HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalPublications FBC Staff oup--.� uct Approval ; Public User 2rn =An__ nproyal Menit> PM9ctor Annll I > Apptiwtion L(st Searah'Criterla " r-f.. IA SFr?'t3i n BCIS Slte Map : Un cs Search Code Version 2014 FL# Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer `891.2 Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method A _L Quality Assurance Entity ALL t Entity Contract Expired A _L Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description L Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ 4 A L Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure A'L Other ALL ALL F'r_ FIB 5891- B-5 11sl tory A plicatlons Manufacturer _ _yafldet x atp� Revision Therma-Tru Corporation li FL#: FL5891.2 i Ryan ]. Kinl . ; , ►pproved Model: b. "SmoothStar" PE• !i Description: 618 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door (X) Inswing or (8131 767- Outswing Configuration Category: Exterior Doors S1111 11 or Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies DBPR. Approvals by DBPR sha�he revlewed9 lid ratlDed by the POc and%or the commission If necessary.' Contact w :: 7601 8181r ctpne 2nad Tall-h- eC E aZaao phon Bye-ae7-1a 4 The state of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. CODytlaht 092-2013 crate of Florida :: PrlyA v Statement : • Amesslbllity Statement : Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. if you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do nc send dectnlnlc mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please Contact 850,487 1395. 'Pursuar to se lion 455.275(i), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email addr is one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to! tl ey have p If If I personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. Th determine If you are a licensee under CI 'pier - .55, F. s., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: "W ® eG_ Credit C8r(1 Safe . ri(?s'Llww^.��.aori,l2 t;lAiiLlilri,%�,rn: r: r')i iif)i's . I ■ w 011111111 r ■ ■ i■ N % ■ ■ art ■ in IL—K f Vi/M IN I R'! -- —� �M 'ate THE:P-MA TRU ®001Rs 1 16 INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, ❑H 43S77 3'0'r x 6 g8fF "SMOOTH STAR" FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING 'wpAc r GENERAL NOTES t. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code (178C) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone'(HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details, Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the F8C and does not require an impact resistant covering, This product meets missile level "D" and excludes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and Section 1609.1.2.2of the F8C. 4, For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect, 37.59"MAX.OA FRAME WIDTH * lk �LyrS 11 \C G w 36.W'MAX. '�e''••......:.w��'Ccm, PANEL WIDTH m o a 1'�r��rri iIu LLLLLL N > M m w z aa•;= �3 =m�� ® ® V 4 f 1�a L9 _ < Nn cr U U J m ° a a a, I � U q � Z Mu I `r W i Q.VERALLe oo z INSWING 37.S9"x82.19,, +67.0 -67• 08 S. So 0--10F OUTSWING 37.59" x 80.69" + 67.Q -�7. AL FSC1.2 0° a N R1CTIwtAThemM hu PERMAN � � 1 ENT1Fbrida Pmd..�e e.��,y�1F1-5891�Drawing:�furrmhR�589Ldwg, 21 { � r elm IR v ® � r � 1.54" �a a T r-1.54" x i Z rA 3? o' 0 __ T: i a THERMA-TRU ro 03 ? n�i FIBERGLASS DOOR r D y W 2 1/28 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: v to t r O i G i l 12 REVISED TO 2010 FBC co NO DATE dlc Can BY ODOR PANEL Dams12008 R.W. 13N,LOINO CoMBUi TA INC. REVISIONS `1�1111111/1/. i�, ��. � * W434M r•MOP -A z ftL q3 09 lac ' !tORRMI-6,• '�1,� BALDING CONSULTfANT311 P.O. Bo% 230, Va1Hee, FL 3MM 1 Phono813..59.9197 ^^ F$FE CA No. 9ll13 RIQfefdAnerma Tru PERMANENt\Ff.,Wa Prod. - Wak\FL-5891\Drawings\Cuu t\FL-5891.dw 32 S v Z -T. o NNO ODATE 15 Soon R.- a ...... C---- .Tu r I� z LO O 0 C-i �*No.434C * ; it Ff7HERLAY; Rt) n '.LT'rA��Nc•�o�T�S,/�/, BERClASS DO - • ` .�3..,31 ASSEMB LHORRONTA F.!•1 �.� BUILOND CONSU P-O• — 230, Vott CROSSSCTIO hOnn No.: ai3.91g7 BSPeEhmitlt C.A. No, f3BT3 ` Y 2�aienmrnnrs,a ra, PEfU1lWENT\Tiorida Prs povals�FL-5891\Drawi ftgt\CurrentlFL-5891drrq, 42 19 X m A m z A O ;a I rn m A A — PRODUCT: TH -GRL I RU o t"m 2 N FIBERGLASS DOOR UPDATE TO 5TH E0. 2074 FBC I2 LFS PART OR ASSEMB N y y o 1 6 11 REVISED TO 2010 FBC JK -� LY N; O DATE 9Y VERTICAL 2OD8 R.W. REVISIONS CROSS SECTIONS F7l1�LCING CCNBIILT MC Ir.,C. 1-1/4" MIN. EMB. jTYP.j MB. MIN. _ EMB. (TYP.) ,`�``,p1ts►t Nrr..r,�, No.43401 ,r ",S-- ne.n.er. Prapor�y ey` % •• �r1QEOF 0: Yndor F Soh t ��•••••fZ , .E 14M 43409 �ii� �% BU4.DIN4 CONSULTANTS rIN 111 PA. Box 230, Valrtoo, Fl. 335' .I J .. Phone No.: 813.899.9197 J FBPE CJ1. No. 8813 T� j MASC I OPEC, 2X ------------ -' tl 6, O c, v BUCK_ ANC_ HORING CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: S1. Concrete anchor locations at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mcrtarjoints, ^. Concrete anchor locations noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to mointain the min, edge distance to mortcrjoints, additional concrete anchors maybe required to ensure the 'MAX, ON CENTER" dimension Ore not exceed a 3. Concrete anchor table: ed. OR ANCHOR .: MfN:: ' .MfNr CLEARANCE 'MIN;CLEARANCI ;F TYPE SITE iEMBEDMENT 70 MASONRY .. Tb A0lACEfYf i 1TW .. ..',.ANCHOR =.. TAPCON0 Tµ" 1-1/4" p• 4 ULTRACON WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: 4" 1. Maintain a minimum 518"edge distance, I"end distance, & 1"O.C, spacing i cf wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. STRIKE JAMB MASONR OPENINC FRAI 2X BU, �• � � •.sueLA 'T _ * ��m= o m 1za y� � '1 bail 4 X O.. N 2 C7 G1 �SZ r a CXCO 1.13Zt 2 0 En i0 m M tim w �O C YU a mQ FRAME ANCHORING Masorvy 2X buck Conshucfion HINGE DETAIL HINGE JAMB LATCH & DEADBOLTDETAIL �z F N � w N Q N ^ a 0 O 4123108 i N.T.S. AL o LFS g VINO NO.: C FL-589t.2 m a° 7 5 OF 7 N MASONK OPENINC FRAA IX BLIC w a�xrRt JAMB FRAME ANCHORING Masonry ] X buck consttVcfiail CO NCRE7EANCHORNOTES: 1. Concrete an or at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. onts. `2,ede distance to Concrete anchorloca onslnoted as MAx. ON CENTER^ must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to morforjoints, additional concrete anchors i may be required to ensure the 'MAX. ON CENTER" dimension are not exceeded. J 3. Concrete anchor table: ANCHOR ANCHOR" M/M i511N CLEARANCE MIN- CLEARANCE iYPF SIZE EMBED(4IFNi TO MASONRY TO ADJAGENf TAPCONe 1/4" 1.1/4" 2„ 4" F g 7APCON b WOOD SCREW INSTALLAAON NOTES: 1. Maintain a mInfmum 5/8"edge distance, l"end distance, 8 1"o.c. spacing Of wood screws to prevent the spf(ffing of wood. C HINGEJAMB LATCH L DEADBOLT QUA(L HINGE DERIL ••...... i c d v E ZmZa e 3z i ha c i N\Q � m N � Z p U e 4123108 = LE_ N.T.S. er: AL m ar LFS 3 MG NO.; Q FL-5891.2 0 a T 6 of 7 __. _ .. All f]r UAT—A.. ncan uGI�.RIr11UN 1 F. F 1 L A I BUCK SG>= t t-� C • •• �v •- u �o MAX.I/4"SHIM SPACE VYUUD WOOD D 1 /4" X 2-3/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW WOOD 4,56' — --� E MASONRY - 3,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM STEEL ��-- C90 CONCRETE P3Zj H1!4"x 3-1/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 1/4"3-3/4" PFH TTWCONCRETE SCREW STEEL K #8 X 2-1/2" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL L 7 #10 X 7' PFH WOOD SCREW SHORT REACH COMPRE5510N WEATHERSTRIP STEEL STEEL t9 20 jam 6 SIDE 41 1 SS DOOR SKIN .070' MIN. THK. FIBERGLASS BY THERMA-TRU WITH YIELD STRENGTH FY (MIN.) = 6.000 PSI NOTE: WOOD/LVL COMPONENTS (PINE, SG >= 0.42) ; �' .`� ma's �•••............ i` � $ "• <san 5 V °n � c �Noz z�zu 8 cO W 1N./WOOD of VOOD VOOD �� a~ i-2-- 4 1 z STEEL ya STEEL�,_ STEEL 4.67'--"7� a o 0 LL m ut.COMP. o �,� LOWPROFILE OUTSWING BUMPFACE oI a b � 5.75" �I i °� SELF ADJUSTING SADDLE iNOctunen z \W Z N' O N 2 El E 4123108 i '£ N.T.S. ° AL 4'+ • I,: LFS 3 YINO NO.; 2 FL-5891.2 0 a 7 _7 OF 7 N