HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4992991 OR BOOK 4771 PAGE 1677, Recorded 02/11/2022 01:45:30 PM RENCE� VED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Permit No,. Tiitc Folio tQo.. 45t�-s�7-0oes aoa5 MAR Q 9 2Q22 StateaF:FTuida. FnuntyofStLuiie ST. Lucie County R= I-ri-hitting The undersigned herebygives hotice,!&m improvemeniwill iiemade to certain rearpropeay,.and in aceordanco w th Chapter 713, F1oHda Statutes, —`— thefollowhlg:inforrnatlonIs providedtnthlsNoil' ofcaminericemenc legal Desv►ptloo ef.Property:{and streecatkimssif availa-blej:. 00 A IA O ITH .ONbbM0 (NI ICtA 11 INITQU ND 1NDI� ,GNARE.4N COMMON ELEWWS (l.t liop S Generatdestriptbnotlmpraaementi Installation othumcane shutters Ownei.iOdtmatioti ci lessee Wcfrnatlori Ithe Lessee contreded for the impiovetrierit: Name 1U1{`y�y�it�jj;� _ s Ccntractoi'sMaine EXirert Shutter•Services foittraitorAddur_if:• 34W4 - PhoneNumber:'77? A7 i=19Z5 - Surety,(Ifapplicalile,awpyoftftepryment;bondisattacfiedj;Amou¢t;eF-bond;$` ' N:3me and'addiess:. Phone tiuttibeir tender. Name- Phone Humber. Leti-dec's-addresi . Persons wlthin the State of.Florlda designated by owner upon whom notices a otherdauments may he served as provided byteMon 733.13�1)(aj7;.FloridaStatute • . Name; .• Phone Number. Address: ,. . In addltiori:fo himself'or herself, Owner designates of to receive a.cbpy of the Uences Notice as provldedin 5kthr 713.13(1) (b), Florida.Statutes., phone number of person or entity designated by owner, Expiradondate of notice.of mmnt merit, (the expiratIbndate may not be-beforeahe oompietlon orconstnictbn and final payment to the contractor, lwt.wul bell ymr (com,the date of recording unfess a different date Is' speufkni), WARNING10 OWNER; ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER;AFTERTHE EXPIRATION:OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER .PAYMENTS UNDEfi CHAP,TE6 ?A PART I,. SEC( 617 113.]3, FLORIDA5FATUTFS; AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMEltTS TOYOI$t PROPERTY, A.NOnCE OF.COMMENCEMENr MUST BE RECORDED AND 'POSTED ON THEIOB SfIE 6EFOPETHE FIRST INSPECTIOIIt: IF YOUiNTENo Ti]'ORfAIN.FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR.IENDER.OR AN 4TTORNEY BEFORE.CQMMENONG.WORKOR. RECORDING:YOISR N0T10E OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penaftyof perjury, I declare tti'at I have iead the foregoing notice,ef'commericenrient eud.that the factsstated therein are'true to the hest of my, Rndwiedgeand belief; (Signature.of..\Owne/r�o/rrieessee, ct CMoer's.of L ee's ' brited Officer/Direaor/Partner/Maheaer (Signatory's Title/Office) STATEOFFCOUN1Y'OX% The foreg ing instrume t was acknovAedged beforeme'by means of �physlial piesei ce or 0 oniine notarization this 2bay of � 1. 2Wby who b persbnafly known to me or has produced D, as Identification, shenon O'Shea NOTARY PUBLIO [NoragtAusFa STATE OF Ft ORIOA O ' COmmA C,t3258038 No ARV RUBUC State of Florida E'V►.. sftznoz2 C7 c- r O O v