HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoundary SurveyLEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) The North 160.6 feet of Sheridan Lone, abandoned by St, Lude County Resolution ¢ 83-161 recorded in O.R. Book 423, of page 1714, Public records of SL Lucie County, Florida, together f}ilh Lot 6, Block 1, SPRING HILL SUBDIVISIfIN, as -recorded in Plot Boor fO, Page 1D, pubric records of St. Lucie County, Florida less and except the Northeasterly 25 feet of said Lot 6. ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 6/8' ircigpwb. 00th yel to* cop marked PPSSAA�t FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevotio OH—OH--0H-= Over Head Wires X—X—X-= Chain Link Fence -E a-ClPlastic Fence 0--0--0Food Fence Q= FPL Transformer Pod PL=Value as plotted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve - Delp of Curve AS. = Meosured CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrre�te Pod ®= }oter Meter �= Po*er Pole = Utility Box ®_ e = 1 1 R.O.}{yRight of }boy w1r = Drainage Proposed and Existing _.dF4XtX* as MIN, SETBACK RE(I FRONT Z5 SIDES -1, S ' CNR SIDES _ REAR Irk j ZNC. TECH._ r� i ' 'k �y Y Y,OO Pip PEOP,t,O,,, DD PLOT PjrAN BJBdg IM fBtotAy,F,IL HOA" DEPM. AND BW9DI DOM APPROW0 SURVEYORS NOTES: I. Unless olherfyise noted only platted easements ore shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shofyn are per plot unless otherN se shoWnn. 3. No underground utilities or improvements *ere located unless other*ise shofyn. 4. This site lies llithin Flood Insurance Rote Wag Zone X Magi 12111C0311J Doted. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone sha*A hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by o determination agency. 6. Bearings shof}n hereon are based on the Center line of SPRING HILL OR as being N60'20'26'E according to the Plot described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on IN expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy - 1 fool in 7,600 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited *11hout 'written consent. i cb, \ oJ1� ON— dIrO 11 - *QAtcfl \S a� SPRING HILL DRIVE Certified to: Daniel P Farkas and Caitlin G Farkas SCALE:1 a=30- Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, L87468 751 NE Jensen Beach Blvd, Jensen Beach. n 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.eom (772)398-4290 DATE.4/12/17 1 hereby cart. {�t7 the syrvey shade herean is true and correct and is based arj{deT11'1Gaeo3Eurmxnta taken in the field. This ' cF survey meets l Ta cal Standards of Chapter 6J-17 „ Florida adr"tnlslrallve c0de6lg1mayr nedbyJwnuA.CWro �,,IFIC�rF James A. Jr. PSM5543 Otte—JamesA CesIroIr. oJldandcland Ocsign, au, Cesiro Jr. Dates 0 7A5.7300m 37.0 nos Z mnTem NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC r. droaro,• I SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL ° ue DRAM;JC 2017-0284 DATE: REYISIDNS LAST FIELD DATE :4/11 /1-7 JUL 18 2017 "rE:)A FRY S U RN/'- � , .. .. _ ,/ DESCRIPTION: .led by Client) ,jrth 160.6 feet of Sheridan Lane, Boned by St. Lucie County Resolution A =153, recorded in O.R. Book 423, at page A4, public records of St. Lucie County, Florida, together *Ith Lot 6, Block 1, SPRING HILL SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plot Book 10, Page 10, public records of St. Lucie County, Florida less and except the Northeasterly 25 feet of said Lot 6. Cl) CD N N -n C M v O ca D<_.= 1Dv0 ID• go x w0) o 0 ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron r bar Vyy th yello* cap marked "PSO 554 FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevatio OH--OH--OH— Over Head Fires X--X--X — Chain Link Fence -Cj-I}o- = Plastic Fence 0--0--0-= Wood Fence Q = FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve Delp of Curve EAS. =Measured CONIC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad 8S = Water Meter �older Pole = Utility Box R.O.jell . = Right of Way 1vU = Drainage Proposed and Existinq SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other*ise noted only platted easements are sho*n hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plot unless other*ise sho*n. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were. located unless other*ise sho*n. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate flap Zone X Vap# 12111C0311d Dated: 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6.,Bearings sho*n hereon are based on the Center line of SPRING HILL DR as being N60'20'25"E according to the Plot described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on th'e expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited *Ithout *ritten consent. / UIN. W/iCK AEd. FRONT-�� � SIDES` � 1.2 / CNR SID�I REAR NG. i VPL ® oqa% `y1 �yFCL / a Ovpc Cbr '�Cbr T� 4