HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0856 " 248 ------.-----C~__c...:.->>~...UJ)..WIa---.-..----.-- ---.oarll---St..-t.UCI...1U.UR..DRA lUGE .DI8'fBlQ!. QUIT--CLAIM DEED TillS ISOF.NTURE, Made Ihii lOtb da)' of_...lana.__ ._.__A. D. 1924, brl..-un I i I \ !I _._._._0..._.0..&_ PftRR9 AD&LJOSRPIIlJlR Q. PK'PlmlS ....h1a..Jd:tIlll. O:t I:Anll&A 01~.____~__..__ ot.,llt COllnt)' of__llikaOJl. .nd State of Vie.Qur1 partieL of tile fint pari, and BOmB Sll'. Luo.n...B1.Y.I1L~llU..GX..DlftlllO'l \\'ITSESSF.TH. That the ..id part.-i.I80f the firat part. for and in considcralion 01 the sum 01. J of the County of St. La.ob 'Dd State of 1'1.1'lc1a parl-.-f'- of tile S<'cond par'. - --I'Our. linn" rec1..he1u-",...an4.~OJ1OO Dollars, ill hand p.id by Ihe $aid part~_ of tbe s<<ond part. Ihe rueil't whereof is hereby acknowledgcd, b_.V8.. remisf'o-t, releued aud quil.c1aimed, and by Illue pre.ents do- remi~./rclease and quil,c1aiu\ uuto Ihe said part...J'-- of the ncond part and..--1.ta...n~Qjt,IUl.og. and assigns fo:nrr. all Ihe righl. title, intcrest. claim and demand which Ihe said parL.....1e.. of tile 6rst pari ha._Ye_ in and 10 the follo..ing dmrib..d IOL~, pi..c...~. or pared._ of land, lo...il: The We8t 41 feet of the South half o'f the Southwest __..._____.Quart.r....o:t_the..JIorthuJlt._Qnar:t.r.; _________. __._.._...... ---.~---- fhe.. Eaat-&61..:f8et._.o:t_the._Jlor_1lhe&Bt_ Quartar.-of_the-RoutlraaBt-Quartez.;.."-_.....__.... ....__.. _.~.!~~...!~s t__.!._.t!~~_.Qt.._~~....!.C?r~~'-8.1;._~.r.~~!'_.g.t.~b.'_..~'O'l!1;.b~~.!,_1;._~:r~~.~;.....___.......... ...__...... __.....u._..~h..Q."'~ ~t.-'f1_te et ...J)t_thf__~w~bw'-l!t.Qmn'.t.Qr...Q t..thQ_2!ml.th.en....J&a.rtQr ;.....__. ._.__....... ...'u ___........._..h'J,'~e.._E..~~_t .!! fe etd~!_tb~..J!~~.h~~~.~.~~.~~~...~.tJ;_lt!....!Jou~b.es.1.J~~..rte~l_____..__...._................ __......_..._._.__~ll._llJ._l!~ot~~~.~.--!~~~htp_.~~..!IJ!1l.~.tl. .~g~U~2_.~~~~.________...__._..____......___h.. ___ .---.......--. ;::..=::-h~-~::h:~..i::..I:~:::::..=~:~..:;..i=..~~:::. =~::~!__...._..... 'tbe West 48 teet of the Southwest Quar1;er of the lIIortlnrest Qual"ter=. ...........-...... The .K&8~..46--fe e~..o.f-tli...-S-Ojtliei8~.QU&rt.er.of.~..lIor~liieBt-""QUart.er;---.-.---....---. . h....... !he.. EaBt..46..~8et.._.o~,.the..BQrth8aat.Q.uart.er _.o:t__ th8...Soutbw.eat...QuarUr;.____._____. _ The west 48 teet of the lJortblreet Quarter of the South.eat Quarter; -- 'lhe h."t'46-'fee1:-~ .the '8outbweat.. Quarte!'-.of.-tbe-8outh1mrtQuarter;-----. . ....- .. _~.!t~..~..!J~_!6 fee!..!>.!..!he ~~..!1_~~~~~t...~ue.rye.~_~__~!.J!~~hwest ~~!'t~!'L..m_. ....._..~_... _..... m. .' _~~.!~~if~t1on ?_,__Tow~l'!p_~~~ th, ._~! _3.?___!88h__________...______...... _ All.,. nJ3.t......Lucle....Coo.nty. _.l1.or ida. ... .......________.._._.______________..._____...___..___.... T(' ""\"1: "XI> TO 1101.0, the ume, tO$:<ther ..;Ih all and .;nl:ubr :he apl'U,t.n"nc... Iller.unto bel9nging or in anp,'j<e al'l",rl.;n;"". and all th. ~.t"lC, righl. tllie, jntue.1 and daim l"hal.orwr or th" .aid l'nL lee "f Ih. 6r.t pari. .ilhrr in b.. or equilY. 10 11:.. onl)' I'f(ol~" "'''. brn.fil ;\IId b..hoor of Ihe nid part.. y._ oi Ih.. '<cond I.art. . 1 t8.. SUOOeSBOrS__..__.__"'''',.. and a.sign, for.\"n ] J~ WITXESS WIIF.REO.... Th.. said parl.leB or the 6rst "".1 ba..V8. h.Hunlt) ..1__.the1r..__u.... _.hand a and .u\.... Ih.. ".}' :.r.d );<~r fihl a!~n.(" wrillrn. Sig.ntd, ~t..alcd ~nd df'li,.c:rcd in J)f(iornc(' of: .. __QLI... ..~lQO u..__..u.__....._.__._..Q. ._C.. 1'eteril______._._...__ _;~ia1.l h____._~.~.~. _ ~e.~l;~;r -- -----.._- .----- - -- - ______._. ___ ___.__. +0 ..JoeQPb11l'_~.._...i.!tt.QJ'8 ___ um . I Sea\. \ ;T.'\TE OF...__.v.I.~.~()lffl.J.__...._._._.__._.__ .---.....-.---.- 1 C()unl~' oi..__._._..J~qx:~~mu_.__.___.___u__._..n n nn I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI on this da)' prnonall). ar.!'<'>.r<d bd,,... mi. 3n ofti<<r duly at:ll:oriud to administu oath. and I.,kr 3(~no"1. ..l~. ment-. ____..____h..____.....9.._~,__:p~~.;r1;J._~M.. ~ _ea. -C~________._.._..:_.._u._ moo . ..... to nl~ \,<11 known to b<- tile person_.S d..cribcd in an.} who ~"Utltrd Ihe lor..a:oing in.lrum,nt and.____.th87___.u..acknowlrdi(.d briou. rw Ih~t__mh...the:v..__.......(,,<cut...d tbe sam.. "<..Iy and \"olunlarily for 11:.. Purl""" tll<r.in ~"Pftssed. l. ,\ XI> I I-TltTlI ER CERTII-'Y. That th. nid_..._. ___.__.~:..uo..__.. fttorB ..... _ ,.___. ..... .__.._.._. known to ",..to b.. th~ ..ii.. of the .aid.__.____....n__._.____n.C. C.-l'6tua......u I)n :L ~(p.:t.u,tc and rra'..t(' ('x~min.alioft. lak(,D and mac!~ by and h..!or(' 1~1".. .....p;!.f~I..ly ~nd 3p~rt from hltr I~id hUlband. -lid' ~ckt"'owlC'c'J;:~ th:u :..he (x(':ul"d l1:r iort~o:ng ()('cd for the purt'OSt of rdinqui~hinR'. 21irnal'"i.: .and cOr:~f')"iDtit ?n hltf ri1l:II'. title- ~r.d il~t~'t\'. "h(lht'r oi "O"<'f. !:()>nl"-- ,t<ad or or ..~ntc prol><rtr. .talutor)' or .quiuble, in ano! 10 th.. lan.t.. <lr,cril",.t th<rein, and thai .he .nculcd said I><cd ir.d)' an,l ,..,hm. t3r:1y :lnt' "athout ;tn)' comp'.hion. con~tr~int. aJtp.rtht'n.ion nr f(,~f oi or from I.(,f '~id bUlhar-d. \\'ITXESS. my hand and ollicial ,,~l. .t_ K'AnRSI:J C1q.n._..CQUnt). oL. . Ja0k8on--. .__._......and Stat.. oL--..ll1.s8ourl t"i,. ....lQtb .._.....__Jay 01.....__ "'J"~ 71. e,..' (5c;.l.) ____.n..A. I> I? U .....ioJ~dPu~~~.--St8te of Jliseoud . _......:_c~..:_~~~l..:",,~J.on e~~r!l.I__ J~.l8l926 (H.P.SEAL) Court~. of SL I.uci... 1 t STATE OF FLORIDA, RJ-: IT RBIBIBERED, That on Ihi. _____._ .__l~tb . . . ._ _ __u"_." ....da). oL___..m.__.....__..__.lun8...___.....___.__.______ ..-\. fl. I" 24 I I, . ._.._._____.._._1'.. __C __.El4.r.a.d .__.____..._____.... _...._....___.... . ..____u _..___....u_._____..._....Clcrk of Ihe Circuit Courl in '"," for ..id ("'Hlnr,.. t.a.. ....I,' rrcorole.t Ih.. foregoing QUil,Cbim Dud in th.. V"blk Rect)rt!, of .aid Count).. IX" WITXF.SS \\'UF.RF.OF. J haV<' h..cunto ..I my Ioand and I'" ,..1 of 'aid ("t)url Ihe lU)" and )"ur abon ....ritten. _....._____.___..:R .___O.....!14I'.t4.___._____._......._ __ .... .. 1:'<. a! I By... .__~-.~:.I:~:::~l :::,tl:~. (C'l. C'f. SEAL) . :-.rifie~ ,.u ,:~ ..' - :. :'<>' .:- ;.~ ~~' ~:~.:~'; .,:: ~ ::: '_:~ ',~ .:' ;:/k;'~~~~ '.. - ... .' .'~... :!:~::~~:~?::~:fj ..::.:.~..~:'.