HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0686 78 -___J)!yID...B..:~X..JJlJLLDL_ TO IORfH Sf, LUOII RIVIR DaJIBJGI DISTRIC' QUIT-CLAIM DEED TillS UWESTVRE, ~bde thiS-.9t)l day of ....7 ___])!Y..IJLB....2BOK en~ JJlfft O. 1'80(. h18 W1fL of the COUIU, of_OJ~9Jt and State of nlinoie HaRTH S~. LUCIE BIVRR DRlIBJGI DISTRICT , of the COUnl)' oL-.al. LWlie ond Slate of I'l,oride. A. D. ...2~ ...-.. .-~-. -----1 parUea. of thc 'rot part, and 11 . par~ of Ihe second parI. WITl'ESSF.TIf. That the said part..1a.a of the 6111 part. for aed in eonsidcralion of the .UIll of ~n~undr.4 fifty six end 60/100 Dolla.., in hand cWd by Ihc said parLJ:- of the lCcoad part. the rteci!>I whereof i. hereb)' aeknowledled. h&.""'_ remiscd. relcased and quit.c1aimed, :lnd b)' Ihue prcscnlS do_ remiS<'. rdeate and quil-claim IInto Ihe .aid parl.~ of the ..cond pari and_i.t"_Slll1A.~ and astign. forner. all Ihe right. tille. inleresl, claim and demand which I!le said parL.1e.8.._ of Ihe 6rst part h&._11._ in and 10 Ihe following dtseriMd 101.._., l'iecc_orparecl_ofbnd.."...it:lying end being in St. Lu01e County. '10ri4e, tc-wit: ___.. fhe .ltQr:\h._ia...~e.d_..Qf_ihL.1!I.JLl/4...9..t_lhQ __:iit.1Jt: -----:the... Jj01"~-~-U.t..-.Of_.t..be.--.BtLJ./.._rd. _.t.h8 __li L.J.j.4.;. __.'lht..i!Ou.\lLt&~J2._nL~_2.f__\ht__.~Ll/.~__.9.1__:tl1e ._~Vi _~L.J. .___. :a:he._;;J_Oll"kh_.4.z..~1/.lJu._\__Qt_jhL.!3.~..J./t._.Q.f__~.b.I_.~~_..).jJ.i_ ____.!h8._IOr.t.h~a_i..tl_oi:_ne_.llL.1/.._O.fJh.e_. ~J__l./:i.__ ______.___._.._____ ___.!he .lior.:\h.A.3...iH.1......Q1:_.th&...li....1/.._Jlf._~hI.._8.._1./4. . ___.____._..._._._ --- ~,_.J~Q:g,~4..!i.~~lj~-.~~-~:LQf.-.~~~. n~J.L.. _~l_yl1_~_.~~._].j~.i .._________________.____..n._.._____.. -.-.. D.I.}~OU ~_..~.1./.2.-;tu.:t..ot-.\h.e __Sl._l/4_of__ ~hQ.n~IL1J. L_______._____.____. __ '_n_.___. .__ _____.._All ..1n__~.o.\1.on_12..-.~Qmah.1JL3.6-.!3.outh,...R8.nge--3~-n~JI.\ L-________..______.n_._...__...___ TO IIA\"E AXO TO HOl.D. Ihe Hmc, logtlbu ..ilb all and .in~ubr Ihe appurlcnancu Ihcrtunlo belonging or in anywi,t apl'<rlain:r.!I:. and all Ibt ..UIC, r~bl. lille, inlut<l and claim whalso<\'(r <>1 Iht .aid l'util IS of Iht fir-I parI, tilhcr in law or .quil,.. 10 ItI.. only pr,,!"r ] u.t. lo.ndil and behool 01 Ihe ..aid I02rl...)".__ oi lilt .tcond van. .._.....1\. ..BUooe 118.0.f8.___.__.___"!tPIF. and a"ill:n. forc..... IX \\'ITXF.SS WHEREOF. The said parlite. 01 Ih. 6r'l ~rl ha._V.t._ htrtunlo "I.__n.the il'___.____hud_l. and mite.. lhe da)' and ~.t.r hr~t aoo,'(" wriu(,!I, Signed. "al.d and c!c1inred in pr.Hnrt 01: . ___________!t.~ J..!.L.!lo~ll.ll_ .. H. Kull~n Jr. ...~h....--=-==::~.;.~:::._.::... ::_=-~~~~~ _-===:=:..=..=:.:-=-_________ ._ __._ ~'-Y14 .J. _1>Q.o.k.__._______ .._1 Sut\ _ _. Jsll.e LQ. ...J~_~.~~____'________..nl SuI. \ -- - -- -- -- -"-- -- ._- --- STATE OF....___~kl!iQ]:.~...__.._____________n.__ 1 C"unly ol_..__._QQO.A. ______.....__._____._____ J I HERER\' CERTIFY. Thai on Ibis thy pruonallr ~i>l'ured brlor. ro,. ~n <oi!i<n dul). a"lho.izc)S 10 ~dminisltr Oalhs and Ilkt acln..."t..l",. ru.r.ls, ___.~..tl~J$...t._fllQ.~._.~nl.~.A'.tJ; L P(lQ~. _ ~1.JL,,1t, .______________._________........___..__...._. . . ( ,,, mt .....11 I<no....n 10 M I".. person_~ described in ~nd who) e'lrolled Ihc for.goin~ in>lrum,'ol and____t~.~.1'______~d,nowlr,lg.d 1...lore m,' Ihat..___ 'the,- ..__.._..,,<cul.d Ibe sam. ...tly and ..oIunluily for Iht J>Cr['O... Iherein ."1......... ",SO I n'RTlIER CERTIF.... That Ihe said.___..l@M.\j~,.. p~Qt__.___.._._.____. kno..n 10 rue 10 be lb. ,,'ilt 01 Ibe >aid-kY1d.._~a._.f'80.k. _._. ...._.___.___.__._.__...____._.____.__._____.__n__.._. on a ..p~ralt and I,r;".llt ."aminalion, lakcn and mad. by and brlore ru., "t~raldy and aparl frorn h.. nid b".band. did ~ckno...l.di:' ".at .bt <x.culed Ih. lor.going D.cd for Ihe I,urpose of-r"inqni,hin~, alienaling and conuying all h.r r~hl. lille and inlcr..., whtlh.r 01 rlo...... homc- .\Iud or 01 "'I.ual. ..roperl)', -Ialulor)' or equilabl., in and 10 Iht bn,t. de,crib..d Ih.rein, ,md Ihal -ht .I<fculcd uid Dud Ir<<lf and .."Illn- I>.ril~' "cd Wilboul any cornl'ul<ion. eon.trainl. al'pnbtn!ion or fur of or Irom I:.. ...id bu.band. WIT:'\ESS. my hand and ollicial .tal, aIMQ..n. _ Ontarl0l:l.UunlY oL_"O'Ook._.___._..___.....and- SUI. of.,_..I:l).~.110JS. . l"i._____._...._.16~.-._--day oL_Ifa3____..._._.. _A. U. t? 23. (Sc.!.) (1.11. Seel) 10i8rYpUb~f:~e~~8~:*~tffiib18-.--..--- ='=-==c. - ------------ ----=_-0 .",~AlQJllis...1on,-,,",p~J'.IJ...,..erQJ13. ..1!if26. '-~':.-~~ \ .... Counly 01 SI. 1.lIcit. } ST:\TE OF FLORIDA, BE IT RUIU18ERF.D, Thai 011 Ihi._._...___.~.g~4. .... ._____ .....da). oL._.__..!f@)" _________.___.____nA. D. 19._._?3 :} " ; I I. ...._._..._..____...? !~..1!4r.L___.________._..__._._. ..___.._.___.__._...... .... _.._..__Cl.rl< of Ihe Circuil Courl in and lor "aid Cmml" Lon <1!JI~. rcco)rd.d th~ Ion going Quil-Claim D..d in tb. l'ublie Rrcond, 01 <aid County. I ~ WITSr.SS "'HEREOF. I han hereunlo ocl my hnd and Ih. oral oi .aid Courl Iht .b)' and y.ar abon ..olltn. __ _..!.!.~.__ n~_:I'e4 ____._.._._.... . :,..,,! 1 Ocrk Circuil Cou'l. By_~_.~_f).PUly CI,rk (Ct.Ct.Seal) "'- .: 'e~ .~" ' ,,\ ~{', .~ 0'\ <:S.c.. ~ ~ . ;': :.;;; ,/'; ,S:,:;:,," i):':,;; t~\ ..,. ',' ~~...-..:-- ..~.'~-' ,b .' .'_. .:.....\~.~~->~tl. . -~<~~