HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlower Door Test FormFrom: Michael Faurot pro.ductservicesfl@gmail.com (V
Subject: [Scan] 2019-03-21 10:07
Date: March 21, 2019 at 10:08 AM
To: prichwine@gmail.com
Sent with Genius Scan+ for iOS.
Thanks again
. . °.
Plann(ng & pcvebprncrrtSetvices
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Paistng resuits must be & ACH (S0) at Eels Q pass ("ii a31 '
T14 bugdIng or dwefing unit shall be tested and verified asbaving an atrleskage rate of trot exceeding Z aw 44C#M pCd
how In Climate Zone ?, 2 and 3 air changes per hour In Climate Zones 3 thtough S. Testing shag be eonducte66th a
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approved thfsd porti. A written report ofthe results of the test shall be signed by iht party conducting the test'wkd
prcvided to the code off d6L Testing shall beperformed at -any, time after creation a: ap penetrations of the hu irg
Where the air inlettrattan rate Of a dwellfre un€t-is less than 3 air changes pe hour wFte 'tested ivIth a`bicvrer daor a: a
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the dwelling unit shalt be proalded,4vfth whatdouse mechantrai ventitn;aon in accv gfarrce with Section ! 3.
gornpany, Name- Pto-Duct SerVJCei' t+diftess: 1916 itto Vim► DrIn. FL lie, FL 34?0
I F�ereby,ie tify thiithe above Hake lrr itaat c ln,i sulis deirlonstrat6 cdtn I[Iance'v6;8C Ent C rrsen�
requirements In azt6rdince vf1th`Sectloit fi442A.1.2 Climato Z6ne 2. n
Signature. `
�rintetftJatne� Wrtin�Klein,
Ucer>s�%tcrtifipdon ll 5061633
Michael Faurot
Pro -Duct Services
Blower Door and Duct Leakage Testing