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Product Approval - Metal Roofing
File Copy 13 2017 FW�tWdfPARTWNT OF Buslne'ss &.Professional Regulation In, -1 QS�qr Be Home409� g1sty.atforf I motTOOW 'Sv6in1t.Wftr§6 r crce"0 ro PProval 1 uP&A0 6. u 1XporoyalAen Omdkt or Aodicatfan Search->:AppY - catIan-List ` = • ® FL —7443 Applicatton7ype 'New Cdde'V69166 "IU4 A0011catfdn stat:Ps AO.pr4ved C-Offimehis At;hJvqd ?rodl ct Ma I nUfacturer iAtAYWR Rd6mid ZO . Melton "POYe , P , t'010i , t , 0; ` FL , :'j ,0k 4 �072)460m.4,9.49 ky..kewftltoi228@'apf.com: Authodzedsignature: Kyle . a I t* 'yI T kylewhite228@66f.cbm'. Technical Representative Quality: Assurance; Representative 1citdogry R66ffi j Ing SUbcateggry: Metal Roonn§, !!a- - 'Mdth6d tv.aluifdon'kepo nce. ittrom,,.ahodda:kegisteredArc6itectot.aLicensed F7oHdd'.Ph6fi951ofi61 Engineer liep6'tt-,-1-1 ar d copy,'Receiv6d :17101da EhOtri'edr'6r.AethttiictNbMdWh6.dt!Vbldb6d L66W Florida -the Evaluatioii��Report License Quafity-Assurance: Entity Keystoqe. qpqtftdat16fti Inc. QuaJitiy<Assurance Contract. ExpYratforf Date' 0411112021, Vandated. 6y Hermes mes F. Ll V a oud MOn th.ecklist = Hardcopy, Received ,Certificate of Independence F - LVA41 RO Col -Cettificatetjpf rhdepehd: Locke- Bo )den P. E-, Dd Ref6renced'Standard afid'Ydar�(,bf."St6ndard) miw EqU1va1eFhde,,Of ProdOtt,Stand6eAs Sections- - .fforn the Code P.'roductApproval Method ;M tK6d 1, Obtidn'D ;Date°:5ubmitfed; O3/O3%2Q1S Date:Valldated O3/d2�2O15, 1 Dafe Pending FBC App'rpval 43%OS/2O15 DW Approved 04]15%2015. .j Summa' ;of Products FL#'- Model, Numb er;.or Name: ., Description 19443 1 5 V Crimp 26GA4/2"=rib height:over 15/32" plywood_ Limits of Use .e Installation Instructions i Approved for usn HVHZ- .No FLi7443 RO• II 5 rl 1(C_IpLi Fa,�tenma Cletall.adf; Approved for.;use.outside HVHZ:':Yes Verified 8y:''p12I CorlsEruG[Ion Materials Technologies, LLC ImrpactResistant: N/,A Createtl byIndependpntThird Party:'Yes. besign Pressure +N/,A/ 129:25 Eva luation Reports; • Other• 129 25 @ 6 o:cC . 69.25 @16 a;c, margin of s6fdLi -iFli7443 R0 AE FL i7443 J:=A.. Tavlor RooPlna 5 V- C�imo 2:1 with'24" max. coverage Install per:manufaddrers detill. Report-ss:pdf Notfor<use,in HVHZ. Created by'IridependentThird Party: Yes ,•Back tJe�xi • Contact -us :. `.2601 01afr StoftC ad. TallaNa<_Mer L32399.Rhone: IVL4U-tM: Mn0*ate.6f Florida ts_an;AA/EEO employer. Q660r1aht 2007-2013 State'af Florida; Mr ' statement ;•Accessltillity Statement Refund statement Credit: Card` Locke Bowden, PE 0.460 AlyOurV Place. Moritqbftry, AL.361,17. F1,417443 JA Taylor iI Roof, 9 Inc 3.02 Melton W"o I V_ Fort -Pierce, FL 14982 Product: 5VCfimpthruTastenedA/211 rib at- each panel edge and. one., inthecenterofAe.,,pariel I 14"net coverage, 260YA mlii..,over-in-in-15/.3TIthick CDX.pjywaqO 4641s., !Oolopllanee':Floc da-Balldbig.;Codd (FBC),_201.4j 5ectidn. 1504.3.2i Secfi6n 150742.8,-Sedibn 1507 U L. -5 8 0. - "Tests f6r "Up Uft R 0s; i s tadw Description:. Architectural metal roof panel, -2,6gauge ,.metal ', 1panels, Vowr min L. 15./12"CDX plywood and` shall, complywithFloridalofiduildin9.Cbde,2614 Section,1,507AJ Install pernmaneacturersAh9tallaailsin.accori,qe,With FBC2014j.Section 1507.A2 Deck Slope 2:12orgreater and shall be compliant ,vthFlbrida.1WW1n9 Code 1 20l-4,'Sj6cd6i 1507.4.2. Design Pressure:29.15.psf,a.61o.c;,and 69.250sf@16"'.oco.iFasiematorg the crown:of theribin the, center :Upanel and atong1heJA Design includes es�84fotyEactorF2.0first fastener be -with' of panpll.,adgps 1V1in ki- 2" anniularringshitik. nails spa'ced..6.".o.c.-rer'oofihg,with=legsthan,l;9112";plyw o4 "w. 9min. .1,5/3211,)',,this attachment' 'he used , in addition to.exist ng-attachment. Deck, attachment 1o,belay design professional: other d fi. si.onali V44erlaywenc approved product, in in oorupliknde,,�the FRC 2014, Sectio'n-, 1507:1.8 Thrw-fastened,vver min: I 5/32"plywood Ftgtdners'49.45 HW_Hcorrosio4yesistantf4tAners with sealing washers, 004to wood connections with fastener Idngth:t& penett6te.5/16" through substrate Florida8ufldin per, g Code'201,4, S.ecii6n 1507A.4 Condi ns- of U manu ta n ft n -and. mustbe designed 4'9,. Use;: Notf6r use. iti.HVHZ.� I I per.manufacturer's e Wo M 4 In compliance -with Florida' 1 204 iscompliant- ith'Auld 6_1.02_0�3`;4--h E�Oi ding Qqdip�V erem manufacturer complies under a. quality -.W qe; program. audited. by approved. Qu ality,. I , rid" -fl-, Keystone Certifications tio id 4 ns YdI flint 1112021, Evidence 9iibuiki'tod: a, VL 580/TAS 115 Tests f6r110*.0Resistance; ce, b. Refd_r6nppTest -Report _`022_4-; 9501 --'0 ,6.Hurricane j_est'.L-a.;1b .q.r#t. rytest standard is eq .*i h d.Quality.Assurance Prflcedures 604:160tmenta t ;�11, 447,04 This reP.0 does not .guawfixor wamnty'anyproduct validated or installed: Moufaeturer -warivMY applies: 5 V Crimp FOotener, #9-15 corrosion resistant WiOOai 1h "W .wa--h g,.ers Fastener #91 x I 5,coodtibn resistant with sealing in Com-pllOnc:O i with 2014, Florida Building Cdd6f Section,1507.4.4, Perimaptpnin'g: O.fp - Maln, 'Fibldf6tt6nih Panel WIdtb:,26` Panel, Coverage:, 24'"maximum, 2 %6 G-' " ' : A'A, t.thitedurat Metal 'Rbo panel