HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0780 1.72 '---.JeM..-u..-Sh.Ul.\i~nd.-.1t.-.....~ ------X..-I..-Rr.1oe I QUIT.CL.AIM DEED -- .- ------------------.----.----.--~-.--- -----. -..---...----------..i....fi" 'l.....t-.....,u....it....-,..-#:..........'.HLi-. r tMII-.- -.---.. I 29th ".'nh ~ TillS INDI-:~TURE, )lade this ---- day of --;r _ A. D. 19..24 bttwctn i Jahn....ll. 9l'\8i'f'iA'''' A.nd MA Wii'A. V64;17 .TftAAphAnA_A.nd T\Rn ~.ffiel..d..-unma.rr.lod . t i I ! of the Coullt, of J."ke and State of P1Gr14a .parL-i.eor the first parI, and fJ R. L. p,.inA of th~ County of__--Ba1nt....Luni A snd State of----F1orlde. par~ or tht second parr, WIT:\f.SSETH. Th:>t the said parLi_ of the first part. for and in c:onsidtration of the su'" oL 'our Rl,pdred Dollars, in loa" p:lid bJ the said par~_ of the sec:oad part. the rrcdpt whueof is ber~bT acknowlMItd. h___-vemitrd. released alld quit.c1aimed. and by thest pre.ents do.- r~isr. rtlease and quit-c:1aim unto tbt ..id part1- or the second f>:lrt alld hie. _heirs and :usigns forner, aU the ri&hl. titl.. intenst. claim and demand which th, said panJoa. of the fint part hL-.Ya_ in and to the following describM lot8_. piece_.B or parcels.. of land, to.wit: ---.-----__.L.o.t.L~Um.LJL..Qf~JL.~-1IL(;.Q.rl.t.o.n~~LA<\.dlUOll_~r..2.1LL~j,~~ a_a__ Fl,.QJ'J~~ a. _~9.9Q:r~.. _______.!l1.ng.-.t.(LthlLP~~1_~ruLe.u.n:~~_..o:.t...~.J'~1.1nJ~M.!m.......!HL J'.Q.Q:rd~~JJL.!h~L.Qf;'~19.a._o;f .__.....n_ ___.___the....ClerlLo:f.Jllr.Q.u1.t....9_QlU'u.f..~a1nt_ ~c1Q._Qount~Jl.o..rll&..._______..__..__.._... ... --..~-_._-- . L5.0il_..DQ.Q........B tamp...oanc ell.odl. .-------.-------------------------"---------------------.-.-------..-----..--..-.......---.-.--. TO II" \'E AXI> TO 1I0LD. the ume. 10G<lhu with all ::lnd .inlllllar t"c aN..utellancu thercunlo bdonllir.g or in any..;.. aJ>p"rl.in;r.~. and all the utah'. right. title. interut and claim whatsoc....r of the .:>id p:>rl-..iesof the fir,t part. eilher in ..". or .quit,.. to Ihe onl,. prol'U J liS". bcnef'l and behoof of th~ .aid parl.J7.-- of the .ccond "art. ........ ......._h1a_....._.____n__._.._h.in .nd assign. for...... IS WIT:\F:SS WHEREOF. The uid part._1.es of Ihe first part h:>... Yo.. her(',nlo 1Ct.__.thelr.....__...hand_.S and ...1. S. the d.~. and Jt.r fir~l ..bo\-r ,,'rittrn. Signt.". .ul.d and deli, end in pr~..nc:r of: ,~-:-:-.,="_-==~~~;~Bl!~~~r.... _'.' John M. Sheffield (Seal; ..._....1lar.1_..JQ.s.eph1mL~..hQ.!fitld ____...... S,'all _>>an ~he.!.!.1!)l.d. .._...{~aP .___.~.oo~._l.!J~ STATE of..__-..rlor.id.&_____._.___.._._n_ 1 J Count). of...-------t.ak.----__.___...... ._. ... I IIF.REBY CERTIFY. Thu on this 4:>y personally aJ'pe.red bd.,rc: me. an officc'r d:"y authorized to admini'ler oath. arod 1,1., ~rl.r.n'.d..l!l:' marri ad. mtn... __J"91~!L~~. ShefU.Q~4...h.1\L..W1f.!)...-Llary _.JoBQh1ne..J3heffiel.d. .anlLDan....Sheff1.eld. . un/ 10 me ....11 "no..n to be th~ penona... de-cribM in and ..ho ""cute" th.. foregoing in.lrllme-nl and.-__Wh&.----"ckno...ledg..d t..for,' me Ihal_..._._._j;hQ~__cxccut..d th. ~"mc fredy and ~olurll.rilr f"r lh.. P'lrloO'" thcrc:in txprtU~d. . . V AXD I Ft.:RTIIER CERTIFY, Th:>t the !>aid.._.__...___. Klu7J..Joasphene. -Shef:Uo.ld....-----.--.---....--....... \mown to me 10 be the ...ire of the sa;" ~0ht1 ),{.. ..8heflle.ld .____...._......_____..__.____.___ ._...._.._....... c.n a scpuate "rod I'rinle examio::Olion. !>keD an" made by .r.d bcf.,... me-, 'cp:uat.-l)' and ..part from ber uid huswnd. d,d acJ.nowle-dJ(c Ih.1 ,h. c'ucuttd th.. forrgo:ng Dc.d for Ihe parpo"" of rclinqui,binlt. alienatinR .nd eOD\C);ng all h.e righl. title and inlerest, ,. huhrr of down. I.omr. .I~ad Of of H,,,..1e property. ,lallltory or c:quilabl.., in a..d to the bnd, d...rribcd t1.e-rrin. and thaI shc .xecultd sai" Ilc<d ire-tly .hld '.ohln' 'drily 2nd "itholll any comloUl.ion. constraint. apprrh,n.io1S ," fur 01 or from f:rr .aid husband. Wll :\f.SS. my hand and official >eal. at_.Eust18.. ._......._....CoUnl). or.__._.Lake ___._----"nd SUl~ oL._.__Florida _.-\. Il 1'1..24. . ;I,is.._..g9th_____day of._____llarch...__.._.... ~(~~11.) . ..... (n.p.sF4~ ...... _.._.. Ahas. _1.Bted......__.... ....._ ..._.._..._......_..._....... HotarJ Public, State of Florida at Large. ====>>y--CO_l.881on~8xplrea'Bovember 14....1925..... STATE OF FLORIDA. BE IT RUIF.MlJERF:D, That on thi.____._. __.. 3rd. . __n'_'''' "ay oL.._Apr11.______.________.A. D. 1'.e4 f) ~ . ____~"nt)" of SL l..u~i.. i I. _._._._n_...~_!.....Q..!. El dred ....___.._. _..... .__ ...._._... .__.__.._.._Clcrk of the Circuit Court in and for .aio:l ("OtH'I". ha\. .!nlr rc:.-ord~d the foregoing Quit.Claim 1lc:cd in lb.. Public Reco.d. of said County. IX WITSf.SS \VflERF.OF. I ha... brrtunto !Kt my band and th.. .cal or.aid Court th. day and Jur aoon .rilltn. (C'f.~ 't~).-.:; ~ /" J.,...-!."'...., . -1''' .-&-.-lUdred------....--.--..... .... . ..I~."i) · · ^ Clerk Circuil CO'Jrt. By.....-.-~..--==t~---.IlCi.U'). c;, r:'. .1 ~ . .'-'.' . ; " .- . .... ; > .>/"': '~" :::.:.' -.<-< .:;:......:::. : ~~.. ~:~. ~~.:.~~".:_'~..~.~::~/: :..~. ......,~. ..~.~.::~(\~V:~:~:. ~.:.::~.