HomeMy WebLinkAboutelectric subffi PLANNI}fG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division I}UII,DING PEIIMIT S UB.CONTRACTOR ACREEM ENT llIE Contracting/Modern Electric _ r Conrpauy, Nrrrrrtt,r.tiri,f r.f Narnef the Electrical have agreed to be i lype ofTlade)Sub_contractor for Northstar General iPrimary Conn'actor) l''ur Lilc project located at 7558 S US1__ rrroJecl strecr Address or propcrqr Tox ID #) .11 is uttderst*ttd that' if there is any change of status regarding ourparticipation with the above mentioned lrl'orect' rhe Building and code Regulation Division of st. Lucie county will be advised pursuant to the riline of a Change of Sub-contractor notice, \rlrc oi lil{,r.idfl. cor,rrry ur BR0,(dA,RI) I i hr lrrrcgoing insl'.mcnt *r,as slgncd bcforc nrc ,nO 22.,!l*uActL,* ;; i,*a*.*L* {J ;' Joshua L Aqriesti 3291 6 stsrr orFlorida, county or BlOWafd Thc rorcgolng lnstrumcrt wss rlgncd bcroro mc tt,t" J 1 oul' orrl*rclu -,ro$o, ,,!/S/,,ttq- t ,fui.ttS,h rvho is pcrsonalty knoon;/'or has producrd a r! Identlrlcrtlon, frfr,*r^ /rum, Patncia. Pa"ro t{q $ill.fiq PATRToTAnARRoTTA i . .hA6 * Commission # HH 07g086'?hqiff.; Expires Decembe r't6, 2024'('o,,6l'o$ BondedThruBudgetNohrySrrylc€s rrfl (, tS '.$,,i'If,.{u;. --lrlril uarra iii #$ l.! MYcOMMtsStoN tt}c2szSTs .i+7--,$;of:S EXPIRES: August 1 2, 2022 ";liiiJ.L,'.1" Bnndsd l'hru Notarv pulric Iln.,amla, I(evised I vt6n}l6 STAMP hus produccd a S1'AMP AIIAPPTICABIE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTEDDate: 1-Al - LoZz permit Numbef: sLC_ zr-o7 _ a7 s2 Plonning and Development Services Building ond Code Regulation Division Building permit Application 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort pierce FL 34gg2 Phone: (772) 462-L553 Fax: (772) 462_1,518 Commercial x Residential CBDG Funding _ Address: TssB s us1 Property Tax tD #: Site Plan Name: 3422-858- oool_ ooo/7 Prima Vista Crossjngs Lot No. D1 Project Name:Block No. Convert space back Lo vanilla New ElectricalMeter Second Electrical Meter Affidavit required) Additional work to be performed under this permit - check ail that appry: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ pond _ Generator _ Roof pitch Sq. Ft. of First Floor: X Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lfvalueofconstructionis2500ormore,aREcoRDEDtrtoticeof@ lf value of HAVC is S7,5oo or more, a RECORDED Notice of commencement is required. S_ r,"-; LttCll[E -=r I]IoYUiJrrteavd PE RM IT APPLI CATION FO RM PROPOSED I M PROVEMENT LOCATIOTU DETAILED DESCRIPTION OT \'ORK CONSTRUCTION I N FO RMATION : OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name Address: City:State: Zip Code: Phone No. Mail: Fax: E- Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) Name: Joshua Agriesti Lompany: udre Contracting dba Modern Electri Address: 240 N pixie Hlghway #18 City: HollYwood State: FL Zip Code: 33020 Fax: 954 -927-7910 phone 5o 954 -927-6360 E-Mail j osh@j afecontractlng. com State or County License lTLEYlrat coNsrRuclo Zip: -----Tho* MORTGAGE COMpANy: _- G Apph.abt.Name: FEE SIMPTE TITTE H Name:BOND|NGCoMPANG Name: owNER/ CONTRACTO* lI certify that no work or instalation r,.r .orrlunled prior to ilre issr,anle-of a permit. ft1i}',':""iflfii'JdlfHi{fthT'fffiisfSs#nEEfl:Hiiiififi:ffii]il#]fd{is,f"flflq3flii:f]llfl,i?,#ffr?i"h:hjr!r,:'#'" ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the workIn accordance with the approved pt.ns, tr,e ito;il Brii;i;s;;;r;;j3i:Lrcie county Amendments.The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a fuil concurrency review: room additions,accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, *rttr, ,ignr, r.r";;;;;;;ana accesso*1", i" ,""rr..,er non_residential useWARNING To owNER: Your failure to Record a No-tice of commencement may resurt in paying twice forlmprovements to your property' A Notice ""i6.;;.;.r.nt must-ue iecoioLo in the pubric records of st.Lucie countv and fostea ;; th;6bsiig-9e1o1e the first inspection. rf you intend n,J",J:ilX?:,ronsurtl- :or - Owner Builder -;pplicabb broward :ilo"Pi !",','il'frfl f ?q J3"' o' : Noffi " "'l Physical presence or _ Online Notarization Na me of p"rron m. kGffiiilET Personally Known X oR produced ldentification Type of ldentification produced Pafi,L,c.* €W elrnrcnemnorrn f Commission # HH 073086 i Expires Decembe r 16,2021 : Bonded lhru Budgel Notary Sefliccs - (5rgnature ot Notary public_ State of Florida) commission *o.t-Jtlorlg0{b t "",1