HomeMy WebLinkAboutShed Site Plan Survey19tl 20 302.9 P.O.C. FND. 2" I.P. N.W. CORNER SECTION 29 J 0 0 PIE I W N � O Im N88'59'40"E D. 100.00' (D) I I w� ro:d'o;1 - Pi 0 m �14 ASPHALT PAvEMM II 30' Dim I P o c m m I s7 M > z Z o IDS,0 -c o ri I o mo m N Z O r Ch D �o Ia r v Imo& I DIRr D. nwrrlualr. nlarr�ur'n- Proftessf6h-bI' �iii�rWor & Mapper Florida 'Certifed1b No. 6199 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Aon as Sect 29, Township 36 South, Range 38 East, being more particularly described Commence at the Northwest comer of said Section 29. thence South 010112W East along the West line of Section 29. 1706.53 feet; thence North 88'59'46' EaaL 100 feet to the East right of way of Germany Canal Road and the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 88'5940' East, 660.00 feet; thence South 01*CW20' East. 330.00 feet; thence South 88'59'40' West. 660.00 feet to the East right of way line of Germany Canal Road; thence North 0100'20" West along the East right of way line of Germany Canal Road, 330.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing f 5.0 acres, more or lose. P.O.B. NOT FOUND FALLS IN IFExCE 03, CANAL /-'aN PROPERTY FND. 5/8" I.R.C. "QV L8494,' 10.1' EAST 0.4' SOUTH rUPLANDS X I APPRM=WATE 19 w e! wA�ML Dnai- mo m 20 Lx>u+ --- AODH�ErE n YE1L *C n AC PAD�/'i 1e13e �rai 3W FNBERGLASS SLEDS an — 97.10 FF.E. 31.Op• 10 c' w rA i 6 t\ 58.67 AW ��• ADDITION r _ 1 W*%DR fr �4e f 41N N OFFPPRorO ERTY ` 12--7 < PARCEL W 3278-223-011011-080-3 RONALD Arm TERESA 7URBA 5 ACRES - VACANT GENERAL NOTES 1)IR of�Florida Licensed Suructions of this vare not valid eyor and Mapper.out the signature and original raised Beal 2) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements of record. ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act 'Deeds. This information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. The legal description was provided by the owner. 3) AU above ground flied improvements, if any. have been located and shown hereon. 4) Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. 5) The last date of field work was May 26. 2010. 6) The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the West line of the NW 1/4 of Section 29-36E-38S having an assumed bearing of S011OW20'E 7) Flood Note: By graphic plotting only. this property is in Zone 'r. according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map. Community Panel No. 12111CO250 F. last revised June 30, 1999. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation catlficata 8) Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the Signing party or parties to prohibited without written consent of the Signing party or parties. 9) The project elevations are based on St. Lucie County Benchmorlt 'MARS' and are in NAVD 88 Datum. NSS'59'400E 660.00' (D) 12. ° by 20' Sim .sue 4 iiLtx,-% 4kiCK tag c. I IN by fZ11 tawu-p Wi'LL f, 16 R 12 0 r--Iw i1A PROPOW ELEVATION a 2W (e ABOW MaSIM GRADE) WETLAND DEUWA70 BY RLVEDT ONYOraRENTAL CommTAN75, IN ON MAY 4% 2010 / OULAR RESIDENCE Ilds S RBERGI ASS ff, TAM • UPLANDS BARB `L. S88'59'400W 4 `i 490M t � °IMCA qD a i FND. 1/2" I.R.C. "LB 4441"- 0.4' SOUTH FENCE I& -� ON PROPETm MIN. SETBACK REQ. FRONT r I SIDES —I CNR SIDES REARya ZNG. TECH. UPLANDS A nui Ro,- be-exfo-f`o 4 ff 2D DITCH 660.00' (D) PARCEL HD� PIERCE e AGES - OCCUPIED Shed Site Plan Survey for JTC Construction ONPROM LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS CONC. DENOTES CONCRETE P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT DENOTES PLAT DATA DENOTES CALCULATEDFROM HELD MEAtiURIEMI lTS �FPJ DENOTES CENTER UNE OF RIGHT OF WAY ) DENOTES MEASURED DATA U) DENOTES MEM FICA71ON NUMBER 4tt* DEN07ES FLOW LINE 709 DEN07ES TOP OF BANK TYP. DENOTES TYPICAL FND. DENOTES FOUND Le DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS O.H.U. DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITIES W.M.T. DEN07ES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT (R) 0E407M RADIAL 0 DENOTES MONUYENTED CORNER P.B. DEN07ES PLAT BOOK C.M. 'DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT O.R. DENOTES OFFlCIAL RECORDS BOOK I.R.C. DENOTES IRON ROD e: CAP PG. DEN07ES PACE COR. DENOTES CORNER P.O.B. DEN07ES POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. DEN07ES POINT OF COMMENCEMENT I.P. DEN07ES IRON PIPE I.R. DEN07ES IRON ROD UZ 0007ES UTILITY EASEMENT P.J. DENOTES POINT OF RN7ERSl=ON DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DENOTES 8"AMON (TYPICAL) .M.E DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT EASBIEuT N.G.V.D. DEN07ES NA71ONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM cn o_ 0 C 0 a rrI 9. DENOTES CENiER LINE PARCEL m 3229-224-4=-O00-7 JOHN AND DE130M NORVEU. 20 ACRES - OCCUPIED 3 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1'=60' FND. 1 /2" I.R-.C. *LB 4441" 0.3" SOW ®r}_ V File•10-530 CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC 8-9-2017 CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS FB 1001-17 2980 SOUTH 25Th STREET 10-530 Shed Stplan.dwg FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 .SCALE 1'=60' PHONE 772-464-3537 FAX 772-464-9497 DRAWN BY: SB/TM '-a-'g.CO' STATE OF FLOIUDA CERTIFICATION Na LB 4286 .4 4) BASE RAIL ANCHORAGE OPTIONS INSTALL 1.1r. V EXPANSION AKHOR THROUGH BASE RAIL WITHIN 67 OF EACH RAFTER POST ALOMA SIDES kW%IUM 24 EMBEDMENT 1.10NMIT'.Y CONC. FOOTYG (25p7 P61 I.LN.1 REW'DRCEDWITH 2 As$ MITR:JWS CONCRETE MONO, SLAB BASE RAIL ANCHORAGE 3A Nct To Sall CONCRETE: Concrete Shall Have a Minimum Specified Compressive Strength of 2500 PSI at 28 Days. COVER OVER REINFORCING STEEL For foundations, minimum concrete cover over reinforcing bars shag be: 3 inches in foundations where the concrete Is cast against and permanently in cantacl with the earth or exposed to the earth or weather. and 1-1/2 Inches elsewhere. Reinforcing bars embedded in grouted cells shall have a minimum dear distance of 1;4 Lich for fine grout or 12 inch for coarse grout between reinforcing bars and any face of a cell. Reinforcing bars used In masonywalls shag have a masonry cover (including grout) of not less than 2 inches for masonry units with face exposed to earth or weather 1.112 inches for masonry unrs not exposed to earth orweathec REINFORCING STEEL: The reinforcing steel shall be minimum Grade 40. GALVANIZATION: Metal accessories for use in exterior wall construction and not directly exposed to the weather shall be Galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153, Class 8-2. Metal plate connectors, screws, bolts and nags exposed directly, tote weather shag be stainless steel 01 hot dippe4 galvanized. REINFORCEMENT MAY 8E BENT IN THE SHOP OR THE FIELD PROVIDED: w 1. All reinforcement is bent cold; 2. The diameter of the bend, measured on the inside of the bar, Is not less than six -Dar diameters: and 3. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent. EXCEPTION: Where bending is necessary to align dowel bars with a vertical cell, bars partially embedded In concrete shag be Permitted to be bent et a slope of not more than 1 inch of horizontal displacement to 6 inches of vertical bar length. eSTALL 112' A V EXPANBIQNANCHOR THROUGH BASE RILL %MTHW S' OF EACH RAFTER POST ALCNG SIDES F MINRAUl,1(Note: For Opon Carp= on slats cntf, slab may to Bosh run base raj on eras) '` I �M:nMNA I•VA'(nAEEDL!Eh7 CONCREr EPsrriENT *_2���RETU�n��lU��,L,,ANCHOP,AGELANCHORAGE I) rwASHERS TOP OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT ORGRW`:DSURFACE TS WMIUCUS BASE RAIL Cn'EL 6'B'HDLE THROUGH THE BASE RAIL AND SECLr- TO .tr,I-OREYEMTH1Q DMETER THROUGH BMT EYE AN CH 06R II VE'ROD'TLCNG u WITH OSL 4'REUK ISEE NOTE 8, PAGE t, FOR SPAGNG REOUIREVENTS) GROUND BASE RAIL ANCHORAGE J V tilt To San (CAN BE USED FORASPHALT) BECHTOL ENGINEERING c (( �+ AND TESTING, inc. J& B BUILDING S E R IICE ,� T C. ; CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL. AND MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS Ce-Acale of AuNc1L kn No. 502 _ FELa _ CHECKED: JP DATE; 03-07-16 PROJ.NO., G16003 D.RAINN: RR • APPROVED: TB SCALE' NOTED SHEET 4 OF 11