HomeMy WebLinkAbout#2002-0726 REV RQST AND PRDCT APP 1920 ROYAL PALM DROFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED• REVISION FEE: ,WIT 4 5-LC aaP / 2� EIPT 9 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATIOIN DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE 4UE FORT PIERCE, FL 349 2-5652 (772) 462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING P REVISIONS PROJECTINFORMATION�RMIT LOCATION SITE ADDRESS: 1y 1920 ROYAL PALM DR, FT PIERCE DETAILED ESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS. REVISION OF FIE PRODUCT APPROVAL TO METAL SALES MANUFAC URING CORP 5V METAL: FL 40264 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CCC1331308 BUSINESS DAME: EDIFICIUM CONSTRUCTION, LLC QUALIFIERS NAME: EDWARD LECHNER ADDRESS: 1215 CASTAWAY BLVD CITY: VERO BEACH STATE: FL PHONE (DAYTIME): 772-643-4513 OWNERIB�ILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS:_ CITY: PHONE(DA NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (D. STATE: /ENGINEER INFORMATION: SLCCC.- 9/23r09 Revised 06130117 STATE: St LUCIE CO CERT. #: ZIP: 32963 F ZIP: FA : ZIP: 3111122, 7:49 AM Florida Building Code { BOSS FEarne 1 Log In User Registration : Hat Topics i Submit Surcharge Scats &Facts (4 d b3 r rodact Approval SER: PubElc User �MdUct Ap rov I Menu > VrOdUeL or Application Search > Application list � Application Detail FL # FL40264 Application Type New Code Ve ion 2020 Applicatlpn Status Approved Product f,anufacturer Address Phone/Email Signature Representative Quality ssurance Representative Address hone/Email Publications Contact us Bcrs Site Map Links search Metal Sales Manufa uring Corporation 545 South 3rd 5tree , Suite 200 Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 855-4300 com David Stermer dstermer@metalsale .us.corn Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Ccrnpliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Enginee Evaluation Repo - Hardcopy Received Florida El tgineer or Architect Name who developed the Bala Sockalingam Evaluatio Report Florida Liense PE-62240 Quality A surance Entity Keystone Certificatiol s, Inc. Quality A surance Contract Expiration pate 12/27/2026 Validated By Yoosef Lavi, P.E. Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received of Independence FL40264 F Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard TAS 125 UL 1897 U L 580 Equivalen a of Product Standards Certified trin Sections the Code Year 2003 2012 2006 https:tlwww_floridabuilding,orglpr/ r_app_dtl.aspx?param-wGEVXQwtDgvzydBM6i_rcPIXErslgBLxA, RTCrudl3rfjQkgeUK3SCw%3d%3d 1/3 3111122, 7A9 AM hops://www.floridabuildin Florida Building Code Onfine Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 11/2412021 Date Validated 11/29/2021 Date Re iding rBC Approval 12/05/2021 Date Approved 02/08/2072 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 40264, J, SV-Crimp Min. 26 ga., 24" wide through fastened roof panel over min. 15/32" tF ick plywood deck or 7/16" thick OSB with fasteners through anel rib. Limits of Use Instalia ion Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No FL4 264 RO II Eva luatio epartC2516 1 pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes y: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Verified Impact Resistant: N/A Created y Independent Third Party: Yes Desigil Pressure: +N/A/-183.5 Evaluation Reports Other Uplift load of 30.0 psf at fastener spacing of 36" o.c. F 40264 RO AE Evaluat€onReportC2516 l.ptlf and 18 .5 psf at fastener spacing of 6" o.c. by Independent Third Party: Yes Created 40264. Aluminum Image II �16e, nom 0.032" th€ck aluminum concealed fasten er roofv r min 19/32" thick plywood deck Limits f Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No f140264 RO II Evalua i eR og rt�2.pjf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Veriffed y: Bala 5ockalingam PE 62240 Impact'Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-173.8 Evaluation Reports Other. Uplift load of 22.5 psf at fastener spacing of 24" D.C., ELiQ264 RO AE Evaluatiof3enortC2516 7_.p�lf E 107.4 p at fastener spacing of 5" o.c. and 173.8 psf at Created hy Independent Third Party: Yes fastenei spacing of 6" o.c, with support strap & adhesive. 40264. Aluminum Vertical Seam Nam, 0.0 2" thick, 16" wide, aluminum standing seam roof panel over min. 15/32" thick plywood deck or 7/16" thick OSB Limits f Use Installation Instructions Approo fed for use in HVHZ; No , 1`1-40 64 RO I E aluaN n ) ortC25I6 3.pdf Appro ed for use outside HVHZ: Yes y: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Verified Impa Desigin Resistant: N/A I Pressure: +N/A/-97.1 i Created t Evaluation y Independent Third Party: Yes Reports Other: Uplift load of 41.6 psf at clip spacing of 36" o.c., 71.0 t FL402 4 RO AE va uationR port 516 3, df psf at cl p spacing of 12" ox. and 97,1 psf at clip spacing of 12" Independent Third Party: Yes Created ty ox. witt sidelap adhesive. + I 40264.4 Aluminum Ve tical Seam i Nom. 0.0 2" thick, 16" wide, aluminum standing seam roof panel ove min. 19/32" thick plywood deck Limits of Use Installati Dn Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No I L 0264 0-2tICZa6 4.p,�f Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes : Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Verified 6 Impacil Design Resistant: N/A Pressure: +N/A/-162 Created b Evaluatio Independent Third Party: Yes J I Reports Other: Uplift load of 41.6 psf at clip spacing of 36" o.c,, 100.2 E14Q264 AE val ationRgportC2�16 4 prof psf at cli 12" o.c. spacing of 12" o.c, and 162.0 psf at clip spacing of vith support strap & adhesive. Independent Third Party: Yes Created b 40264.5 Image II j Min. 26 ga , 16" wide concealed fastened roof panel over min, f 15/32" thick plywood deck or 7/16" thick OSB. Limits of Use 'Installation Instructions Approv Approved d for use in HVHZ: No I FL402 4 for use outside HVHZ: Yes 1i1 IIvatuatianReportC2516 S.pdf Impact Verified By: Resistant: N/A Bala 5ockalingam PE 62240 Design Created bQ Pressure. +N/A/-116 EvaluatiGii Independent Third Party: Yes Reports Other: 63.5 psf UPlift load of 20.8 psf at fastener spacing of 24" o.c., FL4OZ64 t fastener spacing of 6" a,c., 86.6 psf at fastener i Created by .0 AE_ EvaluaUonRepo 516 f i spacing f 6" o.c. with side€ap adhesive and 116 psf at fastener Independent Third Party: Yes spacing cf 6" ox, with support strap & adhesive, 16" wide concealed fastener roof 40264.6 Image II Min. 26 ga. 19/32" thick panel over min. plywood deck Limits o Approv Use Installation d for use in HVHZ: No Instructions Apprav F 4 264 d for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By; 0 11 Evaluation Relzaag516 6.pdf Bala 5ockalingam PE 62240 ImpactResistant; Design N/A I Created b Pressure: +A€/A/-13g.1 Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Uplift Evaluatior load of 84.3 psf @ fastener spacing of 24", 102.7 F 40264 Reports 0 AE EvaluatfonRepprtC2516 r.$ Created 6 Independent Third Party: Yes 3•org/pr/p _app_dd.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvzydBM6LrcPlXErslgBL)cAr TCrudl3rfjOkgeUK3SCw%3d%3d 2/3 3/11122, 7:49 AM Fj cla Building Code psf @ stensr spacing of 6" and 139.1 psf c fastener spacing if of 6" ith 3/8" bead adhesive In sidelap I 40264.7 Vertical Seam Max, 16" wide, min, 24 ga, standing Seam roof panel over min. 15/32" thick plywood deck Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No I FL402 RO I ualuationR qr[ 516 7,pr1f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes i Verified y: Bala Sockalingam PF 62240 Imps t Resistant: N/A Created y Independent Third Party: Yes Desig Pressure: +N/A/-200 pEvalluatilnin Reports Other Uplift load of 30.0 psf at clip spacing of 48" o,c., 73.0 I FL40264 R6 AF Evaluation eportCZ516 7,pdf psf at clip spacing of 24" o.c., 114.3 psf at clip spacing of 8" Created y Independent Third Party: Yes o.c, and 200.0 psf at clip spacing of 12" o.c. with support strap & adhesive. Vertical Seam Max. 18" 15/32" tl Limits >f Use Installa Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL4026 Approred for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified Impact Resistant: N/A Created Desigr Pressure: +N/A/-105 Evaluate Other. Uplift load of 30.0 psf at dip spacing of 48" o.c,, 82.5 F 4026 psf at clip spacing of 12" o.c, and 105.0 psf at clip spacing of Created IZ" o.c, with sidelap adhesive. I he, min. 24 ga. standing seam roof panel over min, plywood deck 1 Instructions LL� II Eva luatianReportC2516 8.Pdf Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Independent Third Party: Yes Reports AE ,- IzI tlonR portC2516 8.pgtf Independent Third Party: Yes Contact Us :; 26i3i Stair Stone Road Tallahassee F 399 Phone: 850-4� Tt e State of Florida is an AA/FFO employer. Copy i ht 3 S ate of Flori :: Priv c Statem nt :: Aotessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under rl Ida law, email addresses are pubifc recgrds. If you do not want your a -mall address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electeil to this entity. Instead, contact the offlee by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any qu ions, please canta 850.SB7,1395. *Pursuant to Section RSSZronic mronic Florida St - utes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must pDvIc c the Department with an email address it they have one. The emails provided inay be used for otFlval communication with the licensee. However email addresses are pubfic record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please Provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 4s5, F.S., please click here-. Product Approval Accepts Credit Care) Safe _dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtogvzydBM6LroP1XErs1gBLxArf TCrudi3rfjOkgeUK35Cvt%3d%3d 313 EVALUATION REPORT O METAL SALES MANLTACTURING- CORPORATION `26 GA. 5V-CRINIP PANEL FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 7TH E. FLORIDA PRODUCT APPR FL 40264.1 ROOFING METAL ROOFING Prepared For: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp 545 South Ya Street, Suite 21 Louisville, KY 40202 Telephone: (502) 855-4300 Fax: (502) 855-4290 Prepared By: Bala Sockalingam, Ph.D., P.E. Florida Professional Engineer #62 1216 iv Lansing Ave., Suite C Tulsa, OK 74106 Telephone: (918) 492-5992 FAX: (866) 366-1343 This report consists of Evaluation Report (3 Pages includin Installation Details (1 Page) Load Spann Table (1 Page) Report No. C2516-I Date: 11.23.2021 (2020) AL cover) FL 40264.1 C2516-1 11.23.2021 Page 2 of 3 Metal Sales Manufacturing Product Nairle: 5V-Crimp Panel Description: 24" wide coverage with (5) 1/2" high Materials: Min. 26 ga., 50 ksi steel. Galvanizec coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel (ASTM A792 or painted steel (ASTM A755). Corrosion resistant as per FBC 2020 S 2ction 1507-4.3. Deck DescriAti Deck Attache ent: (Minimum) New Underiavmei Existing U (Optional) Slope: Design Ux (Factor of Fastener Type: At panel At ii'nterr Min. 7/16" thick OSB or min. 15/32" thick plywood or rain. 114" thick wood plank (min SG of 0.92) for Ow and existing constructions. Designed by others and installed as pe FBC 2020. 8d x 2.5" long ring shank nails or #8 2" long wood screws at 6" o.c. in the plywood field and edges. Design ed as per FBC 2020. Minimum underlaymcnt as per F1 C 2020 Section 1507.4.5.1. Required for new construction and optional for reroofing construction. One layer of asphalt shingles over one �ayer of #30 felt. For reroofing construction only. 1/2.12 or greater in accordance w Requires applied lap sealant for roof Pressure: 30.0 psf at fastener spacing of 36" o_c. ,ty = 2) 183.5 psf at fastener spacing of 6" o.c. #I0-14 hex head wood screws with s sufficient length to penetrate through installed as per Metal Sales current are corrosion resistant as per FBC 20: 6" o.c. across panel width 12" o.c. across panel width FBC 2020 Section 1507.4.2. )es less than 3:12. .ed washer_ Fastener shall be of e deck a minimum of 3/8" and stallation procedure. Fasteners Section 1507.4.4. Test Standard : Roof assembly tested in accordance wi h UL580-06 `Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies' & UL1897-12'Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems'. Code Cornph cc: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2020 Section 1507.4. Product Limit Lions: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2020 Section 1609 or A5 7-16 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener sp exceeded. The design pressure for computed using rational analysis pi Engineer or based on Metal Sales report is not applicable in High classification is not within scope of FBC 2020 Section 1505 and cur directory or ASTM E108/UL790 ref for fire ratings of this product. Supporting ocurnents_ UL580 & 1897 Test Reports Farabaugh Engineering and Testing h Project No. T243-21, Reporting Date FL 40264.1 C2516-1 11.23.2021 Page 3 of 3 ing listed herein shall not be duced fastener spacing may be ared by a Florida 'Professional d span table. This evaluation elocity Hurricane Zone. Fire is B aluation Report. Refer to A approved roofing materials t from an accredited laboratory- 1 /2021 OO£b-968-mg , s-ssc-ssa xv aees-zs"- 3wone zozp m '3�`IIA not 9614 NO fsllu mm 31 S AS UK HMOs WG � ins' ox&m a e:xs d2i0D ONR1fllAWMiw 5 WS Td13Yi N3wu3vjnNvv d "o'Hd NI7s7iO05 rrda snavnnsna, OMY dh "r ti Q W � UQOd{�J�O � r 21 owz�v�o� d LL Z LL�d�F- O��M owu> u-CL z r u z � W`h O[e� L%-= w " Clzu"'i=-ootiFn � II � oWw�NpZwLL wx m ¢¢WOm¢c, t2 4 1i J � Zvi � Z -.JDJ m O is p �/I d tW/1 i�0 y.iQo aQW z�ap�m tnvi�d o-zrr¢ OQ I JZV] Z � rin 41 r J z y m w o U w w� =— nww n� cawv�iw�"'i c�aLL=3�= =OZ �ci c�po wwazw.� , W 4LL0` now 2d�Q wJ�W2 W nx wN�d4Qm��-`K 4' 22 L_I U Z J� �O� i C7 QOO°n xx¢ Z w p V 1 7H N C^ N W �n 32 r o_ x NI4 ¢ z� i _ r _ Cf) z aJ a LLJ Z z U, U U ` o r,N n ro � ✓xi�a Oa cn¢ Z16 / N -I z 0¢ pFx o ZN N zo 1 .I Lu LLI L Q W j � I ZQp z U zw Zp U ?p �� zlz zZ P Z.1z w� d �W� Ell I ON �p METAL SALES MANUFACTURING CO ORATION SV-Crimp Uplift Loads {Min. 26 ga.} ascription Fastener Spacing Allowable Uplift along panel length Load (in) { s0 Coy rage width: 24" 6 -- 183.5 --- � 122.3 -- 12 91.8 Panel Fasteners _ 15 73.4 #10-14 hex head wood lg - — 61.2 screws With sealed washer _._.21 --- 52.4 --�__- 24 45.9 27 40.8 30 36.7 33_4 Notes: I. The bold numb 2. Panels must be 3. Three or more: 1216 N Lansing Tulsa. Ok 741f16 9184925992 indicate design loads calculated from test data with safety ailed as per Evaluation Deport FL 40264-1 and Metal Sal is condition. Nc 3^2 0 Suite C ctor of '_. current installation procedure. Bala Sockalinaam. Ph.D.. P.E. CL 6'2'240