HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Mackanics door approvalcaN ki(Q]K Y cle RIF 0kL!, 'T b'd14fT OCJa Home Log in IjSer "lsb:Hot 1rQp6 Sut'Mit SUS"rye sta" a Axft Product Appmval db r., USEFU P0IIo User Lrpp ppr4 j MCIW > 0r2gu # 4r ARPIV61aW fa+t4on 1st > A60lWaHan Ek-"Ll FL -# FL2 3-PL6 ,q5plication Type ftevisibn Cody versiop 2020 Applioatbrw SkatUS Apprured *Approved by -D- Approvals by DBPR shall be mri � and ratified by the POr- and/Dr the Ci)rrlmission iF no-[e�ry- comments AKM iced Product Kpftrracburer Ma rite InternatiOnal Amressim-om Email 1-955 Poway Rand wmit ch6cago, [L 60185 (800) rpE3-3 7 reibaripriusonite.com Authorial Signature Sty Schriite r ssc[grei tiler masQnit-e-can, T hnica I Reprewritative Add ress/Phanel Emall QUality Assuralnce Repre ntative AddreWPhonef Email Caftegery Eyterior Doors !Subc4kegbrY .~winging Exterior Door AsSiQmblies Compliance Methods Certlftatlon Marie Or Listing Certification A-gency Plational Aocreditoti-brl & Matiagerrrent In7dtutil-, wlidat$d By EVat wwl ,4ccrditatlon & Manages- ant lnstltute Referenced 5turidard and Year (cif Starldard) RMWArd yea ASIM E18 2c�13 ASTM E1996 21)14 ASTM E330 Z002 Equivalence of ProductStandards Gerkified By Product Approval MuLlmd Mcthw 1 Op�ian A Date Submitted 111201202-0 Date Valldated 11/231202D Data Pending FEU Appro%Aal Date A0proved 11}2$}2028 Summary of Produ-tty. FL* - : Model, N u tuber or, Ka me -1 --Flibe rql, s Side -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use A pRroved for use in KVHZ: 'r'e:!� A p proved fo r use outside KVMZ: Yes Impact Ft Gstant: We DU6.L!9 r, Rressurus +60/-65 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Forida audding Coder inciuding the High Vellaftyr Hurncan-P! ZOrie, and where pressure mquirerrierLts do exceed tine deMgn pressum-g lii ted_ 3'-1)" x 6`-8' rr&ax norninal svze- Hurricarbe proki�E±ive systEM required an HVHZ, but not in the Wind Borne ai�bris Region, See DWG-MA-WLM;�7 for details. 2Z363,2 I Flberglan�� fide -Hinged Door Onit Descri ption Opagiue IIa Single r Certlflcatilon Agency Celtificate -- - F1263 R�, Dl 3717_17-R�WE quality Assurance Coetrart Expiration ENYW D513112025 IrtsUUation Irkwb to dons FJ223j53 F6 IY - 7.puF 1 VeriFed By: NatioMl Accreditation & Management Irk$kitute Created by In dlepenK�--rtit Third Plarty' Evaluation Reports F 2363 kf2 A 1401013.p F i F 3 R6 �5E � l4 ! Created by independent Third martyr' Yes V-8' Opaque Of S Single Door — - — -- LiM GtS of Use - C$r#J111c Apppo,Yed for usv 4rt HVH7- Yes Approved for use autsWe HVHZ,. Yes Impact R-091stant- N4 j Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other; lEvaluated for uL5e in Iprations adhering t� the Florida Building Code, imludlnq the High Velocity �Lurziicane Zorn, and where pressure raquiorements do exceed the de5bgn pr ureS listed. 3`-0' 6'-8" max nominal size. F unftane protege ! systern rN uired in HVHZ, but nDt in the Wind Borne Dcbris legion. See DVWG-MA-WL0187 fgr details, f ?�f*3.3 Fiberg�a Side -Hinged Door Unit Li-Mits of Llse A"raved few use in FVHT- Yes F Approved for use outmode HVHZ: Yes impact Resistant; No Design pressure: +501-50 Cn:her- Evaluab�d for use in lgrations adhering ko the Florida Building Cod Rr including the High Velocity h u rri"ne Zone., an ere pressure req„irements do exceed the de�i$in pressures �� ' li5t_ 12`-o' x $'" max-nornloaa size. H unricane prate-uve I.system required in HVHZ, but not in the wirkd Bome Debrks Region. SLR DWC MA-WL0187 for detal15- 1223153.4 - —TFiber�lass Side -Hinged r Unik -where C�rdtrr Agar quality Assuran4Da Cone Expiration Date 051� 112025 rnstallaNcm Instrvc kms R - L0187-12df 'trifled By- National; Aocreditativn ;�L Mariagernent InStitut-k I Crested by independent Third Partyr_ EvaLdation Repae#s A A CreateO UY independem Third P4 : Yes - d 6'-13" 0pzl' u IJ or U/S Single or dou�Le Door w) or w10 �jd�lit�s rt-rf nitilo 1 Agen€F CArtlf'i�Ie CA 7-R4. Qualky urari� Contract ExpiratiOn Date '. inst�ll�tli-on Ins ructions FLZ�363 tk� II-FLgL��.� � Verified By: Nat Drral Aceredltatlon &. Manogennent ilnstit Crab by Independent Third parr+: Evaluation Reparts FL22�6 R6 fit IR6, M 51401213j3CY 1 Creaked by Independent Third Party, Yes - - 16-80 Glazed IJS or OfS Single or UOvDle Door wl or w1a L:54delkes Umits of Use -- i CAwiJiification AgmnicV Certliflcate - - - Approved for use in MVHZ, yes FL2236� k6 C CACNIf31 - 1 - F Approved for use outside HWZz YC5 lity As:�uranCe Cantra& Expiration Date Imps& FRe.sistant: No 05i31/2025 Design Frassure- f40}-40 : Irr tall:%tlon I6ttructlons iOther- Ervahuatie for use In iocaCio� nadherinq to the Florida _ O.fb 11 -; i Ua 9_rrctF Building Code, ini;iudirrg the HI91-L Velocity Hurt( Kane Z€ar1e, and ; Verified By; p4atlonal A07gditattion & Manaq-ement Institut Where preSSUFe rEgt.111e111 nt5 dD Qxc d k1le (Jesicgn preSSUMS I Gated by irkdependerit Third Party: li;-ted. 12'-0" x 61-8" max nominal size, Hurricane protective valuation ReporfS system required in FiVHZ and the wind Bores Ewb-rl!s Region_ F . .�- 4F& See DWG-MA-WL4189 for de"ilr,- FL223 .3 R6 AE 514412$. Created by Irid ndent Thi rd Party' Ya5 -- - - FiIje.r- kSS Side -Hinged Dflor UnLt I Lirr RS of Use Approved for 4%e in HVHZ: Yes Approved for Use outside HVHZ' Ye-r, Irnpact R-esistant, No Desilgn pressure: +5pf-.SO Oth-er:, Evaluated for use in locations adhering to tlie. Florida F6u ildi nq Code, i rkclud ing the High VeLoci ty Hurrii arie Zone, and where presSUre mquiremems do exom+d the design pneasure5 li!�ted. 121-0" x 6'-8" m,ax nomMnal size. Hurricarne proM�tive systorri r&quired in HVHZ and the Wired Borne Debn� Region. Sc� OWG-tAA-WL0193 for deta115, 8- 3{4-LLte Glazed I{S or 015 5ingle or Double Door w} cr I w{e Bldelites Certification Agency Certifica6E� 622-i3 R C CAS NjQja jZ Q4-R3_r-Jf Qualky Awsur~a*m Contract Expiration Date I15f 3 11202 S Installation Irisb COOns FL22363 M II • FL0 i-.%Ljj�Lf Variffi, d By. TtiiabiDnEkl ArtreditatiOn & ManDge rent InEARLIte Created �Y Independent Third Party. E+ralil �P'�� FL2,2363 R6 A!7-_ 514(j0Bf1_odf R d l ?E_ rLjf Crwtp-d by independent Third Party I Yes �;2 � 0 a i J '0�)VOHO IS M '.ddW u H z 0 Z.] a� R LO w W w w r� W Fs- - 41701 Qffw MW) ip 20T-21- ~ OW�3�R 070 .L9'9-Y lrii7H 3RW 'AM - IZZ rr-I 16 p �= Mof P.O. AL x � UL da 5VU J 5 LaI F � L1 �A LCJ 2 W C 0 19 c� 9 J O 0 FE ] 'DO�r S max v A x LE� J w t F ii J w, �a O WWE J47T5fI103 MOM I — W LA _m_ LD�--z �:D �� 25 m-Z z w LaJ fr.Li r.L Y w n L rJ0Q;n �� � 71J ac k LJ w i ch rr O r~ 92109 it 'o IVOI 3 CV08 SrMDcJ 99.6 t -&oo wNOd.l1R'N mff 3l f cl W ] CO .:z _ qyj ml 7� j W Q 3 F eJ4 J rWLIj V 4 {�-y 1 }f 0 w � t�l ]T �Lj 0 Lk o= =F nPOry LL. ChUj s w W I` _ C 7 ri �W _ Zm C L LI Ob C Li 12:: WNEL U) ie M Z: 7, : CL 2 r 4 5- o rll � l iLj �!I W_ — U rdc r X: 4tF4� 4D—jCA 0!:m LL.tj}S CAL�lv_ WLL, w � _t � �� �dot1JLJLu � Mf} Ir Mfj;!s dl� CC W 0 V) r of M W � W = ,Jy q C9LLJHW ::E ni 5 Q �M li -:4 Ir08o U L;w af cf. W { 0 Fn11:0Ci 3zU � 5-ej w 0 x� Li L) � c3rf W_ U O 0 UJ in LJiJ D Ld 0 m L W D-,IS 1&3 E W � o ac z2 Ai r, Co -0 z r � i r f3x LLI D n Ln co %-.e 4M D 9 W W m:2 aj- w2� w U Ul Qom Z5 M# ZJ� W � dzk OL Ln 3 LhJ r- Lg m W Lr.l LU co [M CL C,4 Ul jtM WLd- UJ J f) WLn � Ifh LLA L) 2 L) Lc- O m uj 5 Lk V V? W r Li J ih M tA m� m in Ul r W. L ` Uf, Ty 1 C` = ; V45 Lao�� 1 P1344& x w Q,f -d ■. 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