HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0639 Dl19I!t It1SS Alf1) 1fDB TO ADllI RIOH PISHBR AND ANNA t,H1RA 'ISm 31 QUIT-CLAIM DEED -.-.--...- ---- i I f I TillS INDENTURE. )lade Ihis 12th.. day of_ 'e!!!~y --DaniaLlW.aa end Ide B..JblIllLh1B w1f~_ of the COUllt, of Okeeahobee ."d State of J'lorido _^- D. 19u_~ betweell (. par' i8 8 of the first pari, a"d '-den 810e i'i QhAr And ..Anna Laurt.l ~18hl.L- City C U~ 1 of the atllllfty of. lCan~B 1 ty aDd State of .u.8eOd poar~ cf the secolld part, WITNESSETH, That the uid part_US of the first part, for and In cODslderation of the sum of _Ono._(..~..oo.L>>Qll&J:j.and other .!_slunble oonsiderations ~!IIU: - " In hand plld b, the said part1e.a_ of the SCCOQd part, the renipt whtreof is hereb, aekaowledled. hL-'!'L rembed, rdeased and quit.c1almed. and by these presenh do_ remise. releas~ and quit-claim uftto tbe said I'&r,-.ie~ of tbe second poart aDd their heirs and assigns f~rc\'tr, all the rifht. tille. interest, claim alld demand which the ~..Id part_.1..aL of tbe first part bL-:t.L in and to tbe following ducribed lot_, piece__ or p:ucel.._ of land. to-wit: _~c:l~~~~~.. at ..!.~.! Southeast corner of Lo!..numbered tour (4) in Seotion 1 To.nahip 3~ _S.Q~~lLQfu.M!_ggfL~LEe~ thenoe runnintL\\e8t~24 ~J(ar~ thenoe Uorth 66~ard8... thence__ ..lasth.624..iUcis .-the.nc....so.u.th-.8b-.i'er.~.to ._po1n.t...o.Lbag1 nning..._lus.1.ng._iIL~11!L~r~.u~f__ _'t..();r.~ea!d L~i. B6id Seotion Town8hip~nd Rang!.!.. loo&ted in St. Luoie County, florida. I TO If A \'1:: A~D TO HOLD, tht same, t<>guhu ..-ith ~II ~nd .inK"t.u the ..ppurten....cn ther.unto belGnging or in ~n,,'i<t apNrl>.mlll!'. and all the utat.. right. title. intere.t and claim ,..h"uO<\'tr of the .aid parl...l~!; of tht fir.t part, tither in Ia..- or equit).. to the only proper Ust, btne6t anoS bthoof of the nid parll~." of tht crcond ;.~!I, ._. _. mt.l:le.i.r____~_....___.___.__heirs and ..ssign. forn.r. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, The s:.id parLU.e of the 6",' pat! ,,&.-Y~L b.ullnto Ht._._!llei:r:-....__._b..lldl5_ and HaLl!. th. .b}' ..rod year first abo.-t ..-riurn. Signed, sraltf! and dHi\'ertd in prutnct of: _~!\_~ _.~_.n_~r.!ok J. O. Peace 1l8nUll _ii~!3_B.. Ids B. hUBS _____(5<-21.) ....--. -.- '-." -- _..__...___(SraU STATE OF.n_~!J~~__ Okeeohobee ._-~-- } 18 County 01.. I HEREBY CERTfFY, T1ut on this d.., peuonall)' a(>Nued btf"rt mt. ..n officer dull' authi>ri..d to admini>tcr O3tb. ..nd take. ~rkno...l.di:" mtnt>, _._Dtln1el._BUB.B.._.mLld.a...Y.... ..A.uaa.___..__. _" _._.__.h__h...___.__________. .____._n_________.._. to mt' ...tll known to be- the ptr!lOn_..!i5dC'cribed ill and who eurutrd the fortg:>;ng in'lrum.nt ..r.d_._~l:l...l______.....ac"nowletllted ~iO<t m. th..t._.theJ:._uecut.d the same: freelr aad ..olu..!...;I, for Ihe PUff""C' therein e',.prused.. MW I Fl.'RTIIER CERTIFY, That the .a.id-_..I!lQ..Jt.._~J.~eIL_._____...._.___.___._.___._.._._______._._..__._.h..._.h. Lnown to mt to be: the: ,,-ife: of tht .aid--.:Dani.el...1i.UBB __.__ -.' -_..___..._..__.______._____________._ __,_,u,__, e.n a >'poI...t. '\nd printr txamin.lion. t.ken and made: b)' 'and bdO<r m", ....nalrlr ..n,) ~l'~rt from hce .aid hcsband. did ..cknowledge that .he rxerut.d the fongoing Dtcd for the purpose: of rdinquj.lling. alien..tin!: and connying ~1I her r~hl. title and in teres!. ,,'httber of dower, 110m,. .trad or of sepu~te propert}-. -I"tutory .or e:quit~ble. in and to the Ian". ducribc:d th<rei.., and that she uecuttd said nc:ed freclr ~nd \olun. t&filr and without an)' compuhion. constraint. ..pprehell,ion or r,af of or from h<r ."iol hu.band. WITXESS. mr hand and Qfficial scal, al...Q..~~_~CJ~~l:>.!.~._.~_n__County oL Okee~hObee ._._...and State oLXlQ~J~h~_.n.__.__. 2200. '.by of..--!'Ibruery A. D. I,)..~.~' . thi._ (Sc:~I.) /- '- --- ST A Tf:. OJ:-f>LOR1DA. R. E. H8~fiok _ . -.ftotsryn'Publl0'-'for--the-5t8te-of- .F...c?-ida- at Large h-c:~~-,.E-9~~~~~.gg:=~g!!-~~ __~~-~~.e_~-:-.~~! _.~?~,,5 >-... .t~j '-. JH.P. 5os1) i () County of Sl l.ucit. BE fT REMUIBERED, That on Ihi.___ .~_Q\b.._.m__ _ .._._____d~y of._nl.t.'b.J'~g.z____.____A. D. I,).~~. 1 \ ~. 11 . I, ._____ p.~!. ~'!.<!~..t.c!L_______.._--=-___ __________CI~rk of Ihe Circuit Courl in and for .aid ('OUrlly, J-ue dulr recorded the foregoing Quit-Qat1l'IDflcl.. in the Pvl>lic Ruord. of >aid County, IX WITNESS WIIERF-OF. I ~e hereunto ~~\, m, hand and the Hal 01 .~id Court the .b, aDd ycar abon written. , ' I . I \ .. P. C. B14r.4 . ___._._._..(Scal) (ct .Ot. Stay) L _ " aer" Circuit Court. " ~ B,_.& ~~ nc:puty CI:rk. .... . , . ~: ; '(.s >:: :" ,';J5~~')~~~, . . - ~.~- :" ;~~ "'..~:~:'::: .', _ ~ ~ . " ....' . ~ '~'.';;:~. ~ . ~ . -: '0 -c' -....... ~ - .' - ", -. ... . : ~. - .-. - '- -.. .,.-