HomeMy WebLinkAboutELECTRICAL AFFIDAVITc v uct Er- ,: � b, f Electrical Affidavit Date_ 2 b22 /22 ST.LUCE Parcel ID # Z3oci - 341 - 6op" -000 -a Address i"71 eA (4 R el ce Permit # I have requested to install an additional electric service/meter at the above -named property. By signing this affidavit, I fully agree that the additional electrical service/meter does not allow for the following: • Operation of a business venture or entity within the accessory structure in violation of the LDC • Renting or leasing any portion of the accessory structure in violation of the LDC • Converting accessory structure into additional occupied or living space in violation of the LDC I fully understand that if the condition of this affidavit is broken without consent, power could be shut off to the building without notice. e er Print Owner's Name STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF .%, fir -,a Signature of Owner SWORN TO (OR AFFIRMED) AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME OF x PHYSICAL PRESENCE OR ONLINE NOTORIZATION THIS ZL DAY OF YGbuc�i 20 27, NAME OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PERSONALLY KNOWN )1 OR PRODUCED IDENTIFICATION —SoSejlti 9"e , TYPE OF IDENTIFICATION PRODUCED SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC uK o(. COMMISSION NUMBER SI-410 .54Ug jt/'5 TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY (SEAL) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I BUILDING DIVISION Im 2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce, FL 34982 't► (772) 467 - 1585 r (772) 462 -1428 a, 000 * � INiM oessus ; 4 (772) 462 •• f od ryo;