~:~~: :~.:\, , .). ~.,-I ,;,,~' "c, ~ ,,<> ,.O'r "\~v 'C' (C1'. CT.. SEAL) P. C. Kldred, Clerk Ciroui t Court. By' (A'A.( / oe. ar~ _/ D.C. I i , 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. B. SABDI30N AND WIFE TO WARRA.HrY DBKD. : This Indenture, Made this 2nd day of 'ebruary A. D. 1922 BBTiY&Rll C. B. Sandison of the I -Icounty of Jt. Lucie, in the State of Florida, party of the fIrst part, and Farmers Bank of I I Vero, of the Counti)' of dt. I..uo ie, in the :)tate of i'lorida, parties of the second part. . FAlU.l6RS BAlli{ OF \'&RO. WITUE3SHTH, That the aaid party of the first part, for and in oonsideratlon of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable oonsi1erations to him in hand paid by the partles of the , I second part, the receipt whereot Is hereby aoknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold I I to the said parties 'of the seoond part, thier heirs and assigns, forever, the following de- I scribed land, situate, lying and being in the County of 3t. LUCio and Jtate of Florida, to-wit: I j Lot Jtxteen (16) ID~Blook Two (2) of AdgewoOd Seoond Addition To Vero, Florida, a9 Ireoorded in Platt Book Four (4) Page Three (3) of the Records of 3t. ~ucie County Florida. I ADd tha said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and IWill defend the ~8IDe againat the lawful olaims of all persons whomsoever. I , I I I I I the day and year ab,?ve wrItten. i !31gned, sealed and delivered In presenoe of us: I L. A. Koeller i A. B. Whilden i i I I 3TA~E OP PLORIDA, Icounty of 3t. Luoie. i ' 11zed to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, C. 6. 3andison and ~race 3andison, his wite, /to me well known to be the persons' desoribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ao- t i ,knowledged before me that they exeouted the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein ! I \expressed. ! i , i ic. III '1HTHE33 WHlmEO:F, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal C. B. ( Seal) i I r I l ! i t, r I, I I I I I I f f 1 I 3andison Graoe ;iandison (Jes1) (60~ I. R. S~amp, oanoelled) I HKR&BY CKRTIFY That on this day peraonally appeared before me. an offioer duly author- AND I B'URTH6R C;mTIlY, That the said lI:r aoe jund ison knON1 to me to be the wife of the SIJ~d K. Sandison on a separate and private examination taken 8Dl .. de by and betore me, separat,- . , \17 and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said dee~ Ifor the purpose of renounoing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, ; IWhether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or eqU1tableJ~d to thtl lands de~ I isoribed therein, and that she exeouted the saId deed freely and voluntar 11y and witho&t any I . . oompulslon oonstraint, apprehension or fear of or frOm her said husban4. II" , ' .~, ! .... ~... :.. ',",', ';'" :";,.,.' ~- ":,":~':';.-" :' :'" ':.., , ,<~. '~~~".::.'.;'::~> '~:".i:~.~'~'..'~~~',' tA. ______ . , .~ "': "'-,:.,:~~:.""',.,,~>::"~~~",~~;t