HomeMy WebLinkAboutOSTDS New SewageSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: Larry Witte Jr PROPERTY ADDRESS: 12271 Crusader PI Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 PERMIT #:56-SF-2420866 APPLICATION #:AP1764793 LOT: 7 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: Treasure Coast Air Park ,Y PROPERTY ID #: 4224-501-0007-000-7 DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: DOCUMENT # : PR1720316 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION . 381.0065, F.S., AND CHAPTER 64E-6, E.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT. THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF...THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 1,050 ] GALLONS / GPD Septic New CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ ] D [ 667 ] SQUARE FEET Drainfield New SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [XI MOUND I CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [X] BED [ ] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: PAINTED NID S OF PROPERTY EDGE OF GRASS CIRCLE I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 17.00][ INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 1.00 ][INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D 1 O T H E R ILL REQUIRED: [;36.UU] INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ ] INCHES The system is sized for 3 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 6 persons (2 per bedroom), for a total estimated flow of 400 gpd. . t SPECIFICATIONS BY: Matthew S Vajanyi TITLE: Environmental Specialist I APPROVED BY: TITLE: Environmental Specialist I St. Lucie CHD -'Raith6w S V ' nyi DATE ISSUED: • 01/18/2022 EXPIRATION DATE: 07/18/2023 DH 4016, 08/09 (Obsoletes all previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1764793 SE1636785 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.- Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. Gar- )r 'Qwmer, L gai�Nl 'Wel Locatio " E Parce D o.• (P 4" 'Se?ctiion ocrCand.I STATE OF'FLORIDAe PERMITAPPI:ICATION 0,� , NSTRUCT REPAiit, QO1FY,',OA ABAND`ON'A'aiVELL - O Southwest pQpSE FILL OUTALLAPpLICA%E FIELDS ONortfiwest' (,Denotes Requfremplelds WhereAppllcabita 13 St JohnS;RiVsr• fie waterwe!l'.contegoor-lsrosporislble forcariplef/np fhli fcrril endfvrward/ng the permq-eppliffetbh tc tbe, eppioArfa% delegefad eutlority, where spjlrlcable`.: k No: _ _ _ 5.9=32683' _ - a UnigGe ID _ � - - _ _ • LStipulditoha'Requfred (Si3e-Attached); I Qued'No De(lneatlon N_o. VLtP,.Appllt5atitnNo:_ i 0 Alteme a (GI e n - pt tnrn�hi _.Lq r ct/G• Unit` �f S b' t pa Ranged 'Orin sto,p/ , l YlGPi Q,? 3a I �/� Check ifS2= 24 5 es, �ii, �r 'L)canse`Number, �'7. OkNu E matl'Address _ m L 3' aFs Raaress Ci 2 onslruCGon Repair Modifioabon. _Abandonment - State; ZI"p,--=— h'Nurnher of Fr'oposed Wells — - - - • •- - _ _ _ _ - J `S i - - peF (y nmar, ded Uses 6V Wells) oinestic FPe r, •Modtfleetion; ocA do en ' . Landscape lrrlgation t Bottled Water Su : I PP Y _• RecreeHon Area Irrigation i Agricultural;lrrf 'adon: 9 Livestock' =Site investidation, a�5t fi Public Water Supply'(Limtted Jse/DbN Public Water: Su i ,, Communttq; or Non,Communi -Nurse Irrf anon'; Cotnmerc) Vlndustlal �=Monitoring; .Test l /pEp Class linjection - o G"oIf Course irrigation _ —=Earth-Caupled.Gb-*erm� _ HVAC Supply,, 22'' :Class Vein action . - - _HVAC Ratum, .1 •, _Recharge.=Commerct'alllndustrlaCDis osal=:". '� - Remediatton - P _ _ Aquffer.Stor f9q-4hd Recovery Recovery iN� Air Sparge Otllertocdcl6e) , _ --- _ Dratnager_-DO h St Curie County- 1'0 Diste" (Noit:; Not nce from Septic S rem if s200 ti! g p hpesyyccwe s repermittedbyp;olvanpermltltnQaee, ? _ e nY Fabit tYAption 3'EsHmated,Wel►;de01 - Q tt; •Estlrnated Casing Deptfi *pdmafYfCasing Dtamefer p 12;•Esdmated'Start Date 14 Estimated Screen lntervsh From,7�To i,. Open Hole:: F' r q _ To' & 15Primary` CasingMdterial:Black Steel ' rrt/ Galvanized?, 7-vC Stelnle_sS'Steet: NotCesed Other 6 Secondary CeslnB Telescope Ceslrig Liner! _ Suif66 Casing; Diameter : ,d i ih 7 Seconitery Casing Matedel Bieck' Stetsli - - _ — Galvanized _ PV,G )'tMethod of Constructlon, Repair, or Abandonment ' Steintess:Sf®fit _ Oth _'_Combination - - —Auger Catite,Toot _ JetfecJr • (Two or"More Methods , _ — Rotary . Sonic, Horizontal Dr111(n" ; -Hand Driven (Well Polntr,Sand P6Irit).1 9 Plug99 'by Approyed Method Other; HYdfaullc Point pirect'Fushj lip, roposeii�routin a for the Prima t6 (oesweal_ _ CCJJ t ry� condary, and Addltional;Casing: From _ To' Seal Material _BefltOnrr&9 20: 21: 22:f ikon; ittv—M1fVvur' No-_eM/ater,Use Pertnit CUP - ' Sutveyl Datum:. - 100 c . �^d wt, Vi,ter — NAQ 27 NAD 63. cemmitorwen louoryt^etl�mtho-o",,& ro - WGS84 rmdballvAYohh6s . maFonsihiduesunderCtaplere7 j��M dicbM'W provfdedras t da tt{yrpdde a oq j nop'o^ rrtNm ee¢dtnid tlpdd(am�don t ew r oowabjq aM I uft (, tim °^ Uw thilwed a 1 oea Uf'Y lhal tin �tr. modirte^tnn ,t^ ., � totlt9 reed tlm eM1wM.w..°_�.-?'`'^n tilsro odewrrte n.e....en �.,.._.. We±med thoormm cl,h.l. _.ma rn!uru,cf O r.or:A 'Approval Granted B ; - ` ` •, Iseut:,Detn f e Recetvt�d_1S _. rrixpiMaori Receipt'Nta L THIS PERMIT i$ NOT VALID UNTIL' PROPERLY SIGNED aYAN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR,REPRE3ENTATIVE F THI PERMITiSHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE ItYEL' L SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION,'REPgIR;,MODIFiCATtON;.OR'ABAN DEP•Fortn 82-532 g00(1) Incorporated'r 62=532 400(1) FA,C:' Eflective,0ale Octobec7; 2010 -- Date r ; }C ,HydrotogietApprbyal1� Wilare IM13Ol; DELEGATED AMoFO M, THE;• NMEN3'q��TIES:. • Y Papal of 2 St. Lucie County Health Department FIR , F HEALTH5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 PAYING ON: #: 56-SF-2420866 BILL DOC #:56-BID-5701047 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1764793 RECEIVED FROM: Ronin Real Estate Development AMOUNT PAID: $ 545.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD 000097 PAYMENT DATE: 11/17/2021 MAIL TO: Larry Witte Jr FACILITY NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION: 12271 Crusader PI Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 7 Lot: Block: Property ID: 4224-501-0007-000-7 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee 1 -1 - Surcharge (All) -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 123 - OSTDS Construction Site Evaluation 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FEE $ 5.00 $ 45.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 115.00 $ 55.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 RECEIVED BY: AdamsC AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-5368336 �rie•s�A STATE OF -FLORIDA. DEPARTMENT OF' HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREIATMENT AND DISPOSAL - SYSTEM APPL=CATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: [./] New System [ '] Existing System [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment PERMIT NO. `DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #k: GC:L�J [ j Holding Tank I ] Innovative [ ] Temporary [ ] APPLICANT: 1L, �Ll L AGENT: l-CiAatiy� �S�tti Z _ TELEPHONE; / + / G kLIT3 MAILING ADDRESS: TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS ^MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105 (3) (mY OR 4.89.$$2, FLORIDA STATUTES, IT IS THE APPLI•CANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE. DOCUMENTATION OF .THE DATE THE LO.T WAS CREATED OR. PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) .IF' REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY 'INFORMATION (� LOT: BLOCK,: SUBDIVISION: LATTEDd PROPERTY ID ZONING: 14-6- S I/M OR, EQUIVALENT: [. Y] PROPERTY SIZE•:. A'(O? ACRES WATER -SUPPLY. [PRIVATE PUBLIC [ ].<=2.000GPD [ 1>20000PD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 3 81:. 0 0 65,• FS? [ Y N - DISTANCE TO SEWER; FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: WL4SCtdey' l e-J�3 'T DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY:,./�,uf' �at,t�cY�� v�/CS`�' �j 1��G�F-� C-11�U� p— C�—�U(,E,\� BUILDING INFORMATION [ j RESIDENTIAL C ] COMMERCIAL Unit Type of 'No. of Building Commercial/ iist3,tu:tionaI System Design No 'Establishment Bedrooms Area Sgk.t Table 1,• Chapter 64E-6:;..FAC 3 2 3 4 [ ] Floor/Equipment SIGNATURE: DH 4015, 0S/09 (Obs Incorporated 64E-6. [ ] Other (Specify) editions which may not be listed) DATE . /I I Z- Page 1 of 4 I i i STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATION APPLICANT: Larry Witte Jr CONTRACTOR / AGENT: ROnin Real Estate Development LOT: 7 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: Treasure Coast Air Park ID#: 4224-501-0007-000-7 APPLICATION # AP1764793 PERMIT # 56-SF-2420866 DOCUMENT # SE1636785 TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: [X]YES [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 2.69 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 400 GALLONS PER DAY [ RESIDENCES -TABLET / OTHER -TABLE 2 ] .AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: 4034.99 GALLONS PER DAY [ 1500 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPD/ACRE ] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: 1200.00 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 1000.00 SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: PAINTED NID S OF PROPERTY EDGE OF GRASS CIRCLE ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE 17.00 [ INCHES / FT ] [ ABOVE / BELOW ] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATER: FT DITCHES/SWALES: FT NORMALLY WET: [ ]YES [ ]NO WELLS: PUBLIC: FT LIMITED USE: FT PRIVATE: 150 FT NON -POTABLE: FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 7 FT PROPERTY LINES: 57 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING? [ ]YES [X]NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ]YES [X]NOj 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: FT[ MSL / NGVD ] SITE ELEVATION: FT [ MSL / NGVD GATT. ARnWTTM TNWARMATTAN RTT&1 1 USDA SOIL SERIES: Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 10YR 3/1 Sand 0 To 14 10YR 5/1 Sand 0 To 20 10YR 6/1 Sand 10 To 24 10YR 7/1 Sand 20 To 24 10YR 2/1 Spodic Material 24 To 36 10YR 4/2 Sandy Clay Loam 36 To 72 2.5Y 5/2 Sandy Clay Loam 63 To 72 RATT. PRAWTT.W. TNWnRMATTAN RTW 9 USDA SOIL SERIES: Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 10YR 4/1 Sand 0 To 12 10YR 5/1 Sand 12 To 30 10YR 6/1 Sand 12 To 30 10YR 2/1 Spodic Material 30 To 36 7.5YR 3/2 Sandy Clay Loam 36 To 42 10YR 3/2 Sandy Clay Loam 42 To 48 10YR 5/2 Sandy Clay Loam 48 To 72 OBSERVED WATER TABLE: INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE TYPE: [ PERCHED / APPARENT ] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 10 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ]YES [X]NO MOTTLING: [X]YES [ ]NO DEPTH: 10.00 INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: Sand/0.60 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [XI BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) r REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA 5WT determined using USDA WSS and soil borings. 10YR6/1 stripping in a 10YR5/1 matrix > 10% with diffuse boundaries starting 10" in S131. SB1 17" below BM. S132 17" below BM. SITE EVALUATED BY: DATE: 01/13/2022 Vajanyl, Mattew (T)tl Iron7al Specialist 1) (Florida Department of Health in S DR 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.001, FAC Page 3 of 4 AP1764793 EID2420866 v 1.0.2 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 12271 Crusader Parcel ID: 4224-501-0007- Account #: 125771 Sec/Town/Range: 24/37S/38E PL 000-7 Map ID: 42/23X Zoning: AG-5 Count Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Larry Witte Jr TREASURE COAST AIRPARK LOT 7 (2.69 AC) Laura O Witte 5707 SW Bald Eagle DR Palm City, FL 34990 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $118,300 Assessed: $118,300 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $118,300 2021 $118,300 $118,300 $0 $118,300 2020 $69,800 $69,800 $0 $69,800 2019 $69,800 $69,800 $0 $69,800 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 05-05-2020 4419 / 0929 0001 WD Adams Charlotte A $139,500 07-25-2003 1772 / 1690 XX00 WD Kendall Jeffrey A $70,000 04-21-2000 1295 / 0731 XX00 WD Geier Frank W $28,500 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated %: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Total Areas Finished/UnderAir 0 (SF): ' '• r� = .t .' 1�; Gross Sketched Area 0 , , . s a r ti Land Size (acres): 2.69 Land Size (SF): 117,176.4 Total Building Count: 1 Type Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. © Copyright 2021 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 0 1. , i�^ky"-^` �rt°'y',°��,yp�,.g •s* r� ..p, �';�3.t �, Y';`i8 �'�' 3..f`k'`�+E'-!d�?4 ,� '. r art.»r�,r titi ._ '^� a •..;_ � a{,`.l .: 'y .F' sY "3r t� �.s'•sd � "'a,';.Y t*x..�*p„�'' tri 1d�•'�;q t. t t Y o fed','.' . � w • i•. } t ?. `vf l,. �" �w't A j- ..,r. SY o>• ' �' t Nj��r °•`i. �--� aw- tow �I , i � 'r� 1 � , , �� rrr U t• �i ,rrk. �t , .'ti .h - '�' a iirhn ..;r'. 1 '� It " Mt4..J •:� ��' �� �i b +T � j !� � 1 t -r , r rYwJ}�� i,Q�t�_ � � �• } v