HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0938 ~..a-loratneen ana hi_ wit., .lUll. II. Jorr.neen, of Ibe ('.Quilty of hI.' Luol. ."", Stale of ftoPl4a dlal'4tnoe H. .....4 JP1Qrlcla parL1U of Ihe 6..1 pari, alld J "' ,/ 3aO .U..-e...-.roaoDsa AD JAB -Ot.ARDOB-.JI. ' .l8J111A>>. QUIT-CLAIM DEED ~ - . -- - --l---~tH;~;nF.~UR~-Mad. I I ! - a.......- - IIais a't'h day of .hpat A. D. 19_" Mlwe:en of Ihc COUftly of Saint- Lua1e . ,,<1 Slale of _par~ of 11l..- ue:ond parI, WIT~ESSF.TH, Thai Ihe said parLUs of the 6rst pari, for aftd in cOlllidrratioft of the sum of .One Do~JUUl~be? wa1nAbl. oon8j4.~tjon ~ in hud paid by the said parl_~ of Ihe sccGad part, the ree:eipl wborcof is hereby acknowledged, IlLa... re:mised, rduscd aDd quit.claimed, aad by IhelC prelellls do--- remi~, nltasc and quit-c:laim UIlIO Ihe said part_~ of the ue:olld part ud.._h1IL he; rs alld ;u.i!(IlS forner, all Ihe nllhl, litle, illlerell, e:laim and demand which the said Parr1.Aa- of tbe finl pari ha_Y.4L- ill "lid 10 Ihe follo.nng due:ri~d IOL4}._, pi<<e~._ or pare:c:I.!_ of lalld, 10..-it: Lo.:tIL..~..._M....K.anL2.7-.....JlL>>l_ .2.4.-.oLthe-.!.OWll...of._lh1.b-OUJ.._..&a.o.D.r.41nc...t.CLPlat ~. ot_.IIal.l1_town...aD.cLn.o.orl1ed_1Jl..Rla. :t-1loQk...l....Pap_.21-.o.f....8..1nt...Luo.l'_~Qu.nU.....reoorcl8..._. ......__ .... TO II." VI': "SD TO HOLD, the ."me, I<>;:ether .nIb all alld .inlluhr Ihe appurlen;tnce:1 Ihe<<unlo Mbnging or in anywi<< appcrl"tnmg. 2nd all Ihe ..laIc, righl, litle:, illl<<rH and claim .-halsDenr of Ihe .aid part.leB of Ibe fir't ~rl, e:ilher ill law or equil)', 10 the only pro!otr use, bene lit :and behoof of the said part)f.__ of Ihr <<cond ~r1. ......_... _._.__..h1S._____htiu :and assign. foreve:r. I~ WITXE~S WIIEREOF, The: $;lid p1rI.~es of the first pari ba..VAl_ b':reulllo ."' ..t.helr__._..__hand.'. and .cat&. , Ih. .Iay J and ye;lr 1i..1 aba,'c ..ritten. Sign<d. ..:aled and ddi\"Cr<d in prcsellce: of: I .--..-.-.- J ..__...__th J~ L lo.l'P08.tlL __..is.a!.) . __.J.. _~.LBoD.J'.i ..:-B.._!!:.~-=-!,~~~~:.._ .....___ ..J.Dn1o .~....IQ~:DJl.IIL_--=.-:~-=:~:::i~~!.\ ST,"TE OF_..__._Il.Qr1.cle.______u.__.__ } Counly oL_.__~~ !._lou.gi!t __~____....__._. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 011 Ihis day ("'rso...:allK~ppured Mior< me..all o!l,cer duly aUlhoriud 10 adminisler Galh, ;lnd I~ke arknowl..l:{. mento, _.ll._~._ Jozgtnaen._-an4.. ~8/.TQ1'geDaen. _____.________________.__.__.__. d...... 10 nle ...ell kno.... 10 be Ihe personS._ de.e:riMd in and ..ho exccut<d the fOURoing inslrom(nt and__1i.be.)'.__....2ckno...ltolged befort m< Ibat____thoy._exc<ulrd Ibt lame fndy and yolunlaril). for Ihe (""(>O'e:' Ihere:in nprused.. ASD I Fl;RTlfER CERTlf\', ThaI Ihe said_.J.t1D1e..1l.-_Jorgeu.n_____..._ ._______..,__...___.__...._.___... "nown 10 m,' 10 be: Ibe: ...ift of Ihe sai" ______.H.._Q... .7orgenaen...-...-----.---.--.-.-.-..-..... on a ..poor..le "),, prinle e""nlillalion, tak<n and made: by and !Krore: me, 'rl"'ralcly and a(,ut from htr said h...bancl. did" acknowlrdJ::e Ihal ,he ..xt.uted Ihe klCgoin.. Oted for Ih., purpose of relinquisbing, alitll.lin.~ and connyin!: all her righ:. lille and inle:rut. ..bclher of dower, horn... .Iead or of sep;.ral.. pro>pcrly, slalutory ot cquitable, IU and 10 Ih. lands d<<..;bed tlo.,rcin, and Ihat .he uecutt<J said Dted fr,dy aad ,ohm. larily and without any tompuhion, e:on.trainl, apprehellsion ....r f~r of or from her said h. Ib.-nd. WITNESS, my baDd and ollie:ial suI, at_'on.1'1er48 __..._CoUnl)' oL 8a1n1o~Luo.18_----and $t;ll< of__P19.1'ld~_ .. . , Ihh_____...2'lth-___day of_ ..!uaWlt.--..-. _u.-\. D. I'}.. 24. (Sc:21.) (lIOfARY SFAL) BO~L~~~~'~~\:~~J:b~~.~:~: --H)' limon 11'e8-~-Z8.,.-1928..' . ST,,,TF. OF FLORIOA. Counly of Sl Lucie. } I DE IT RF.YF.lIRERED, That on Ihi._......__._.__._.17th . ..___.._.~_ _~). oL___.:!Qtnb.U_______.-\. D. 1924. I, _.___....__._____~.!.._.9....J1A.r.t.cl____________...._~..__.___.._____Cle:rk of Ihe Circuit Court in and for said Coun.,', 1"".e: o!"Jy r<'.Grded Ihe for<going Quit.Cbim Dud in Ihe Publie: ke.,or,h of .aid Counly. IS WITSESS WIfERt;.OF, I han hutUnlO Wi my hand ~nd tbe suI of .aid (.'ourt th< day aDd ye~r abay~ wriUen, ~ for .O!.SElL)i '",-~, -. - li-ec Olq ~ . ~"lll lef/ ..___._..!.a...~_nA%A4.______..._..._. .... I Sral ) _~...... ~c:rk Circllit Co.orl. 8y_____ ~~./ -.-L-.-~n<Puly Orrl. " .~ ;:<:::~.~ ;.: -':?,!. i~'i':-~} . ~ _0. ~..-t!-O:- ;"'._':.~.--._ . - . . ~ ' .~ >. ~ . ~';',:-~~> ~ ~..~.:;.< ,~--.~;: