HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Exterior DoorMUM ;bJ14 Millwork FAX No. I I � " k�'� :7 722233290 ,Florida Building Code Online 02 2015 01:18PM P2 Page I ol*--j JUN 3 0 2015 i C Works - St. Lmcic County,' urjs tiame tog ire user itrigmavem i Not Tremc. subrAt seutherue st "it mus a PoRrotairm. rat[ Staff ormt; site Mate uf*-- smTo ro essi a jolirroduct Approval UGM* ftURL UVW T-1 r 123 L I'm" C.1 APPIlimstjon Detail Fl. 6 APPIlCatione Type FL I GG74 R3 fbo 1-9 Revision Code Version Zola APPlIcatlon Status Approved vAPPrQVRCI by DBPR. Apprnval% by DIJIPII Mall he reviewed and ratified by Lhe Poc and/or Lhe Commission IF m-L-ebsary. Comments Archived Product manufacturer JELO-wf:pj AddrPm/Phone/Emall 3737 Vilceport Blvd Klamath Fullu. OR 9760 L (800) 535-3936 fbr-lajold -wen.com Authorized Signature kaede McLoughlin fbcIM_jeld-wen.com Technical Representative JI:LLJ-WEN Corporate Customer Servicc Address/phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (800) 535-3936 CUE-tomej-,i,rvlceagcntsLtD)eld-wen.cnm Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Einall Category ExLerlup DoolA, Rub . categury Swinging Exterior Door A&qembIles Compllancp Method Certiftatlon Mark or Listing Certification Agency N111,10AW ACMdlte?Jnn Fk Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation & Management Institute, Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) At—amnOTO y�akr- -. AAMA 1304 2(1112 MAW k1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2006 MUM E283 2004 ASTM E330, 2002 I AS M 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By http://www.iloridabui)ding.(irg/pr/pr app.. N dti-a-spx*t.par-ini=w(;EVXQwt[)qsllepuq4'y,2f,WrBILE2COPV I I-KUM :6314 Millwork FAX NO. :7722233290 `•;. ' fiforida Building Code Online 02 2015 01:18PM P3Page 2 of 3 ProduCt Approval Method Methurl 1 Option A Dates Submitted 09/29/2034 Date validated J.0/03/2nH Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 10/01/2014 Date Revised 02/ZO/%Ol 5 1 :Summartr of Products - -'- -- --- ------------ •� Pam,-���. Model Numbar or Name Description +uuiv.i Hueslyn Pro/ 5m0oth Pro Limns Of use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yt- Impaet Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: 3-Ox6-8 and 3-Ox8-0 Inswing and buLSv my J6674.2 _ rypr!51g` n pry/ 5�p0o[h Pro Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Nu Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yec Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-so Other: 3-Ow" and 3-Oxe-0 Inswing and Outswlny 166/4.3 �]ebign SSmouth_Pru Umits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: YPa Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-5n Other: 6-0-04-8 and 6-Oxa-0Inswing and 4uisnring Pru ion Agency Certificate i"i '= C/•C Nl'tiLa514,11i.1t.,.nrfi f:7.'_•tJ,t. rllfiilSi� li4.as1; F,1u8uty assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/30/2018 Installation instructions :r I%4 123 11 A0108SAA5, .?jj,aZg2-76.ndf Verlfied By: Hermes h. Norero. P.E. 73778 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Crn_ated by lndepnnrlcrlL Thli d Party: Yes Certification Agency Certlfleate _. ,166%4 A'!' i, r.ni _ Pd1111141.a.01 FlF,pdt Fi_i134.14 r:AC M1J0'll,).tU N:,p, j Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/30/201e Installation Instructions HL1.Gf 74 95ll An 11! 52A SS 7014 oy 26.ud1 Ventled by: Henn,:; F. Norero, P.e. 7•.i7/H Created by Independent iird Irarty: YCS Evaluation Reports j:.tle::T•: - f: •f_k:Ei_ I �i,`-�'JJ� %rr. •t:,:Jr Created dy independent Third Party: VL-;, V1 JnIJhlQ ()(X) 1(np8tt Opaque PibPrgla.� nonr ;erLrrication Agency Certificate 1%:1:• '^ ;a ?i,t; t\1I111�L:5.G)-II•+.v:: FI_IPhi.J .; _ • ,mot'. M7711915 RI.udi ` luallty AssoranCO Contract Exph•atlon Date Installation Instructions ri- S,4 1. i I I h11103!,:; s_i 7.J14•Jig ,L;,r_r Verilled By. He%Ines F. Norero, P.E. 73778 Created by Indcpundtrlt Tillyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 1'LJG'J4 93 Rt I)ER)/Sr 7n 14_nc� Ja.-,rr LimltB o1Use - I Approvetl for use In HV/1Z: Nn Certification Agency Certificate - I Approved for use outside HVHZ: yes Impact Resistant: Yes 11 :s}lk—,', _:: 3.;!:n� .'►n�Ll.rldJ.u1_(t•},pni ft ID1;74 j Design Pressure: +501-50 Quality Assurance Contract expiration Date 03/30/201 R Other: 6-0-Ox6-8 and 6-Oxe-0 Inswing and OuLawing Installation Instructions F:.mrjii Ir l it aLii�z lA':5 :`0!n-�r.:r• Ve1`111106 By: Mermes F. Norero, P.E. 73778 Created by IndepeidetiL Third Party: YCS Evaluation Reports _ I Lu r ,: 4i.�.Jt i nF 1 FRJ: 7 •.ti i 14-1• •_ -,. rolt Created by Independent rhird Paq Y, Yes 15674.5 ne.51gi1 Pro/ Smooth Pro -:_s olnple witn side llte(s) (x,0/ O,X/ O.X.0) Irnp8Ct C eralas8 Dnnr Limits of use Approvedforu6ein•HVHi_No - r;mrtlflcation Agency Certifieato �- FLYFr.. :. =.1__ir%. l ,. ----'�, lltW://Www.'tloridabuildinp.org/vr/13r aup dti.&SPX'lpU arn—w(3LVXOwtl)gsliepny4%2 ip i VA FAX NO. :7722233290 FROM :6314 Millwork Florida Building Code 01Aine Approved for use outside HVMZ: Ye Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other. 9. 0.Oxti-8 and 9-fix -0 Inswing and OuLswintts 6674.E Design Pro/ ;:mnnt I Pero Imlty of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Nu Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: 9-0-Ox6-8 and 9-0x8-(I Inswing avid Outswing 'Design Pro/ smuuth Pto Limits of Use Approved for use In HVMZ: No Approved for use outsilde HVMZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: 12-0-OX6-R and 12-0x0-0 Inswing and Outswhig 0 DC ittn Pro/ !;mo0th Pro Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Nn Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other. 12-0-OXG-8 and 12-Ox8.0 Inswlnn and flutswuing 02 2015 01:19PM P4 Page 3 of 3 It +-wilt+iy i a �tL 1 i 1�2Z 'L'+.1!:Ir Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Wile 93/30/2010 Installation instructions r L.i_G7! Verifled By: Hennes F. Norero, P.E: 7377R Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Ivaluatlon Reports 1 PEF-_2T_ra a?LI114 L!�- CrP-1sdf ted by Iiidgendent'lltird Party: Yes Shale with side lite(s) (X,0/ 4.X/ O,X,O) 1mpaCt dated -1berglass Unnr :ortlflcatlon Agency Certificate t7,ih6;n It3 C CAC NIOJ.lq?d--R5,fid Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/30/Z018 [nstallation Inetructlows Fl-!r1r7q I:: !1 fujiW-LAA SS 201.1 fig 7r;.luif veriflpd by: Heriniii F. Norero, P.t. /3779 Created by Independent 1 hlyd Party: Ycs Evaluation Reports d by Independent Third Pally: Yes w1U1 s1de. fire(s) (XX,O/ O,XX/ o,XX,U)1nlpact Certification Agency Cartlflcate 11=trig/-0 = 1iAr.1.1::•191' :=i _.c ;i IQ :'rr Nir,'' a1 : Ra t'' 1 Lr._ duality Assuranc0 Contract Expiration Date 03/30/2010 Installation Instructions Verified hy: Hermes F. Norero, P.C. 73//8 treated by Independent Third Party: Yes !valuation Reports / 1 •tj._ AF- Pgremt oK with side lite(s) (XX,O/ O,Xx/ O.XX,O) Impact Fllierpla s Unnr :ation Agency Certificate Assurance Contract Explretlon Date installation Instructions I_Ih 7a- IL'' 1i AMU 5t!A US 1n1.1-0.2pj- df Verified tsy: Hermeu F. Norero, P.E. 73/78 GrP.ated by Independent Third Party: Yew 'valuation Reports tird Party: Yes Contact 115 :: 1! M pitQlh M .n na atrnn, T n hn.S:ca 1•L J2I99 p11uu.= n50.497- rN2a " The State Of Fidlyda IC nil AA/1190 emuluper. rohvAOht P007 ant! S11 c_• of Idan9d.:: pdy,�{�s n nr :: nrm:ahlht� entr,,,er,� :; Itefp101,,t1]tel>�j Under Mande IS-, o_ml11 @Odrew= are public Mmrft•-. if vuu du liter W20t ymrr e.man nrinne. rnleered In rnponse to a uubrn.-,cid,d, r",=. do not Send elcularde man to this entity. Instead, mntad the 011 ce by phndn ar by tradivhnal moo. If you Have any gvmItmtc, Pleaul met= VWX40-1.139b. 'p11151ra0t to $0131nn a5S.Z7S(1). Ounda StaluleS, exretivn nciahv :. ZniZ, Ilcrnbeen rktsned ogdrr M'Ptbr 4NS, FS. Men provide the Deoertmenl with an email addre z if they Illy& one. The ebiab5 provtdrd may be uad rw ufndal canimnniration with thn lirrroaz Ihlrtevrs allied addrenL-4 we PUMIC record. It you do not risk to supply a 11e150nal addrng:, pinana Providr. tint Vevarimehl Mill an 4ma11 adOcq,. which 03111110 trade evadable to the uuc. TO determine If vuu aR M IIr1•r_a rail qulenr 45::. FS.. piew.e dick lthQ. Product Approval Aecepta: NMI Im� 'PY htty://www-Floridahuitdintz.ori;/oWnr avp dtl.Et.'px?parttorn-wC_;FVXQw(DysHcpAl ° . •_ :l F KUM : 6314 Millwork FAX NO. :7722233290 �n. 02 2015 01:17PM P1 5 stir, This will cover and glass siyle for Joldwen fiberglass impact door. Thanks, Anvela so a.. wj• M LL 9010FMATfRLgS RE1,14 7Escairnwl N ; ~ m i FRACIEHEAWJAMS3 Ln N z iM7TL6ED) N i f . USED) 4 END4,ALSIL4ssspThR2SWLD o � E AFMCO i9i TsiRESMDLD E AF:Ok•2TE� 7DQ]IHA�3NO D - 7 AiaaMd97TLIRWNCW s AFCDA !17 TNAESNDLO 4 EN.Ur,AZaEL1.cmFTMhrwe— :L• EYDURA MUbWJAUA TMFkS11ZLD I WRTHERSMp 12 I Nil-DrApaESSO'tsM,m(otS•MAX- TMf3 m ' L ! �IDTG•EDl Q1 14 (lJ7liISED) Il!`'�771 1 rs dST.VDDO :STh.tAHONSQ;ry/7ltt lJ2' MIN, EMB!;h1EN" Ev is CCNC,FCM'J A:r,Fr,,; (EEEANC%CLt AQLc2iEr.A2i5! [NV Ii [i1JTT-INOE.;'fi NE;UL-5RIM S) L!! K W IlLef ,O:K SERIM 432 iLVi116Z'v*+Si:SOL-SEa:,,S 7f0 Z 2: AXK:%'ELLM1= ;•F71M TCNGUE L•,?CN.i7.,Iif7m E•3.I:i!! F.G:R�\E4 N.. 7.p�1tr• TJNOU'e lA'CP R7]22E:d�F ] _ti � i F7pPEA1:li1:01NTkeF,C/iAREH.SECCE 22 23' FLJSHGLOLNG LEG ' is I O:t L--L`E K-(RAD.S LnL&; 7-` HDFPE 14..FPOINI iFAC OICC! 39LT PLA'E Ui{A7gjCr /// �`i F9pP6 %IULI-V:i-MEAL' 51417CT ECL':.67E ;F Cf 7f3p, FRAME HEAD//AMBS ENDURA ZAIL4555F f I NRIES,5fe30viABOVE ,THIsHOlf. o I � .ss3• �--- a.ss AFCO H-497 THRESHOLD r y D 5 ! rn�;TERI,i aNGER•101rLTEDP.NE ' souoalr: tOyMtE Lsn�vos.^: { --------------- ML STaI S r'E. L r= STE_ 2O ROCKWELLMULT-POINT LOCK STEL•. E0�•TbA1MP1.M ' F.Ss-YaUaSi OI 3 JPS STEEL i O a L. y AFCO A-117-HRESHOLD 3 C1 I FCO -2 6IP-2000 21 HOPPE N1ULT POINT LOCK Vlf/ 5•!i S:i00T BOLT PLAN M2:989LI IUI�ING DROLj�IN A L:�uafltAtale l ! a� 4 O �4 ,813 • �C HA1.•i. ' NEI.+T r Lp �31 acaat 1r- •I jl I I iiinin T_. _ :i4�;z37jg z 15 15 HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE {LF! ��'�Ci�yy'�;'.�.)mn,=r{ ;•`�� � � >•� acarea•Inosre.uwa ' J•T= DATE m f7S 1d ENDURAZOBL4565F °V1' 1I�E5 LaLO ENDUP•A HC!5000 qCA I Z '� HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE (RH} G' \J -H;eai0L0 SCFLE I �, L_J� �. � SHE•_T. ' LW w Ii Nfs w.rplS,p c a N LU JZ a•'+e 93. Cf O � V ^L EL � E.Y,E Ots•. m sE=TFeu sNrJ-z In N WiN N m .. f MNRY •�•�• F" A ' 4 ggMyoccaum Zia ii .f� afG `�cuKHE7i FN:FOR SEE TA9L ON SIM 2 tj 3 HEAD (TYPICAL) �$� ounwwcsslDw,y•aSvzlNGsnAlwa m • ,\ s1UCCS\e N ' _ ' t743 FU F165CNa� C3 n�ORJEiS Z ¢x l'4 . OPERABLE SILL OMWING - NO ANMIt REQufRED AFCOJi297 7 F:L't7NC x a O ' OD\C6Ffr 3 WSONRY eYQINS'S � OPERABLE SILL OurANNG • NO ANGEORR=MED AFCOA-=7 pai6:rlA.l':, RN313R CAN 3EPAMD IN NARRO.P Si-18!J OF NFFD 7p-A6S2 PS iAN� RS A7111R14V a E\tE:CME!.'JL=EGCEDISiANl1; AREdL�11E1E:, M toO Y N :X'IJCO: BUCC � L' EEE Feu arJ. HJ',R. .�. SNTA MIN.9AEED. comM W-f—,o%-,T Bran SrE tABl35Ni7 2 r-2-'N JAMB (TYPICAL? 0UT5WffA SJIOWN-DJSWINGS3MRAR r'•SLICONE A 4, Q L I i • • ' 4 '� SfiCir Ef 3?GP-EFS OPERABLE SILL IIJ5%VNG - ND ANQiOR REQUIRM AFCO A-2.76/13•20GO rl�? I SIUMM c, • I CONCAml r9N. OPERABLE SILL 3'GTNERS OUiiO G-NOANCHORUEQUDIED INDURAWOL4565F J OPERABLE SILL B /E3a J5WING-NOANENORRWVM ENDURA ZULdWr ;;;W� fIUCONE C 4' C \ • OPERABLE SILL 8 0VFMNG• NO ANC -:OR REQUIRED AFW Nd97 < e • '. -DND'iEfE' S� ERS M OPERABLE SILL 8 WING/IM1ISWOVG•NOANCNORAEQURIID ENDURAF :ISM ADA 1 EJ cba m N + 1;1��T• YMO. ' a O.ai W O3 T Q fD O n to LAJ V z r� ►J+ r ixdl.,1-L•r,SYwlgI- WE: SrAL3 Milk EOGF Z. 7E{TARUE5HEI2 8� MOTOO RUCK WCCO ANCHOR SEaTAMEofJ VEFT2 HEAD (TYPICAL) LIj �nWINGSHOWH-IM111WNGSIMUUi •�ti��i i i i�i OPERABLE SILL OUI9WING-NOANCHORREQUIRED AFC*!-2Lp7 LS , OPERABLE SILL 7� OVTS4Y,NG-NCHORREQUIRED ZA427 Mo lox'm Aaoop Cd\ 5'. aJtCZ7:\ NAS- SECTION OFJJEA: CA%JAMG AS I*., rS MIfJIN_i.i EF-11EC-11ENT AND =GE 0I5T4,%CEAREFCHI?J_„ 2xvroa� e'xK He TMIC tf( sl` Trz r I y WK. EMED. Cats" VAX, SJ861 SE AS MEM2 J/2*N JAMB (TYPICAL) ,� OPERABLE SILL T OU'rVlINGSHOWN-IMUVINGSIMMAR INSWING-NOANCHCJIREQUIRED EWURA 2A1U0565F SIUM\5 S SUCONE ix WOCo EUCC 2Xi'Mo iU:K n OPERABLE SILLI OPERABLE SILL INSWING- W ANt?lo2C'REQuiRED '�7J OMWING-NDAHOIDRREQUIRED AECO H457 1 VX-ONE SIC07NE �2KW4-013`CC , 21(N70OB YE r91 OPERABLE SILL \,LJ 0EJTRWMG-N0A%0WRREQUIRED EEOURA ZOGM55F /_OPERABLE ADA SILL % INSWINC%fCuMmNG-NoANCNORREQUIRED ENDURA HOOD SCiE: FUIECIN M L CMA °wA 7 " 'n T, /at Sf2'LASNyL 1 �2•AIRSPfiCE �NLR va'AAAEsdED CIA's tFR 0.1 1mm O.Ti9t•SDWTtqFYSiNTERL•.TER•• R MINE .0 GLASS EAI[D GLASS 1=301 ar:w 1JB'7:ldFERED@t.S'c j0s0'M.LRKFVBINTERIAmt. MFEAFDGL GSS �'Ol1fTA7Y@INTERIAYc7: lo'ANNEA:E:Gtn54_ °A97'SUFINI[LLVf% AREDI-SEAL PEREV GLI:SS k ' fiYOUFtryi SLI:ONE € < UNIFEREDGLASS WrV•" sGJ[CnE D1NSSS S:J:7NE G1Amir. DETAIL _ ' 2d 201n 18'-0° GLAZING DETAIL /~: FLUSH GLAZE oorse�sslumeE %U.O-.LO.VIryTM � sf2' Strat. Dia HFIGli7 6 zo :Ir max D.L.C.o.L.o.T/AQIM DETAIL GLAZING DETAIL 7S 1!'Y ASAX, D,LO. MEIGW ��• z= Ut" -KAX P.L.C. %MDTli 7E Wr MAX. O.LO. MaGMT FOp pyA4`JNOJRSrAND iC^JNaTQ"e5 LJ ty fi'8' UNTTS iTDiN- SD? SF ONLY I NOSE: FRi�A11e16LR�7N^.r, \YWCII/3111TERNA;CFC,@L.Nee i SMIEENG.AS; DEOSRATIYe, F1fTEPNA.%IyOUGM"147`/ AAa RADMIG ISMaPby UTES ARF Aa?+)A'EpIN A:13LATING OE(N'_ SNJXNAEOYE. r -I \S SCALE: r. U ff L 0 3 r �f e-1 M 4D E O LX FO WN f 1 a LOCK JAMB t`� ouTswwc sFDoyrrl • iNswINGSlnluuz -95%1?rL'?iT I Al- X2 irY FFH f ^°'SL;r}W3[riL'Mi :?MIKE W-ROWWAW 1 {6-9, a a.3'UNP51 t-MPL Symn FLAT$ 7 MUM ITE10% HDi alai DUtE DOOR iEIGHT QJAIT7Y fi-R' 3 HINGEDE.AILAriQla, PIAQP3X2•{/2•PF•i Y.REWNiXTTOWS pMLm1RF M1 �� 4 1•C9 %2•L'Z'PHIWFS fLAT4ZA0 WCO-SCREW 3•C?X310PHIWPS QTcU7� FL41Hs.0'!. 0;gCR- %,S 410 PH .UPS 761M EAD WCQD W.RPAS 17 U-f X+" -ENmN Fop6=R' pmRs US-. VAN" Ft 28U' C07RS HINGE JAMB 1\551 oumINGSHO44N'irysWINGS3MI.0 r3-CSX2'PF• r_?-gPX1318'fFH(o �•'LN:SI I N•i 5';I<C H.l4tJ At? f' S"�XI3/A'FF•i {C/i':.hli Sl 1-f.'�i 4�IIk'c °aiE =-MB 1V7-ARD1VAR3 1 f J I y E!; r11;R ITTiiCI ' 5 ROCKWELL MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB n HOPPE MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB GU +T°UGHGSHOWN-INSYHNGSIRAUW - ti�1 O4JISyyiNGSIN74VN-NSlvWG411181AR 1 e .3S % 1 SVS' ?FH 3-Ii7NF0RC8T•1ENT I aff ac-�� ass1z23s Na A_ C: muF'� 40 m 45 QUj $c C C C � a c)- 1S, va.o3 a md.1..':ko r' I o I ]q rG" HOPPE MULTI -POINT LOCK `j'l.RElNFOREETWWPUTf.=nVEWd1ELONLY D1N?. i SWn: 5 n- (s) N m LA N m r, Y 0 3 L nre+cr. ocralol OPERABLE HEAD Q OU751VINGSHOWN•IflS1yWG51l1�IAp OPERABLE ADA SELL q Inswllu�loumul>+�' ENDURII HtiDCO Ii 1 a;K� ti 8 OPERABLE SILL 4f Dl17SVUING O?flMALAFCO A•117 •i Nil /-3-',,� OPERABLE SILL 4 WIN mDue�i►rmL &r-F r6"N, OPERABLE SILL 4 ' INsnvd AFCO A•27AM-UM •!9� OPERABLE SILL 4 OUT.VMNG UFRMNIL ENDUUA ZDOV.SSW i EE WIMP. rd�\ OPERABLE SILL `4f COJ.Z �e AFcol•tz97 1� I 7 1 IHli1CR � p.'Z77 11 OPERABLE SILL 1J' QUMING 0F'HDWaA=H4W .d +V i` •y1:'u ti WILDING 1Rlo-." Alt M imri4iF.— Lu j �•saE �� a� n �4 m ��- a -b tL tn 4s� J xQ F Lu �fdrr,T•�i7�. _ � • $ ;��'�JF is 1eIcfipli�• ut♦♦♦ N1QV7W-.iiuuC �cvin aaRtl 02.05.14 VIM G �JM r. 55 YMSS � NTS �.,_-AOID8iWA INFE7- OF8 i 4 �TYP. ALJL'TP. 112"0� ETf 3 0 a F C 31TVP. ANCHOR LAYOUT • Wl%f110[IYRYOfiIIYCrVf ETAELE L-2XN'030SUCK—ZXW00DBJC<INSiR-1. AV -DR F?R BUCK AJ\C+3r%:,PBLT !31?X WOOD BUCK INSTALL 31 WOO (D2X R1 D BUCK INSTALL 1W I. ZXRUCKIS%( FDRINSAUA1Cfi A'S1.J. • 2. ANCHORS MAT3[Y..GSS-_T.4SSHOWN INDETAIL413. J 4f `7 5 r L t 7Jf fYJ'4 Aurun� rwe, i 1 faYYlA7p'•7 JF �ANCHDR SUISMACE I= ' MIN. EDGE ' ow- DOGS MIN. CBM I Sep DOORS I sm ErtJ1EDAIEM DIST. TO 70CUC71R ' I i SUBSTRSCE OISTALCF MARL O.C. htft O,G SPACING AT SPACING X. 1 mS TAPOON 1 �f3' � CDLriiETEr[ML' • I JAMas JbNt6S 1 kL'2 S• fiLM-LTR)Mh JCO r N:.CEFEOAI 1�•.[OYC. ±21'u 1•LC'cooll: 4, e IN r fY11Almm 8.4m1.fi1 G+.zmer.f.rra: r:aYl+:wonr 'All-aloTF- J.i y �f w � i rZ C, :n gild fL o hd —i C ^ � � Z � ,•-mot• -x Q4 C Z LS r� Z C C Q r CST;; GL1 .aLE: C%JG. kI 3 A" M ONE 11) IW.6.LIAFgN &V:HCR IS RE0UIRM AT EACH ANCN04 LCCJ+TICA SHc WN. t SyIM:SRBQUIRa'7AFFJ:fr'NSIYt;jA113N AN:NOR VA1H LpgG Bc, ARM SHIMIS;. M0.1fIMUMAUpIt'C31E S{IM STFGKTO BE I/A INC L S4W! VMERESPAJf0: 1/SbINCHOR6RE..=Race ,RS, SHIA1(S)SHALL CONES-LI_7ED OF -TCF :ENSIff PLAtTIc ORBEFTER, BE 3. MIN•WIMEMBEWENrANDErX-EDISFA"C5RMUDEViALRMIMES, IHCLJD7033UTN0'L.f11TEd:J ST COL; FOAM, 3F1CK MEEF. AUDSIDUJG. 7. IfSFAUAION WKHCLSANDASSOCWTED H457WAREMUSTBE MACE GF COERCYSION RESSTAN, M0.TE3W. OR HA A? A aRRCSIOV At%5774M• WATING. AND MALL BE INSFALJJiD N kDC3RDAVCF t'AM AtiG:OR MANUFACTURERS ANUFACTURS iNSfJlL1A71�N INS.RLKMNS. S. FC4F0LL7VJELCOCANOGRCFJTFILLMBLOO(DONOTRbTA11-I}b ALLAWMANCgoRSINTCM9RFAR .POINTS.ZXIECISTIP-M,E6MEASUROFgDMFREE EOC•ECFBLOCK CREME 0:1AORFARMINT INTO FFCE 91-:LIOF BLOCK 6, FCA 2ZSiL000NFMUCr.0N,ANCF70RINGOFT+I6EPRODUMSMALL 3E;d:SAME ASFCR3X3.ZK CCNCRETF•RAJSOVRY LT+SLitPJ.a-TION, 7. X-ADAHNG PRJ RCHTIES: 011ES Y� p,1pDUCTS HEREIN ARE BAMLl%SULgRgM iAq- WSTYIM1! :tLE {.LOS11No^ PRDPERIIES: A - v/mD- lA:NUAUAI SP'{.lFr. GPwrryOF0.55, 9, CDPJM='--'U VIM.UMCOMPRESyYESTAENCTN O; RBBD PSi. C. GF.OUTFIL_DCMU•UNLTSlHENGTHCONFORMSTOAWAC�3%%.ffHWNINL'.1000bTPRESS.%.ESTTc PSi, G_ F 2DCB PSIh1G GxOIR CCM"ORMS SO=C-7a MDJINUM G ROUFODNFRESSIVE STRSK, EM oz 2CCC 3. Cr2CC6 F51, :CVF G'CR C►AU • UNIF STBENuTk CONFORMS TO'4MI C•SLTLVITH M.i MC' V COMPRFSSIYe S iTii1LGTH C- B, SE_SHE6TS7gNDEF3RTMR°UEFA'SCSTHEN WALgTIONREQI'REM:VfS,iLtCJpINGANCHCP. LCG4TOt� ECGE CISTAJIr•�, EM@EDN=A'LS, A5D SHIM S>AJ`.VG. 5. CP'0114tLY• ANCHORS C4%G.=P.aLe31NNARFJ)R'�-T17NCFHEA?Q?JFMBFSLOW ASMININCt! EV3EDIi.CV.rP0EDGB1 ANCEAREACHIE-.M. ANDIM 1ABL8 61, Own Aw DOORS J ANCHOR rePE ANCHOR ' SUB5TA jE MN. M6V• EDGE SIZE _ EMBE79'IEM piSTANCE • Q.C. 1IAX. SPACING AT SPAONGAT 1 ' JJU'ASS JAM83 1 J :L'ODDSCREt► ;JC DCtt�3:pZyCK =RJF0..1't5 3lI: •1/S I7•L+4• INITAPC7N n/16' GCN:tiTLrONu :.:+{' 2J:• 17. Y t7•4' ELCO.:IRiCCK 1Jq' OCNCtRC;'iMU 1•S:TI' -cct ITA We ON see, lCONCtITiL•,0JV3 :,�+;' p ( ( i � , o2 . :-a5xxlit• � Taein -1-41It2::ZFW VVWL02 ' Z6 PFAS�S+S P' >IJ 7LFOA'SH�Ot 5CLF FLATE .DW 10N r!r' > ATE S'CT v%i omwoT 3A E #Mwa:l l J [ SRL $EMDN VIE1N AHEAD SECitON VIEW rNNwrJ NiL I.L>lM..a "/ .� ftmn py, M@ri.M Tr "a CIA WIDTH —rip. cl �" ? �P O� � C .3 Ot LN ra a w Z d s C c y CL � P.EMclll� 9JLi +da Prml. Vr wy■ 4O4i :6'ti r1NTYP. ANCHOR LAYOUT "^L"Q1NA STVl'ACI'.'IC•FR71G17NiG:CK" .,l .us9�Y1•aG•.M14MrL' t / ATC'Vi0-CpSRECL•P.EDkTTHESILLFCRSItJGI-eCC075Fi,10HLY. S'Z'� b%•'+!'� �•:rQ JAL:rAUrm"alLstw VCiE: FDC9 SHOWN ARWE NVY BE LEFT v:av i�6:iiiuti �r:r Ot PION? HAVDOFERATiNG OODF1. CATE C71)5 1 a A. scut: J 2 I- Q ri d i a e DESIGN PRO / SMOOTH PRO FULL LITE INMPACTAPPROVED FOR USE OUTSIDE THE HIGH VELOCIT V HURRjMEZONE (HVHZ) GENERAL rOTFS: 1. •42 PRODUCT SHORRI HEREIN 3 CESIUM AND itAK-jFALIUFED TO COMPLY WITH THE CURAENT RaEF Nl<ONAL BUILDING OODEjICCI, IHTUNRTHDNALRERTENUL CODE IIRCL AND .4MRIDA BUILDING Mbv IW:r.EXCLUDINGHVI ZAND HISUEEJCFIPLLU-jZDACCDtDINGi0-rdEFDLWkVING: • ASITA - aa_m A`TM L-•3CO2 • ASTM TISWal • ARPA 1:199i06 • A4fdA1'E4-0Z TlS2C2.%l e, ADMUACI, or iE ms EV0 STRUM _76: cc., ETE/rAASOVp1' Oi IX EPAMING AS A MAIN LVIND FCF;_E ;ESOPV3 SYSTzr1 C4;,ASLE OF WiHSlp,4CIRG BAD TFAMF346I114C APPUED PACCUC! LD>OS ITT TH 107A-IA IICN. E AUNCATICN IS THE AESPCmjgIUTv OF THE E NGINEET Op Ap HITECT OF p{CRO FOR THE PRDIE[S OF a•llsiiAUATT04)TFILSDESMINDhF3EiVA.SEEMERICANCMgYROTREFLECTACTU -.COICITIOVSFiut AFIECIH PM V F;-i ytpp c4GI1OFER nF WrtECT 5 61�REPUPSITE •SPEC(•!C GOCUTAER 1�15 FOR rNT NITr1 lun DC:UR.1ENi.LISa 4 4°PROVED IVPACr PR 7rCN'.i 5Y57Et1 IS SCOT 7EQUIPm CN ;AIS 2RCCUC-IN AREA: TIM.InINC IRIPACT FEStST=M FOR WIND ZONE 3 OR IF S. S. GL75561EEr THE RECU,REMENTS 7FAS- V E 10) CLASS CHANTS, SEESHErs MR GAZNG DETAIL. 9. UL LITE APPROVAL CDVER$ LSE ZIF F:."=01L91. GLAZING. DKIL�,K INTERNAL GFJ:, SLjH;S SETWEE!J GLASS, OECORAITYE, AND EXTEIL,0L W.JoUCHT IpGft AADRIS ISFA4ED} LHiYi ARE 3Lk.iR+C FORF•'•3' DOD>S .TOP 4jlCPSFONLLY. NO-T: AVCC H497 SILL !JEER &AIc A'Iti-OT1ON AT -a-Arts ILT' PRESS. RE 'LVTP' OF P.75 ;IF. Pic7AAIING EETS NO: tA-:•J EM Ntr PRi OLIC-tapCoN. IFFLHIHCTTYr-AYRia.L'iSISD'CTIOTN RE?]:gRESTH0.- i ?R7DUCT MEET3IHLS REGL!iAEMEttr PRCOUGS-tL' Ec I•TEO WHEN RISALL�AT LC<•►inN PRc•:S':O S'+ I OVERH°AF SLJr ? THY' dr¢0.��NG (ONE IL:TIO s C:= L;NL•ZT! ON -EEC.--.S t l.0 IADIEOFCON'ropS REOAAD N SHEET DOCNFION 1YPIGLiEL-R0r+ANS,DEgg VFRtU°S,F;1?GEIlES TYPICAL ANC -OR LAYOUTSARo NOTES ONSL2S6:CAA%C:-CF1C i CETA.-S VERiTCAL AW<EMELLS GLAZING DETAIL' vtVDs1.EtNures � CC•YCRI:IESl3SMATFS ECMPONENTSE,91LOFra -mxs WII LDIMCi DROPS. INC, nr L:.w N:D'tlr ra,wxR 3? IA- MAX M Itlr4R ` CA.VVH x.r �v jb�inn T 37 7.12-wm. O.A. K'IDTH -' I I L r ` T ' L a 2 � �av C �V Z F� I io a, z s e ACTIVE L C •• Q Z C { z- a c VOT[• t :7xift FrTI.tN ABCVE IMAY BE :EF tt! ORR3ir ANCc?- Anm4cce.pi i RRAXGL'EULL NCNJ.iNAL SIZE DESIGN PRESSUAF PSi ( i ODNFIGUWLrpN MISSIix i INSWING OUTVuING VADTH Fmw IMPACT RATING POS. NEG. 6W, HEG. x a'z' 6•ar S ,- Sa SB• S7 LRS &SNI X ir+DIUS •}L 5G° S7 LTA & Shot x •eeeraee e, w... NNW' :O• 5L 5C• S: Lht'& Sho E7 SRCEC_• FOR WATER IIT'•ILTFATIUR APPROVEDSr15. �o1pA3npG C7'I%.rCiF, \Cr=7 PE n'r1a:.lp�v,ln36y1 dwlmer, btr:X14a9JS Sot1:Stoo7 DATE: 02.05.14 Gi! 11M SS&SS SCALE: NTS OWG•+: A01o852A SHELTI 0F9 I aI , I, BLADE Sion! WAM COME r� FEMA COMPLIANT ENGINEERED FLOOD VENTS FLOOD SOLUTIONSTM MODEL "F" BLADE WITH STORM DRIP RODENT SCREEN INSECT SCREEN NATER STOP FEMA Compliant Engineered Flood Vents meet FEMA requirements when installed properly. • Use at least 2 flood vents per enclosed area below flood grade, installed on at least two separate walls. • The bottom of the flood vent opening must not be higher than 12 inches above the grade. • At least 1 square inch of engineered opening for every 1 square foot of enclosed space. • An engineered certificate from the state in which the building is located is required for all engineered openings without ICC ES certification. Qty Model Minimum Opening Required Engineered Opening Covers 1412-F 14-1/2"Wide x 1.2"High 145 sq ft 1608-F 16"Wide x 8" High 124 sq ft 1616-F 16"Wide x 16"High 221 sq ft 2412-F 24"Wide x 12"High 274 sq ft 2416-F 24"Wide x 16"High 362 sq ,,ft 3208-F 32"Wide x 8"High 252 sq ft Finishes Black Kynar Light Grey Kynar Light Tan Kynar White Kynar No Finish (for field painting) rrame: 1-1/4- DEEP, 1" Front Flange; heavy gauge extruded aluminum sections, minimum .125" thickness Blades: Heavy gauge extruded aluminum sections, minimum .063" thickness Construction: Extruded aluminum sections mechanically fastened Insect/Rodent Screen: Heavy-duty aluminum insect & rodent screen; rear mounted FLOOD SOLUTIONS, LLC. One Industrial Park Drive Bldg. 27 Pelham NH, 03076 Toll Free: 1-800-325.9775 In NH: 603-595-5222 Fax: 603-595-4778 www.floodsolutions.com info@floodsolutions.com PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: RETAILER: DATE: CERTIFICATION G� GiNEERED FLOOD OPENINGS (F .,<.'� TB-1 August 2008) 1 do heieby certify that the FLOOD SOLUTIONS (.LC Flood vent properly installed and sized in accordance with Federal Emergency Management Agencys (FEMA's) National Flood Program regulations is designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for entry and exit of floodwater during floods up to and including the base 100-yearflood. i also do herebycert fythat I calculated the Non Engineered Net Free Air and Engineered Opening size for each model and sue of FLOOD SOLUTIONS LLCflood vents The results of the calculations are recorded in the table below. The Engineered size opening calculation was performed using the formula in FEMA Technical Bulletin 1— August 2008, Openings In Foundation Walls for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in accordance with the National Flood insurance Program (NFIP) and ASCE/SE124-05, Hood Resistance Design and Construction i measured the Non Engineered Net Free Air by calculating the minimum distance between the top blade and the top of the vent times the clear opening width of the vent; plus the minimum distance between the bottom blade and the bottom of the vent the clear opening width of the vent; plus the minimum distance between each blade times the number of spaces between the blades invent times -he clear opening width of the vent I used the formula in TB 1— August 2008 (A° = 0.033 (1/Cj RA@) to determine the Engineered Opening size for each model listed below. i used the following assumptions: A° = total net area of openings required line); 0.033 = coefficient corresponding to a factor of safety of 5.0 (Irrz hr/fo coefficient (ASCE 24 Table 2-3 "rectangular, long axis horizontal, short axis vertical unobstructed during design flood") or C= 035 (square unobstructed duringg design flood); R = 5 ft/hr worst case rate of rise and fall; and A@ =1 ft2 total enclosed area. Note: When the horizontal dimension is twice or more the vertical dimension, use 0.4, as the dimensions approach a square, interpolate from DA to a 3S. Ao/ Ad = 0.033 [I/Cl R = 0.033 [110.40 for rectangle, long.axis horizontal] = 0.4M inz per ft2 or Ao / At = 0.033 [1/Cl R = 0.033 [1 / 0.35 for square] = .4719 inz per ft2 Each individual opening, and arty louvers, screens, or other covers, shall be designed to allow automatic entry and exit of floodwaters during design flood or lesser flood conditions; there shall be a minimum of two openings on different sides of each enclosed area; if a structure has more than one enclosed area below the OFF, each area shall have openings, openings shall not be less than 3 inches in any direction in the plane of the wail; the bottom of each required opening shall be no more than 1 fL above the adjacent grade, the difference between the exterior and interior floodwater levels shall not exceed 1 ft during base flood conditions; In the absence of reliable data on the rates of rise and fall, assume a rate of rise and fall of 5ft/hr, where data or analysis indicated more rapid rates of rise and fall, the total net area of the required openings shall be increased to accountforthe higher rates of rise and fnn "-SIGNATURE: ,Q0sodettatFpp�� ew NAME: DANIEL G.FARABAUGH v��o,`�b•�G E a;'F ,4h�i TYPE OF I TENSE: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ,d No 48349 STATE:—FLORIDA LICENSE NUMBER: 48349 * • �' m . DAN FARABAUGH, P.E. 0 SYAiE QF FARABAUGH ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. �'.�i� .�IRt •.• �� 401 WIDE DR., McKEESPO_ RT. PA 15-135 • S d PHONE: 412-751-4001 FAX:412-7s1-4003 •t, r� H -vim If," �'ALLATION INSTRUCTIOV 1 'F' Models: 1608-F / 1616-F / 2412-F / 2416-F / 3208-F What you'll need: -Appropriate Screws depending on type of wall -Anchors (if installing in masonry) -Power Drill -1/4" Masonry Bit -Philips Head Screwdriver -Hammer -Level -Exterior Caulking -Adhesive Caulking (optional) Note: If you are NOT installing vent into a concrete/brick wall please provide the correct fasteners for the material that you are fastening the flood vent into. NOTE: BE SURE THAT BOTTOM OF OPENING IS NO MORE THAN 12" ABOVE GRADE. Step 1: PROVIDE A CLEAN, SQUARE AND LEVEL ROUGH OPENING Step 2: INSERT VENT INTO OPENING Step 3: MAKE SURE VENT IS LEVEL Step 4: MARK HOLES ON WALL AND THEN REMOVE VENT FROM OPENING Step 5: DRILL HOLES 1-1/4"DEEP INTO CONCRETE/BLOCK WALL. Step 6: FULLY INSERT ANCHORS INTO WALL, TAPPING ANCHORS INTO PLACE USING A HAMMER MAKING SURE ANCHORS ARE FLUSH TO THE WALL Step 7: APPLY ADHESIVE CAULKING AROUND THE REAR SIDE OF OUTER FLANGE (optional) Step 8: REPLACE VENT INTO OPENING Step 9: SECURE ALL SCREWS THROUGH HOLES IN VENT INTO ANCHORS SET IN WALL Step 10: CAULK AROUND PERIMETER OF VENT TO HELP PREVENT WATER FROM SEEPING BEHIND THE FLANGE FRAME FLOOD SOLUTIONS, LLC. One Industrial Park Drive Bldg. 27 Pelham NH, 03076 Toll Free: 1-800-325-9775 In NH: 603-595-5222 Fax: 603-595-4778 www.floodsolutions.com info &floodsolutions.com CERTIFICATION 1- _ ��� - ENGINEERED FLOOD OPENINGS (FEMq K J do hereby certify that the FLOOD TB�1 Au Agency's by certify National Flood Progr SOLUTIONS to out gUSf 2008� LLC Flood Vent properly installed and sized in accordance with Federal E exit of floodwater during floods u automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on ,} p to and including the base 100-year flood, Emergency Management , I also do hereby certify that I calculated the Non Engineered Net Free Air exterior walls by allowing for entry and vents. The results certify the calculations are recorded in the table below. Technical Bulletin 1— and Engineered Opening size for each model and size of FLOOD SOLUTIONS LLC 'flood August 2008, Openings In Foundation Walls for Building ngocatedine tln ISpectal Flood Hazard Insurance Program (NF1P) and ASCE, O nings Flood Resistance Design I measured the Non Engineered Net Free Alr bp g calculation was performed using the formula in FEMA Of the vent; plus the minimum distance between the bottom a minade muand the Construction. e between and Areas to accordance with the National Flood Y calculating the minimum distance between the top blade and the top of the vent time between each blade times the number of spaces between the blades in vent times th bottom of the vent the clear opening width of the vent; plus the minimum distance I used the formula in Te 1— a clear opening width of the vent. s the clear opening width assumptions: q� = August 2008 qo = ( 0equ fl/ed ); to determine the Engineered Opening size for each model listed total net area of openings required (in2j; 0.033 = coefficient (ASCE 24 Table worst "rectangular ' g coefficient corresponding to a factor of safety of 5.0 2 a Ion axis horizontal, short axis vertical unobstructed Burin design flood) or � _ 0(I below. I used the following design flood]; R = 5 ft/hr worst case rate of rise and fall; and Ad -1 ft2 total enclosed area. g g (In hr/ft ); c = 0,q0 opening Note: When the horizontal dimension is twice or more the vertical dimension, use 0.4 aa. 0.35 (square unobstructed during A'/Ad = 0.033 s the dimensions approach a square, interpolate from 0,4 to 0.35. I1/C] R = 0.033 I1/0.40 for rectangle, long axis horiaontal] R = 0.4 • z orAo / Ad = 0.033 I�,/C] R = 0.033 1 125 in Each individual opening, and any louvers, screens, or other- covers, shall be designed to ai per ftz t lesser flood• conditions, there shatl_tie: a_minimum_of.'t I / 0.35 for square] R = ,4719 Inz z per ft belomr the DFE, each area shall have openings; openings shall not s- less than 3 i wo openings on different sides of each enclosed area; If a structure has more than ow -automatic entry and exit of floodwaters during design flood, or opening shall be no more than 1 ft. above the adjacent grade; the difference between the e base flood conditions; o the absence of reliable data adjacent the rates of rise and fall, assume inch in any direction in the plane of the wall; the bottom of each required an one enclosed area rapid rates of rise and fall, the total net area of the required openings shall be increased to account xterior and Interior floodwater levels shall not exceed 1 ft. during a rate of rise and fall r Sft/hr; where data or analysis indicated more ount for the higher rates of rise and fall. ENGINEERED MODEL Number SIZE of WALL OPENING: - - OPENING:.- Flood Solutions: Net Free Air (square inches) {WIDTH X HEIGHT) (square Inches): Each vent covers: 1412-F (square ft. '15094 - 16"x 9-1/4" 67 145 1608-F 16„ x an 55 131 1608-D 1V x all 51 124 - '1608-c - . 51 16" X. 8h 124 1616-F 16" x 16" 65 - - 1616-D 16" x 16" 104 221 2412-F 24„ x 1211 102 216 - 2412-D 24" x 12" 113 274 '2416-F 24" x 16" 110 267 2416-D 24" x 16° 156 36,2 3208-F 3211 x gas154 357 -3208D _ - '- " '32"104 , � _ IATURE: '104 252252. _ IE: DANIELG. FARABAUGH ��a�aenlgtaga�ar OF LICENSE: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER i+� ••�,�CEM •+ is- FLORIDA : No LICENSE NUMBER:4�4� ?: *' •''O' Li* 'ARABAUGH, p.E. STET 3AUGH ENGINEERING AND 7ESTiNG I 0.p FIDE DR., Mcl(EESPORT p N�' '• @�.•� �� A 15135 y�i. •••�.�::•�7�s1