HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0674 :. '/) Ir"- 66 . TO ! i I i -- QUIT-CLAIM DEED nns INOENTURE, Wade this ~r4 obI' of CARL L. HOSKTHS ana ~Tw.RIBB H09KIRS. of the CoulltT of_~.~ ; ~r ci~ ':is. ud State of W. at ft~U Me - HuSK. HS, of iarreD AprU . hi. w1fe, Y lr8lnia _A. O. 19.23, ~t.-een of Ie ston paILlta of the Int paft, and of the County of ."d Slate of Penn_l'Yllnia WITNESSETH, Tbat tbe said pu11a.a.. o. the 'nt put, for aad in collsidention of tbe SUIll of OBB (~90) Dollar aDd other valuable oonsideration paf~ of the stCOftd part, I'~' ~ , ... ~'f\, i i I' I' ! ill hand p.aid bT the u.id pllft-L of tbe s<<ODd JIlart, the ~il't whereof is herebT aCRowledled, hL-Yt._ romised, released and quil-claimed, - ~ and by Ihue presents do_ remi!le, rdealt anei qr:it-daim aalo tbe said put~ of tbe atc:C>:ld part aod bAr. heirs and auigDs forner, all the right, title, iaterut, claim ud demand _hich the said part-.iu... of the int part bL._Y.JL in and to Ihei following ducri~d 101__., piece_ or pafceL--of Iand,DmI! lying and belng in St. Luoie uounty, ,lorida, to-wit: -.=-._fh'LJfortb.e aat.--Qua.rb..r-O.L..t.h__..sQulh'n.at_~r.ter-O.LJ~!lQ..UQlLlti._AmrD8h.1JL.aj_~_Qll.tb. .. .J.<.8oge 39_.k8:\._Q Qnb Ini ng 6 Q.1'.~l~o.La..a.r.a.ae-Aore._or-1u8..._.ha...J)t. ~..h.oJltlnr...J_he.._r.1.eh\..o 1. u.weI . 01-_.publ1 o--r.08.d.s...snLdr.a1n~fL.Q.i.iDl1l.a_aS....8h01ln...QD.....Dl.&.:\....JDad.'Lbl-11.ortde~.8.t_9..o1A.8.\...~.!l1tl_ Com~_fiJ,.ed__in-th.a-~fiQ4-.ni' t}lA .Ql..er.k.....oL t;hA C1r.Qll1t_~Qur.t. ._-_..._.._'_._._-------~-------------_.__._------_._---.-..---.-..-....... ---..-...--..... TO IIA VI-: AXD TO HOLD, the ume. togdber with all and .inlldar the ~I'portenaace$ thereunto btlonginll; or in ~nJWi.~ apl'<ftalnlng, - and all the eslUe. righ'I, tille. iotue't and claim ..hat50enr of Ihe ."id I>art..le B of the 6.'t pari, either in la... or equitT, to tbe only I>ro."'r u.e, btr.efit ,,"d behoof of .the said ~fl_)'_ of the .econd part. _____..hex .._.________.________heiu and a..ign. forever. ) IX \\'ITXE5S WHEREOF, Tbe ",id part...188 of the 6r>t ~rt ha_.'I'a_ hereunto Itt__...thelr.______handB _ and .....1. 8. rhe 0131 and ).tar fir~t abo,"(' written. Signed. ..'aled and ddi.-rred in pfelfnce of: I I .. _.... Cll.rl.t. L.RQ.KJp6_________._1 SuI.) lb'_tl..L.t ~1l1'.. ...=-__Juni.-:....~g~ .- --.- .~--- ___... KfliherlneH.o..Bt lOB ._(SuP STATE oF~~_.D.ST.....YmGllill_____.____ 1 Cou~ty 0'-__ Le.la-. J ) HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thi, day I'<rson:ally apl'<:lfed btior... me. an ollie,'r duly a:Jthonzed to adm;ni.ter oaths and t.ke uLno.'leo!!!- ments. .9arl L_._. Ho ~~J ~H.L~.n4J~n..uJ.JlJuJloek ~n.S_ u_ __._ ___.__ .__________________._._._._. ..___._.... ... to me ...ell known to bt the ptrlOn!_ de.cnbcd in and ....ho .,,<coted the f9regoing instnlmtnt ancL-.!.~')'.____acknowledged btfof" role lhat_ _ ~ ___exreulcd the same fftely and vol 'nlafily for the f>tlrl.o'e< therein express.,.s. ",XD 1 I-TRTIlER CERTIFY. That the "'iL--~JiR.t:r.1p.e__.lJoulpe.____.____ __._._.___________..__._ ___ _.__ _. . \..no,,"n to me tow UIt ...-ife of the said_~@.l1_~~.HQQk.1D.IL_...____.__u__._____....___.. on a scl>:tfatr ar.d I>finle u:amination. I"ken and mad~ by and b<:fofe me. 'el.afatcly and al'~ft from her nid hu,~nd. did ;acknowlrdl1:e t!>al -he newtr.! the foregoing Derd fOf the purpose of rdin'Jui.hinl{, alien"tinl1: and (onceying all her rigl1t. title and interest. ...hether of do..-ef. ho"... .f."d or or separale I'fOptfty, ,ututory or equitablr. in and to Ib" I~nd, described therein, and tbat .he ..xecuted laid Deed irerl) -an,l \nlun- luil)' "Dr! ...ithout any eompol.ion. con,traint. aM .-elten,ion I)f fur of Of from her .aid husband. WITXESS. my haad and oRicial seal. at_.lr.8~Qn .________County oL._.___L.w1B.__.__._._and Sute of___.!!"8.1...ya. ._. lhi._._:_._.i~~~ay oL__.Apr.1l.-.-_..._.__A. )). 1,,2~ (Se,{) -" ! '. i( H.ll. Ser.l)}. ~. .30 t6ri-'putli~;"~l:.vO.t'''i'8t.. VIi-ginie--' ____==.~Mir..J!~e~lon~'xp1re e. >>eO" 9\h :.1.929 I I i ! I i 5TA'rp. OP-fLORIDA, .. ...~. emmly of Sl Lucie. } BE IT RF.Ul':!I8ERF.I>. That on Ih~.__:.._ _..__..4th_....._ ..._oUy of....____*,____________:\. D. 1?_g3 ,) I, .._____..._f..Jl.., _~U_e.ll.._ ____.____.___.....__________Cler.. of the Cifcuit CcUfl in and fOf ;ai.l ('''''nt~.. bH olul,. recorded the fougoing Quit.Claim Deed in the Put-lic Itrcord. of said COUtuy. IX WIT~F.SS WHF.RF.O.-h-l ~ hernlnto set m) haad and tbe ...1 of laid Coaft the oUT and yur abon ..ritten_ ~ . '\ __2&_.Q.. ..I14ra.d.-______._..__.._ _. _ _ ':-;,al) Clerk Circuit Court Ct.CteJt8lf . . e6. L L/ - /J' - 'l~. J .- ~(\ ~e~\W 8).-.....dU..u:.b.~.~-.--_-D<I,ut). CI.,L. ,..~__ ~eCO "'L' ... - - '. -. -;-.::- -::.... ". -- - . . . . ..:-.... ~- ,""...; ',' - . > ~ > . '::"> . '-:? .-:<~:::-::' ~~ >'" '~+i",-: ';,~: : ,':.;: .;.' ~,:'/:;