HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED CONTRACT249ALL AMFRICAN ROOFING, INC. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1989 C CC 055 570 Serving Bra ard, Miami Dade and Palm Beach Counties. r9$9 2pt5 26THANNIVER4ARY 94 est rosp t Road Dade: (305) 466-0411 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Broward:(954)772-7663 Email: aar allamericanrootcom Palm B•:(561)479-4983 ALLAMERICANROdF.COM @ Fax: (954)772-5001 SHINGLE/FLAT RF.ROOF Date: 2-1 ?-2022 0- -2, 1 �' t - pal 6A I I I H, EXI'l:It1)ItISI 3237 NIFRNON S1'. FOR 1' I'II:RC1: FL. '34982 GA*IT 1H +,N IT RI'RIS1: u ! IU'I'�j\-I:1I1 C'OI�-I 105-781-59 40 �j �A T S�W4 RE: Ne%i 1tuaC kVe are pleased to subrtlit tllc following, proposal 161. your consideration on the above relercnced prenli,es, 11'e a��ree to proci(fe al! labor. IllatCHH1. equipment. taxes 1111d the proper insurance. ?\II proper care to protect m%ner'" propert\ %%III be taken. SCOPE 01�' \VORK: Iternc►ve existin" slope and 11,11 roof' and ']'Stall Ile\\' shillgies on the slope root' anti iMo(liiicd liiluruen on the flat ro(11. Price is based on satellite measurerilents Held \erification i, needed liar final Ill'ICL', I'rlCe base(I (111 colllplete access to the roof-. PROCEDURF: OF WORK: PREPARATORV WORK: FOR SLOPE AND FLAT DECKS: A. Cut and remove all existing roofing down to the ply\%ood deck. Renlme only as 111uCIt roofing, in one \\orkin�� day pel'lo(I tllal Call be replaced. 11/atet' Cut ufl ]s to he irtstallc(I at the end of CaCll WOrhlno da% to (ISSUIV I \\atertiI.ht condition. 11. Replace all rotted ))IN -wood sheathing up to 75 square Ieet at no additional charL.e. r\n� additional replacement of the Illywoml decking, beyond \\hat'.s stated wIII he at the cost oh S3.50 per.S(luare fiwt or replace all 1" X G" totl.gtle and groove (leckin9 up to 5(} linear feet at no additional charge- "%Ily ad(litional replacement ofton tie and �—,Ioo\,c bevond What's stated \\ill be at the Cost ol` S 4.50 per linear foot. r1m plank. lire rated pl%"god. fascia. heams. trusses. or soffit replacement is not inCludc(I in the quote. C. Rcrllove all debri' and earl 'may. DECK SECUREiMENT: Re -nail slleit� to meet local Codes A.S.T.M. 31) LB. H ELTS: SCre\VS are not include(l. 11'applicable. 2 o f {, Install 2 plies ol' ;0 Ih. tints %%hick wiII he mechanically fastened ill accordance with local building codes. According' to the nlantllacturer's specifications. MO plies 01'30 lb. felts are to be installed for any slope or roorpitch under 4712" %Vhen comparing prices. Qour slope or roorphch is fens than -07127 please he swv that all cl nnscums are using two plies of 30 lb. felts on VOur I-Ool: SHINGLES: Install CAF Timherline lifetime HD dimensional fiberglass fungus resistant asphalt shingles. Shingles are to he nlechanicallY fastened will' \letro Dade approval Rint, Shank roofing nail~ in strict accordance with the manufacturer and local building department Specifications. 'Hie and We color is to he determined by the o"ner. BASF. WEET: ON F LAI DECK: Install I ply of'28 lh. fiberglass base sheet to the entire surface ol-the roof', lapping, each sheet Blur inches (wer the umiedying sheet and six ruches over the end laps. Each sheet is to he installed Without Voids and 100( ,,;, mechanically fastened to tilt: deck. INTEItI ,': Install I ply orfiherglass felt emh &idcd in a-nlininitull uniform layer of`28Ibs of Dorllestic']'ype IV hot asphalt per 100 !(Stare legit as per code. MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOFING SYSTEIjV1: F-OR FLAT DECK: Install gmnuNr surface modilied hiturncn "eith plasticized hittnninous and nlodiiicd N�ith clastolllers. \Material is to he reintorced with a high stren-'Oh polyeltcr core. The aho\c \%ork is to he perfilrnled by trained Alen proficient in this type ol'work. ADVANTAGES 01, tMODIFIEI) BITUMEN ROOFING: I. IMo(tif ied Bitumen is far superior due to its elastonleric capabilities and ultra~ inlet protection. I ipon your examination of estinlates. he sure �'otl are hiddillg apples to app[eti, 2. I; huinates alunlimrrn c(lating ]Maintenance. 3. l Arninates cumbersome equipment. 4. \'Iinimulll disturbance to huilding occupants. N'11SCELLANF.OUS: FOIL SLOPE AND FLAT DECKS: l . Install neW Icad Ilashrrlgs 011 all plunlhing pipe vents throuoh roof. 2. Install 24 gauge galvanized mill finis& brown or white drip cde rlletal flashillo. 3. Install 26 gauge galvimized All finish 1 G" %alley metal nailed O'ery 1[1ur inches. 4. To assure a proper seal, install an additional three course roofing systern consisting ol`one pl�- Ofasphalt saturated membrane enlhedded betWeell Mo, layers uproot-llashill,', Cement oil the valle) metal. >. When applying new roofing, all necessary metals "ill also muck one coat orcut asphalt primer liar proper adhesion. 7. For additional ultraMet protection. install loose granules on all seams of rn�r roofing_ R. Renlot-e and replace 26 gaugoe gah'anr%ed all-purpose Mo way vents 9. Replace entire fascia 2x6 spruce (prime and paint b:o) I R replace entire Wt(prime and paint h/o) UOTATION: For the sum of .............................................. S 14,000.01) WARRANTY: -fire (5) dear \%orkmanship warrant\ on all labor pr'uyrded by All AnIerlcall Rool-n-. Inc. -T\\enty fiw {1j) 1-C,11' 111,IIlUlac"11-el' 111111ted "al'I-allh I-W 51tin1_;IC I1taE]tllill'llll'CE'. - f'en ( 10) \Car IIIII ited material \►arrant\ !runt Mail ufitCurCr un iN"tndified 13iILI111e11. TtY j(Xi[Xff TC i.•j; xy}{{}; ;s � f ] ]�f j�Kj; Xfi is j{XY)[YY YX FI1�AtiCING OI •rIO All American Roofing, Inc., is a 1'-t:rene Certified Roofing Contractor. Y Grene is a c(t,tit effective low interest ►►-IY to finance Your nm roof. Most homeowners are eligible through the equity in their home. I'lease contact our office and we will gil(lh' assist ►►.ith the application process. Our estimators do not work on commission! All of our estiru,tt(tr•s arc paid hotrr•I}' or• salary', thus 11rcr'cnting a cunfEirt ►►ith cost or quality on a new roof'. NYE, IYAINT TO 13E YOUR ROOFI?!t! SO PLFASF CAI.I. t1S I31:C'AUSI: \\,I,, WILL DO OUR U F%110S Y TO AC1 HEAT, I I Its GOAL. PI -I ASF REVIEW AI.i, NOTFS AND CALL'IT) 1)ISCt ss WI IA'I, IS APPLICABLE 131•:I'OIZI: SIGNING AI'I'ItOVAL. NOTES I]Icasc review the follo►►J11' notes and ca11 to discuss items that may a I ' to cour- r•o o f. : I. The CXIStIng 1'001' nlay he lull\ adllCred ur ;tuck 10 the ruuf deck. II'su. Complete removal Cannot he perfin'n1ed and It partial [-()Of' rennna] and.ur a recuvvi. specification ma► be necessary, 11'so All Amel'ican Rooling. ]lie. ►►ill p-ovide a ►►rittell change order r-equest. 2. :-\shcstus - ahatentent renll)\-aI a11(1 disposal is not included. if'applicahle. ?. 11, we are tlCing into vuur adjacent ruin there is a possibility that water may he Iraq cline !rum that ruin. which is bC1'(tltd our Control. I'Icase Call t0 di5cttss if this is applicable to your pl-operty. 4. Please intitrnl us if vutl IMVC all CSpused i-uufdeck (till' Underside of the deck is visible and not Covered hy ceiling). 11' you IIaVC CNpused decking. some nail tips Ilta1' shut and.ut' sums sprawling, ur splintcrinc, of ceiling Ma► nCCUE'. The budget to mcrlal' existing deck with 5K" plywood is S 2.50 I)cr s(Iual'C lilut. It is the responsihiiit}' uf'tl)C owner 111 CC(jlieSl t)lS Op[IU1l. :1lI Anlcricall RuutiElg. Inc. is nut responsible f01-ceilin�g, damage f'run) lastenel-. Also din. dtlSt. and dehris could loll from the scams durirn� the rewol' procedure. ]'lease take the neccssal-t precautIolls t(1 protect the interim-. Please call to discuss, 4 or6 5. thnleSs othen%ise stated. this proposal does not include 01.1ttel' and downspout damilge. repair and:or replacement. AC. electric. plumbing.. solar panel, nlecllanical. satellite dish and /or screen enclosures. if applicable, 6. There \\ ill he all additional charge if other trade, damage our roof or delay our "ork due to their negligence. 7. Any water diVerter IllaV treed to he permanently reproved. \,vatcr diverler.s are on improper design because dlyerlel-s restrict drainage and cause ponding and p vmaturc roofdeteriortition. K 'Tongue and groove decking may he replaced kith ply\\ood. ifapplicahle. A We batted on using existing metal hose flashing,. if new metal base Ilashinl. metal illstalIation. and Wall reillOVal ? replaCenlCllt IS reillllrl'Cl. there ]liar be an additional Change. (). Please be informed that hea\ V equipment's and tools rllir\ he used to perform the roof work. 'There nlay he sonle disturbance to file occupants front the noise and Vibration..-\Il r\merlcart Roofing. Inc.. %kill not he responAhle for louse inteHor fixtures inclndilli'. but not limited to light fixtures. chandeliers. wall Won, popcorn or water damaged ceilings. [)]case call to discttss. it necessary. 11. Skylight replacement and interior work are not inCluclecl. if applicable. 12. As per huildinl,1 codes. ally 4"ati ent - on the roof need to he worked oil ancVor sit�lie( cisI' 11y a licensed plumper-, which is not included in this Colltl'aCt. y 13, ifinsulation arid sileathlllo oyerlayment is desired or requll'ed It �\ilf he at an additional charge. 14. When reroofino and/or repairin4," roots. Sl)mC deck deflection maybe Visible. \ew roofing i.s to 1i)110\\ the contour of existing Neck. 2\11 ,\mcrican Rooflp - Inc.. IS not responsible fi)r deflection, 15, Price based oil wood deckinu, with one ( I ) existing rool,witll Ill) inSUlatioll or tapered insulation. Any additional roof renn)yal. insulation or tapered insulation "ill he at an additional chuge. 16. i\,Ictaf roofor awnings are not included in warrant\- 17. if till' billldill`' dCpartlllellt I-eLluil-CS all architect Wor all enoneer Gr any doctrll oration unrelated to f our roof. this is nut included in this proposal. Ifthe btlildillt_ clCpartnlent require~ ally tcstin�_ bc�ond what is ~tilted ell Out- pl'clposal. there 11-ill be an additional cha['gC. 18. Any warranty is non-trallsllrable Without Wl'ittell authorization from All American Rooling. Inc- ` 19. 11•your city requires the ,\1lianii 21 Solar rcllectarice products, it is not included in this proposal. 21 Please he a"are your ho111Clbuildlng nlal be under judslcdon OI it commtmAy association or local building department and certain types of rool` systems Islay not be permitted. 11 is the cuskmner's responsibility to deter nidie II the roorsymem is acceptahle to all parties involved. 21. Any piping and %siring improperly installed on ere underside of the deck may he dammed b� hwenel's and or nails and is Ilot the retiporlsibllit� ol'All American Rooflrl(_,. Inc. 21 "Ten replacing deteriorated \Vood some areas rnaybc not be pll�-sically accessible clue to desium Daerioratcd Wood NI)I lCinlent is linlited to physically accessible areas from the roof top OIIIY. Some areas nla� remain Visible in attic or ceiling space. 2i. Ifthe cxistinig, gutters are secured to the face ofedge meted- Code required fastener to he helo%\ the mewl Nce. If gutter replacement and or repair is need cfuC to reroofproject it is not illeltldtzl in price. 24. Please note that tiles and shingles are purchased front it IllanUlactUrer. The exact color shcldin,,, oftiles accessories and mortar may Vary from brochure photos and hind samples. All American Roofirh-:. Inc. is not responsible for color ishadinig of tiles of shingles products. i of 6 ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS DO ""1' JEOPARUI%E YQUlt INSURANCE' %Ve are bully and properIV ilmll-ed. PI-ucll-of insurance "ill he sent upon retltlest. It hehooNes the mvner to Make Sure a Colltractor carries the proper ,nsL ranee and heerlses. SUPERVISION: Our work is done in it workmanlike planner h� IIainetl- LILKIlified mechanics. u,ing the latest teclllliCal cyuiplllent 101- the job. brained processionals supervise all jobs and upon completion also inspect and evaluate the premises and workmanship. f:vtry salcty precaution All he taken to protect the o��ner. pedestrians. property. and landscaping. All work areas will he cleaned daily. and the eLittipment will he removed imnlediatel� upon completion of'work. Please review all pl-(lpomdS to assure thy, have the same scope oC work and check Lill references to aStiure fill ContI1ICtor5 are i-epLuahle- hank you Ior tilt opportunity to hid (ln this work. Should VOL, have arly questions of rquire ally additional inlin-nrition. please do not hesitate to mill. I'his price is v;llid cor ten ( 10) days. IZespectfully suhnlit( ed. Jose Alrtrr1rilr- Pre,��ir! Ott AI I. AIM RIC' N RO(I INC. CNI GMT.' I FI FN ITAPIUSF. PAYMENT' TERMS: S1.(}U LOO !)IM)SI-l013 UPON S i.r1R"ij Ifs UIQN IMIAVI:RY O1= SI IINGLI:S. AND 1.'3 [ TON C (A.I PI, 1, ALI. PAYM[XI'S ARE' DI,1: AND c'AYABIT AS SFT I-ORI II IfLRI,IN. IN-IE_itl-SI ON AI.I. I'NPA1D BA[.ANCI: SIIAI.L ACCRIT M A RATE OF ONI% POIN f FIVE PERCFNI (ky I'f:lt iiMONT11. 1N 11II'. LX N] "I'l [AT .AI-L ANII-AWAN ROC)HNG, INC.. MINUS H NI-.C;I:SSAR1' TO FNIQRCL UM.LLC-I ION Uf' AN%' e\%IOt N B UI F IILRLUNDF.R. ALL AMLIZICAN SflA A. BE i:N 1TITFD TO lZI. 15UNf11ic,1: ATTORNEYS' I I:I.S AND COST INCI:Rfud) IN CONNECHON TIII;R[:WYI I1 IF IN FACT 'HILRE IS I.I I IGA'I ION 1N A COUR i OF I.A\V PREVAILING PARTIF.S W11,1. 131" I"NAfTH -ED TO A RLASONABIT. A-[ IORNI-.Y AND COUlo' F I ES. 2. IN ADDI HON, ALL A,MI-,RI('AN IZ()0 ING IS NO -I- RI,,SpONS1131.[=. FOR ANY CONSf.()t,'1',N I [AL DANIAU-, ONCE AI.L WORK IS COMPI.l;"f1=D. No WA!RRAN-1 Y ON G o1'6 1 E:,AKS ORIMNIAOF. CRLATLD BY AN --ACTS OI' GOD". ROOF SYS�I F\-IS TI IAT REQUIRI; Ri-TAIRS DUI: I'O DAMA(;I::S 13Y ACFS OI' GOD. OTI ILR PERSONS. 3. AH. WORK l31'YOND C'ONTRAC 1"I-O 131: REPAIRED A] AN I IOPRI Y RA I I. OV S90-00 PI;R MA` PER I[OUR. PORTAL TO f'OIZTAL. �1MATERIA1. AND IAXI:.S 11111.1 010 A\D 10% -MARK1-I'- #. DLPOSITS ARI•: NON•IZH- NDA13I.1;. 5. 11 IS UNDERSTOOD -FHA-1, 'F! Ifs ROOFING CON I RACTOR'S AND ROOFING CONTRACTOR'S INSURER lirlLl. E:XC'LUDE ALL C-OVERACiI:, INCLUDING DEFI:NSIL DANIAGES RFLATED JO 130DII-Y INJURY. PIZ()PLRFY DAiIMAG1:, AND CI.f;AN Ill' EiX1'f.N"51:5 C'AUSI:D 1)1R1:,C'TLY OR INDIRL.CFLN IN W1[()1 F. OR IN PAR] FOR ANY ACTIONS13ROU(illl AsA RLSULT OF -MOLD. INCLUDING FLING S AND MII,DIAV R1;GARDLI_SS UI- I 1 [1. COST . 1:1:1:N I'. ,NIATFRIAL, PRODUC FS. OIZ \VORK:.IANSI III' T[ IAT [MAY I [AV1: CO\'I Will! I ED C'ONC'URRI-XI I Y OR IN ANY .SEQUI'N('f: VO TI IF INJURY OR IMMAGE -E I IAT OCC l RS G, 11 EIS QUOIT. DOVS NOT INCLUDE Al3NORNIAI LABOR AND N.-IM E:RIAL PRICE IiNCRLASES DUI.. M r1C'1'S OF GODS. I1l1RR1C9,-\Nl:S. OIL- AND RAW ,N1ATEMA1. PRODUCTION PRO131.LMS9 WAR'4 FTC. ALL- PROPHR ('ARL 1-0 PROTECT -1'! IL, PROPERTY 13191N(i %VORK1:D ON WILL 13E-. TAK19N9 DI!1: TO TILL USL OF 1119,AVY I:QLJIPNIf.NT, ALL. NIERICAN ROOFING, INC., 15 NOT RI:SPONS1131+9' FOR DANIAG1-' 'I I IA Y !MAY OCCUR TO GLITTI-:RS. DRIVIAVAYS. SPiZINK1.1;}ZS. Sll)1:1i'i\I-KS. C'1IR13S, CilZASS. S1:P ['[C' -TANKS !tiNI)1012 I-ANI)S('Al'lI\(i- 1- f1115 QllOI'I: D01.5 NOT INC'L DI: WOOD NA[LERS FOR COPING, EDGE Nil:Fr1E, AND IT-NI''FRXI IONS I.M.l:SS 0I'111:R",ISE1,D SPECIFIED IN CONTRACT. '). I�f 11S 01101E V DOES O1 INCI.I'I)I" 1%-IOISTI1RF 4l &RVI:.Y, \\T I IZOOF INSH.A I ION RFPI,A('I'&11:.N I' (REC-OVI-R ROOFS MI Y), ASBESTOS YESTINCi- .1S131.S'105 A13AT19sMEN1- l'PLIIT191) ITSTING. (INSPEC'If'IFI) DECK R19P1,ACI1aNil-.N'l_ OR FASTFNI..R I'lll-l. (AI I TLST. 1'IZ()I'USf11.'S SPI-90FICATIONS AND ()I!OTF. ,V1.1Y VARY 1)1=P}:NDING ON IIIV IZf'St'I. I'S O1 'E`I 1,1:S'I'(.S)- DESCI ASS 1N Fl 1f2 l l II:IZ Df'-I'AII-- 1 1- PROPO.SA[- BASH) ON I-XISTING DECK 4IMLI:TIs ; PRESI'N'I' 131i[1 D!NC CODES AND ;-\I.l AGNII -'' ZIC�IN ROOFING. INC'-. CANNON BL 111�:1.1) RI'SPONSIBI.E: FUR ANY DI:V[A I"IO\ ACCORDINOI.Y. 11: API'I.WA131.1 129 W1-,%VII - I. ;1 f T'N'tVI 10 \VORK AROI INI) 1�:XIS1-INO (iI,ITI'1:RS. II- (iI11 I I-.RS DANIA61. OR 1 EXI'S OC(TR GPLI IT.R RFITACIA-IFM IS NOT INC'I.UDI:i). 1 — — Si�naturc of AcccRtance Print Name Oato