HomeMy WebLinkAboutElevation Certificate 9-15-16`.SECTIONA-.PROPERTY"INFORMATION.. '• : ,'. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY 08E Al. Build ing.Own&s Name ..... 'Note. NofVolid to use for ang other,person 6r.6tiryJ. Policy Number:: STANDARD PAC[ F.IC HOMES A2.• BuildingStreet Address Includin A.t.• Unit :Suite; and/or,Bldg. No. or P:O'..Route and :.' ( g.. p , :Company NAIL Number; - Box NO. 3050 NW RADCLIFFE WAY. City ..:: " .. • :. .. '. State .. .. 'ZIP:Code; PALM.CITYFL'. ' , .. 34990 .. _ .. r A3, 'Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number; Legal;Descrip'tion,:etc.) ' . .. "RIVERBENW LOT 14 .. A4. BuildingUse.(e:g.; Residential; Non-Residential,.Addition, Accessory, etc.) RESIDENTIAL " A5:.Latitude/Longitudei.Lat._27"07'55.20'1 N Long:80'10:26.b4" W Horizontal Datum;❑ NAD 1927.,N MAD ,1983 . A6.: Attachbt least 2 photographs of the building ifthe Certificate, is'being used to obtain flood, insurance: . A7::Building Diagram Number:l_A . ." A8. For• a building:With a crawlspace'of enclosure(s)c -,- a) Square footage ,of.erawlspace or enclosures) N Asq. ft: b) Number of, peemanentilood openings in the crawlspace'or:enclosure(s) Within 1:0 foot' above_adjacent grade'0. c).Total'net area of flood openings'in A8.b'0 sq. in!,' 0)Engineered flood openings? •❑.'Yes:®. -No. .. A9.- Fora building -With an attached garage:... a) Square'footage of attached garage 1004 sq. ff.. b),Numbe'of permanent flood openings in the attached:garage within 1,0 foot above adjacent grade 0 c). Total net'area o' flood openings m_A9.b 0 sq. in. " . _ .. :'.d) EnSineered-fiood openings? .. ❑ Yes ®. No .... :. SECTION;B='FLOQD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B7: NFIP`Cemmunit y-Ma7ne &=Community Number, B2.. County Name 63. State :`;ST. LUCMCOUNTY 22Q205'.' . - 3T:,I UCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA "Map/Panel .: BS. 'suffix 66:'Firm Index ..'87:: FIRM'Panel .. B8. Flood Zones) :' 139; Base Flood Elevations) ' Numi�er Date Effective/ (Zone AO; use:Base .: :. ::' .... Revised.Date :: .Flood Depth)-.: •. 101iG04061'' J 02/T6/2012:: 02/16/2012. -AEX FEET(AE). B10. Indicatetheisourceofthe Base Flood. Elevation.(BFE) data, or'base'.flood-depth entered.in item 99: .. El FIS Profile . 0.. FIRM; ❑ Community Determiner. ❑ Other/Source; B11. -Indicate Elevation Datum Used for BF.E in Item 69t ❑ NGVD.1929 ®NAVD A988 . ❑, Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources-Systerrf(CBRS) area or otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? , ' 0 Yes ® No Designation Date: MIA ❑. CBRS. ❑ .OPA r OMB N0:1666 008. ELEVATION .CERTIFICATE t xpirition Date: November 30,1018 IMPORTANT; In these spaces,. copythe _correspondmg-informatlon from Section A. 'FOR, INSURAIVCE'CQMPANY USE. .: 'Building Street Address:(Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg.:No. or P.O. Route and Box'No... Policy Number:, 3050 NW RADCLIFFE'WAY : City State Zip Code Company NAIL Number:: PALM CITY' FL :.34990 SECTION C - BUILDING'ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY. REQUIRED) C1. Building Elevations:are Based on::'.' .� Construction Drawings' ®; Building UnderConstruction* O:.Finished Construction ._ _ *'A new EleVation-Ceitificate will. be required When'construction;of the building is complete. C2; .Elevations =Zones A1:- A30, AE,_AH,-A (With BFE), VE V1= V3%-V (With BFE); AR, AR/A,, AR/AE, AR/Al -A30, AR%AW, AR/AQ. ' Complete .ltenis'C2:a - h below according to,the building diagram specified in•Itdm A7. In: Puerto. Rico only; enter.. meters. -Benchmark Utilized: TIDAL BM ST: LUCIE COUNTY: 872 2334 TIDAL 4'; EL= 2.60 Vetiical Dati m.'NAVD •1988 '.. -.. . Indicate elevation datum, used for the elevations in Items a) through h►. below: . :.: - 0 NOD 1929 U NAVD•1988. [3Other%Source: Datum used for building elevations must be the sarrie'as that used f6r the BFE. Check the measurement used: . a) Top of Bottom Floor(including bdsement, crawlspacd .or enclosure -floor). 10.63 :feet . [] .meters' b): Top of Next Higher Floor .. N.A 0 ' f e'et ❑ meters _ .. c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) : N A. :feet .[] meters; —.. d) Attached garage (top of slab) N:A.' ❑ feet []_'meters', e)- Lowest elevation.of machinery or equipment servicing building N.A.,feet :".Q.'meters (Describe type:of equipment;and location'in Comments) .: f) Lowest adjacent,(.finished);-grade next to building•(LAG) .: :: :. 7.4. _ -.19' feet • El meters g)' H'ighestadjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) . 9.7 0, feet :.❑.•meters ".. _ :.h) Lowest, adjacent at lowest elevation of deck or,stairs. ;_including • .' NA. 0 feet . -0' meters ' structural support SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER,"OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is.to be.signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or.architect authortied by lawto ceri'ify elevation information: I certify: that the' information on this Certificate mpresents�my best efforts to interpret the. data dvaiLa'ble: l ynderstand that:any false , statement may be punishable byfine.'or imprisbnrridnt-under 18.V.5: `Code, -Section 1601. Were latitude and longitude in Section.A provided by_a licensed land -surveyor?. ®Yes N . Check here if attachments.. - Certifier's Name:' License Number: Plac David P. Lindley, PILS, L.'s. 5005 t� �!f Title: : Professional Land Surveyor . -R--- Company Name: — pavid P L<4 ntfie•Y, PO ._ ., Caulfield.& Wheeler, Inc.:: L.S. 5005 5ta# c),.Florida i 9.9/35/20'i6 - Address:.: .. 7900 Glades Road .- Suite 100, i r va4d +A fie.sianatuie:ane. ' Nc ithout . the on_giaal raised seal of a Florida'-` icefsed yurvepnr Fi A?upper City: - Stafec :. Zip.Code: Boca Raton - FL :. 33434 .._.;�. Signature: Date: .. Telephone::: 09%15/2016 ..''. 561492-1991; Copy all Pages of this Elevation Certificate and all attachments for. (1) community official :(2) insurance agent/company, arid (3)-building owner. Comments (including type of equipment and loeation; per C2(e); If applicable: Item AS) .Latitude & Longitude obtained by Magellen GPS,Blazer 12.:., This Certificate is notvalid unless. tea led with an embossed-surveryor's seal: ; FEMA'Form 086-0-3317115) ►cepiaces au previous editions .. ras< 4 vU ELEVATION CERTIFICATE : ' :: Expiration Date:.November30,'2018 IMPORTANT: In ihese'spaces; copy the.corre- ponding Information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE. Building Street Address :(Including'Apt.,'Unit-, Suite, and/or. Bldg.: No: or Pb_: Route and -Box No'... Polity NUinber: •3050 NW RADCLIFFE"WAY .... • city " Stat'e Zip:Code, Company NAIC Number:: PALM CITY.. :FL - .34990 .. . ' SECTION.E BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATIOW(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED] FOR.ZONE A0, .AND ZONE -A ('WITHOUT (FE) For.Zones AO and A (Without BFE);-complete Items El ES: If.the'Urtificate, is intended to support.a LOMA and.or:LOMR-F request, complete Sections A;,B; and'C. For Items,E1-E4,. use-natural.grade,, if available:. Check tiie'measurement used.. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters: . E1. ,Provide elevation information for the following 6nd.c.heck,the appropriiate-boxes to show.whether the.efevation is above or below.. the highest adjacent,grade (HAG)' -and the lowest adjacent'.grade'(LAG):: . 'a) Top of bottom floor'(inclbding basement, N A e' or ;❑ :below the HAG. crawlspace,.or.encl 'sure) is ❑'feet . ❑ meters; ❑ abo4 b):Top of bottonh floor. (including basement;' ... E crawlspace, or enclosure) is- N A: ❑feet .: meters ❑ above or ' Q belowahe: LAG E2..-For Building Diagrams`.6-9 with permanent flood openings. provided. In Section A.Items 8 and/or'9 (seeepage's 1-2 of instructions); the next higher"floor (elevation C2,ti in the diagrarris) ofthe bwlding is- N. A. -� feet . meters , above or below' HAG E3: Attached ;Garage.(to of slab " N A. ❑feet ' °meters above or below the HAG .p ),. 1_ . �.. ❑ .. E4. Top of platform.of m' achinery,and/or equipment - - _ N A. feet ❑'.meters . ❑ ' above or. ❑. belovii the HAG servicing the buildingis - •E5..' Zone I AO•.only; If no flood depth number-is:available, is the top of the floor elevafed in accordance with -the community's floodplain management:ordinance?.. ❑Yes 0 No .Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section.G.' SECTION•F= PROPERTY- OWN ER- (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION, The property Owner.or.OWner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B,'and E. for Zone'A (witho.Ut a' FEMAAssUed Or commohity4ssuied BFE) Or. Zone AO mUst'sign here: The.statenients. in Sections A,'B,-and E-are correct to the best of my knowledge: Property Owner: or Owner's°Authorized'Representative's'Namei Address' : City .. State Zip Code.. :. •Signature; , Date,',. Telephone.- :. T e: Comments .' _. . .: ❑ Check here if attachments: ' FEMA Form 086-0-33 (7/15) ' Replaces all: previous editions Page 3 of 6 OMB No:1660-008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date; November 30, z018. IMPORTANT: Inthese'spaces;copythe.correspondinglnformationfromSectionA;. FGR.INSURANCE COMPANY USE. Building Street Address:(Including Apt., Unit Suite,=and/or.Bldg.:No; or P.O.' Route'andlox No... -Policy Number; 3050 NW RADCLIFFE WAX . Clty Zip Code ' Company:NAIC Number:; State PALM CITY... FC _ : 3.4990:. . SECTION G=COMMUNITY INFORMATION -,(OPTIONAL) - Tlieiocal.officialwho isauthorized by;aaw or ordinance to administer the co:rrimunity's flgodplam management ordinance can.complete :. Sections A,.6, C'(or E),-and G-of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable'item(s). and sign below:.Check the measurement used in Items G8 =.G10: In: Puerto Rico only; enter meters. Gi.. []'. The Information in Section'C was.take'n,from other documentation.'that.has•been signed and sealed bya licerised:surveyor, 'engineer; or architect who is authorized by law to certify. elevation• information: (Indicate the source and .date-of.the elevation data. in' -the Comments area below); 52. M .A community official compl'eted.Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA issued -or community issued- BFE) .: or Zone AO:. G3.. E The follovring.information' (Items G4 — G1O) is provided for community floodpl'pin management purposes. 64. Permit Number: GS:.Date Permit Issued, I G6.: Date •Certificate of Compliance/Occupancylssued G7:. This Permit:has been issued :for: 0_ New Constfuction : Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of`as built`lowe.st floor (Intl uding,basement) of the building:: .. 0 feet ' . D meters Datum G9: BFE or (Zone AO) depth of flooding atthe building site: .feet : '� meters. Datum G10: _Community's design flood elevation: �. feet.. ❑: meters Datum - The property.oyiinero'r owner's authorized representative who completes Sections•A,.B, and E for•Zone A (without a. FEMA-issued or. community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. must,sign here. Thestatements in Sections•A,•B, and E are correct to the best of my:knowledge; . Local Official's. Name .. Title Commpnity.Name Telephone .Signature. Date. = Comments..... . � Check -here if'attach ments: FEMA Form 086 0-33 (7/15) Replaces all previous.edltions. Page 4 of 6 IMPORTANT:1n.thesespaces, topV.ihe'corresponding information froni.Section A: ' .: ' FOR .INSURANCE ' COMPANY. USE ." Bwlding Street Address (Including Apt:, Unrt, Suite; and/or: Bldg: No. or P:O.'Route and Box No: Policy Number:: ,. ' 3056 NW RADCLIFFE WAY.-,. te: .' City... State:,.. Zip'Code C ICNumber:. ompany NA - .. PALM CITY -FL 344 0:: ' If using the. Elevation Certificate. to.obtain:NFIP. flood Insurance,'.affix.at. least: 2 building.photogtaphs below. according_ to -the. instructions. 'for Item A6.. Identify'all OFhotographs.with date taken;."Front view- and "Rear view"; and; if required,: "Right Side View".: ' and "Left Side View:' When applicable, photographs must show the:'foundation with representative examples of,the flood openings. ' or'vehts, as indicated in Section A8. If submitting.. photographs.th6n Will fit'on this age; use the Continuation Page. , �k�s�vrS•a4C ^��� S �, � �'}"S�Zl �4n .?�4t•y`t-'.0 ..,cj •ate a✓. •�• >'� r.. i• -ems al ! � 7Y��'��•- r' w 00 Photo One Caption: Front View: Photo Three Caption:. Rear View .rr �� rt S ■`w 4. Photo:TWo.Caption! Left:View' Photo Four'tap6o6: Right View