HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0860 , i ./ 252 - ~- ... l ! .1 i I I' I :' J I:." . - ;_1 - ; ! I .\ .' , :1 J :., , I I -~.--1l....l)LY1.SQn--J.r... TO --14&~,~~,"a.. QUIT-CLAIM DEED I 'I1115 INrJENTURB, Made this _ ! .r....:!.a_.DaY.1..son. Jr . . a s 1. nil A \ 13tb -t7une -A. n. 19._%.~~I..eel\ lUyof. !!Ian . of Ihe eo..l, of Ua..1.!.aj.L.U381'R, ~ t T.tlt ~A ~ of tile 6nt pari, &lid '1 Florida .nel Stale of ol tile Couat)' ol St T.ua1.a ~ of \be te<_d part. ....lori~ a --&Del Stale of WITl'ESSETH, TUI tbe uid part.-1-- of the 'nt part, for acd ill consideration of the SllIP of~Q-QQ11ar and ot&eP---' yalu~blo~on31.derat1.ons------ ~. ill ulld p&id by the said part~ of tile secood pa,t, Ille nccipt whucol is hereby acknowledged, ha....-a__ remised, released and qait,dainsed. aood by these presents do.JUL. rctIIise, ..duse &ad quit-claim unlO the said parl---.i>'- ol tbe seeoN part aood be r _bein and auicas foreftr, an the rigbt, bIll', iale...st, elaim &ad dtmand which Ille uid part--2.- of the irst part ha-L b aIld to the following d..cri....d lot_. piece_ 0' parcel_ of Iud, lo-.'it: ~bf!...M13 t ha),f 0 f' t h.u...Q~.Q.!_thjL,;_o.ullieas.t.._~llal:lc...n:LU,~;J_:th..A!l.S t .. wu:.ter._oLti: ~ ~:orthwes t g,llnrt~LL:t'iL~i~Ei of S.t:i.-OL:1Jii_L..s.e..cU.QJl...2o.._t.l11lllilhilL3.5_.sQllth._._._._. F.auKL~(L~~~la_ cO!l.tah~..lliL,gi. acres. more or .~...--13.lng across thfLpllhll.l....roa:Li.rQZo..lar:;ia llO<t...o.~e.d.-b~-ila.l~..t.r~Qll_ TO .!fA \'1-: .-\xn TO HOLD. th.. ,.me. tC>gclllu ..nlh all and .inKular the appurtenances thereunto bcloagiag or in ;;oD"";" ap(>l'rlainin,. and all tht estate. right, litle. int."e.1 and c:bim whauonu of the caid part ---3...- of Ih~ 6r.t pari. eilher in law Or equit}.. 10 the only pro....' u~. benefit aud ....hoof of tht said parL.:J._ of the ..cond pari. _____.__hCI_.____-,-_-------'-__hcirs and a"iID' fo,c.-er. l IX WITXF.SS WH EREOF. The said pa'I.;;__ of I.... tint 1'1'1 ha ~__ bercuulo set___hl.iil_. .__._haD'L_ and <.aL_.. the <by and lur 6..1 aoon ....riU..n. Sign...!, sul..d and dclinred in (.r.....nce of: I ----...-. j ~TATE OL__ Flor4,!\~_________ } Counl)' of__._____S_t...Luci.~-_---.._----. I HERERY CERTIFY, ~I on this cia)' pcr.onally appcued ~for.. me. an o/ii.Ctf dul}' anthoriud to adminiotcr oaths and bb acka",..I....!;:;. menl<, . :.~. Davison, :r.. a31n31~.~'1!&~._.____________ ____________.._ C. A. C~in~ha~. J .1IJ~~yt~()!!.._lr...!...o._____._~____j S< all .. ij~_~_. __H.~~Q!1d .' _.___ _-Sul.' - ----- -- -- --- ---------------- -.. to DIe ....II kilO." to ~ the persoD-- dc'{ri~d in and who txecutcd tile foregoilll ill!lrlllllcct and-..__~.-"ck"owledged brio,,- me lhat_---.!l~__ _._cXtcuted Ihe same fr~..ly and .-olunlarily for th.. purpoK' therein n:prcsud. ,r.c1) I 1.~ItTllnl €I'IITIIT, 'i1.41 tf.. ~ baii 11 II. .. l .1..... _If~ f '~r ~ on a ..paral.. anel [oriTate rxaminatiOll, take and macle by and ~fo. rot<. ,<(.ualel)' and apart fr~ t.... uid t.n.band, diet acknowlcdgc I"~t ;1>1' executed the foregoing DeN fortbe purpoSt of relinqui.hintt. alitnalinl' aDd tOn....JinK all her right\lide and interest_ c..llether of do....", hum,. .tcad or of M'p.rate foroptrty. .tatatory or e itabl.., in and 10 Ihe Ian.1 "unix" therein. and tbat'\tc execuled said nc,ed fred)' and ,obn. tuil)' and ...ithout any compu\cion. conclraint. eh.....ion or f..;;or 01 or m Iter said husband. WITXESS. my banel and oflicial "ai, at....-.i.Q..tt ...2le.rca_ ._Counly uL-ll._...Lllc.1.a----ilnd State of___---?-1orl ia tbi._____13.th_.__day or_____June,____A. n. 1'1-24 ( Ii p....~.~ 0.1 ) W. B. n8lill&on4 l:otary Public for the ~tate of llorlda at Largo'llycommr3-:Sron--eiPIro'iiAprn--a~---f~f28~ ----- ---- ---- -~_._-~ ---- -- -_... -._~---- --- ..-_.< --. -. STATE OF FLQRIDA. } 1 C,.unt,. of Sl Luci<. BE IT RUIEYBERF.D. ThaI on tbiJ._._.!~~~._._.._ _...__ ____.._______._.__lUy oL..___ Jum _ __^_ II. 19..24 I, ___.______l'~_~..___.Aldr.e.d..____--____.---_-"_--------Clcrk of the Circuit Court in and for .~iti l",..r.!',. I_~n duly ((corded Ihe for..going Qait,Claim nc,eel in tM Public R..c."ds of said Counly. IX WIT~n:S5 \\'lIERF.OF, I Un hercvnto HI IDY Iland and t.... ual or .aid C rt kl i , cj\ ,0.. b uJ, .... ~l dr ~!.. ___._.___ __ .. _ I :,ul ) acrk Circuil Comt. .__D<puty Oak .~ # ". ,- ,::' ); .>; \ <~:::,t,,: r.-.). ;j"; ,. ". =';....f~ t' -'. .._:- - ,". : . : - ><~~- ,~~ .....:<, ',,:~' .~: