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CfrlPerr 414110,04@001 rs:rss
353 Christian Street, Unit N13
Oxford, Cr M79
ENGINEER EVALUATE )209) 262.9245
nsr CONSUtr
TAMKO Buliding Products, LLC
PO Box 97
Galena, KS 66731
(417) 624.6644
Report 3nt•TAM-MFBC[R,B•R0
FL12328-A9 (HVHZ)
Oate of Issuance; 09/29/2p20
This [valuation Report Is issued under Rule 61020•3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
'Construction materiels In the State of Florida, The documentation submitted has boon reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P,E- for use of the product under the Florida 8ullding Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for
compliance with the 71' Edition (1020) Florida Building Code, High Velocity NuMcone Zone sections noted herein.
DwitipTtok: TAMKO Roof Underfeyments
LAafLINo: 4sbeling shall be In accordanee with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
COArTlNuso COmPUA tit, This Evaluation Report Is valld until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced
Quality Assurance or production facility location(sl changes, or Code provisions that reface to the products) change.
Aceeptanee of our Evaluation Reports by the named c9ent constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any
changes to the product(s), the quality Assurance or the production facility lOcItion(s), NEMO ETC, LLC requires a
complete review of Its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
AovgafpseMIW.- The Florida Product Approvel Number (FLN) preceded by the words "NEMO)etc. Evaluated" may be
displayed In advertising literature. If any portion Of the Evaluation Report Is displayed, then It shall be done In Its
INSPECTION- Upon request, a COPY of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
Its distributors and shall be Irvallabie for inspection at the job site at She request of the Building Official,
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through S.
Prepared by:
�� � � �jrr• Ir,n' •.L
Robert J.M. Nleminen, P.E. °
1•ul of. !
Flerrdo aeViStlarfoa No. S4agi, jrWWo oCA AVE19a3 r�i 1S` Blrtnlrlwr wd rrr/HMa wu Irlhflun k fern
"�y,�7tla.; Iaarr,la r't Mel/h/Uie. Tri1/N1I YI IINa r11"
wyvN! rlKl•fnllrr►rleelltirunfrll Ct+tnntatgrror IrrwnNOElrtl:
1. NEMO ETC, LLC dyes not hive, nor does Itinten
dlalrlbutlna products It avalviUs. d 10 ae"'ra or VAN It acquire, a financial lntMasl In any company manufacturing or
t. MEMO ETC. LLC Is net Owned, operated or controlled by env co+npany mmulactuflna or distributing productt It evaluates.
3. Robert Nlemirmn,
uat /n roots not hive nor vAIIed atqul►t, a rl"'InCIaI interest In any Company mentlladuring or dlftributina products f r
which the waluiGon raeorts in ONns •trued.
a. Robert Nleminen, l t. dots not have, not will aCqulrt, a Anonclal inttrist In any other entlty Involved In the approval process of the
5. This Is A building code lvalusum Nelther MEMO 11TC, iLC nor Robert Nlfminan, P,E are, in arty way, the Ocsignar of Rgtord for any
pro)eCt On whkh this Iviluetten Report, or prtvlous versions thereof, Istwas used for permitting or design guidance urlltis relilned
speOncolly for that purpose,
03019, NEMOFT•. t,
Roorlr+fa GoMI"orflfrr EVA1uArraN
Product Gtegory: RooflAg
Sub -Category; Undertryment
Complianct Stattment: TAMKO Roof Und4rlayments, as produced by TAMKO Bulldlisg Products I.I.C. hive
dernonstrated compliance wlth the foliowing Secttans of the 711 Edition (2020) Florlds Building Code, High velocity
Hurricane Zone Ihroujh testing In accordance v4th the following Standards. Compliance Is subject to the
Instillation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein.
15511��4JA1 110, RAS 1 tS, AAS Material standard
118, AM 119, RAS 410, US 130
TAS 110 Material standard ASTM 01970 2015
TAS 110, PAS 111, IIA5119. AAS Material standard A37M paMM 2013
PRIITSTS1711 ASTM p1970 TAP-398 -0l
Pill (TSTS1741 ASTM 0226, Type Il TA►•410 02-01
PAIITST59781 ASTM 01970 -447 04/1912016
Pill(TSTS27a) ASTM06310 047TW 9201 10/1912018
PAIITSTS97t11 ASTM 06360 L2/11/2019
PRIIT5Ts17e1 047T00a10 12J2112039
ASTM 0776, Type I rAt•331 0241 04/25/2016
Ut I C IT$ 7p ASTM 0126, Typo TAP.3$1.0141 03Jt54/1026
UL LIC IQUA041I ASTM 0126, Type 1 ISCA12269 03/14+1034
I% LtC (QUA962s1 Qualify Assurance Servits Canf rmadon 10/70/1020
ul ClC (CUA9673! quality Assurance Flpride IICIS Current
k Prodvet MeteHal Shad:re 9tn1t a` 011crfptlon
4.1 9 NO. 0 tit ! AstM Di26. Type H + 1pp+uy MO
Asph4M•saturated w1ank felt
_ r Green Covve $prtnp, Fl_
4.1. t No. 30 ASTAKr ASTM b226, Typo II philAptbura, KS AlpMlt•talur�tedp nit left
4.3 TAM•FELTa ASTM 0126, Typo II Green Cow 1 — - - -t SprhtFl Alphalt•teturateda nkfed
4.4 Molsturf Guard' ASTM 02970 . T )0p111, MO r Sdf•adherin R T berllaslrelnbreedSAS
-411od bhub men roof undetlayrr with i
mineral too surface.
4.5 TW Undellaymeni j ASTM 019 07 ' - l—
Columbus, lt5 Seil•adhedng, SWS modlOod bitumen roof
underteynhent with a pdymer•Pim lop
e•e r-7w
amri surface.Sf peASTM D3974Columbus, KS surfgdherini, 51S rnodlfied bitumen roofumkrlaym4nt with a polymer film lop - ._�. suAace.
AOrKnNnr afween 0 +rchel e� o�d ut$rro , aJ trr JoNA ra SetrbA a J. Note 1 e f AS race D197t1 IX s8vurd at elfotAsnadat tap rrt.rlenre of nv
r+�ir�ir rJ ArtArnrrpM r Jlt fl tvaiyltioR tepen im•TA1N•lO W[R.a•!lo
F"tDITH1li 12010) FK HVH19YAWATION ►1,321711-10
TAMKO Root WedaYa1491b Rawlslon 0: O9/19/1610
page 1 of 3
Product Material Standard Rlant(a( t)escrfptlon
411 ASTM Vale Surfated Roll ASTM 06M. Green Caw Sprints, III. Aspholl•taturated organic mat, coated an
Aoofint CNN M. Type R both sides with asphalt and surfaced with
a.tl ASTM Tile UMertayrnent ASTM 063M Green Cove Sprinp, K A pflt[I'satursted organic tall, coated on
lass M. Type both Sides with asphalt and surfaced with J
granule s. ^�-Y-�j
5.1 This IS a building code evaluation• NNther MEMO ETC, 1.1.6no► Robart NlismInen, P.E. are, In any way, the Designer
of Record for any prOloct on which this Evaluation Report, or prevlaus versions thereof, Is/was used for perm'ttlnR
or design guidance unless retained specs icelly for that purpose.
S.2 This Evaluation Report rs for use In FSC High Velocity HUMCane Zone,owlsdictions only (I.e., browsrd and Miami
Oade Counties).
S.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck root components. Roof decks and structural members shall be In
accordance with F8C requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority moving lurisd ction,
5.4 This Evalustlor, Report does not include evaluation of fire classification, Refer to FCC 14YK 1510 for requirements
and limitations regarding roof assembly fire class rcation Refer to FCC 2603 far requirements and limitationsconcerning the use of farm piast c Insuiatlon.
S.S TAMKO Roof Undarlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product Is spedltcally referenced
within FIC approval decuinents. 11 not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for
approval based on this evaluation combined with Supporting data for the prepared roof covering.
S.6 Webte RoeI Cnwn•
YAILI 3. ROOF Coven Oman$
AletlrR clay end eeetr•te Tag Metal
U+rderl: nl sMgllt Ir" 1100ll+ fe tal wow
Ym by aAl rlr1 10414 l Stele PW in)
rratept 1040CA1981 1 AdNehra RauaT7re
wtsFr77 Aitath yet y+Aalt ihlnaka shlrtalaa Makes
NO.30 ul Vol Yes
Yet fore duel. lase Yea yet yet Vol Ye7 Yes
Nprwr..n Iotrewan,
No. 30 ASTM Yel Yes
Yet �Mse+rs. IIr+.9— Yet Yes Yet Y
r•rlr Me.y 7prrr++.•,r el eel
TAM.FrtTe yet �
No yes Yes Vol Vol Yes
Moisture Guard* Yet
IWY•n+• NO NO No Val Yet Yet
7•rtr rrrrr.t No Kee Ion Y b Kn brat r 1. TW fir„ w l
�r+nes.( �tr rnulw'
Tw Undarlayment IwYswmw Yel Vol yn Yes raa
IW Mra t. lur tlwlM i4l Yerl++l• (4rlAndol i• K.rfNM r7
—•«�. rrNrr+rl.r 7alrryWesi i•W,rsrr.l r+r cry rlr+rsn
TW Seam ►ape Yet Yes Yet yr nun.
Yet yet yes yes
WMtr.Mt w+fel arw r,.rr1 I..•r M+/rl err.i,t� wr
reed est marl ASYM $tale Surfaced RoI yet Vol
R404nt f'A" u+.a Ifr. Pm t, r H• Na NO No his Ne
w m+rss
ASTM Tile IJndettayment Yet Yes
N+v,rrwl *%oblo.
Remo [Tc, tit;
drrtrcerTrJ+wMdrrr.nil:r)1T"reoiTtON12020j1eCri1ni2EYAWATWN ewlWtlonRapAl+n•TAM•l0.1eCEa.a•AO
TAMKO avel Ur.dalleyrrranta Rt it to 111
aavlstan e.. o1N112e=0
p•p 3 of s
5.7 Bllowable substrates;
ONEmo I etc.
TAgt 21 SU"I'MATe 01`11ONS FOR Acisinn UmmtArhEEtrtt
Moltturt Gwrde or tW Underlayment $0-8 hafias
20ptional) ASTM t)11
T1N Stun cape
No. 30 UL, No. 30 ASTM at TAM•:ELTe
self idMdna
fOpttorall ASTM Oal
ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll ecahry ar
ASTM THe Undeff"Marnl
hol asphalt
Na. 30 Ut, No. 30 ASTM or TAM -FELT•
5.8 amchmont UMJIMW
See section 6.3
5.9 Ekealu►A tlrnfutl....
underlayment Props red PAW Cover Installaticn Type MsKlmurn4Kposure {daysy
MVistnia oulrdde, YW uryR tS t A
ASTM S4ta 5u+fated Rail RtreMS, ASTM M0 Underlayinent 30
'Marrn,l,p1 egallrn Slap not rears fie 06%yocrarerj +rr9TilendalJnnl, wikA mar/ be re►/ 0M J*iOlay&
3.10 When leading roof tiles on the under)
Shall be Staged atop batons during loading of the roof tiles. eyment �n direct -dock the root assemblies, the ilk
6.L TAMMO Root Undnlaynt"11 shall be installed In accordance with TAMKO 6uIlding Products UC Initailaifon
Jnstructlon! SubJeet to the Llm-lations $et forth In Section S herain and the spedfks noted below.
6.2 Re -fallen any loose decking panels, and check for protrudleig nail heeds. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove
any dust and debris prior to application, and Palle the substrate (If sppllcable).
6.9 Approved Assemblies;
-- 4a124•rn[n Plywood or wood plank
Secondary Water;OpLonatJTWSeennTape selt.adheredover Joints ofthe plywood roof deck prior toinstallation
Barrier, of Subsequent layer(s). Do not ovtrlrP end•JOints orT-Joints All end•Jolnis and T•JoMts shall
be butted Rrmiy side by aide, flush with each other but not overlapped,
UnderlaymenC No. 30 Ut, No. 30 A57M or TAM. FELTa with min 4 Inch side apt and min. 64nch end Is ps
FASlening; FBC HVHZ Approved nails and ifn caps (FBC KVHZ 1517 Sy, 6" o c. at the taps and 12"tf c at two
121 eguslly spaced, staggered Eenter rows,
Surfacing FBC HVHZ Approved prepared roof assembly, per Tab'e 1,
N[M0 t1C, LLC
C.elil,wi�.flyr�.nrna..elr�3r 7"101110MIIr=al'$Of- millEVALUAnDN MalYsrbhRapan1111•TAM.tO.►eCerte.RO
TAMKo A004 Ueferla 1L1 tS ti•a!
Y1nee.tr RerflbnO.Oi/r!/10ia
rap 4 of S
6 12 Deck: ONEMOlete.
Mfn. 18/3Z�irych Plywood or wood plant
Secondary Welor 11011100nalj TW Seam Tape sell -adhered over blots of the plywood roof deck prior to instsna4 on
sorrier: of subsequent layer{sj. De not OVI and4oints or T•joints AN and -joints and T Joints sha-
be butted firmly side by side, flush with each other but not OveAapped
Base Sheet: NO. 1011 No. 30 ASTM Or TAM•FELTO with min, 4-Inch side laps and min. 6-Inch end aps
Fostaning: FOC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps 1F9C HVHZ 1S17,51.6" oI at the reps and 12 o c. of two
(2) equally spliced, staggered center rows.
Cap ply: MOltture Guard" or TW Underlayment, self•adherIng
Surfacing: FSC HVH2 Approved Prepared roof assembly, per Table 1,
6.3.3 Dock: Min,191334fich Plywood or wood plank
Secondary Water 1000011141j TW Seam Tape sell -adhered over Joints of the plywood tool deck prior to insta $at, on
114rrier: of subsequent loyer(sj. 00 not overlap 4itd•Joktts or T-101A s. AN and -)oinks and T Joints shai.
bt butted firmly side by stile, flush with each other but not overlapped.
flue Sheet: No. 30 Ut or No. 10 ASTM with min, 4-Inch side laps and ndn. 6 inch end apa.
fastening: Fs{ HVHZ Approved nalls and tin caps JFBC HVHZ SS 17 5), 6" o.c at the+aps end 12' o c at two
(21 equoliy spaced, staggered center rows.
CAP Ply' ASTM Slate Sufficed RON Roofing or ASTM Too Underlayment with min 34nth sde laps and
min. 6-Inch end laps.
Attachment: Adhered In full mopping of ASTM 0312, Type IV hot asphalt at 25 Ib/sq 2 L5%, and backna-red
at the side laps with FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps VIC HVHZ 1517,5j spaced mesa, 12"
o.c, The headlap of the subsequent sayer is to cover the batknolled row
Surfacing: FsCHVHZApproved the roof assembly, per Table 1.
t'. &rAI,.,jj,Ae requirefr by the OuHding OfncfHaving JURSd19110A rn order to properly evalwte the Installation of
this product.
Contact the named QA entity for nsenurecturfng fatlgpes eovertd by F.Mim
A,P. Rule 41Gl0.3 QA r"
to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having mot oodlned matorlal standards.
UL LLC - QUA9625:1414j 24e
MtMo #Tic, sic
r nylr�r� H ��r�arnH�� rrNff r,• [oitroN kMustion RRMM lM.rAM.ao laic#a, a•RD
flOtOj is( MV1f= rVAi,VAflOrf iLlt3le R'R9J TAMKO Roof Uada,faymo"!� Rerhion0:0a/ae/a
Pate S of 5