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FM, C-% oTIMATED ENERGY PPRMkMAN t INDEX` = 99, Thial,.lower ,the EhergyPerformance Indexi the more efficient the. home... 8306 COQUINA 'E., FT. PIERCE ,FL; 1.:New construction oe xi brig, Addition 0., Wall Types: Insulation Area 2., Single family r'h1uIfi . 016; farn'lly -Single-family a.. Concrete Block- - Ext Insul,,ExtL*rior Ri=4.1 264.00V • bCohcf6te:13106k - Int Insdii Exterior R=4.1 16g,.Oo ff2 .3. Nurnber of units, if multiple family, 1 d. NIA R 4; Ndmbipr 6f.Bedrborhs ANIN k-7 #2 U,this A-Wopst.(*4? No 10. Ceiling Types g. (Jhder'Attic'(Vbnted) Insulation R='l 9., 0 Area 441.00JI2 A. Conditioned floor area (W) 441 b. N/A R-- ft, 7. Windows- Description Area P11 - c, N/A fk-- ft2 'N' a. Uw*6ctof.. :Dbl, 26�odfv `H 11. Ducts, a. Sup: Attic, Rqt-.,Aftic ARADDITION R ftz go 6 G;�O� & H S 2 0. 1.17"Factor: N/A ft2 SHGC. 12. Cooling sysierns, kBtu/hr 'Efficiency c. U-Factor. N/A f(2 6. Cefii,ml'Unit 16.0 SiEERA'6.'o0: $HGC':, d. UFactor! N/A:, ft2 13. Heatingsystdrns kBtu/hr EfficiencySHGC-" Area weighted 1.060 ft., a, Elooric'Strip Heat iTb. COP-1-.60, Area',Ueighted Menigel S.HGC-, 8. Floor Types Insulation Area 14. HotWat0rsysterns = None requlred� Cap: N/A Slab',Qn'- Insulation, On -Grade Edge R-�O.O 4,411 .00.'ft2 a. E I R b. NIA ft2 �c.-NI . A, Rzi ft2 b. Conservation features 15. Credits Pstat home has based on Buildler Signature: Address -of New Home: ;the Florida Energy, Effiqiencv,Codq-f6r,I3uiIding. aving. eatures•which'.will be installed(or -,6iceedeO) ywl -Pi yCard —la O will biarcollpleted, Date. dity/Fl- Zip:, Rating,., If ybqr -index is below.70, your home may qUalify, for energy efficient fain a"Fio'rid'a'En-'e"r'gy,Gaug-,'e-Ra'tin.'g.''Contadt the EnergyG6uge Hotline at (321) Veb site,a't:e-ne'r'gygauge:c6m for information.'and a. list oftertified, Raters'. For g'tCodle,l E'n'e"r'g"',C'onsorvati6n,',co'nfadt.:the'FlbddaE Building Commission's suppprt "Label, reclgired E50ction,,,R'403; 1 3,-,,Qf.thei.Flo,rio.e.i,Building Qade Energy Conservation, if not,QEFAULT. 10/1112017 1:01,'PM Energyppug -USA :F13ROS20,14 -Secfion.R40.5A,I".CompliantSottwere Page�,-i Of I , RECEIVED OCT 12 2017 FORM R4052014 F40RIDA"ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE, FOR, BUILDING -CONSTRUCTION Florida,Qqpoftmoirit of Business, and Profbssidn4l Re Cl 0 . 19tior!ResidentiaResidential Performance Method . Project Name: CARTEKAPD'lThON SuilderNamd: Street 1830,6'COQUINA AVE, Permit office:, Pitv".S,tate; Zip: FT(PIERCE f,-01, Permit Number. Owner Jurisdidtilon: Deoign'Locatipp: FL,'Fort Pierce. County,:: ST. (Florida Climate Zone, :Z) I:.. New construction 'Addition- ppob,re'Xi ling 9. Wall fy'es(4310 scilt.) P Insulation Area 2. Slhgl&-farhily,ot�t*AblfiOI6,fahill� Single-family a.'Cohbrete 5lockIE?q Insul,Exte6or R4,11 264.00 ft2 i.Concret"e 1§1&ck - InUnsul, Exterior R=41 169. 00,fI2 3. NOM06r6f,unib,if m u . IN Pie L family I NIA 1- 1 R* ft2 4. 'Number 6f, Be r�qmoeorms,ln A, 1 6(6) .0 ddition) A. N/A R= T is, A Wbr*t, No 1O.'Ceiling -Types .(44110 :sqft.), a: UndeCAttic (V id) Insulation Area R=fo.d, 441 .'06w 6. Conditioned flbo' e,g'r'gdq(ft2) , 99r4l�e;41., V 441 b� N/A ft2 ConditibHdd float ,airie'a'belpW gra(d e�,(ft;), N/A - 6ucts ft2_ R ftz 7. Wi sqft.) D6sdrioji6r) Area 11. 'a. sup:Attic..Rei- Attic, AKADDITiON 6 60 a,. U-Fa6tor,, DbIj ft,' ,SHGQ.: . -SHGC=;O,.,25 b. U-Fadtbv ft2 12. Cooling, systems kBtu/hr Effidiency 'SEtR;1'6,00 SHGC, a..C6ntral.Ufiit. 18,0 C. U-0actor. NIA N, SHOC: 1 . 3. Heating systems kBtulhr Efficiency d. 0-�Fadtm, 'NIA'ft2 - a.'El6ptri " cstdo-Heat IT0, COP1 0 0 SHGCr Area 'Wbiohted:Ave'tad6�Ovethahg,Deh*;' 2.000 ft. Area 'Weighted AV E'il §H66 '0250 14c Hot,watet systems - None rONuIre d Gap: NIA Floor'types (44.6, sqO.), Insulation Area I , 1 EF: 0.060 a.S.lab-&Gfadetd,gi In Wation ik:lzo.6 441.6 0 ft2b: Conservation features b. N`& W: ft2 15: Credits Pstat GlOss/Flodr Area. 0.045 TO IPr6Ppsed:W , 1 fe. _66&i5.44, PA00 Total,13as;611he Loads: :15.65, I hereby -certify that the specifications plans -and ppyered by Review of the Plans and 'd JAE Sqp Corr, this,da(c6lafJon are in .. iplian,ce Wth the- Flood,�_Energ y specifications by this ificatiohS cove J5 - Off,. 1- c6ld,u aton,ndibates compliance` ZZ0�- with the. Florida Energy Qqde. RREPA D Y. V, n�. V Boy: Before construction is completed bo-inspecte E: this building will be� d for cotnoliafice-wiffi Section .553 908 I hereby. certify thatthis build:'in "clotppliance, Florida StEituites". with the FIoii6: Energy BUILDING OIFFICIAL: DATE: 'Y DATE: A di 6 e b ,jiaticb, requii.6s,vikiftation",by th6,air handler unit manufacturer th fthe r andl r n closlure qyeilifies'as certifted factbry-Sealliad in accordance with A40,3,22.1. Cbiiiip6n'�e jrejuire6 an-, Air I Barr er andlntulAti4n: lifspedtion- Checklist in accordance with R4014.1.1,,and amenvelope"leikage. 4 , M qi i i -With::R402.4.1 2 p maqcor ance., 101111201171 .011?,M., Energy0aug USA - FlaRes2014,SectionR4MA.1 Com'pliant. Soft e Coff Page,. I. 6f,4 FORM R405,2014 GT Title! GARTER ADDITION bffit;'. 0 Addi.ess Type: Street Addies Building k ',U d Type Conditioned 441 t Lot # Ownera " Total 96 d6i: I Jpape* No PtatBpow build'k horne: Rq A*ck: 0 S*eef 8306,!COQUINA. AVE. Permit Cr6ss'9I 6fitilatiop: county:; ST-' LUCIE'4'QV.NTY 'Whole, Housefan: City; State; DO', FT.,, PIERCE:,; -'F y ' FL, New1EA66gl: -",: CLIMATE' c 96 I' Temp. Heating-Design,,,�-b-ll -Te lK esgR" mg D00 on . . TMY.'Sb� zoh6; 97.6-94,k 2, 5 'O/o 'e M§1st ' a ge -��uMaidt Degree ure, Rage .,FL,, Fbiff?i&ce- FL VERQ_BEACN .MUNI70 7.5 209: 62 LOW I. Bldqkl 441 3,528 SPACES PA NUfibee•* 'Name.' Volume. atc, enoccupants ------- --- 4r�oOM! Infillb"' Rints ,00ibd' -H6a'ted 1 APP1717", 441, 3528: Y69 1 'I y6s, YO'S yiBs FLOORS "Floor -To Perimeter`: I 4eAniulkid ADDITION 84 ft, 0' A41 ft2 Roof: abi 'Roof :SbW" SA, 00l.tt �E I ftt! DOqk,: m Pitch # 'Typp mkeft's Arda, Area color Abscir. Tested, Tested lrloul.' (4n) 1 Gatile or shed ipo�ozltion 'shihg'1694 47$wft? 0 fF Medium % 0.6. '6.9 M -0, 22.6 # TY.P6 nt6fi , too Vent Ratldl(t in) Ared ABS IRCC 1 Fuli attic Vented'; 300 441 A; N'N. tibk a % S 3MaTypo. Area: Framing Type, I Under'Att!e(Veqtdcl), ADDITION 19 town, A 1 W 'GA1, Wood ... . ......... 1,001,11201.7 1-01-"Pm, R,405,4.*I',Cbmolla'ntsbftWare Page of 4 FORM R406-20.14-1.:l ll,— WALLS: Adjacent:low-cavj Al 6igI hnt, Acea _Em6nfi Solar space, Ajy EWidthHeight 1 r.B 10 ' E 61 t�r(4t&Elbck lht,insuADDITIO, 4.1 21: 68.0' 06 ZI w ip(terior .1joncreteSto -,EW"'InstAbDITiON 4.1 21 8 16M.-A2 0 0 0.,6 6 —3- E; 'Wbr ncr* Block E.Xt'. j n sc,A, 6b ITIO . N: 4;1 12 8' 96.01P 0 0 04 0 IND ki, Orientation shown w M4 osed,drii?ntatiorL, - 0rien n4 f, ntdred; Prou wa I rh- ,I ;p Panes Omt. ii Nl� ,U:rFactor SHGO Area Pppth Separation Ini-Shade, Screening I MeO!!,'Ppop (Tihted), Yes. 6.65 016 26. 01:2.0'ln. I �ft 4n Dr6pe'bl Z :Non. e INFILTRATION, :,S,LA- CM 60 ELA ;EqLA, ACt ACKSO, wtfplOoose Proposed H(5G)'.1 :000366,: 411 Z 2Z61 415 ,2558, 7 ISYSTEM. systeirn,ryp enr Capacity, Block`Ducts y. ;' pp6I sye f, G YSTEK- 'Fl Subtype Air , ow: SHR,.. Ducts,' 1. CIO.6.traVUnit Y-. , None SEEIR:16: . -f�0,,IkE�Ar '540 cfnit A 1 sys#f SOLAR 4"HOT ,w- AT 'Collect6r Storage. Cert P$EO� .0, Spbp,Model4 Collector�,Mqdpl* :Xr, Volume FEF M ft2 DUCTS, SupplyRetum Air CFM 215 CM26' iHVAc, 40,LpcKlocation A Loak@g� T,ypg Handlerc"le "TOUT Q R- , f, _-,:., ' , FMea� Cop ,Att cP Attic -25ft b6faultWakag�,ADDITION (Default} (06fiu �Onlefg , yp?d6&pp4A,,-,FlaRai2,Ol4Sedt.id.n.,R40b.4.1- Q6MO14.61t gpftwvar.el Pag e. 4 �Onlefg , yp?d6&pp4A,,-,FlaRai2,Ol4Sedt.id.n.,R40b.4.1- Q6MO14.61t gpftwvar.el Pag e. 4 F6AMR405-4014 T'EMMOTURE9, programahCe, Hiomll, fan FF Rob� pr, M y a�' r Jun U6 r J u jJ U s 0 s ioa 0. 0 t 1 ct N llelc c Venting 1 is 76,1 Apr �Juh JW Aug- Aug ��6p �'00" Oct; Nov, Nov peo Thermostat -HEM-2606'k6foence Hours i .:80odule;7 1* 2' ' 3 ,5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Goofing (1ND) 78 .78 "7'8 14, 78, �6, 78 �s 80 66 90 80 '-o p M: 'so '8011. 78 78, 78 78. .-76 78 7� 78 .74 74 ol Cooling 76 78,' 78 78 78, 78 78 78 78 �78 78 :pm ': 74, 74� 78 78, 7$ 78 778, 8'. 7.8 '78' 78. --t& 78 Wafihg.(WD)". AM: t6 -66 66: 66 66 68 168 68, 68 "68Z .8 68 J- PM 68 -6t'' '68 68 6 8: 08. 681 68 A& 66 .66 '6 Heating (NEH), AM �6& 66, 66, 66 681 68! 6 8 68 68 6& 8 68 :68,-,. 68. -:68 68 '68" .66 656 . lofi�R -QpA.1 Cbrr 2' 10/11/2.0.171,,.. W tw*gy,(�4tj§§WU,SA - �,IdRes2,014 Sedt. 4 Oji 'ht'softw4rd PE& 4 of 4, F.ORM."62014„