HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED Building & Code Compliance Division FEB 0 7 �022 BUILDING PERMIT St Permitting County SUWCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT NISAIR AIR CONDITIONING - PHILIP NISA JR have agreed to be (Company Name4ndividual Name) the MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for Coastal Construction and design, Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at !tyb !I/ATF2. (Project Street Address or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Cll e f S -contractor notice. CONWACTOR, SIGNATURE (Qaalliler) Moyio AybucC i PIM''T NAME COUNTY CERTMCATIONN,UMBER State of Florhts, County of 'pv a r ii n ISt The foregoing lnstrmnentt wea Oiled before me this _ day of Seel -ember 2ltD, by MQrio Arbucc i who Is personally known x or has produced a as identIfIcation. 7 lf_AaU 0_�� ^f STAMP Signature of Notary Public k4-isti na R lallilwh PrintName of Notary Public v e� KRISTINA MATHISON Notary Public, State of Florida Commission# GG 913030 MY oomm. expires Sep. 28.2023 Rcvissd !!/l6,n SU&COM E (QaellSer) PHILIP NISA JR PRINTNAiME i11k114—:1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST LUCI E The foregoing hretrument was aigned before me this 1ST day of SEPTEMBER .20Z6 PHILIP NISA JR who is personally known or has produced a as !d till on. tare orl" bllc "" }• = p: IITy ".uoa KRISTIN BAITSHOLTS 3 3 m PriutName of NotaryPabllc a o 9. cam.-Z m3o— -e ai = G tp N9 a w_m9 r rn vat y'\ PERMIT# . I ' ISSUE DATE PLANPTMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICL�cEIVED Building & Code Compliance DivisioPLB 0 7 2022 BUILDING PERMIT St. Lucie County SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Permitting have agreed to be (Company Name&dividual Name) the L P C--, P,S . Sub -contractor for Coastal Construction and design, Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Confractor) For the project located at _ #YI & PW ra 5 0/(/G t&14V (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie Co willlbe advised pursuant to the filing of a Chian nip of Sub -contractor notice. CON ATURE (Qaitiric - ("Gl Yi0 /4rbuC[� PRINT NAAfE COUNTY CERTIFICATION, NUMBER State of Florida, Conuty of (t r ti ►'l Jhe foregoing idstramentnas signed berore me this day of �P.Mnibeir ,zoz�C by M6trio fi)buCC who is personaDy Imowe'l or bas produced a asid . cation Sigoatu ofNoc H 1ri,-A! )q a W4hiSOn PnntName ofNOftff Public r ) *** V PRINT NAAW. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONeNUMBER State of Florida, County of Y�eVLikZ*I1U The foregainginstrament was signed before we this I. day of 2oZZ>by PAV-L"b(L,Af-t1 i who is personally known Y or has produced a ntion. STAMP d` 1 Signatorc STAMP of No 6c .PERMIT# ISSUE DATE _ -,, _,- i,r:..rt; ,,-. _5:.� PLANNING-4 DEVELOPMENT -SERVICES Buflding & Code Compliance DiAsiton RECEIVED • D BUILDINGPERMIT FEB 012022 SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Permitting E' Inc. have agreed to be (Company Namethdividual Name) the _ t� �cG'tri �� Sub -contractor for Coastal Construction and design; Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at u�,*7F_/Q104r riyAf-V Street Address or Property Tax ID #) Xis understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Chan e o S -contractor notice. l CONTRACTOR IGNATURE(Qua=") Mario ArbuCC; PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTTFICATTON NUMBER State of Florida, County of Marti n Thee foregoing instrument was signed before me this' day of &P}ernber, 2 by MQrio Arb1ACC t who is personally (mown )e or bas produced u asiden 'a On. STAMP Signature of Notary Public- )`IYlSti na I v afigiSon Print lv .-- /.PNwM�.. Y!-.l.H� az 2Y`,_ SUB-COlN'CTOR SI (Qualifier) PRINT NAME - 31IL12 - COUNTY CERTTFICATroxNimaER State of Florida; County of L4-t V� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this d y of Algaive-ng who is personally imown or has produced a as identification. / V STAMP Si tare of Notary Public �Gn bz�l�lrl��� the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Name/individual Name) i hvpe of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sub -contractor for: Coastal RECENED FEB 0' 7 2022 St. Lucie County Permitting I Hj have agreed to be truction and design, Inc. (Primary Contractor) For the project located at /'/$ /G IX/ A7_A—:7� SdVe., W ' y (Project Street Address or Property Tax fD W) It is understood that, .if there is any change of status regarding our;participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Ch e of b-contractor notice. CO(N'TR VA OR SIGNATi1RE (Qualifier a a rlo AybtAeL't PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTUICATIONN1.1I4I1BER State or Florida, Count} of • - M'ale-h n The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 S day of 5�ft nber,�l►7�by_N►av /"IYbLICc I who is personally known or has produced a as identifca ion. Signat a or Notary Public � 05fi rr a t�la-th iSon Print Name of Notary Public KAISrINa MATWSON Notary Public. State of Florida Commission# GG 913030 My comm. expires Sep. 28.2023 Revisal 11/16•'2016 C1N=�1y c ram_ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or f (� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this S t— day of au ZL'' by dnNg lL- who is persunatly known or has produced a i L. 7ri ver Li P(ls- as identification; STAMP STAMP Signatur5p, Notary Pub is LYNES.00RCELY Print Name of i\'atarV Public Y bllc -State of Florida _ Commission B GG 965826 . My Comm. Expires Mar 4, 2024 Bonded through National notary Assn. PLANNING. & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division r RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT FEB 0 7 2022 St. Lucie County Permitting ec qnvn- n —J-0c "non r.I ftpe, em, Mer, i-in have agreed to be (Compan�e/Individiial Name) the R Oc� * Sub -contractor for ski 1 �' '�L���'n f 1>s U;j ll- (Type of T (Primary Contractor) For the project located at' (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) n It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the A,9RIO PRINT NAME C)-d-0/35-3 � COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of VA The, foregoing instrument was signed before me this �day of � � 20Z� by 4J)+Tf_+C7 4-1 VC-C t. who is has produced a 41 e4tici Print Name orNotary Public zzovvv V V 261OG czgcgzeulPen P,9"3 Revised /]6/2OX&I to WAS owd AMON fZ F , �, ;, — A. /2u�,...�,. SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Quarter) lbr)(l to r) G :CIV) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTMCATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of (C11 The foregoing instrument was signed before me ddsQ?M clay of 2Q, br� Yfi n wbo is personally lmow,'& or has produced a asid on. STAMP STAMP Signs c Print Name of Notary. Public NotWY Ptd* State of Florida :FW Nadine Dupre My canmbsion m" o7a293 'fi�_6 F.> es otrorrto2ti