HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, PE Letter - 120639_Smith, Kristina - 6005 Cassia DriveCurrent Renewables Engineering Inc.
Professional Engineer
Design Criteria:
Subject: Structural Certification for Installation of Residential Solar
re job:
Attn.: To Whom It May Concern
Observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team of
After review of the field observation data, structural capacity calculations were performed in accordance
with applicable building codes to determine adequacy of the existing roof framing supporting the proposed
panel layout. Please see full Structural Calculations report for details regarding calculations performed and
limits of scope of work and liability. The design criteria and structural adequacy are summarized below:
Freedom Forever LLC
Smith, Kristina - 6005 Cassia Drive
Freedom Forever LLC
ROOF 1: Shingle roofing supported by 2x6 Rafter @ 24 in. OC spacing. The roof is sloped at
approximately 27 degrees and has a max beam span of 12.0 ft between supports. Roof is adequate
to support the imposed loads. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required.
ROOF 2: Shingle roofing supported by 2x6 Rafter @ 24 in. OC spacing. The roof is sloped at
approximately 27 degrees and has a max beam span of 12.0 ft between supports. Roof is adequate
to support the imposed loads. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required.
Code: 2020 FBC, ASCE 7-16, Ult Wind Speed: 160 mph, Ground Snow: 0 psf, Min Snow Roof: 0 psf
1960 Chicago Ave Suite D15, Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 405-1733info@currentrenewableseng.com
43445 Business Park Dr Suite 110, Temecula, CA 92590
6005 Cassia Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34982, USA