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Vinyl Horizontal Roller
Page 1 of 5 1= of 1 [iy I� Find I Next Ij '• ti 2203-6tr REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC PGT - Customer ProposaF ShipTo: BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE-TREASURE Account#: A20617 701 S KINGS HWY 012100-171 FORT PIERCE, FL 34945-3044 Phone# Fax# (941) 749-5101 Last Modified Date: 05/12/2021 11:24:27 Job Name:TONY DEGENNARO Job Address: 371 JOHNSON ST FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 Quote # 6676793 Sales Person:Frank Williams i Customer HTCFYD2207 Account # Phone# Fax# Line # Item Description 'Quantity ? Line Pricing 0001 HR5510 VINYL HORIZONTAL ROLLER 5510 ;Ordered: f s 1.00 r I Configuration: 73.5X62.,5/8" FL,W,7/8 LIG,GR,FS Max NO GRID;X6,EQUAL,1816K-INSTALLED,SWEEP Certification Type: MIAMI NOA Selection: 20-0406.01 i Frame Type:.625FLANGE # Unit Configuration: XO t Vent Configuration: EQUAL Size Selection: CUSTOM { Size Ref: ACTUAL Width: 73 112 Height: 62.0000 ! Actual Size. 731/2 X 62 I Rough Masonry Opening: 76114 X 63 Wood Frame Opening: 73 314 X 62114 1 Egress Opening: 31 13/16 X 571/16 SOFT Frame Color: W - White 12.5921 Glass Type: 1/8" - 5/16" k i Glass Family: LI - Laminated Insulating Glass Makeup: UA207AA5 InterlayerType: PVB090 i Does'unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Glass: 718" LIG (118 AN - 7116.AIR -5116 ANIAN � Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Glass Color. GR -.GRAY I Argon Gas: NONE Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 I Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE 1 Screen Type:1816K -1816 Charcoal a Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None ; Vent Latch: N Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch g Window Opening Control Device: N Anchor Group: D.HR54.55 t Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Acc Glass Breakage: N 3 Boxing Options: N -None ` TC1: Meets the requirements CAR#: 20-0406.01 s TC4: marine turtle protection TC3: ordinance for NegativeDesignPressure: 60.0000 PosiNveDesfgnPressure: 50.0000 EnergyStar 1.0000 PANumber. FL242 ; UF: 0.3300 r CondensationResistance:56.0000 ( VT: 0.3100 R SolarHeatGainCoeff: 0.2000 1 ° VTCOG: 0.4200 Location: FRONT Notes: HR 73-1/2 X 62 INSIDE MEASURE 0002 ISH5600 VINYL SINGLE HUNG 5500 Ordered: i (2,00) 1.00 Configuration: 36.X62.X.,25,STD,5/8" FL,W,EQUAL,7/8 LIG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,DBL,SWEEP,1816K INSTALLED,CMFRT LFT 1 �HNDL Certification Type: MIAMI : NOA Selection: 20-0401.03 s Frame Type:.625FLANGE ' Vent Configuration: EQUAL Window Style: STD Size Selection: COMMODITY , i Size Code: 25.0000 6 Actual Size: 38 X 62 i Size Ref. ACTUAL ® � !Rough Masonry: 37 314 X 63 i Wood Frame Opening: 36 114 X 62 1/4 I Frame Color. W -White 8 'Egress Opening: 31 3/4 X 26 3/6 ) ; Balance Type: CONSTANT { Glass Family: LI - Laminated Insulating Interlayer Type: PVB090 I Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 Glass: 718" LIG (1/8 AN - 7116 AIR -5/16 AN/AN p Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX a Glass Color: GR -GRAY s Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 I http://www.pgtelearquote.comIPoetIReports/ExoReportViewer.aspx?p=YmZzMTcxLmZ3... 5/12/2021 Page 2 of 5 Argon Gas: NONE Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None Screen Type: 1816K -1816 Charcoal Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM Vent Latch: N WOCD: N Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Comfort Lift: Y Lift Rail: N Lock Quantity: 2.0000 Anchor Group: D.HU54.55 Boxing Options: N -None _ Acc Glass Breakage: N Vent tit 30.6430 CAR#. 2070401.03 TC1: Meets the requirements TC3: ordinance for TC4: marine turtle protection ' PositiveDesignPressure: 50.0000 NegativeDesignPressure: 50.0000 , PANumber. FL-239 EnergyStar. 1.0000 CondensationResistance: 55.0000 OF: 0.3200 SolarHeatGainCoeff.. 0.2100 VT:0,3200 • VTCOG:0.4200 Location: MASTER BEDRM #1 Notes: SH 36 X 62 INSIDE MEASURE 0003 ;SH5500 VINYL SINGLE HUNG 5500 ; Ordered: , p 1.00 Configuration: 36.X62.X.,25,STD,5/8" FL,W,EQUAL,718 LIG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,DBL,SWEEP,1816K-INSTALLED,CMFRT LFT t iHNDL Certification Type: MIAMI Frame Type:.626FLANGE Window Style: STD Size_ Code., 25.0000 Actual Size: 36 X 62 Wood Frame Opening: 36 1/4 X 62 1/4 Frame Color. W - White Glass Family: LI - Laminated Insulating Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Argon Gas: NONE Grid Type: NONE -NO Grid Screen Type: 1816K -1816 Charcoal Vent Latch: N Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep latch Comfort Lift Y Lock Quantity: 2.0000 Boxing Options: N - None Vent Ht: 30.6430 TC1: Meets the requirements TC4: marine turtle protection NegativeDesignPressure: 60.0000 EnergyStar. 1.0000 UF: 0.3200 VT: 0.3200 NOA Selection: 20-0401.03 Vent Configuration: EQUAL Size Selection: COMMODITY t Size Ref. ACTUAL Rough Masonry: 37 314 X 63 Egress Opening: 31 314 X 26 3/8 (5.8087 SQFT) i Balance Type: CONSTANT Intedayer Type: PVB090 I Glass: 7/8" LIG (1/8 AN - 7116 AIR -5116 ANIAN 71. ' Glass Color. GR - GRAY Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 f '• Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM WOCD: N f Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Lift Rail: N Anchor Group: D.HU54.55 ? Acc Glass Breakage: N CAR#. 20-0401.03 I TC3: ordinance for ; PositiveDesignPressure: 50.0000 ! PANumber. FL-239 CondensationResistance: 55.0000 I SolarHeatGainCoeff.- 0.2100 VTCOG: 0.4200 1 #2 i Notes: SH 36 X 62 INSIDE MEASURE 0004 ISH5500 VINYL SINGLE HUNG 5500 iOrdered: (4.00) 11.00 ._............ ..... _............................_......._. ... iConfiguration: 36.X62.X.,25,STD,518" FL,W,EQUAL,7/8 LIG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,DBL,SWEEP,1816K-INSTALLED,CMFRT LFT r EHNDL a Certification Type: MIAMI Frame Type:.625FLANGE Window Style: STD Size Code: 25.0000 Actual Size: 36 X 62 Wood Frame Opening: 36 1/4 X 52 114 1 Frame Color. W - White s Glass Family. LI - Laminated Insulating f Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Argon Gas: NONE t! Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid i Screen Type: 1816K -1816 Charcoal ! Vent Latch: N Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch ( Comfort Lift: Y Lock Quantity: 2.0000 1 Boxing Options: N -None Vent Ht: 30,6431, TC1: Meets the requirements TC4: marine turtle protection NegativebeslgnPressure: 50.0000 E NOA Selection: 20-0401.03 Vent Configuration: EQUAL Size Selection: COMMODITY i 1 Size Ref: ACTUAL i Rough Masonry: 37 3/4 X 63 Egress Opening: 31 314 X 26 318 (5.8087 SQFT) ; Balance Type: CONSTANT Interlayer Type. PVB090 j Glass: 7/8" LIG (1/8 AN - 7/16 AIR -5/16 AN/AN Glass Color. GR - GRAY Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 i Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE s Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM r WOCD: N Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Lift Rail: N s Anchor Group: D.HU54.55 Acc Glass Breakage: N § CAR#:20-0401.03 3 TC3: ordinance for PositiveDesignPressure: 50.0000 PANumber. FL-239 http://www.pgtelearquote.comIIPoeVReports/FxoReportViewer.aspx?p=YmZzMTexLmZ3... 5/ 12/2021 Page 3 of 5 EnergyStar. 1.0000 CondensationResistance:55.0000 UF: 0.3200 SolarHeatGainCoeff: 0.2100 VT: 0.3200 = VTCOG: 0.4200 I Location: STORAGE RM � .. !Notes: SH 36 X 62 INSIDE MEASURE 0005 SH5500 VINYL SINGLE HUNG 5500 1 Ordered: 11.00 ( ! } ICoRWI`ation: 36137.125X.,STD,5/8" FL,W,EQUAL,718 LIG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,DBL,SWEEP,1816K-INSTALLED,CMFRT L7 fHNDL Certification Type: MIAMI 1 NOA Selection: 20-0401.03 ! Frame Type:.625FLANGE i Vent Configuration: EQUAL % ! Window Style: STD Size Selection: CUSTOM I Size Ref. ACTUAL Width: 36.0000 4 Height: 37 118 Actual Size: 36 X 37 1/8 Rough Masonry: 37 3/4 X 38 116 t Wood Frame Opening: 361/4 X 37 318 s Egress Opening: 31 314 X 1315/16 (3.0664 = Frame Color. W - White (SOFT Balance Type: CONSTANT # Glass Family: LI - Laminated Insulating Interlayer Type: PVB090 ; Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO { I Glass: 7/8" LIG (118 AN - 7/16 AIR -5/16 ANIAN Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Glass Color GR - GRAY I Argon Gas: NONE g Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 ; Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE Screen Type: 1816K -1816 Charcoal Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None t Vent Latch: N ( Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM I Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch WOCD: N : Comfort Lift: Y ! Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Lock Quantity: 2.0000 { Lift Rail: N Boxing Options: N -None Anchor Group: D.HU54.55 i Vent Ht 18.2054 ACc Glass Breakage: N i TC1: Meets the requirements CAR* 20-0401.03 TC4: marine turtle protection TC3: ordinance for PositivebesignPressure: i NegativeDesignPressure: 50.0000 + ` 50.0000 PANumber. FL-239 t EnergyStar. 1.0000 j UF: 0.3200 { CondensationResistance:55.0000 VT., 0.3200 SolarHeatGainCoeff 0.2100 VTCOG: 0.4200 > `• Location, PAUUS ROOM ;Notes: SH 36 X 37-1/8' INSIDE MEASURE 0006 HR5510 VINYL HORIZONTAL ROLLER 5510 ��� •Ordered: _ } (6.00) I� !Configuration: 60.125X59.625,5/8" FL,W,7/8 UG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,XO,EQUAL,1816K INSTALLED,SWEEP ? Certification Type: MIAMI ; NOA Selection: 20-0406.01 ; 3 Frame Type:.625FLANGE : Unit Configuration: XO I i Vent Configuration: EQUAL Size Selection: CUSTOM ! Size Ref: ACTUAL Width: 60 1/8 ` Height: 59 5/8 : Actual Size: 60 1/8 X 59 518 Rough Masonry Opening: 61 i 18 X 60 5/8 Wood Frame Opening: 60 3/8 X 59 7/8 Egress Opening: 25 118 X 5411/16 SQFT 9.5283 1 Frame Color. W - White Glass Family: LI -Laminated 'nsulating i Glass Type: 1/8" - 5/16" t interlayer Type. PVB090 i Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 I Glass: 7/8" LIG (1/8 AN - 7116 AIR -5/16 AN/AN Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO ? Glass Color. GR -GRAY i Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX 1 Lbw E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 ! Argon Gas: NONE Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE ; Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None ; Screen Type: 1816K -1816 Charcoal Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM i Vent Latch: N Window Opening Control Device: N 4. Lock Type: SWEEP -Sweep Latch Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Anchor Group: D.HR54.55 Boxing Options: N - None ( Acc Glass Breakage: N CAR# 20 0406.01 TC1: Meets the requirements TC3: ordinance for I TC4: marine turtle protection PositiveDesignPressure: 50.0000 i NegativeDesignPressure:50.0000 PANumber: FL242 : EnergyStar. 1.0000 ; CondensationResistance: 56.0000 UF: 0.3300 I SolarHeatGainCoeff: 0.2000 ; VT: 0.3100 ( VTCOG: 0.4200 Location: LOVE SEAT Notes: HR 60-1/8 X 5-5/8 INSIDE MEASURE = 0007 ! HR5510 VINYL HORIZONTAL ROLLER 5510 Ordered: e 1 Configuration: 71.X60.75,5/8" FL,W,7/8 LIG,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,OX,EQUAL,1816K INSTALLED,SWEEP ! http://www.pgtclearquote.com/Poet/Reportts/ExoRel)ortViewer.asvx?p=YmZzMTcxLmZ3... 5/12/2021 Page 4 of 5 Certification Type: MIAMI Frame Type:.625FLANGE Vent Configuration: EQUAL Size Ref. ACTUAL Height: 60 314 Rough Masonry Opening: 72 X4 X 61 3/4 Egress Opening: 30 9/16 X 55 13116 SQFT 11.6316 Glass Family: LI - Laminated Insulating IntertayerType: PVB090 Glass: 7/6" LIG (1/8 AN - 7/16 AIR -5116 AN/AN Glass Color. GR -GRAY Low E Surraoe (OSLI); 2,0000 Privacy Glass: NONE - NONE Reinf. Upgrade: NONE -None Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM Window Opening Control Device: N Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Boxing Options: N -None CAR#: 20-0408.01 TC3: ordinance for PositiveDesignPressure: 50.0000. PANumber. FL242 CondensationResistance: 56.0000 SolerHeatGainCoeff: 0.2000 VTCOG: 0.4200 Location:.MY WINDOW ? Notes: HR 71 X 60-3/4 INSIDE MEASURE I 0006 I HR5510 VINYL HORIZONTAL ROLLER 5610 -�� Ordered; 3 1.00 I Contiguration:108.X60.375,5/8" FL,W,7/8 TLIG,UNIT,GR,ES Max,NO GRID,XOX,1/4-1/2-1/4,1816K-INSTALLED,SWEEP Location: BIG WINDOW Certification Type: MIAMI Frame Type:.625FLANGE Vent Configuration: 1/4.1/2.1/4 Size Ref: ACTUAL Height 60 3/8 Rough Masonry Opening: 109 314 X 61 318 Egress Opening: 25 5/16 X 55 7/16 SQFT 0.7446 Glass Family. LI - Laminated Insulating InterlayerType: PVB090 Glass: 7/8" LIG (1/6 TMP - 7116 AIR-5116 AN/AN Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Argon Gas: NONE Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid Screen Type:1816K -1816 Charcoal Vent Latch: N Lode Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch Anchor Group: D.HR54.55 Ace Glass Breakage: N TC1: Meets the requirements TC4: marine turtle protection NegativeDesignPressure: 60.0000 Energyatar. 1.0000 UF: 0.3300 VT: 0.3100 NOA Selection: 20-0406.01 Unit Configuration: OX Size Selection: CUSTOM Width:71,0000 Actual Size: 71 X 60 3/4 Wood Frame Opening: 71 114 X 61 Frame Color. W - White is Glass Type:110" - 5/16" Glass Makeup: LIA207AA5 Does unit need to meet Turtle Code: NO Low E: ENERGY SHIELD MAX Argon Gas: NONE Grid Type: NONE - NO Grid I Screen Type:1810K - la16 Charcoal f Vent Latch: N I Lock Type: SWEEP - Sweep Latch Anchor Group: D.HR54.55 Acc Glasa Breakage; N a TC1: Meets the requirements TC4: marine turtle protection NegativeDesignPressure: 50.0000 EnergyStar. 1.0000 UF: 0.3300 VT: 0.3100 NOA Selection: 20-0406.01 Unit Configuration; XOX 1 Size Selection: CUSTOM Width: 108.0000 Actual Size: 108 X 60 318 Wood Frame Opening: 108114 X 60 5/8 1 Frame Color. W -White Glass Type: 1/8" - 5/16" Glass Makeup: LIT207AA5 Tempered Location: UNIT Glass Color. GR -GRAY i Low E Surface (OSLI): 2.0000 Privacy Glass: NONE -NONE Reinf. Upgrade: NONE - None f Screen Frame Type: ROLLFORM Window Opening Control Device: N E Upgrade Hardware Finish: N Boxing Options: N -None CAR#. 20-0406.01 T6: ordinance for 1 PosiUveDesignPressure:50.0000 PANumber. FL242 CondensationResistance: 50.0000 j SolarHeatGainCoeff: 0.2000 -1 VTCOG:0.4200 Notes: HR 108 X 60-3/8 XOX INSIDE MEASURE TOTAL SALE AMT:_.._. nL/ j TOTAL CUSTOMER : TAX: NET SALE AMOUNT: i hq://www.pgtclearquote.comIPoetIReportslExoReportViewer.aspx?p=YmZ7 4TcxLmZ3... 5/12/2021 2 NTVIOW 3? l 'jor4 rJ S W I M Do w s' TZ) !Je-iOCAC)eCN EL No2fiN stv.-- eP tto� ] 10 1 1 A41 L-.,A*-)T isIbc 5DUrH srD� or. ftousc